Example #1
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetReportAttendance(int BatcheID, int StudentID)
                ReportAttendanceDAL dal  = new ReportAttendanceDAL();
                AttendanceGrid      data = await dal.GetReportAttendance(BatcheID, StudentID);

                if (data != null)
                    return(Request.CreateResponse <AttendanceGrid>(HttpStatusCode.OK, data));
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, Constants.ErrorNotFound));
            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                var    controllerName = ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
                var    actionName     = ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
                Logger log            = new Logger();
                log.ErrorLog(ex, controllerName, actionName);
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, Constants.ErrorSysError));
Example #2
 protected void BindData()
         Class1  c  = new Class1();
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         string  s  = "Select Student_Reg.UserID, Photo.URL, Student_Reg.FirstName, Student_Reg.MiddleName, Student_Reg.LastName from Student_Reg INNER JOIN Photo ON Student_Reg.UserID = Photo.UserID and Student_Reg.Department='" + Department.SelectedValue + "' and Student_Reg.Semester='" + Sem.SelectedValue + "'";
         ds = c.select(s);
         if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] != null)
             string str = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
             AttendanceGrid.DataSource = ds;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Response.Write("<script>alert('Error:" + ex.Message + "');</script>");
        public Task <AttendanceGrid> GetReportAttendance(int batchID, int studentID)
            return(Task.Run(async() =>
                using (MIUEntities db = new MIUEntities())
                    if (batchID != 0)
                        string modulecodelist = "";
                        AttendanceGrid grid = new AttendanceGrid();

                        //var terms = db.Terms.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.BatchID == batchID).Select(x => new { ID = x.ID, TermName = x.TermName, StartDate = x.StartDate, sortOrer = x.sortOrder }).OrderBy(y => y.sortOrer).ToList();
                        List <Term> terms = db.Terms.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.BatchID == batchID).OrderBy(y => y.sortOrder).ToList();

                        AttRateAndPercent attRateAndPercent = new AttRateAndPercent();
                        attRateAndPercent = await GetAttRateAndPercent(batchID, studentID);

                        grid.AttendanceRateTermName = attRateAndPercent.AttendanceRateTermName;
                        grid.AttendanceRatePercent = attRateAndPercent.AttenddanceRatePercent;

                        List <TermInfo> terminfo = new List <TermInfo>();

                        foreach (var data in terms)
                            TermInfo info = new TermInfo();
                            PropertyCopier <Term, TermInfo> .Copy(data, info);
                            //info.IsFavorite = db.FavoriteLists.Any(a => a.FavoriteID == data.ID && a.UserID == userID && a.FavoriteType == "Announcement");

                        var termlist = db.Terms.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.BatchID == batchID).Select(x => x.ID).ToList();
                        var frommonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-24);
                        var tomonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(24);
                        var attendances = db.Attendances.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.Date >= frommonth && x.Date <= tomonth && termlist.Contains(x.TermID)).ToList();

                        grid.TermDetail = terminfo;

                        //For Module Code List Of Header

                        foreach (var term in terms)
                            List <TermDetail> tds = db.TermDetails.AsNoTracking().Where(td => td.TermID == term.ID && td.Attendence == true).ToList();

                            modulecodelist = "";
                            foreach (var td in tds)
                                if (modulecodelist != "")
                                    modulecodelist += ",";
                                modulecodelist += td.Module.ModuleCode;

                            foreach (TermInfo item in grid.TermDetail)
                                if (item.ID == term.ID)
                                    item.ModuleCodeList = modulecodelist;


                            int count = attendances.Where(a => a.TermID == term.ID).GroupBy(a => a.Month).Count();

                        //For Row of Grid
                        List <UserInfo> stdList = new List <UserInfo>();
                        if (studentID != 0)
                            stdList = (from a in db.BatchDetails
                                       join b in db.Users on a.StudentID equals b.ID
                                       where a.BatchID == batchID && b.ID == studentID && b.UserType == 1 && b.IsDelete != true
                                       select new UserInfo {
                                ID = b.ID, FullName = b.FullName, LoginName = b.LoginName, ProfilePicture = b.ProfilePicture, ProfilePicture2 = b.ProfilePicture2
                            stdList = (from a in db.BatchDetails
                                       join b in db.Users on a.StudentID equals b.ID
                                       where a.BatchID == batchID && b.UserType == 1 && b.IsDelete != true
                                       select new UserInfo {
                                ID = b.ID, FullName = b.FullName, LoginName = b.LoginName, ProfilePicture = b.ProfilePicture, ProfilePicture2 = b.ProfilePicture2
                            //stdList = db.BatchDetails.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.BatchID == batchID).Select(x => x.User).Where(x => x.UserType == 1 && x.IsDelete == null || x.IsDelete != true).ToList();

                        //var frommonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6);
                        //var tomonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6);
                        //var attendances = db.Attendances.Where(x => x.Date >= frommonth && x.Date <= tomonth);

                        //decimal SutdentCountYear1 = 0;
                        //decimal SutdentCountYear2 = 0;
                        //decimal StudentLastYear = 0;
                        //decimal StudentFoundation = 0;

                        if (stdList.Count() > 0)
                            foreach (UserInfo student in stdList)
                                //AttendanceGridRow row = new AttendanceGridRow();
                                //row.StudentName = student.FullName;
                                //row.StudentID = student.LoginName;
                                var attendance = attendances.Where(x => x.StudentID == student.ID);

                                decimal TotalYear1 = 0;
                                decimal TotalYear2 = 0;
                                decimal TotalLastYear = 0;
                                decimal TotalFoundation = 0;
                                int Year2Count = 0;
                                int LastYearCount = 0;
                                int FoundationCount = 0;
                                foreach (var term in terms)
                                    int percentageValue1 = 0; int percentageValue2 = 0;

                                    //double attendingCount = 0;
                                    double totalCount1 = 0; double totalCount2 = 0; double totalCount = 0; double attendingTotalCount = 0;

                                    int daysOfFirstMonth = endOfMonth(term.StartDate.Value.Month, term.StartDate.Value.Year) - term.StartDate.Value.Day;
                                    int firstMonth = daysOfFirstMonth > 5 ? term.StartDate.Value.Month : term.StartDate.Value.AddMonths(1).Month;
                                    totalCount1 = attendance.Where(x => x.TermID == term.ID && x.Month <= firstMonth).Select(y => y.ID).Count();
                                    totalCount2 = attendance.Where(x => x.TermID == term.ID && x.Month > firstMonth).Select(y => y.ID).Count();
                                    totalCount = attendance.Where(x => x.TermID == term.ID).Select(y => y.ID).Count();

                                    AttendanceCell cell1 = new AttendanceCell();
                                    AttendanceCell cell2 = new AttendanceCell();
                                    AttendanceCell totalcell = new AttendanceCell();

                                    totalCount1 = attendance.Where(x => x.TermID == term.ID && x.Month <= firstMonth).Select(y => y.ID).Count();
                                    if (totalCount1 > 0)
                                        var attendingList1 = attendance.Where(x => x.TermID == term.ID && x.IsAttending == true && x.Month <= firstMonth).Select(y => y.ID).Count();

                                        if (attendingList1 != 0 && attendingList1 > 0)
                                            attendingTotalCount += attendingList1;
                                            percentageValue1 = (int)Math.Round(((attendingList1 / totalCount1) * 100));
                                    if (totalCount2 > 0)
                                        var attendingList2 = attendance.Where(x => x.TermID == term.ID && x.IsAttending == true && x.Month > firstMonth).Select(y => y.ID).Count();
                                        if (attendingList2 != 0 && attendingList2 > 0)
                                            //attendingCount = count2;
                                            attendingTotalCount += attendingList2;
                                            percentageValue2 = (int)Math.Round(((attendingList2 / totalCount2) * 100));
                                            //percentageValue2 = (int)(((attendingCount / totalCount2) * 100));
                                            //percentagedouble2 = (count2 / totalCount2) * 100;
                                    cell1.Value = percentageValue1;
                                    cell2.Value = percentageValue2;
                                    //totalcell.Value = (int)Math.Round((((double)percentageValue1+(double)percentageValue2)*100)/200);
                                    //totalcell.Value = (int)Math.Round((((double)percentagedouble1 + (double)percentagedouble2) * 100) / 200);
                                    if (totalCount > 0)
                                        //totalCount = attendance.Where(x => x.TermID == term.ID).Count();
                                        totalcell.Value = (int)Math.Round(((attendingTotalCount / totalCount) * 100));

                                        if (term.TermCode == "Term-2" || term.TermCode == "Term-3" || term.TermCode == "Term-4" || term.TermCode == "Term-5")
                                            TotalYear1 += totalcell.Value;
                                        else if (term.TermCode == "Term-6" || term.TermCode == "Term-7" || term.TermCode == "Term-8" || term.TermCode == "Term-9")
                                            TotalYear2 += totalcell.Value;
                                        else if (term.TermCode == "Term-10" || term.TermCode == "Term-11" || term.TermCode == "Term-12" || term.TermCode == "Term-13")
                                            TotalLastYear += totalcell.Value;
                                            TotalFoundation += totalcell.Value;
                                        totalcell.Value = 0;

                                        if (term.TermCode == "Term-2" || term.TermCode == "Term-3" || term.TermCode == "Term-4" || term.TermCode == "Term-5")
                                            TotalYear1 += totalcell.Value;
                                        else if (term.TermCode == "Term-6" || term.TermCode == "Term-7" || term.TermCode == "Term-8" || term.TermCode == "Term-9")
                                            TotalYear2 += totalcell.Value;
                                        else if (term.TermCode == "Term-10" || term.TermCode == "Term-11" || term.TermCode == "Term-12" || term.TermCode == "Term-13")
                                            TotalLastYear += totalcell.Value;
                                            TotalFoundation += totalcell.Value;
                                    grid.StudentID = student.ID;
                                    grid.StudentName = student.FullName;
                                    grid.LoginName = student.LoginName;
                                    grid.BatchName = term.Batch.BatchName;
                                    grid.CourseName = term.Batch.Course.CourseName;
                                    grid.ProfilePicture = MIUFileServer.GetFileUrl("ProfileImages", student.ProfilePicture);
                                    grid.ProfilePicture2 = MIUFileServer.GetFileUrl("ProfileImages", student.ProfilePicture2);
                                    //grid.ProfilePicture2 = student.ProfilePicture2;
                                    foreach (TermInfo item in grid.TermDetail)
                                        if (item.ID == term.ID)
                                            //item.StudentID = student.ID;
                                            //item.StudentName = student.FullName;
                                            item.First = percentageValue1;
                                            item.Second = percentageValue2;
                                            item.Total = totalcell.Value;
                                //decimal a = 0;
                                //decimal b = 0;
                                //decimal c = 0;
                                //decimal d = 0;

                                //if (TotalYear1 > 0)
                                //    a = Math.Round(TotalYear1 / 4);
                                //if (TotalYear2 > 0)
                                //    b = Math.Round(TotalYear2 / Year2Count);
                                //if (TotalFoundation > 0)
                                //    c = Math.Round(TotalFoundation / FoundationCount);
                                //if (TotalLastYear > 0)
                                //    d = Math.Round(TotalLastYear / LastYearCount);

                                //if (a >= 70)
                                //    SutdentCountYear1++;
                                //if (b >= 70)
                                //    SutdentCountYear2++;
                                //if (c >= 70)
                                //    StudentFoundation++;
                                //if (d >= 70)
                                //    StudentLastYear++;
                        int index = 0;
                        foreach (var item in grid.TermDetail)
                            if (index == 0)
                                item.YearName = "Foundation";
                            else if (index > 0 && index <= 4)
                                item.YearName = "Year 1";
                            else if (index > 4 && index <= 8)
                                item.YearName = "Year 2";
                                item.YearName = "";
                        return grid;
                        return null;
                    //catch (Exception)
                    //    return null;
Example #4
 protected void OnPaging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
     AttendanceGrid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;