//To track the attendance of the students public static void RecordStudentAttendance() { string Attendance; Console.WriteLine("Press P/p if you are present"); Console.WriteLine("Press A/a if you are absent"); Attendance = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (Attendance.Equals("P")) { Console.WriteLine("Data has been saved"); } else if (Attendance.Equals("A")) { Console.WriteLine("Reason of Absence:"); string reason = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Date of Absence(MM/DD/YY):"); string absentdate = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(" You are absent on" + absentdate + "due to" + reason); Console.WriteLine("Data has been saved"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid keyword please try again"); } }
private static TimeSpan calculateTimeSpent(Attendance attendance) { if ((attendance == null || attendance.Equals(""))) { return(new TimeSpan(0)); } if ((attendance.timeOut == null || attendance.timeOut.ToString().Equals(""))) { attendance.timeOut = attendance.timeIn; } return(Convert.ToDateTime(attendance.timeOut.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt")) - Convert.ToDateTime(attendance.timeIn.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"))); }
private void loadUserCurrentAttendance() { EmployeeControllerInterface employeeController = new EmployeeController(); Employee employee = employeeController.fetchEmployeeByUsername(user.username); AttendanceControllerInterface attendanceController = new AttendanceController(); Attendance attendance = attendanceController.fetchEmployeeAttendanceByDate(employee, DateTime.Now); if (attendance != null && !attendance.Equals("")) { clockedIn.Text = attendance.timeIn.ToString(); clockedOut.Text = attendance.timeOut.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").Equals("01/01/0001") ? "N/A" : attendance.timeOut.ToString(); DateTime timeToClockOut = calculateTimeToClockOut(attendance.timeIn); validClockOut.Text = timeToClockOut.ToString(); } else { clockedIn.Text = "Not yet clocked in."; clockedOut.Text = "N/A"; validClockOut.Text = "N/A"; } }