Example #1
 public void Init(FCObject owner)
     _owner              = owner as AIAgent;
     _currentHitType     = AttackHitType.None;
     _attackerType       = FCWeapon.WEAPON_HIT_TYPE.NONE;
     _hurtInfoForClient  = Quaternion.identity;
     _hurtInfoForClient2 = Quaternion.identity;
Example #2
 public void ClearHurtState()
     _currentHitType = AttackHitType.None;
     _nextHitType    = AttackHitType.None;
Example #3
    public AttackHitType GetHitType(AttackUnit aut, int realDamage, int currentHP)
        AttackInfo aif = aut.GetAttackInfo();

        AttackHitType eht = aif._hitType;

#if xingtianbo
        //if(eht > AttackHitType.BLEND_HURT)
        //    eht = eht - AttackHitType.BLEND_HURT + AttackHitType.Normal;
        //else if(eht > AttackHitType.NORMAL_HURT)
        //    eht = eht - AttackHitType.NORMAL_HURT + AttackHitType.Normal;
        if (!_canBeHitDown)
            eht = AttackHitType.KnockBack;
        if (_owner.IsOnParry == FC_PARRY_EFFECT.FAIL)
            eht = AttackHitType.ParryFail;
            _owner.IsOnParry = FC_PARRY_EFFECT.NONE;

#if xingtianbo
        //if(eht == AttackHitType.Normal)
        //    eht = AttackHitType.HURT_NORMAL;
        AttackHitType expectHitType = _currentHitType;
        if (_nextHitType != AttackHitType.None)
            expectHitType = _nextHitType;
        if (eht >= AttackHitType.HurtNormal && realDamage >= currentHP)
            if (currentHP > 0 &&
                expectHitType != AttackHitType.Dizzy &&
                expectHitType != AttackHitType.KnockDown &&
                if (eht != AttackHitType.HitFly)
                    eht = AttackHitType.KnockDown;
                eht = AttackHitType.None;
        else if (expectHitType == AttackHitType.HitFly)
            if (((eht == AttackHitType.None) ||
                 _owner.HasActionSwitchFlag(FC_ACTION_SWITCH_FLAG.IN_RIGIDBODY) && eht == AttackHitType.HurtNormal) ||
                _owner.HasActionSwitchFlag(FC_ACTION_SWITCH_FLAG.IN_RIGIDBODY2) ||
                (eht < expectHitType && eht != AttackHitType.ParrySuccess && expectHitType != AttackHitType.ForceBack) ||
                (eht == AttackHitType.Dizzy && expectHitType == AttackHitType.Dizzy) ||
                (eht == AttackHitType.KnockDown && expectHitType == AttackHitType.KnockDown) ||
                (eht != AttackHitType.KnockDown && eht != AttackHitType.HitFly && expectHitType == AttackHitType.KnockDown) ||
                _owner.HasActionSwitchFlag(FC_ACTION_SWITCH_FLAG.IN_DEEP_FREEZE) ||
                (_owner.AIStateAgent.CurrentStateID == AIAgent.STATE.STAND && eht == AttackHitType.HitFly) ||
                eht = AttackHitType.None;
            if (eht == AttackHitType.ParrySuccess &&
                (expectHitType == AttackHitType.HitFly ||
                 expectHitType == AttackHitType.KnockDown ||
                 expectHitType == AttackHitType.Dizzy))
                eht = AttackHitType.None;
        if (eht != AttackHitType.None)
            _nextHitType  = eht;
            _attackerType = aut.GetAttackerType();
            _effectTime   = aif._effectTime;
            _hitStrength  = aut.GetOwner().CharacterStrength;
            //base value is 100
        if (eht == AttackHitType.BlackHole)
            _target = aut.GetOwner();
Example #4
    //if result >0 ,means super armor is destroy, will do damage to owner
    public int TryToHit(int forceValue, float damage, AttackHitType eht, ref int damageResult)
        int  armorBroken = -1;
        bool ret         = true;

        if (_owner.CurrentAttack != null && _owner.CurrentAttack._needIgnoreSuperArmor)
            ret = false;
        if (_armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL2] > 0 && ret)
            damageResult = (int)(damage * _absorbValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL2]);
            _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL2] -= forceValue;
            _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL2] -= damageResult;
            //thats real damage
            damageResult = (int)damage - damageResult;
            forceValue   = 0;
            if (_armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL2] <= 0)
                // super armor is broken
                // try to use next level super armor to block attack
                armorBroken = FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL2;
                //return armorBroken;
        // if super armor is broken, try to destroy normal armor
        if (_armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL1] > 0)
            int dr1 = (int)(damageResult * _absorbValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL1]);
            _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL1] -= forceValue;
            if (forceValue <= 0)
                _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL1] -= damage;
                _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL1] -= dr1;
            //thats real damage
            damageResult = (int)damageResult - dr1;
            if (_armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL1] <= 0)
                // super armor is broken
                forceValue  = 0;
                armorBroken = FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL1;
                if (!_owner.HasState(AIAgent.STATE.ARMOR1_BROKEN))
        if (_armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL1] <= 0 && _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL2] <= 0)
            _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL0] -= forceValue;
#if xingtianbo
            if (((eht == AttackHitType.Normal || eht >= AttackHitType.NORMAL_HURT) && _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL0] <= 0) ||
                (eht > AttackHitType.Normal && eht < AttackHitType.NORMAL_HURT) || (eht > AttackHitType.BLEND_HURT))
                //normal armor is broken
                armorBroken = FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL0;

            if ((eht == AttackHitType.None && _armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL0] <= 0) ||
                (eht > AttackHitType.None))
                //normal armor is broken
                armorBroken = FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL0;
            if (_armorValues[FCConst.SUPER_ARMOR_LVL0] <= 0)
        if (damage > 0 && damageResult <= 1)
            damageResult = 1;