Example #1
            public AtlasNode Insert(Image surface)
                if (left != null)
                    AtlasNode rv;

                    if (right == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("AtlasNode(): error");

                    rv = left.Insert(surface);

                    if (rv == null)
                        rv = right.Insert(surface);


                int img_width  = surface.Width + padding * 2;
                int img_height = surface.Height + padding * 2;

                if (in_use || img_width > width || img_height > height)

                if (img_width == width && img_height == height)
                    in_use = true;
                    tex    = surface;

                if (width - img_width > height - img_height)
                    /* extend to the right */
                    left  = new AtlasNode(x, y, img_width, height, padding);
                    right = new AtlasNode(x + img_width, y,
                                          width - img_width, height, padding);
                    /* extend to bottom */
                    left  = new AtlasNode(x, y, width, img_height, padding);
                    right = new AtlasNode(x, y + img_height,
                                          width, height - img_height, padding);

Example #2
        public TextureAtlas(BitmapSurface[] surfaces)
            AtlasNode root = new AtlasNode();

            root.Rectangle      = new Rect(0, 0, 512, 512);
            _packedTextureRects = new Rect[surfaces.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.Length; i++)
                root.Insert(surfaces[i], i);

Example #3
        public TextureAtlas(TextureResource[] textures)
            // heavily based on
            // http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/lightmaps/default.html
            // basically it uses a kd-tree to pack the lightmaps

            AtlasNode root = new AtlasNode();

            root.Rectangle      = new Rect(0, 0, 512, 512);
            _packedTextureRects = new Rect[textures.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++)
                root.Insert(new BitmapSurface(textures[i]), i);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildContext"></param>
        public override void Build(BuildContext buildContext)
            var fileNames = buildContext.ExpandAndResolveSearchPatterns(Dependencies);
            var images    = fileNames
                            .Select(fn => Image.LoadTga(fn))
                            .OrderByDescending(img0 => img0.Width * img0.Height)
                            .ThenByDescending(img1 => img1.Width)
                            .ThenByDescending(img2 => img2.Height)

            if (!images.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("At least one subimage must be added to teh texture atlas");

            //	Pack atlas :
            AtlasNode root = new AtlasNode(0, 0, Width, Height, Padding);

            foreach (var img in images)
                var n = root.Insert(img);
                if (n == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No enough room to place image");

            //	Create image and fill it with atlas elements :
            var targetImage = new Image(Width, Height);



            //	Save and compress :
            var tgaOutput = buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, ".tga", true);
            var ddsOutput = buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, ".dds", true);

            Image.SaveTga(targetImage, tgaOutput);

            var compression = UseDXT ? ImageFileTextureAsset.TextureCompression.BC3 : ImageFileTextureAsset.TextureCompression.RGB;

            ImageFileTextureAsset.RunNVCompress(buildContext, tgaOutput, ddsOutput, NoMips, false, false, true, true, false, compression);

            //	Write binary blob (text + dds texture):
            using (var fs = buildContext.TargetStream(this)) {
                var bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);

                bw.Write(new[] { 'A', 'T', 'L', 'S' });


                bw.Write((int)(new FileInfo(ddsOutput).Length));

                using (var dds = File.OpenRead(ddsOutput)) {
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="buildContext"></param>
		public override void Process ( AssetSource assetFile, BuildContext context )
			var fileDir		=	Path.GetDirectoryName( assetFile.FullSourcePath );

			var fileNames	=	File.ReadAllLines(assetFile.FullSourcePath)
								.Select( f1 => f1.Trim() )
								.Where( f2 => !f2.StartsWith("#") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f2) )
								.Select( f3 => Path.Combine( fileDir, f3 ) )

			var depNames	=	File.ReadAllLines(assetFile.FullSourcePath)
								.Select( f1 => f1.Trim() )
								.Where( f2 => !f2.StartsWith("#") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f2) )
								.Select( f3 => Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(assetFile.KeyPath), f3 ) )

			var images		=	fileNames
								.Select( fn => LoadImage( fn ) )
								.OrderByDescending( img0 => img0.Width * img0.Height )
								.ThenByDescending( img1 => img1.Width )
								.ThenByDescending( img2 => img2.Height )

			if (!images.Any()) {
				throw new InvalidOperationException("At least one subimage must be added to the texture atlas");

			//	Pack atlas :
			AtlasNode root = new AtlasNode(0,0, Width, Height, Padding );

			foreach ( var img in images ) {
				var n = root.Insert( img );
				if (n==null) {
					throw new InvalidOperationException("No enough room to place image");

			//	Create image and fill it with atlas elements :
			var targetImage	=	new Image( Width, Height );
			targetImage.Fill( FillColor );

			root.WriteImages( targetImage );

			//	Save and compress :
			var tgaOutput	=	context.GetTempFileName( assetFile.KeyPath, ".tga" );
			var ddsOutput	=	context.GetTempFileName( assetFile.KeyPath, ".dds" );
			Image.SaveTga( targetImage, tgaOutput );

			var compression =	UseDXT ? TextureProcessor.TextureCompression.BC3 : TextureProcessor.TextureCompression.RGB;
			TextureProcessor.RunNVCompress( context, tgaOutput, ddsOutput, NoMips, false, false, true, true, false, compression );

			//	Write binary blob (text + dds texture):
			using ( var fs = assetFile.OpenTargetStream(depNames) ) {
				var bw = new BinaryWriter( fs );

				bw.Write( images.Count ); 

				root.WriteLayout( bw );

				bw.Write( (int)(new FileInfo(ddsOutput).Length) );
				using ( var dds = File.OpenRead( ddsOutput ) ) {
					dds.CopyTo( fs );
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="buildContext"></param>
		public override void Build ( BuildContext buildContext )
			var fileNames	=	buildContext.ExpandAndResolveSearchPatterns( Dependencies );
			var images		=	fileNames
								.Select( fn => Image.LoadTga( fn ) )
								.OrderByDescending( img0 => img0.Width * img0.Height )
								.ThenByDescending( img1 => img1.Width )
								.ThenByDescending( img2 => img2.Height )

			if (!images.Any()) {
				throw new InvalidOperationException("At least one subimage must be added to teh texture atlas");

			//	Pack atlas :
			AtlasNode root = new AtlasNode(0,0, Width, Height, Padding );

			foreach ( var img in images ) {
				var n = root.Insert( img );
				if (n==null) {
					throw new InvalidOperationException("No enough room to place image");

			//	Create image and fill it with atlas elements :
			var targetImage	=	new Image( Width, Height );
			targetImage.Fill( FillColor );

			root.WriteImages( targetImage );

			//	Save and compress :
			var tgaOutput	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName( AssetPath, ".tga" );
			var ddsOutput	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName( AssetPath, ".dds" );
			Image.SaveTga( targetImage, tgaOutput );

			var compression =	UseDXT ? ImageFileTextureAsset.TextureCompression.BC3 : ImageFileTextureAsset.TextureCompression.RGB;
			ImageFileTextureAsset.RunNVCompress( buildContext, tgaOutput, ddsOutput, NoMips, false, false, true, true, false, compression );

			//	Write binary blob (text + dds texture):
			using ( var fs = buildContext.OpenTargetStream( this ) ) {
				var bw = new BinaryWriter( fs );

				bw.Write( images.Count ); 

				root.WriteLayout( bw );

				bw.Write( (int)(new FileInfo(ddsOutput).Length) );
				using ( var dds = File.OpenRead( ddsOutput ) ) {
					dds.CopyTo( fs );
Example #7
            public AtlasNode Insert(BitmapSurface surface, int index)
                AtlasNode newNode = null;

                if (Child1 != null && Child2 != null)
                    // not on a leaf...
                    newNode = Child1.Insert(surface, index);
                    if (newNode != null)

                    // no room? try the other child...
                    return(Child2.Insert(surface, index));
                    // we're on a leaf!
                    if (Surface != null)

                    int fit = testFit(surface);
                    if (fit > 0)
                        return(null);         // too big
                    if (fit == 0)
                        Surface = surface;
                        Index   = index;

                    // guess we need to split this node
                    Child1 = new AtlasNode();
                    Child2 = new AtlasNode();

                    int paddedWidth  = surface.Width + Padding * 2;
                    int paddedHeight = surface.Height + Padding * 2;

                    float dw = Rectangle.Width - paddedWidth;
                    float dh = Rectangle.Height - paddedHeight;

                    if (dw > dh)
                        Child1.Rectangle = new Rect(Rectangle.X, Rectangle.Y,
                                                    paddedWidth, Rectangle.Height);
                        Child2.Rectangle = new Rect(Rectangle.X + paddedWidth + 1, Rectangle.Y,
                                                    Rectangle.Width - paddedWidth - 1, Rectangle.Height);
                        Child1.Rectangle = new Rect(Rectangle.X, Rectangle.Y,
                                                    Rectangle.Width, paddedHeight);
                        Child2.Rectangle = new Rect(Rectangle.X, Rectangle.Y + paddedHeight + 1,
                                                    Rectangle.Width, Rectangle.Height - paddedHeight - 1);

                    return(Child1.Insert(surface, index));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildContext"></param>
        public override void Process(AssetSource assetFile, BuildContext context)
            var fileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetFile.FullSourcePath);

            var fileNames = File.ReadAllLines(assetFile.FullSourcePath)
                            .Select(f1 => f1.Trim())
                            .Where(f2 => !f2.StartsWith("#") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f2))
                            .Select(f3 => Path.Combine(fileDir, f3))

            var depNames = File.ReadAllLines(assetFile.FullSourcePath)
                           .Select(f1 => f1.Trim())
                           .Where(f2 => !f2.StartsWith("#") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f2))
                           .Select(f3 => Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assetFile.KeyPath), f3))

            var images = fileNames
                         .Select(fn => LoadImage(fn))
                         .OrderByDescending(img0 => img0.Width * img0.Height)
                         .ThenByDescending(img1 => img1.Width)
                         .ThenByDescending(img2 => img2.Height)

            if (!images.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("At least one subimage must be added to the texture atlas");

            //	Pack atlas :
            AtlasNode root = new AtlasNode(0, 0, Width, Height, Padding);

            foreach (var img in images)
                var n = root.Insert(img);
                if (n == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No enough room to place image");

            //	Create image and fill it with atlas elements :
            var targetImage = new Image(Width, Height);



            //	Save and compress :
            var tgaOutput = context.GetTempFileFullPath(assetFile.KeyPath, ".tga");
            var ddsOutput = context.GetTempFileFullPath(assetFile.KeyPath, ".dds");

            Image.SaveTga(targetImage, tgaOutput);

            var compression = UseDXT ? TextureProcessor.TextureCompression.BC3 : TextureProcessor.TextureCompression.RGB;

            TextureProcessor.RunNVCompress(context, tgaOutput, ddsOutput, NoMips, false, false, true, true, false, compression);

            //	Write binary blob (text + dds texture):
            using (var fs = assetFile.OpenTargetStream(depNames)) {
                var bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);

                bw.Write(new[] { 'A', 'T', 'L', 'S' });


                bw.Write((int)(new FileInfo(ddsOutput).Length));

                using (var dds = File.OpenRead(ddsOutput)) {