Example #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Logger.Info("Application Started");

            var categories =
                new CategoryCreator()
                    .SetRawPath ("Resources/eventexport.csv")
            var athletes = new AthleteCreator().SetRawPath ("Resources/competitorexport.csv").SetOverrideFactory("Resources/athletes.json").Create ();

            var clubs = new ClubCreator(athletes).SetOverrideFactory("Resources/clubs.json").Create ();

            AthleteClubMapper.Map(athletes, clubs);

            var startpositions = new StartPositionFactory("Resources/startpositions.json").Create();
            var crews = new CrewCreator (categories, clubs, startpositions, athletes).SetRawPath ("Resources/crewexport.csv").SetOverrideFactory ("Resources/crews.json").Create ().OrderBy (cr => cr.StartNumber).ToList ();

            CategoryCrewMapper.Map(categories, crews);

            if(args.Count() == 0 || args[0].ToLowerInvariant() != "results")
                StartPositionGenerator.Generate (crews);

                bool valid =
                    new CrewValidator().Validate (crews)
                    && new ClubValidator().Validate (clubs)
                    && new AthleteValidator().Validate (athletes)
                    && new CategoryValidator().Validate(categories);

                if (!valid)
                var starttimes = new SequenceItemFactory("Resources/start-times.json").Create();
                var finishtimes = new SequenceItemFactory("Resources/finish-times.json").Create();
                var penalties = new PenaltyFactory("Resources/penalties.json").Create();
                var adjustments = new AdjustmentFactory ("Resources/adjustments.json").Create ();
                // todo - is there a weighed in file?

                TimeMapper.Map (crews, starttimes, finishtimes);
                TimeMapper.Penalise (crews, penalties);
                TimeMapper.Adjust (crews, adjustments);

                CategoryResultsGenerator.Generate (categories);

                ResultsPrinter.Dump (crews);

            Logger.Info ("Application stopped.");
Example #2
        public bool Validate(IEnumerable <IAthlete> athletes)
            ILog logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            DateTime raceday = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["racedate"].ToString(), out raceday))
                raceday = DateTime.MinValue;

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var athlete in athletes.Where(a => !a.HasRaw))
                sb.AppendFormat("Crew {0} [{1}], {2}: {3}{4}", athlete.CrewId, athlete.Seat, athlete.Club.Index, athlete.Name, Environment.NewLine);

            sb.AppendLine("Age report:");
            // todo: configure the report ages
            foreach (var athlete in athletes.Where(a => a.HasRaw).Where(a => a.Age <= 16 || a.Age >= 75).OrderBy(a => a.Age))
                sb.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, #{2}, {6}, {7} => {4} years {3}{5}",
                                athlete.Name, athlete.Crew.Name, athlete.Crew.StartNumber,
                                athlete.Age, Environment.NewLine, athlete.Crew.BoatingLocation == null ? "none specified" : athlete.Crew.BoatingLocation.Name, athlete.Crew.SubmittingEmail);

            logger.Info("Change report:");
            IList <Tuple <IAthlete, IAthlete> > changes = new List <Tuple <IAthlete, IAthlete> > ();
            var ac = new AthleteCreator().SetRawPath("CompetitorsClose.csv");

            if (ac.RawPresent())
                IList <IAthlete> originalathletes = ac.Create();

                foreach (var athlete in athletes.Where(a => a.HasRaw).OrderBy(a => a.Crew.StartNumber))
                    // the substring here ensures that we're ignoring the expiry date, so we're not counting renewals.

                    var originally = originalathletes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Licence.Substring(7) == athlete.Licence.Substring(7));
                    if (originally == null)
                        if (!athlete.IsCox)
                            changes.Add(new Tuple <IAthlete, IAthlete>(athlete, null));
                        logger.InfoFormat("{2}: {1}: {0} is new [cox? {3}]. Crew {4}.", athlete.Name, athlete.Crew.Name, athlete.Crew.StartNumber, athlete.IsCox, athlete.CrewId);
                    if (athlete.CrewId != originally.CrewId)
                        if (!athlete.IsCox)
                            changes.Add(new Tuple <IAthlete, IAthlete>(athlete, originally));
                        logger.InfoFormat("{2}: {1}: {0} has moved crew (from {3}) [cox? {4}]", athlete.Name, athlete.Crew.Name, athlete.Crew.StartNumber, originally.CrewId, athlete.IsCox);

            foreach (var grouping in changes.GroupBy(ch => ch.Item1.Crew.StartNumber).OrderBy(gr => gr.Key))
                var    crew = grouping.First().Item1.Crew;
                int    ch   = grouping.Count();
                string msg  = ch >= 4 ? string.Format("{0} / {1}", crew.Name, crew.SubmittingEmail) : string.Empty;
                logger.InfoFormat("Crew {0} has made {1} changes. {2}", grouping.Key, grouping.Count(), msg);

Example #3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Logger.Info("Application Started");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["csvpath"].ToString()))
                CsvImporter.CsvPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["csvpath"].ToString();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["jsonpath"].ToString()))
                JsonOverrideFactory.JsonPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["jsonpath"].ToString();

            var categories =
                new CategoryCreator()
            var athletes =
                new AthleteCreator()

            var clubs = new ClubCreator(athletes).SetOverrideFactory("clubs.json").Create();

            AthleteClubMapper.Map(athletes, clubs);

            var startpositions = new StartPositionFactory("startpositions.json").Create();
            var crews          =
                new CrewCreator(categories, clubs, startpositions, athletes)
                .OrderBy(cr => cr.StartNumber)

            // todo - this is almost certainly not the best place to do this
            var bandProportions = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OpenBands"].Split(',').Select(i => Int32.Parse(i)).ToList();

            foreach (Gender gender in (Gender[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gender)))
                var openBands = categories.Where(cat => cat is EventCategory).Select(c => (EventCategory)c).Where(c => c.Gender == gender && c.UseForCRI).Select(c => c.EventId).ToList();

                IList <Func <List <int> > > del = new List <Func <List <int> > >
                    () => crews.Where(cr => cr.Gender == gender).Select(cr => cr.CRI(false)).ToList(),
                    () => crews.Where(crew => categories.Where(cat => cat is EventCategory).Select(c => (EventCategory)c).Where(c => c.Gender == gender && c.UseForCRI).Select(c => c.EventId).Contains(crew.EventCategory.EventId)).Select(cr => cr.CRI(false)).ToList()

                foreach (var fn in del)
                    var crisToInclude = fn(); // crews.Where(crew => openBands.Contains(crew.EventCategory.EventId)).Select(cr => cr.CRI).ToList();
                    if (crisToInclude.Count > 0)
                        Logger.DebugFormat("{0} crews [#{2}] {1}", gender, crisToInclude.Select(c => c.ToString()).Aggregate((h, t) => String.Format("{0}, {1}", h, t)), crisToInclude.Count);

                        int tally = 0;
                        int lower = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < bandProportions.Count; i++)
                            tally += bandProportions[i];
                            int upper = i + 1 == bandProportions.Count ? crisToInclude.Count - 1 : 1 + (int)Math.Floor((decimal)crisToInclude.Count * tally / 100);
                            Logger.DebugFormat("Band {0} [{1}, {2}{4}. #{3} ", i + 1, crisToInclude[lower], crisToInclude[upper], (i + 1 == bandProportions.Count ? 1 : 0) + upper - lower, i + 1 < bandProportions.Count ? ")" : "]"); // crisToInclude[mag-1], crisToInclude[mag]);
                            lower = upper;
                        foreach (var b in new List <bool> {
                            true, false
                            Logger.InfoFormat("Correlation between CRI{2} and points ({1}): {0}",
                                              PearsonCorrelation(crews.Where(cr => cr.Gender == gender).Select(cr => (double)cr.CRI(b)).ToList(), crews.Where(cr => cr.Gender == gender).Select(cr => (double)cr.Points).ToList()),
                                              b ? "Max" : "");
            foreach (var b in new List <bool> {
                true, false
                Logger.InfoFormat("Correlation between CRI{1} and points (all): {0}",
                                  PearsonCorrelation(crews.Select(cr => (double)cr.CRI(b)).ToList(), crews.Select(cr => (double)cr.Points).ToList()),
                                  b ? "Max" : "");

            CategoryCrewMapper.Map(categories, crews);

            // TODO: move results into the config file?
            if (args.Count() == 0 || args[0].ToLowerInvariant() != "results")

                bool valid =
                    new CrewValidator(athletes).Validate(crews) &&
                    new ClubValidator().Validate(clubs) &&
                    new AthleteValidator().Validate(athletes) &&
                    new CategoryValidator().Validate(categories);

                if (!valid)
                var starttimes  = new SequenceItemFactory("start-times.json").Create();
                var finishtimes = new SequenceItemFactory("finish-times.json").Create();
                var penalties   = new PenaltyFactory("penalties.json").Create();
                var adjustments = new AdjustmentFactory("adjustments.json").Create();
                // todo - is there a weighed in file?

                TimeMapper.Map(crews, starttimes, finishtimes);
                TimeMapper.Penalise(crews, penalties);
                TimeMapper.Adjust(crews, adjustments);



            Logger.Info("Application stopped.");