protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Global gl = new Global(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != null) && (CompCodeText.Length > 1)) { CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCode.Text); } Athl_Competition CompetitionRec = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); CompetitionRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionName.Text = CompetitionRec.Name; ClubCode.Text = " "; string SelClub = Request.QueryString.Get("Club"); if ((SelClub != null) && (SelClub.Length > 0)) { ClubCode.Text = SelClub; PageInfoText.Text = "Upplýsingar um félag: " + ClubCode.Text; } SelectedBibNo.Text = "0"; string SelBib = Request.QueryString.Get("BibNo"); if ((SelBib != null) && (SelBib.Length > 0)) { SelectedBibNo.Text = SelBib; PageInfoText.Text = "Upplýsingar um keppanda með rásnúmer: " + SelectedBibNo.Text; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { UpdateDatabase(); } else { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlCompetitionRec = new Athl_Competition(); string CompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); AthlCompetitionRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode); if ((AthlCompetitionRec.Staða_móts == 2) || (AthlCompetitionRec.Staða_móts == 4)) { SaveValues.Visible = true; SaveAndReturn.Visible = true; } else { SaveValues.Visible = false; SaveAndReturn.Visible = false; } } LoadCompetitorsPage(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); if (!IsPostBack) { CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; } AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name; PlaceAndDate.Text = AthlComp.Location + ", " + AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompCodeText)) { CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); CompetitionName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name; } else { CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); CompetitionName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); } if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 1) { Response.Redirect("~/PointsStandingMIYngri.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text); } }
protected void MotArsins_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); string CompetitionCode = MotArsins.SelectedValue.ToString(); Gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompetitionCode); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompetitionCode); Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } //Response.Redirect("NyttMot.aspx?Comp=" + CompetitionCode); // Response.Redirect("NyttMot.aspx"); Int32 CompetitionHasBeenFinalized = 0; System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter CompetitionStatus = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("CompetitionStatus", "0"); ///AthlEnt.ReturnNoOfHeatsInEvent(CompCode, EventLin, OutNoOfHeats); AthlEnt.CompetitionIsFinalized(CompetitionCode, CompetitionStatus); CompetitionHasBeenFinalized = Convert.ToInt32(CompetitionStatus.Value); if (CompetitionHasBeenFinalized == 1) { Response.Redirect("SelectedCompetitionResults.aspx?Code=" + CompetitionCode); } else { Response.Redirect("SelectedCompetitionEvents.aspx?Code=" + CompetitionCode); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); if (!IsPostBack) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); CompetitionName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); EventName.Text = gl.GetCompetitonEventName(); EventLineNo.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("EventLineNo"); AthlEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode.Text, Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo.Text)); AthlCompetitionRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); Int32 TrackEventNoForLynx = AthlEvent.Númer_hlaupagreinar_f__Lynx + 1000; WindReadingRequired = AthlEvent.krefstvindmaelis; LifFilePrefix.Text = TrackEventNoForLynx.ToString().Substring(1, 3); SelectFileInfo.Text = LifFilePrefix.Text + " : "; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global gl = new Global(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); TopIAAFPoints.DataBind(); } CompName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); CompCode.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("CompCode"); if ((CompCode.Text == "") || (CompCode.Text == null)) { CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); } SelectedClub.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("Club"); SelectedPlace.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("Place"); SelectedGender.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("Gender"); if ((CompCode.Text != "") && (CompCode.Text != null)) { AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name; } SelectionDescription.Text = ""; if ((SelectedClub.Text != "") && (SelectedClub.Text != null)) { if (SelectedGender.Text == "0") { SelectionDescription.Text = "Karlar og konur " + SelectedClub.Text + " í " + SelectedPlace.Text + ". sæti"; } else if (SelectedGender.Text == "1") { SelectionDescription.Text = "Karlar " + SelectedClub.Text + " í " + SelectedPlace.Text + ". sæti"; } else { SelectionDescription.Text = "Konur " + SelectedClub.Text + " í " + SelectedPlace.Text + ". sæti"; } } }
protected void FillPage(string CompCode, Int32 EventNo, Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEventRec, string HeatNoFilt) { Int32 LabelNo = 0; string LblWidhtForSeries = ""; Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); Athl_Competition AthlCompetitionRec = new Athl_Competition(); AthlCompetitionRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode); PH.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<span style = 'font-family:Arial;font-size:12pt'>")); if ((HeatNoFilt == "0") || (HeatNoFilt == "")) { HeatNoFilt = "%"; } else { //LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; //AddLabel(LabelNo, "Riðill " + HeatNoFilt, "200px", "left", false, false); //PH.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br /><br />")); } var CompetitorsInEventDataset = AthlEnt.CompetitorsInEvResultOrder(CompCode, EventNo, HeatNoFilt); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; if (AthlCompetitionRec.tungumal == 0) //Icelandic { AddLabel(LabelNo, "Sæti", "50px", "right", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Árangur", "80px", "right", false, false); if ((AthlCompetitionRec.tegundstigakeppni > 0) && (AthlCompEventRec.stigagrein == 1)) { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Stig", "50px", "right", false, false); //"80px" } if (AthlCompetitionRec.Reikna_IAAF_stig == 1) { AddLabel(LabelNo, "IAAF Stig", "50px", "right", false, false); //"80px" } if (AthlCompEventRec.thrautargrein == 1) { if (AthlCompetitionRec.Reikna_unglingastig == 1) { AddLabel(LabelNo, "Ungl.stig", "50px", "right", false, false); //"60px" } else { AddLabel(LabelNo, "Stig", "50px", "right", false, false); //"60px" } } if (AthlCompEventRec.krefstvindmaelis == 1) { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Vindur", "50px", "", false, false); } LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Uppl.", "40px", "left", false, false); //"70px" LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Nafn", "250px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "F.ár", "50px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Félag", "80px", "", false, false); if (AthlCompEventRec.tegundgreinar == 1) //Track { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Ri.", "20px", "right", false, false); //Riðill "50px" LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Br", "20px", "right", false, false); //Braut "50px" } else { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Röð", "20px", "right", false, false); //Field Event LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Sería", "200px", "left", false, false); //"500px" } } else //Language English or Both { AddLabel(LabelNo, "Place", "50px", "right", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Mark", "80px", "right", false, false); if ((AthlCompetitionRec.tegundstigakeppni > 0) && (AthlCompEventRec.stigagrein == 1)) { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Points", "50px", "right", false, false); //"80px" } if (AthlCompetitionRec.Reikna_IAAF_stig == 1) { AddLabel(LabelNo, "IAAF pts", "50px", "right", false, false); //"80px" } if (AthlCompEventRec.thrautargrein == 1) { if (AthlCompetitionRec.Reikna_unglingastig == 1) { AddLabel(LabelNo, "Youth pts", "50px", "right", false, false); //"60px" } else { AddLabel(LabelNo, "Points", "50px", "right", false, false); //"60px" } } if (AthlCompEventRec.krefstvindmaelis == 1) { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Wind", "50px", "", false, false); } LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Info", "40px", "left", false, false); //"70px" LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Name", "250px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Year", "50px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Club", "80px", "", false, false); if (AthlCompEventRec.tegundgreinar == 1) //Track { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Ht.", "20px", "right", false, false); //Heat "50px" LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Ln.", "20px", "right", false, false); //Lane "50px" } else { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Order", "20px", "right", false, false); //Field Event LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "Series", "200px", "left", false, false); //"500px" } } PH.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); foreach (var CompInEvRec in CompetitorsInEventDataset) { if (((CompInEvRec.rasnumer != 0) || (CompInEvRec.nafn != ""))) { LineWidth = 0; LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; if (CompInEvRec.urslitarod < 9999) { AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.urslitarodtexti, "50px", "right", false, false); } else { AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "50px", "right", false, false); } LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; if (CompInEvRec.arangur != "") { AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.arangur, "80px", "right", true, false); } else { AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.athugasemd, "80px", "right", true, false); } if ((AthlCompetitionRec.tegundstigakeppni > 0) && (AthlCompEventRec.stigagrein == 1)) { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; if (CompInEvRec.stig > 0) { Int32 PointsInt = Convert.ToInt32(CompInEvRec.stig); Decimal PointsDec = PointsInt; if (CompInEvRec.stig == PointsDec) { AddLabel(LabelNo, PointsInt.ToString(), "50px", "right", false, false); //"50px" } else { //AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.stig.ToString(), "80px", "right", false, false); AddLabel(LabelNo, string.Format("{0:N2}", CompInEvRec.stig), "50px", "right", false, false); //"80px" } } else { AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "50px", "right", false, false); //"80px" } } if (AthlCompetitionRec.Reikna_IAAF_stig == 1) { if (CompInEvRec.IAAF_Stig > 0) { AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.IAAF_Stig.ToString(), "50px", "right", false, false); //"80px" } else { AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "50px", "right", false, false); //"80px" } } if (AthlCompEventRec.thrautargrein == 1) { //REDDING !!! if ((CompCode == "M-00000017") && (AthlCompEventRec.kyn == 2) && (AthlCompEventRec.aldurtil == 15) && (AthlCompEventRec.grein != "FIMMTUNG")) { AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.Unglingastig.ToString(), "60px", "right", false, false); } else if (CompInEvRec.thrautarstig > 0) { AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.thrautarstig.ToString(), "60px", "right", false, false); } else { if (CompInEvRec.Unglingastig > 0) { AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.Unglingastig.ToString(), "60px", "right", false, false); } else { AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "60px", "right", false, false); } } } if (AthlCompEventRec.krefstvindmaelis == 1) { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; if (CompInEvRec.arangur != "") { AddLabel(LabelNo, gl.FormatWind(Convert.ToDecimal(CompInEvRec.vindur)), "50px", "", false, false); } else { AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "50px", "", false, false); } } LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.PerformaceRemarks, "40px", "left", false, false); //"70px" LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.nafn, "250px", "", true, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.faedingarar.ToString(), "50px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.felag, "80px", "", false, false); if (AthlCompEventRec.tegundgreinar == 1) //Track { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.ridillnumer.ToString(), "20px", "right", false, false); //"50px" LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.stokkkastrod.ToString(), "20px", "right", false, false); //"50px" if (CompInEvRec.seria != "") { PH.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "90px", "Left", false, true); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.seria, "600px", "Left", false, true); } } else { LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.stokkkastrod.ToString(), "20px", "right", false, false); //Technical (Field Event) LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; AddLabel(LabelNo, "", "10px", "", false, false); LabelNo = LabelNo + 1; //LblWidhtForSeries = Convert.ToString(1150 - LineWidth) + "px"; //AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.seria, LblWidhtForSeries, "", false, true); //"500px" AddLabel(LabelNo, CompInEvRec.seria, "200px", "", false, true); } PH.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); } } PH.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</span>")); }
// AccessLevelText = "0" : Not logged in - Aðeins fyrirspurnir // AccessLevelText = "1" : Club Representative // AccessLevelText = "2" : Administrator // AccessLevelText = "3" : Can edit entry sheets // AccessLevelText = "4" : Competition Administrator protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global Gl = new Global(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); CompCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); ExportLynxFiles.Visible = false; if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { //CompCodeText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(CompCodeText); //Má gera þetta? CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); if (AthlComp.tungumal > 0) //Not Icelandic { CompEventsLbl.Text = "Keppnisgreinar móts - Competition Events"; } if (AthlComp.Code != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } //Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = ""; } } Competitors.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionCompetitors.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; CompetitionResults.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionResults.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStanding.NavigateUrl = "~/Points.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStandingMIYngri.NavigateUrl = "~/PointsStandingMIYngri.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); string CompDates = AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString(); if (AthlComp.Date2 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01")) { if (AthlComp.Date3 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01")) { CompDates = CompDates + ", " + AthlComp.Date2.ToShortDateString() + " og " + AthlComp.Date3.ToShortDateString(); } else { CompDates = CompDates + " og " + AthlComp.Date2.ToShortDateString(); } } CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name + " - " + CompDates + " - " + AthlComp.Location; // if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 5) //Meistaramót Íslands m IAAF stigum if ((AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 1) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 2) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 5)) //Mi yngri, bikar eða Meistaramót Íslands m IAAF stigum { PointsStanding.Visible = true; } else { PointsStanding.Visible = false; } if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 3) { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = true; } else { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = false; } LinkToPage.Text = "" + CompCode.Text; // LinkToPage.Text = "" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(CompCode.Text); if (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] == null) { Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = "0"; } AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); UpdCompEvents.Visible = false; CompSetup.Visible = false; if (AccessLevelText == "0") { YourCompetitors.Visible = false; YourCompetitorsLabel.Visible = false; } else if ((AccessLevelText != "1") || (Gl.UserCanUpdateMeet(AthlComp.Code, Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString()) == 1)) { if ((AthlComp.Staða_móts == 2) || (AthlComp.Staða_móts == 3) || (AthlComp.Staða_móts == 4)) { //2 = Opið fyrir skráningu, 3 = Lokað fyrir skráningu, 4 = Stendur yfir ExportLynxFiles.Visible = true; UpdCompEvents.Visible = true; } } if (Session["CurrentUserName"] == null) { Session["CurrentUserName"] = ""; } if (Gl.UserCanUpdateMeet(AthlComp.Code, Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString()) == 1) //2 = Admin { UpdCompEvents.Visible = true; CompSetup.Visible = true; CompSetup.NavigateUrl = "~/CompetitionSetup.aspx?Code=" + AthlComp.Code; } if (!IsPostBack) { EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Clear(); Int32 NoOfDates = 0; ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "Allir dagar"; newItem.Value = "%"; EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); //AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(Gl.GetCompetitionCode()); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(result) + "%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfDates <= 1) { EventDateFilterLabel.Visible = false; EventDateFilterDropDown.Visible = false; } else { EventDateFilterLabel.Visible = true; EventDateFilterDropDown.Visible = true; } } }
protected void GridView3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { string[] WordsArray; string AgeGr; Int32 Gend; Int32 AgeFr; Int32 AgeTo; Int32 ColNo; string EventLineNoText = ""; bool UserIsSignedin = false; if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header) { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) { UserIsSignedin = false; //ModifyDateTime.Visible = false; SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible = false; } else { UserIsSignedin = true; AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); if (CompCode4.Text != "") { AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompetitionCode.Text); if (AthlComp.DisplayColumnForPrizeCeremony == 1) { SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible = true; } } } ColNoForPrizeCeremony = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "tilkynnaverdlaunaafhendingu"); } if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { int RowIx = e.Row.RowIndex; EventLineNoText = GridView3.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[1].ToString(); ColNo = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "ShowCompetitors"); HyperLink hp = new HyperLink(); hp.Text = "Keppendur"; //e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Text; hp.NavigateUrl = "UpdateEventResults.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNoText; e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Controls.Add(hp); ColNo = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "Aldursflokkur"); AgeGr = e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Text; WordsArray = AgeGr.Split(';'); Gend = Convert.ToInt32(WordsArray[0]); AgeFr = Convert.ToInt32(WordsArray[1]); AgeTo = Convert.ToInt32(WordsArray[2]); switch (Gend) { case 1: if ((AgeFr == 0) & ((AgeTo == 0) | (AgeTo == 999))) { AgeGr = "Karlar"; } else { if (AgeFr == 0) { if (AgeTo > 22) { AgeGr = "Karlar"; } else { AgeGr = "Piltar " + AgeTo.ToString() + " og yngri"; } } else { if (AgeTo == 999) { AgeGr = "Karlar " + AgeFr.ToString() + " og eldri"; } else { if (AgeFr == AgeTo) { AgeGr = "Piltar " + AgeFr.ToString(); } else { AgeGr = "Piltar " + AgeFr.ToString() + "-" + AgeTo.ToString(); } } } } break; case 2: if ((AgeFr == 0) && ((AgeTo == 0) || (AgeTo == 999))) { AgeGr = "Konur"; } else { if (AgeFr == 0) { if (AgeTo > 22) { AgeGr = "Konur"; } else { AgeGr = "Stúlkur " + AgeTo.ToString() + " og yngri"; } } else { if (AgeTo == 999) { AgeGr = "Konur " + AgeFr.ToString() + " og eldri"; } else { if (AgeFr == AgeTo) { AgeGr = "Stúlkur " + AgeFr.ToString(); } else { AgeGr = "Stúlkur " + AgeFr.ToString() + "-" + AgeTo.ToString(); } } } } break; } //e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Text = AgeGr; } if (SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible == false) { e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremony].Visible = false; e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremony + 1].Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); if (IsPostBack) { Message.Text = ""; DateTime DateValue; string ValinnV = Convert.ToString(Vellir.SelectedValue); string InnslDags = Dagsetning.Text; if (ValinnV != GamliVollur.Text) { MotADO ado = new MotADO(); ado.GeymaVallarupplys(ValinnV); Stadur.Text = ado.ValinnStadur; UtiEdaInni.Text = ado.ValidUtiInni; if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "0") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utanhúss"; } if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "1") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Innanhúss"; } if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "2") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utan- eða Innanhúss"; } GamliVollur.Text = ValinnV.ToString(); } if (InnslDags != GamlaDags.Text) { string[] separators = { ".", "/", " " }; string[] words = InnslDags.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (words[0].Length == 1) { words[0] = "0" + words[0]; } if (words[1].Length == 1) { words[1] = "0" + words[1]; } if (words[2].Length == 1) { words[2] = "200" + words[2]; } else if (words[2].Length == 2) { words[2] = "20" + words[2]; } InnslDags = words[0] + "." + words[1] + "." + words[2]; // if (words[0].Length > if (InnslDags.Length == 8) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(4, 4); HeitiMots.Focus(); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 7) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(3, 4); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 6) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + ".20" + InnslDags.Substring(4, 2); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 5) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + ".20" + InnslDags.Substring(3, 2); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 4) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 3) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 2) { InnslDags = InnslDags + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM.yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 1) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM.yyyy"); } if (!DateTime.TryParse(InnslDags, out DateValue)) { Message.Text = "Dagsetning " + InnslDags + " er ekki í lagi."; } else { InnslDags = DateValue.ToShortDateString(); } Dagsetning.Text = InnslDags; GamlaDags.Text = InnslDags; HeitiMots.Focus(); } } else //Not Postback - Page Load { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) { NewCompetitorButton.Visible = false; YourCompetitors.Visible = false; AddNewCompetitorsBtn.Visible = false; SetupEvents.Visible = false; Vista.Visible = false; HeitiMots.ReadOnly = true; EnsktHeiti.ReadOnly = true; Dagsetning.ReadOnly = true; //Vellir.ReadOnly = true; Stadur.ReadOnly = true; UtiEdaInni.ReadOnly = true; Motshaldari.ReadOnly = true; Yfirdomari.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjaldPrGrein.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrBodhl.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrGreinU18.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrBodhlU18.ReadOnly = true; } if (Gl.GetCompetitionCode() != "") { { CompetitionCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); CompCode2.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; CompCode4.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; CompCode7.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(Gl.GetCompetitionCode()); HeitiMots.Text = AthlComp.Name; EnsktHeiti.Text = AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti; Dagsetning.Text = AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString(); Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Int16 VenueIndex = 0; System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter Indx = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("Indx", typeof(Int32)); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthlEnt.IndexCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur, Indx); if (Int16.TryParse(Indx.Value.ToString(), out VenueIndex) == false) { VenueIndex = 0; } //VenueIndex = ReturnIndexOfVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur); if (VenueIndex > 0) { Vellir.SelectedIndex = VenueIndex; } Stadur.Text = AthlComp.Location; if (AthlComp.CompetitonType == 0) { CompetitionEventsHdr.Text = HeitiMots.Text + " - Keppnisgreinar hlaups:"; } else { CompetitionEventsHdr.Text = HeitiMots.Text + " - Keppnisgreinar móts:"; } if (AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors == 0) { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utanhúss"; } else { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Innanhúss"; } Motshaldari.Text = AthlComp.Organizer; Yfirdomari.Text = AthlComp.Judge; SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein); //AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein.ToString(); SkranGjPrBodhl.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargjld_f__boðhlaup); //.ToString(); SkranGjPrGreinU18.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargj__yngri_en_18_ára); SkranGjPrBodhlU18.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargj__f_boðhl_y_18_ára); if (AthlComp.Reikna_unglingastig == 1) { ReiknaUnglStig.Text = "Já"; } else { ReiknaUnglStig.Text = "Nei"; } if (AthlComp.Reikna_IAAF_stig == 1) { ReiknaIAAFStig.Text = "Já"; } else { ReiknaIAAFStig.Text = "Nei"; } Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } Int32 NoOfDates = 0; ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "Allir dagar"; newItem.Value = "%"; EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); //AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(Gl.GetCompetitionCode()); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(result) + "%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfDates <= 1) { EventDateFilterLabel.Visible = false; EventDateFilterDropDown.Visible = false; } else { EventDateFilterLabel.Visible = true; EventDateFilterDropDown.Visible = true; } } HeitiMots.Focus(); NyrKeppandiTbl.Visible = false; } else { string SelNafn; SelNafn = Gl.GetSelNafn(); if (SelNafn != "") { KennitText.Text = Gl.GetSelKt(); NafnText.Text = SelNafn; FaedArText.Text = Gl.GetSelFar(); FelagText.Text = Gl.GetSelFel(); Gl.SetSelComp("", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } } } }
protected void VistaButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); Athl_Venues AthlVenueRec = new Athl_Venues(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEvents = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEvents2 = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEvents3 = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEvents4 = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); Athl_Events AthlEvents = new Athl_Events(); Message.Text = ""; string WrkText = ""; string HeitiAldursflokks = ""; string HeitiAldursflokks2 = ""; string WrkCompetitionEventName = ""; CheckBox SelectedEvent; Int16 i = 0; Int32 Gend = 0; Int32 AgeFr = 0; Int32 AgeTo = 0; Int32 LastLineNo = -1; Int32 UtiInniInt; UtiInniInt = Convert.ToInt32(gl.GetOutdorrsOrIndoors()); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(gl.GetCompetitionCode()); AthlVenueRec = AthlCompCRUD.GetVenueRec(AthlComp.keppnisvollur); DropDownList UmfDropD; // using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) for (i = 0; i < NormalEventsMenGrid.Rows.Count; i++) //Mens Events { SelectedEvent = (CheckBox)NormalEventsMenGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("ValinChk"); if (SelectedEvent.Checked) { ((CheckBox)NormalEventsMenGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("ValinChk")).Checked = false; AthlCompEvents = AthlCompCRUD.InitCompetitionEvent(); AthlCompEvents.mot = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); if (LastLineNo == -1) { LastLineNo = AthlCompCRUD.ReturnNextEventinCompLineNo(gl.GetCompetitionCode()); } else { LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; } AthlCompEvents.lina = LastLineNo; WrkText = NormalEventsMenGrid.DataKeys[i].Value.ToString(); string[] KeyParts = WrkText.Split(';'); AthlCompEvents.grein = KeyParts[0]; AthlCompEvents.kyn = Convert.ToInt32(KeyParts[1]); //Male or female AthlCompEvents.flokkur = KeyParts[2]; WrkText = NormalEventsMenGrid.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text; //Name of Event WrkCompetitionEventName = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(WrkText); AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkText; AthlCompEvents.dagsetning = Convert.ToDateTime(DateForEvents.Text); //gl.GetSelectedDate()); WrkText = gl.GetArr1Value(i); //Age Group Code AthlCompCRUD.ReturnAgeGroupInfo(WrkText, out Gend, out AgeFr, out AgeTo, out HeitiAldursflokks, out HeitiAldursflokks2); AthlCompEvents.kyn = Gend; AthlCompEvents.aldurfra = AgeFr; AthlCompEvents.aldurtil = AgeTo; WrkCompetitionEventName = WrkCompetitionEventName + " " + HeitiAldursflokks2; AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName; AthlEvents = AthlCompCRUD.GetAthlEvent(AthlCompEvents.grein, AthlCompEvents.kyn, AthlCompEvents.flokkur, UtiInniInt); AthlCompEvents.tegundgreinar = AthlEvents.Tegund_greinar; AthlCompEvents.nanaritegundargreining = AthlEvents.Nánari_tegundargreining; AthlCompEvents.skraningargjald = AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein; AthlCompEvents.stadakeppni = 0; AthlCompEvents.takngreinar = AthlCompEvents.grein + "," + AthlCompEvents.kyn.ToString() + "," + AthlCompEvents.aldurfra.ToString(); AthlCompEvents.rodiafrekaskra = (Int32)AthlEvents.Röð_í_afrekaskrá; AthlCompEvents.krefstvindmaelis = AthlEvents.Krefst_vindmælis; AthlCompEvents.tharfadradakeppendum = 1; //if (AthlEvents.Tegund_greinar == 1) //{ // if (AthlEvents.Teg__hlaups_v__fj__brauta == 1) //Bein braut // { // AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = AthlVenueRec.Fjöldi_beinna_brauta; // if (AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta == 0) // { // AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 6; // } // } // if (AthlEvents.Teg__hlaups_v__fj__brauta == 2) //200m, 300m, 400m // { // AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = AthlVenueRec.Fj__hringbrauta_spretthlaup; // if (AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta == 0) // { // AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 6; // } // } // if (AthlEvents.Teg__hlaups_v__fj__brauta == 3) //Millivegalengdir // { // AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = AthlVenueRec.Fj__hringbrauta_spretthlaup * 2; // if (AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta == 0) // { // AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 12; // } // } // if (AthlEvents.Teg__hlaups_v__fj__brauta == 4) //Langhlaup // { // AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 20; // } //} AthlCompEvents.fjoldiumferda = 6; if (AthlCompEvents.tegundgreinar == 1) //Track Event { AthlCompEvents.rafmagnstimataka = 1; //AthlEvents.Greinahópur: //0 = Spretthlaup bein braut //1 = Spretthlaup hringbraut //2 = Millivegalengir //3 = Langhlaup //4 = Grindahlaup bein braut //5 = Grindahlaup hringbraut //6 = Hindrun //7 = Boðhlaup //8 = Götuhlaup //9 = Víðavangshlaup //10 = Stökk //11 = Köst //12 = Fjölþrautir //13 = Annað if ((AthlEvents.Greinahópur == 0) || (AthlEvents.Greinahópur == 4)) //Short sprints and hurdles { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = AthlVenueRec.Fjöldi_beinna_brauta; if (AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta == 0) { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 6; } } else { if ((AthlEvents.Greinahópur == 1) || (AthlEvents.Greinahópur == 5) || (AthlEvents.Greinahópur == 7)) //Long sprints, long hurdles, relays { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = AthlVenueRec.Fj__hringbrauta_spretthlaup; if (AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta == 0) { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 6; } } else { if (AthlEvents.Greinahópur == 2) //Middle distances { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = AthlVenueRec.Fj__hingbrauta_millivegalengd; if (AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta == 0) { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 12; } } else { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = AthlVenueRec.Fj__hringbrauta_langhlaup; //Long distance, steeple chase if (AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta == 0) { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 20; } } } } } else { AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 0; AthlCompEvents.fjoldiumferda = 6; } UmfDropD = (DropDownList)NormalEventsMenGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("UmferdDropDownList"); WrkText = UmfDropD.SelectedValue.ToString(); switch (WrkText) { case "Úrslit": AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); break; case "Undanúrslit og úrslit": AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Undanúrslit"; AthlCompEvents.ridill = 4; //Semi-Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents2 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents2.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents2.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Úrslit"; AthlCompEvents2.ridill = 5; //Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents2); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents2, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); break; case "Riðlakeppni, undanúrslit og úrslit": AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Riðlakeppni"; AthlCompEvents.ridill = 2; //Heats AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents3 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents3.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents3.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Undanúrslit"; AthlCompEvents3.ridill = 4; //Semi-Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents3); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents3, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents2 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents2.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents2.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Úrslit"; AthlCompEvents2.ridill = 5; //Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents2); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents2, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); break; case "Forkeppni, riðlakeppni, undanúrslit og úrslit": AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Forkeppni"; AthlCompEvents.ridill = 1; //Preliminaries AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents4 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents4.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents4.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Riðlakeppni"; AthlCompEvents4.ridill = 2; //Heats AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents4); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents4, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents3 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents3.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents3.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Undanúrslit"; AthlCompEvents3.ridill = 4; //Semi-Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents3); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents3, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents2 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents2.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents2.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Úrslit"; AthlCompEvents2.ridill = 5; //Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents2); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents2, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); break; } } } for (i = 0; i < NormalEventsWomenGrid.Rows.Count; i++) //Mens Events { SelectedEvent = (CheckBox)NormalEventsWomenGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("ValinChk"); if (SelectedEvent.Checked) { ((CheckBox)NormalEventsWomenGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("ValinChk")).Checked = false; AthlCompEvents = AthlCompCRUD.InitCompetitionEvent(); AthlCompEvents.mot = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); if (LastLineNo == -1) { LastLineNo = AthlCompCRUD.ReturnNextEventinCompLineNo(gl.GetCompetitionCode()); } else { LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; } AthlCompEvents.lina = LastLineNo; WrkText = NormalEventsWomenGrid.DataKeys[i].Value.ToString(); string[] KeyParts = WrkText.Split(';'); AthlCompEvents.grein = KeyParts[0]; AthlCompEvents.kyn = Convert.ToInt32(KeyParts[1]); //Male AthlCompEvents.flokkur = KeyParts[2]; WrkText = NormalEventsWomenGrid.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text; //Name of Event WrkCompetitionEventName = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(WrkText); AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkText; AthlCompEvents.dagsetning = Convert.ToDateTime(DateForEvents.Text); //gl.GetSelectedDate()); WrkText = gl.GetArr2Value(i); //Age Group Code AthlCompCRUD.ReturnAgeGroupInfo(WrkText, out Gend, out AgeFr, out AgeTo, out HeitiAldursflokks, out HeitiAldursflokks2); AthlCompEvents.kyn = Gend; AthlCompEvents.aldurfra = AgeFr; AthlCompEvents.aldurtil = AgeTo; WrkCompetitionEventName = WrkCompetitionEventName + " " + HeitiAldursflokks2; AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName; AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName; AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(AthlCompEvents.mot); AthlEvents = AthlCompCRUD.GetAthlEvent(AthlCompEvents.grein, AthlCompEvents.kyn, AthlCompEvents.flokkur, UtiInniInt); AthlCompEvents.tegundgreinar = AthlEvents.Tegund_greinar; AthlCompEvents.nanaritegundargreining = AthlEvents.Nánari_tegundargreining; AthlCompEvents.skraningargjald = AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein; AthlCompEvents.stadakeppni = 0; AthlCompEvents.takngreinar = AthlCompEvents.grein + "," + AthlCompEvents.kyn.ToString() + "," + AthlCompEvents.aldurfra.ToString(); AthlCompEvents.rodiafrekaskra = (Int32)AthlEvents.Röð_í_afrekaskrá; AthlCompEvents.tharfadradakeppendum = 1; AthlCompEvents.krefstvindmaelis = AthlEvents.Krefst_vindmælis; AthlCompEvents.fjoldiibrauta = 6; AthlCompEvents.fjoldiumferda = 6; UmfDropD = (DropDownList)NormalEventsWomenGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("UmferdDropDownList"); WrkText = UmfDropD.SelectedValue.ToString(); switch (WrkText) { case "Úrslit": AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); break; case "Undanúrslit og úrslit": AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Undanúrslit"; AthlCompEvents.ridill = 4; //Semi-Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents2 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents2.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents2.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Úrslit"; AthlCompEvents2.ridill = 5; //Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents2); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents2, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); break; case "Riðlakeppni, undanúrslit og úrslit": AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Riðlakeppni"; AthlCompEvents.ridill = 2; //Heats AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents3 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents3.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents3.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Undanúrslit"; AthlCompEvents3.ridill = 4; //Semi-Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents3); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents3, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents2 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents2.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents2.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Úrslit"; AthlCompEvents2.ridill = 5; //Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents2); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents2, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); break; case "Forkeppni, riðlakeppni, undanúrslit og úrslit": AthlCompEvents.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Forkeppni"; AthlCompEvents.ridill = 1; //Preliminaries AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents4 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents4.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents4.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Riðlakeppni"; AthlCompEvents4.ridill = 2; //Heats AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents4); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents4, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents3 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents3.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents3.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Undanúrslit"; AthlCompEvents3.ridill = 4; //Semi-Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents3); // EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents3, UtiInniInt); // AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); AthlCompEvents2 = AthlCompCRUD.CopyKeyValuesBtwEvents(AthlCompEvents); LastLineNo = LastLineNo + 10000; AthlCompEvents2.lina = LastLineNo; AthlCompEvents2.heitigreinar = WrkCompetitionEventName + " - Úrslit"; AthlCompEvents2.ridill = 5; //Final AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompEventInCompetition(AthlCompEvents2); //EventsInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyFromCompetitionEvent(AthlCompEvents2, UtiInniInt); //AthlCompCRUD.InsertEventInComp(EventsInComp); break; } } } Response.Redirect("CompetitionSetup.aspx?Code=" + gl.GetCompetitionCode()); //string navigateurl = "javascript:history.go(-1);"; //Response.Redirect(navigateurl); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CopyEventsFromPrevComp.Visible = false; //DEBUG if (Session["CurrentUserName"] == null) { CurrentUserID = ""; } else { CurrentUserID = Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString(); } CurrCompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); NewCompetition = false; if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); CurrCompCode = CompCodeText; if (CurrCompCode == "NYTT") { NewCompetition = true; } } System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter CurrAccessLevel = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("CurrentAccessLevel", "0"); System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter CurrCanEnterScores = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("CanEnterScores", "0"); AthlEnt.GetAccessLevel(CurrentUserID, CurrCompCode, CurrAccessLevel, CurrCanEnterScores); AccessLevelint = Convert.ToInt32(CurrAccessLevel.Value); CanEnterScores = Convert.ToInt32(CurrCanEnterScores.Value); //--AccessLevel //-- //--0 = Queries Only //--1 = Club Representative //--2 = Administrator //--3 = Selected Competition Only // //-- CanEnterScores 0 = No, 1 = Yes if (IsPostBack) { Message.Text = ""; DateTime DateValue; string ValinnV = Convert.ToString(Vellir.SelectedValue); string InnslDags = Dagsetning.Text; if (ValinnV != GamliVollur.Text) { MotADO ado = new MotADO(); ado.GeymaVallarupplys(ValinnV); Stadur.Text = ado.ValinnStadur; UtiEdaInni.Text = ado.ValidUtiInni; if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "0") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utanhúss"; } if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "1") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Innanhúss"; } if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "2") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utan- eða Innanhúss"; } GamliVollur.Text = ValinnV.ToString(); } if (InnslDags != GamlaDags.Text) { string[] separators = { ".", "/", " " }; string[] words = InnslDags.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (words[0].Length == 1) { words[0] = "0" + words[0]; } if (words[1].Length == 1) { words[1] = "0" + words[1]; } if (words[2].Length == 1) { words[2] = "200" + words[2]; } else if (words[2].Length == 2) { words[2] = "20" + words[2]; } InnslDags = words[0] + "." + words[1] + "." + words[2]; // if (words[0].Length > if (InnslDags.Length == 8) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(4, 4); HeitiMots.Focus(); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 7) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(3, 4); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 6) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + ".20" + InnslDags.Substring(4, 2); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 5) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + ".20" + InnslDags.Substring(3, 2); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 4) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 3) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 2) { InnslDags = InnslDags + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM.yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 1) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM.yyyy"); } if (!DateTime.TryParse(InnslDags, out DateValue)) { Message.Text = "Dagsetning " + InnslDags + " er ekki í lagi."; } else { InnslDags = DateValue.ToShortDateString(); NoOfDays = 1; } Dagsetning.Text = InnslDags; GamlaDags.Text = InnslDags; HeitiMots.Focus(); } if (CompetitionDate2.Text != "") { if (!DateTime.TryParse(CompetitionDate2.Text, out DateValue)) { Message.Text = "Dagsetning 2 " + CompetitionDate2.Text + " er ekki í lagi."; } else { AthlComp.Date2 = DateValue; NoOfDays = 2; } } else { AthlComp.Date2 = Convert.ToDateTime("1753-01-01 00:00:00.000"); CompetitionDate3.Text = ""; CompetitionDate4.Text = ""; } if (CompetitionDate3.Text != "") { if (!DateTime.TryParse(CompetitionDate3.Text, out DateValue)) { Message.Text = "Dagsetning 3 " + CompetitionDate3.Text + " er ekki í lagi."; } else { AthlComp.Date3 = DateValue; NoOfDays = 3; } } else { AthlComp.Date3 = Convert.ToDateTime("1753-01-01 00:00:00.000"); CompetitionDate4.Text = ""; } if (CompetitionDate4.Text != "") { if (!DateTime.TryParse(CompetitionDate4.Text, out DateValue)) { Message.Text = "Dagsetning 4 " + CompetitionDate4.Text + " er ekki í lagi."; } else { AthlComp.dagsetning4 = DateValue; NoOfDays = 4; } } else { AthlComp.dagsetning4 = Convert.ToDateTime("1753-01-01 00:00:00.000"); } AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni = gl.TryConvertStringToInt32(TegundStigakeppni.SelectedValue.ToString()); } else //Not Postback - Page Load { //AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); //if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) if ((AccessLevelint != 1) && (AccessLevelint != 2)) //Access is NOT Club Repesentative and NOT Administrator, Competition Creator or CompetitionUpdateAccess = Administrator { //NewCompetitorButton.Visible = false; //YourCompetitors.Visible = false; //AddNewCompetitorsBtn.Visible = false; SetupEvents.Visible = false; // Vista.Visible = false; HeitiMots.ReadOnly = true; EnsktHeiti.ReadOnly = true; Dagsetning.ReadOnly = true; Vellir.Enabled = false; Stadur.ReadOnly = true; UtiEdaInni.ReadOnly = true; Motshaldari.ReadOnly = true; Yfirdomari.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjaldPrGrein.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrBodhl.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrGreinU18.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrBodhlU18.ReadOnly = true; CompStatus.Enabled = false; TegundStigakeppni.Enabled = false; ReiknaIAAFStig.Enabled = false; ReiknaUnglStig.Enabled = false; Message.Text = "Þú hefur ekki leyfi til að breyta uppsetningu mótsins"; Vista.Visible = false; } else { Message.Text = ""; } if ((gl.GetCompetitionCode() != "") && (gl.GetCompetitionCode() != "NYTT") && (NewCompetition == false)) { { //SetupEvents.Visible = true; CompetitionCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); //CompCode2.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; //CompCode4.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; //CompCode7.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(gl.GetCompetitionCode()); HeitiMots.Text = AthlComp.Name; EnsktHeiti.Text = AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti; Dagsetning.Text = AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString(); gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); UtiEdaInni.Text = AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString(); gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(UtiEdaInni.Text); Int16 VenueIndex = 0; System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter Indx = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("Indx", typeof(Int32)); AthlEnt.IndexCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur, Indx); if (Int16.TryParse(Indx.Value.ToString(), out VenueIndex) == false) { VenueIndex = 0; } //VenueIndex = ReturnIndexOfVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur); if (VenueIndex > 0) { Vellir.SelectedIndex = VenueIndex; } Stadur.Text = AthlComp.Location; if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "0") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utanhúss"; } if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "1") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Innanhúss"; } CompStatus.SelectedIndex = AthlComp.Staða_móts; TegundStigakeppni.SelectedValue = AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni.ToString(); Motshaldari.Text = AthlComp.Organizer; Yfirdomari.Text = AthlComp.Judge; Motsstjori.Text = AthlComp.Director; SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein); //AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein.ToString(); SkranGjPrBodhl.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargjld_f__boðhlaup); //.ToString(); SkranGjPrGreinU18.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargj__yngri_en_18_ára); SkranGjPrBodhlU18.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargj__f_boðhl_y_18_ára); //if (AthlComp.Reikna_unglingastig == 1) //{ // ReiknaUnglStig.Text = "Já"; //} //else //{ // ReiknaUnglStig.Text = "Nei"; //} ReiknaUnglStig.SelectedValue = AthlComp.Reikna_unglingastig.ToString(); //if (AthlComp.Reikna_IAAF_stig == 1) //{ // ReiknaIAAFStig.Text = "Já"; //} //else //{ // ReiknaIAAFStig.Text = "Nei"; //} ReiknaIAAFStig.SelectedValue = AthlComp.Reikna_IAAF_stig.ToString(); gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } Int32 NoOfDates = 0; ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "Allir dagar"; newItem.Value = "%"; //AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(gl.GetCompetitionCode()); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(result) + "%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; } if (AthlComp.Date2 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900.01.01")) { CompetitionDate2.Visible = true; CompetitionDate2.Text = AthlComp.Date2.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (AthlComp.Date3 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900.01.01")) { CompetitionDate3.Visible = true; CompetitionDate3.Text = AthlComp.Date3.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (AthlComp.dagsetning4 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900.01.01")) { CompetitionDate4.Visible = true; CompetitionDate4.Text = AthlComp.dagsetning4.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } HeitiMots.Focus(); } else { string SelNafn; SelNafn = gl.GetSelNafn(); SetupEvents.Visible = false; CopyEventsFromPrevComp.Visible = false; UpdateEventSetup.Visible = false; CompStatus.SelectedIndex = 1; Vista.Text = "Stofna"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); if (!IsPostBack) { var CurrAccLevlVar = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"]; if (CurrAccLevlVar == null) { string CurrUsrN = gl.GetCurrUsrName(); string CurrAccLevl = gl.GetCurrAccLev(); Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = CurrAccLevl; Session["CurrentUserName"] = CurrUsrN; } // AccessLevelText = "0" : Not logged in - Aðeins fyrirspurnir // AccessLevelText = "1" : Club Representative // AccessLevelText = "2" : Administrator // AccessLevelText = "3" : Can edit entry sheets // AccessLevelText = "4" : Competition Administrator NoOfEventLines = 0; CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string WrkCompCode = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((WrkCompCode != "") && (WrkCompCode != null)) { CompCode.Text = WrkCompCode; gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCode.Text); } AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); // ÓsamþykktAfFRÍ, // SamþykktAfFRÍ, // OpiðFyrirSkráningu, // LokaðFyrirSkráningu, // StendurYfir, // KeppniLokið bool ShowSaveValuesButton = false; if ((Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString() == "2") || (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString() == "3") || (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString() == "4") || (gl.UserCanUpdateMeet(CompCode.Text, Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString()) == 1)) //2 = Admin) { ShowSaveValuesButton = true; } if (AthlComp.Staða_móts == 5) { ShowSaveValuesButton = false; } SaveValues.Visible = ShowSaveValuesButton; CompName.Text = AthlComp.Name; CompDate1 = string.Format("{0:dd.MM.yyyy}", AthlComp.Date); for (int ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++) { CompetitionDateArr[ix] = null; CompetitionDateArrWithYear[ix] = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01"); } CompetitionDateArr[0] = ReturnIslWeekDayAndDDMM(AthlComp.Date); CompetitionDateArrWithYear[0] = AthlComp.Date; //ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //string.Format("{0:YYYY.MM.dd}", AthlComp.Date); NoOfDatesinCompetition = 1; if (AthlComp.Date2 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01")) { CompetitionDateArr[1] = ReturnIslWeekDayAndDDMM(AthlComp.Date2); CompetitionDateArrWithYear[1] = AthlComp.Date2; //ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // string.Format("{0:YYYY.MM.dd}", AthlComp.Date2); NoOfDatesinCompetition = 2; if (AthlComp.Date3 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01")) { CompetitionDateArr[2] = ReturnIslWeekDayAndDDMM(AthlComp.Date3); CompetitionDateArrWithYear[2] = AthlComp.Date3; //ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // string.Format("{0:YYYY.MM.dd}", AthlComp.Date3); NoOfDatesinCompetition = 3; if (AthlComp.dagsetning4 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01")) { CompetitionDateArr[3] = ReturnIslWeekDayAndDDMM(AthlComp.dagsetning4); CompetitionDateArrWithYear[3] = AthlComp.dagsetning4; //ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //string.Format("{0:YYYY.MM.dd}", AthlComp.dagsetning4); NoOfDatesinCompetition = 4; } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); if (IsPostBack) { if (SelAgeFrom.SelectedIndex != LastSelectedAgeGrFrom) { //Athuga þetta // LastSelectedAgeGrFrom = SelAgeFrom.SelectedIndex; // SelAgeTo.SelectedIndex = LastSelectedAgeGrFrom; } } else { Global Gl = new Global(); CompCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { //CompCodeText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(CompCodeText); CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); Int32 NoOfDates = 0; SelectDay.Items.Clear(); ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "Allir dagar"; newItem.Value = "%"; SelectDay.Items.Add(newItem); //AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(Gl.GetCompetitionCode()); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); DateTime CompD = Convert.ToDateTime(result.ToString()); newItem.Value = CompD.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd"); //Convert.ToString(result) + "%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; SelectDay.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfDates <= 1) { SelectDay.Visible = false; SelectDayLabel.Visible = false; } Int32 NoOfAgeGroups = 0; NoOfAgeGroupsInArr = 0; SelAgeFrom.Items.Clear(); SelAgeTo.Items.Clear(); var CompetitonAgeFromAndAgeTo = AthlEnt.ReturnCompAgeFromAndAgeTo(CompCodeText); foreach (var AgeFrAndAgeTo in CompetitonAgeFromAndAgeTo) { NoOfAgeGroups = NoOfAgeGroups + 1; NoOfAgeGroupsInArr = NoOfAgeGroupsInArr + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(AgeFrAndAgeTo.AgeFromText); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(AgeFrAndAgeTo.AgeFromValue); AgeGroupFrom[NoOfAgeGroupsInArr] = newItem.Value.ToString(); SelAgeFrom.Items.Add(newItem); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(AgeFrAndAgeTo.AgeToText); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(AgeFrAndAgeTo.AgeToValue); AgeGroupTo[NoOfAgeGroupsInArr] = newItem.Value.ToString(); SelAgeTo.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfAgeGroups <= 1) { SelAgeFrom.Visible = false; AgeFromLabel.Visible = false; SelAgeTo.Visible = false; AgeToLabel.Visible = false; } LastSelectedAgeGrFrom = 1; if (AthlComp.Code != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } if (AthlComp.CompetitonType == 0) //Road Race { SelMaxLinesLabel.Visible = false; MaxNoOfLines.Visible = false; MaxNoOfLines.Text = "99999"; SelectDayLabel.Visible = false; SelectDay.Visible = false; SelectDay.Text = "%"; } // Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = ""; } } LinkToPage.Text = "" + CompCode.Text; Events.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionEvents.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; Competitors.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionCompetitors.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; MedalTable.NavigateUrl = "~/MedalTable.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStanding.NavigateUrl = "~/Points.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStandingMIYngri.NavigateUrl = "~/PointsStandingMIYngri.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; TopPerfByIAAFPts.NavigateUrl = "~/TopPerfByIAAFPts.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; RecordsPbsAndSbs.NavigateUrl = "~/RecordsPersonalBestSeasonBests.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; if ((CompCode.Text == "") || (CompCode.Text == null)) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name + " - " + AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString() + " - " + AthlComp.Location; // if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 5) //Meistaramót Íslands m IAAF stigum if ((AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 1) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 2) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 5)) //Aldurfl, Bikar eða Meistaramót Íslands m IAAF stigum { PointsStanding.Visible = true; } else { PointsStanding.Visible = false; } if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 3) { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = true; } else { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = false; } string AccessLevelText = ""; if (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] == null) { AccessLevelText = "0"; } else { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); } if (AccessLevelText == "0") { YourCompetitors.Visible = false; YourCompetitorsLabel.Visible = false; } if (AthlComp.Reikna_IAAF_stig == 1) { TopPerfByIAAFPts.Visible = true; } else { TopPerfByIAAFPts.Visible = false; } if ((AthlComp.CompetitonType == 0) || (AthlComp.Date.Year < 2015)) { RecordsPbsAndSbs.Visible = false; } } }
protected void LoadCompetitorsPage() { AthleticsEntities1 Athl = new AthleticsEntities1(); Global gl = new Global(); string CompCode = ""; CompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode); Int32 CurrentAccessLevel = 0; string ClubList = ""; Int32 CurrLblNo = 0; Int32 CurrChkBoxNo = 0; Int32 CurrLineNo = 0; Int32 CurrTabIndex = 0; Int32 NoEventsInAgeGr = 0; string CurrAgeGroupCode = ""; Int32[] EventLineArr = new Int32[50]; AmountPrIndividualEvent = AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein; AmountPrRelayTeam = AthlComp.Skráningargjld_f__boðhlaup; AmountPrIndividualUnder18 = AthlComp.Skráningargj__yngri_en_18_ára; AmountPrRelayTeamUnder18 = AthlComp.Skráningargj__f_boðhl_y_18_ára; string RegistrationInfo; if (AmountPrIndividualUnder18 == 0) { AmountPrIndividualUnder18 = AmountPrIndividualEvent; } if (AmountPrRelayTeamUnder18 == 0) { AmountPrRelayTeamUnder18 = AmountPrRelayTeam; } CompetitonName.Text = gl.GetGlobalValue("CompetitionName"); string CurrentAccessLevelStr = "0"; string CurrentUserName = Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString(); if (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] != null) { CurrentAccessLevelStr = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); } if (CurrentAccessLevelStr != "") { CurrentAccessLevel = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentAccessLevelStr); } if ((CurrentUserName == "") || (CurrentAccessLevel == 0)) { Message.Text = "Þú verður að skrá þig inn - ekki er hægt að birta keppendur þína fyrr."; return; } else { if (CurrentAccessLevel == 2) { ClubCode.Text = "Administrator: Keppendur frá öllum félögum"; } else { if (CurrentAccessLevel == 1) { var ClubsForUsr = Athl.ClubsForUser(CurrentUserName); foreach (var ClubInUserClubs in ClubsForUsr) { if (ClubList == "") { ClubList = ClubInUserClubs.Club.ToString(); } else { ClubList = ClubList + ", " + ClubInUserClubs.Club.ToString(); } } ClubCode.Text = ClubList; } } var AgeGroupsAndEvents = Athl.CompetitionAgeGroupsAndEvents(CompCode, 0).ToList(); //Athuga með að birta boðhlaupssveitirnar!!! var CompetitorsPrClubPrAgeGroup = Athl.CompetitorsAndRegistrationInCompetition2(CompCode, CurrentUserName).ToList(); // CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 10000; TotalAmtPrClub = 0; TotalAmtPrClubUnder18 = 0; NoOfCompetitorsPrClub = 0; NoOfCompetitorsPrClubUnder18 = 0; foreach (var AgeGAndEv in AgeGroupsAndEvents) { CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; CurrAgeGroupCode = AgeGAndEv.AgeGr; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupName, "500px", "left", "x-large"); NoEventsInAgeGr = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.NoOfEvents.ToString()); for (int Ixxx = 1; Ixxx <= 30; Ixxx++) { EventLineArr[Ixxx] = 0; } for (int IEvNo = 1; IEvNo <= NoEventsInAgeGr; IEvNo++) { CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; switch (IEvNo) { case 1: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine01.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event01.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine01); break; case 2: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine02.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event02.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine02); break; case 3: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine03.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event03.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine03); break; case 4: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine04.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event04.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine04); break; case 5: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine05.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event05.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine05); break; case 6: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine06.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event06.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine06); break; case 7: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine07.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event07.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine07); break; case 8: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine08.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event08.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine08); break; case 9: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine09.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event09.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine09); break; case 10: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine10.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event10.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine10); break; case 11: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine11.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event11.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine11); break; case 12: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine12.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event12.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine12); break; case 13: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine13.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event13.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine13); break; case 14: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine14.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event14.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine14); break; case 15: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine15.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event15.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine15); break; case 16: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine16.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event16.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine16); break; case 17: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine17.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event17.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine17); break; case 18: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine18.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event18.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine18); break; case 19: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine19.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event19.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine19); break; case 20: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine20.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event20.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine20); break; case 21: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine21.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event21.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine21); break; case 22: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine22.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event22.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine22); break; case 23: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine23.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event23.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine23); break; case 24: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine24.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event24.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine24); break; case 25: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine25.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event25.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine25); break; case 26: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine26.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event26.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine26); break; case 27: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine27.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event27.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine27); break; case 28: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine28.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event28.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine28); break; case 29: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine29.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event29.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine29); break; case 30: AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, IEvNo, AgeGAndEv.EventLine30.ToString(), AgeGAndEv.Event30.ToString(), "49px", "center", 0, true, false); EventLineArr[IEvNo] = Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.EventLine30); break; } } PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); TotalAmtPrAgeGroup = 0; NoOfCompetitorsPrAgeGroup = 0; NoOfRegistrationsIndividuals = 0; NoOfRegistrationsIndividualsUnder18 = 0; foreach (var CompPrClub in CompetitorsPrClubPrAgeGroup) { if (CompPrClub.AgeGroup == AgeGAndEv.AgeGr) { NoOfCompetitorsPrAgeGroup = NoOfCompetitorsPrAgeGroup + 1; NoOfCompetitorsPrClub = NoOfCompetitorsPrClub + 1; CurrChkBoxNo = 0; Int32 CompBibNo = Convert.ToInt32(CompPrClub.BibNo); string CompName = CompPrClub.Name.ToString(); string CompClub = CompPrClub.Club.ToString(); string CompAgeGr = CompPrClub.AgeGroup.ToString(); string CompAge = CompPrClub.Age.ToString(); if (Convert.ToInt32(CompAge) < 18) { NoOfCompetitorsPrClubUnder18 = NoOfCompetitorsPrClubUnder18 + 1; } string CompBirthYear = CompPrClub.BirthYear.ToString(); string DateOfBirthText = CompPrClub.BirthDateText; if (DateOfBirthText == "") { DateOfBirthText = CompBirthYear; } CurrLineNo = CurrLineNo + 1; CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLblNo, 0, "BibNo", CompBibNo.ToString(), "40px", "right", 0, true, true); CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, "", "10px", "right", ""); CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, CompName, "200px", "left", ""); CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, "", "10px", "right", ""); CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, DateOfBirthText, "100px", "right", ""); //CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; //AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, CompBirthYear, "40px", "right", ""); CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, CompAge, "40px", "right", ""); CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, "", "10px", "right", ""); CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, CompClub, "80px", "left", ""); CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, "", "8px", "right", ""); // CurrLblNo = CurrLblNo + 1; // AddLabelWithFontSize(CurrLblNo, CompAgeGr, "65px", "right", ""); for (int Ickb = 1; Ickb <= NoEventsInAgeGr; Ickb++) { CurrChkBoxNo = CurrChkBoxNo + 1; CurrTabIndex = CurrTabIndex + 1; switch (Ickb) { case 1: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[1], CompPrClub.Eve01.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve01.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType01)); break; case 2: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[2], CompPrClub.Eve02.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve02.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType02)); break; case 3: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[3], CompPrClub.Eve03.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve03.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType03)); break; case 4: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[4], CompPrClub.Eve04.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve04.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType04)); break; case 5: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[5], CompPrClub.Eve05.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve05.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType05)); break; case 6: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[6], CompPrClub.Eve06.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve06.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType06)); break; case 7: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[7], CompPrClub.Eve07.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve07.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType07)); break; case 8: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[8], CompPrClub.Eve08.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve08.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType08)); break; case 9: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[9], CompPrClub.Eve09.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve09.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType09)); break; case 10: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[10], CompPrClub.Eve10.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve10.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType10)); break; case 11: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[11], CompPrClub.Eve11.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve11.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType11)); break; case 12: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[12], CompPrClub.Eve12.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve12.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType12)); break; case 13: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[13], CompPrClub.Eve13.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve13.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType13)); break; case 14: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[14], CompPrClub.Eve14.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve14.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType14)); break; case 15: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[15], CompPrClub.Eve15.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve15.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType15)); break; case 16: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[16], CompPrClub.Eve16.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve16.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType16)); break; case 17: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[17], CompPrClub.Eve17.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve17.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType17)); break; case 18: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[18], CompPrClub.Eve18.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve18.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType18)); break; case 19: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[19], CompPrClub.Eve19.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve19.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType19)); break; case 20: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[20], CompPrClub.Eve20.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve20.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType20)); break; case 21: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[21], CompPrClub.Eve21.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve21.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType21)); break; case 22: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[22], CompPrClub.Eve22.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve22.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType22)); break; case 23: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[23], CompPrClub.Eve23.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve23.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType23)); break; case 24: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[24], CompPrClub.Eve24.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve24.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType24)); break; case 25: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[25], CompPrClub.Eve25.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve25.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType25)); break; case 26: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[26], CompPrClub.Eve26.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve26.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType26)); break; case 27: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[27], CompPrClub.Eve27.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve27.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType27)); break; case 28: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[28], CompPrClub.Eve28.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve28.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType28)); break; case 29: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[29], CompPrClub.Eve29.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve29.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType29)); break; case 30: AddCheckBox(CompPrClub.BibNo.ToString(), EventLineArr[30], CompPrClub.Eve30.ToString(), "51px", CurrTabIndex, false); UpdateTotals(CompPrClub.Eve30.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.AgeGroupAgeTo), Convert.ToInt32(AgeGAndEv.DetailedEventType30)); break; } } PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); //Message.Text = "No of Controls: " + PH1.Controls.Count.ToString(); } } CurrLineNo = CurrLineNo + 1; RegistrationInfo = ""; if (NoOfRegistrationsIndividuals > 0) { RegistrationInfo = " Samtals skráningar: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", NoOfRegistrationsIndividuals); } if (NoOfRegistrationsIndividualsUnder18 > 0) { RegistrationInfo = RegistrationInfo + " " + " Samtals skráningar 17 og yngri: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", NoOfRegistrationsIndividualsUnder18); } AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, "TotPrAgeGr", "Samtals keppendur: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", NoOfCompetitorsPrAgeGroup) + RegistrationInfo + " Samtals skráningargjöld: " + string.Format("{0:N2}", TotalAmtPrAgeGroup), "1000px", "left", CurrLineNo, true, true); PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); } PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); CurrLineNo = CurrLineNo + 1; RegistrationInfo = ""; if (TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividualsUnder18 == 0) { AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, "TotClub1", "Samtals keppendur: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", NoOfCompetitorsPrClub) + " Fjöldi skráninga: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividuals) + " Samtals skráningargjöld: " + string.Format("{0:N2}", TotalAmtPrClub), "1000px", "left", CurrLineNo, true, true); PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); } else { AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, "TotClubU18", "Samtals keppendur 17 og yngri: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", NoOfCompetitorsPrClubUnder18) + " Fjöldi skráninga: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividualsUnder18) + " Samtals skráningargjöld: " + string.Format("{0:N2}", TotalAmtPrClubUnder18), "1000px", "left", CurrLineNo, true, true); PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); RegistrationInfo = RegistrationInfo + " 18 ára og eldri"; if (TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividuals > 0) { //RegistrationInfo = " Samtals skráningar: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividuals); AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, "TotClub", "Samtals keppendur" + RegistrationInfo + ": " + string.Format("{0:N0}", NoOfCompetitorsPrClub - NoOfCompetitorsPrClubUnder18) + " Fjöldi skráninga: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividuals) + " Samtals skráningargjöld: " + string.Format("{0:N2}", TotalAmtPrClub - TotalAmtPrClubUnder18), "1000px", "left", CurrLineNo, true, true); PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, "TotClub2", "Heildarfjöldi keppenda:" + string.Format("{0:N0}", NoOfCompetitorsPrClub) + " Fjöldi skráninga: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividuals + TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividualsUnder18) + " Samtals skráningargjöld: " + string.Format("{0:N2}", TotalAmtPrClub), "1000px", "left", CurrLineNo, true, true); PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); } } //if (TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividualsUnder18 > 0) //{ // RegistrationInfo = RegistrationInfo + " " + // " Samtals skráningar 17 og yngri: " + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalNoOfRegistrationsIndividualsUnder18); //} //AddTextBoxWithBorderStyle(CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, CurrLineNo, "TotPrAgeGr", "Samtals keppendur: " + // string.Format("{0:N0}", NoOfCompetitorsPrClub) + " Samtals skráningargjöld: " + RegistrationInfo + // string.Format("{0:N2}", TotalAmtPrClub - Tot), "1000px", "left", CurrLineNo, true, true); //PH1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); CompCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string SelectedClubText = Gl.GetGlobalValue("ShowForClub"); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name + " - " + AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString() + " - " + AthlComp.Location; AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); CurrentUserName.Text = Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString(); ObjectParameter CurrAccLevelParam; CurrAccLevelParam = new ObjectParameter("CurrentAccessLevel", typeof(global::System.String)); ObjectParameter CanEnterScoresParam; CanEnterScoresParam = new ObjectParameter("CanEnterScores", typeof(global::System.String)); // ObjectParameter CurrAccLevelParam = new ObjectParameter("CurrentAccessLevel", ""); // ObjectParameter CanEnterScoresParam = new ObjectParameter("CanEnterScores", ""); AthlEnt.GetAccessLevel(CurrentUserName.Text, CompCode.Text, CurrAccLevelParam, CanEnterScoresParam); string CompetitionAccessLevel = CurrAccLevelParam.Value.ToString(); var CurrAccLevlVar = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"]; if (CurrAccLevlVar == null) { string CurrUsrN = Gl.GetCurrUsrName(); string CurrAccLevl = Gl.GetCurrAccLev(); if ((CurrUsrN == null) || (CurrAccLevl == null)) { string msg = "Sessionin þín er útrunnin. Þú verður að ská þig inn aaftur"; Response.Write("<script>alert('" + msg + "')</script>"); } Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = CurrAccLevl; Session["CurrentUserName"] = CurrUsrN; } //StaðaM 3=Lokað f skrán, 5=Lokið //CurrAccL 2=Admin,3=Can Edit Sheets, 4=Comp Admin string CurrAccLev = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = CurrAccLev; //string UserAcclevelToCompetition = ""; //ObjectParameter NewUserAccessTxt; //NewUserAccessTxt = new ObjectParameter("NewUserAccessTxt", typeof(global::System.String)); //AthlEnt.GetUserAccessToCompetition(AthlComp.Code, CurrentUserName.Text, NewUserAccessTxt); //UserAcclevelToCompetition = NewUserAccessTxt.ToString(); if ((AthlComp.Staða_móts == 2) || ((CurrAccLev == "2") && (AthlComp.Staða_móts != 5)) || ((CurrAccLev == "3") && (AthlComp.Staða_móts != 5)) || ((CurrAccLev == "4") && (AthlComp.Staða_móts != 5)) || ((CompetitionAccessLevel == "2") && (AthlComp.Staða_móts != 5))) { NewRegistration.Visible = true; NewRegLabel.Visible = true; NewCompetitors.Visible = true; CompWithRegLabel.Visible = true; } else { NewRegistration.Visible = false; NewRegLabel.Visible = false; NewCompetitors.Visible = false; CompWithRegLabel.Visible = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "*Öll þín félög"; newItem.Value = "%" + CurrentUserName.Text; SelectClubDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); } else { RegisterRelayTeams.NavigateUrl = "~/RegisterRelay.aspx?Club=" + SelectClubDropDown.SelectedValue.ToString(); } if ((SelectedClubText != null) && (SelectedClubText != "")) { SelectClubDropDown.SelectedValue = SelectedClubText; Gl.SetGlobalValue("ShowForClub", ""); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global Gl = new Global(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); if (AthlComp.Code != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); CompCode.Text = AthlComp.Code; Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } //Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = ""; } } CompCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); Events.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionEvents.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; CompetitionResults.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionResults.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStanding.NavigateUrl = "~/Points.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStandingMIYngri.NavigateUrl = "~/PointsStandingMIYngri.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; if ((CompCode.Text == "") || (CompCode.Text == null)) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name + " - " + AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString() + " - " + AthlComp.Location; if ((AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 1) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 2) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 5)) //Yngri, bikar eða Meistaramót Íslands m IAAF stigum { PointsStanding.Visible = true; } else { PointsStanding.Visible = false; } if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 3) { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = true; } else { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = false; } if (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] == null) { Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = "0"; } AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if (!IsPostBack) { LinkToPage.Text = "" + CompCode.Text; AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if (AccessLevelText == "0") { //AddCompeitors.Visible = false; YourCompetitors.Visible = false; YourCompetitorsLabel.Visible = false; CoachPage.Visible = false; CoachPageLabel.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); if (IsPostBack == false) { string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); string EventLineNoText = Request.QueryString.Get("LineNo"); if ((CompCodeText != "") && (EventLineNoText != "")) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; EventLineNo.Text = EventLineNoText; Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionLanguage = AthlComp.tungumal; CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name; Int32 EventLin = Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo.Text); AthlEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode.Text, EventLin); if (AthlComp.tungumal == 0) { EventName.Text = AthlEvent.heitigreinar; } else { EventName.Text = AthlEvent.heitigreinar + " - " + AthlEvent.ensktheitigreinar; } if (AthlComp.tungumal == 0) { if (AthlEvent.sigurvegariifyrra != "") { AdditionalInfo1.Text = "Sigurv. í fyrra: " + AthlEvent.sigurvegariifyrra + " " + AthlEvent.arangurifyrra; } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi != "") { MeetRec1.Text = "Mótsmet: " + AthlEvent.motsmet + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa; // +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets.ToString("yyyy"); } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi2 != "") { MeetRec2.Text = "Mótsmet: " + AthlEvent.motsmet2 + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi2 + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa2;// +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets2.ToString("yyyy"); } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi3 != "") { MeetRec3.Text = "Mótsmet: " + AthlEvent.motsmet3 + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi3 + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa3; // +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets3.ToString("yyyy"); } } if (AthlComp.tungumal == 1) { if (AthlEvent.sigurvegariifyrra != "") { AdditionalInfo1.Text = "Winner last year " + AthlEvent.sigurvegariifyrra + " " + AthlEvent.arangurifyrra; } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi != "") { MeetRec1.Text = "Games Record: " + AthlEvent.motsmet + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa; // +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets.ToString("yyyy"); } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi2 != "") { MeetRec2.Text = "Games Record: " + AthlEvent.motsmet2 + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi2 + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa2; // +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets2.ToString("yyyy"); } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi3 != "") { MeetRec3.Text = "Games Record: " + AthlEvent.motsmet3 + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi3 + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa3; // +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets3.ToString("yyyy"); } } if (AthlComp.tungumal == 2) { if (AthlEvent.sigurvegariifyrra != "") { AdditionalInfo1.Text = "Sigurv í fyrra/Winner last year: " + AthlEvent.sigurvegariifyrra + " " + AthlEvent.arangurifyrra; } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi != "") { MeetRec1.Text = "Mótsmet/Games Record: " + AthlEvent.motsmet + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa; // +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets.ToString("yyyy"); } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi2 != "") { MeetRec2.Text = "Mótsme/Games Record: " + AthlEvent.motsmet2 + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi2 + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa2; // +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets2.ToString("yyyy"); } if (AthlEvent.motsmetshafi3 != "") { MeetRec3.Text = "Mótsmet/Games Record: " + AthlEvent.motsmet3 + " " + AthlEvent.motsmetshafi3 + ", " + AthlEvent.felagmotsmetshafa3; // +" " + AthlEvent.dagsetningmotsmets3.ToString("yyyy"); } } if (AthlEvent.tegundgreinar == 1) //Track Event { TrackEventGridView.Visible = true; FieldEventGridView.Visible = false; } else { TrackEventGridView.Visible = false; FieldEventGridView.Visible = true; } } } }
protected void VistaNyttMot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); bool reiknaungl = false; bool reiknaIAAF = false; DateTime Dags; bool dagsOk = false; Int16 tegstigak = -1; string valinnv = ""; if (HeitiMots.Text == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú verður að fylla út heiti mótsins"; return; } if (EnsktHeiti.Text == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú ættir að fylla út enska heiti mótsins"; //return; } dagsOk = DateTime.TryParse(Dagsetning.Text, out Dags); if (!dagsOk) { Message.Text = "Dagsetning er ekki í lagi."; return; } valinnv = Convert.ToString(Vellir.SelectedValue); if (valinnv == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú verður að velja keppnisvöllinn"; return; } if (Motshaldari.Text == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú verður að fylla út upplýsingar um mótshaldarann"; return; } if (Yfirdomari.Text == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú ættir að fylla út heiti yfirdómarans"; //return; } if (SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text == String.Empty) { SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text = "0"; } if (SkranGjPrBodhl.Text == String.Empty) { SkranGjPrBodhl.Text = "0"; } if (ReiknaUnglStig.SelectedValue == "1") { reiknaungl = true; } else { reiknaungl = false; } if (ReiknaIAAFStig.SelectedValue == "1") { reiknaIAAF = true; } else { reiknaIAAF = false; } tegstigak = Convert.ToInt16(TegundStigakeppni.SelectedValue.ToString()); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); if (CompetitionCode.Text == "") { AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.InitAthlComp(); } else { AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompetitionCode.Text); } AthlComp.Name = HeitiMots.Text; AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti = EnsktHeiti.Text; AthlComp.Date = Dags; AthlComp.keppnisvollur = valinnv; AthlComp.Location = Stadur.Text; if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "Utanhúss") { AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors = 0; } else { AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors = 1; } AthlComp.Organizer = Motshaldari.Text.ToUpper(); AthlComp.Judge = Yfirdomari.Text; AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein = Convert.ToDecimal(SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text); AthlComp.Skráningargjld_f__boðhlaup = Convert.ToDecimal(SkranGjPrBodhl.Text); AthlComp.Skráningargj__yngri_en_18_ára = Convert.ToDecimal(SkranGjPrGreinU18.Text); AthlComp.Skráningargj__f_boðhl_y_18_ára = Convert.ToDecimal(SkranGjPrBodhlU18.Text); AthlComp.Reikna_unglingastig = Convert.ToByte(reiknaungl); AthlComp.Reikna_IAAF_stig = Convert.ToByte(reiknaIAAF); AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni = tegstigak; AthlComp.CompetitonType = 1; //Hlaup = 0, Mót = 1 if (CompetitionCode.Text == "") { CompetitionCode.Text = AthlCompCRUD.InsertNewRec(AthlComp); } else { AthlCompCRUD.UpdateRec(AthlComp); } Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); }
protected void RelaysGrid_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); string CommandN = e.CommandName; string CommandArg = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string[] EventNoAndBib = CommandArg.Split(';'); if (CommandN == "DeleteTeam") { // <script type="text/javascript"> // function myTestFunction() // { // if (confirm('Do you want to proceed ?')) // { // return true; // } // else // { // return false; // } // } //</script> // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "confirm", // "myTestFunction();", true); //Hér vantar confirm Yes No !!! AthlEnt.DeleteCompetitorInEvent(CompCode.Text, Convert.ToInt32(EventNoAndBib[0]), Convert.ToInt32(EventNoAndBib[1])); //Eyða þarf Skipan boðhlaupssveitar hér AthlEnt.DeleteCompetitorInComp(CompCode.Text, CommandArg[1]); Response.Redirect("RegisterRelay.aspx"); } if (CommandN == "Runners") { Gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCode.Text); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EventLineNo", EventNoAndBib[0]); Gl.SetGlobalValue("SelectedClub", ClubDropDown.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("RelayTeamName", EventNoAndBib[2]); Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitorBibNo", EventNoAndBib[1]); Response.Redirect("RelayTeamNames.aspx"); } Int32 EventLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(EventNoAndBib[0]); //e.CommandArgument); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); Athl_Competition AthlCompetition = new Athl_Competition(); Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition AthlCompInComp = new Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition(); Athl_CompetitorsInEvent AthlCompInEv = new Athl_CompetitorsInEvent(); var RelayInfoDs = AthlEnt.PrepareToRegisterNewRelayTeam( CompCode.Text, EventLineNo, ClubDropDown.SelectedValue.ToString()); /// NewBibNoOut, GenderOut, TeamNameOut, YearOfBirthOut); Int32 NewBibNo = 0; Int32 Gender = 0; string TeamName = ""; Int32 YearOfBirth = 0; Int32 LastLineNoInEvent = 0; foreach (var RelayInfoRec in RelayInfoDs) { NewBibNo = Convert.ToInt32(RelayInfoRec.NewBibNoOut.ToString()); Gender = Convert.ToInt32(RelayInfoRec.GenderOut.ToString()); TeamName = RelayInfoRec.TeamNameOut.ToString(); YearOfBirth = Convert.ToInt32(RelayInfoRec.YearOfBirthOut.ToString()); LastLineNoInEvent = Convert.ToInt32(RelayInfoRec.LastLineNoInEvent.ToString()); } AthlEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode.Text, EventLineNo); AthlCompetition = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); AthlCompInComp = AthlCRUD.InitCompetitorInComp(); AthlCompInComp.mot = CompCode.Text; AthlCompInComp.rasnumer = NewBibNo; AthlCompInComp.kyn = Gender; AthlCompInComp.nafn = TeamName; AthlCompInComp.faedingarar = YearOfBirth; AthlCompInComp.felag = ClubDropDown.SelectedValue.ToString(); AthlCompInComp.aldurkeppanda = AthlCompetition.Date.Year - YearOfBirth; AthlCompInComp.bodhlaupssveit = 1; AthlCRUD.InsertCompetitorInCompetition(AthlCompInComp); AthlCompInEv = AthlCRUD.InitCompetitorInEvent(); AthlCompInEv.mot = CompCode.Text; AthlCompInEv.greinarnumer = EventLineNo; AthlCompInEv.rasnumer = NewBibNo; AthlCompInEv.nafn = TeamName; AthlCompInEv.faedingarar = YearOfBirth; AthlCompInEv.felag = ClubDropDown.SelectedValue.ToString(); AthlCRUD.RegisterCompetitorInEvent(CompCode.Text, AthlEvent, NewBibNo, AthlCompInComp, 0, 0); Response.Redirect("RegisterRelay.aspx?Club=" + ClubDropDown.SelectedValue.ToString()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); if (IsPostBack) { Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVEventStat", EventStat.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVGenderFilter", GenderFilter.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVSelectedDate", SelectDay.SelectedValue.ToString()); } if (IsPostBack == false) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); var CompCodeForScoreboard = new ObjectParameter("compCodeForScorb", typeof(global::System.String)); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); int RetValue = 0; RetValue = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionForScoreb(CompCodeForScoreboard); CompCode.Text = CompCodeForScoreboard.Value.ToString(); Athl_Competition AthlCompetitionRecord = new Athl_Competition(); AthlCompetitionRecord = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompName.Text = AthlCompetitionRecord.Name; Int32 NoOfDates = 0; ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(CompCode.Text); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(result); // +"%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; SelectDay.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfDates <= 1) { SelectDay.Visible = false; SelDayLabel.Visible = false; } else { SelectDay.Visible = true; SelDayLabel.Visible = true; } string SelectedEventStatus = Gl.GetGlobalValue("TVEventStat"); string SelectedGenderFilter = Gl.GetGlobalValue("TVGenderFilter"); string SelectedEventDate = Gl.GetGlobalValue("TVSelectedDate"); if ((SelectedEventStatus == "") && (SelectedGenderFilter == "") && (SelectedEventDate == "")) { Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVEventStat", EventStat.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVGenderFilter", GenderFilter.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVSelectedDate", SelectDay.SelectedValue.ToString()); } else { EventStat.SelectedValue = SelectedEventStatus; GenderFilter.SelectedValue = SelectedGenderFilter; SelectDay.SelectedValue = SelectedEventDate; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global gl = new Global(); DateTime FirstD; DateTime LastD; DateTime CurrentDateAndTime = DateTime.Now; string EventDateTim; string CompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); //string EventLineNo = gl.GetCompetitionEventNo(); if (CompCode == "") { CompCode = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); } string EventLineNo = Request.QueryString.Get("Event"); string HeatNumberFilter = ""; CompetitionVenue.Text = gl.GetCompetitionVenue(); Int32 EvNo = Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo); AthlCompEventRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode, EvNo); //if (!IsPostBack) //{ // HeatNoFilter.Text = gl.GetGlobalValue("HeatNumberFilter"); //} //CompetitionName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); AthlCompetition = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode); CompetitionName.Text = AthlCompetition.Name; EventDateTim = gl.ReturnEventDateAndTime(CompCode, EvNo); if (AthlCompetition.tungumal == 0) //Icelandic { CompetitionEventName.Text = AthlCompEventRec.heitigreinar + " - " + EventDateTim; } else { CompetitionEventName.Text = AthlCompEventRec.heitigreinar + " - " + AthlCompEventRec.ensktheitigreinar + " - " + EventDateTim; } //string QryStr = Request.QueryString.Get("HeatNoFilter"); //if (QryStr != null) //{ // HeatNumberFilter = QryStr; // HeatNoFilter.Text = QryStr; // if (HeatNumberFilter != "%") // { // CompetitionEventName.Text = CompetitionEventName.Text + " - Riðill " + HeatNumberFilter; ; // } //} DateAndTime.Text = "Pr.: " + CurrentDateAndTime.ToString(); var CompetitionDatesRec = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionDates(CompCode); foreach (var CompDatesRec in CompetitionDatesRec) //There is only one record here { FirstD = Convert.ToDateTime(CompDatesRec.FirstDate); LastD = Convert.ToDateTime(CompDatesRec.LastDate); if (FirstD == LastD) { CompetitionDates.Text = FirstD.ToString("d"); } else { CompetitionDates.Text = FirstD.ToString("d") + " - " + LastD.ToString("d"); } } FillPage(CompCode, EvNo, AthlCompEventRec, HeatNumberFilter); }
protected void GridView3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { string[] WordsArray; string AgeGr; Int32 Gend; Int32 AgeFr; Int32 AgeTo; Int32 ColNo; Int32 TegundStigak = 0; string EventLineNoText = ""; bool UserIsSignedin = false; if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header) { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) { UserIsSignedin = false; //ModifyDateTime.Visible = false; SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible = false; } else { UserIsSignedin = true; AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); if (CompCode.Text != "") { AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); if (AthlComp.DisplayColumnForPrizeCeremony == 1) { SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible = true; } TegundStigak = AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni; } } ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "heitihtmlskrar"); ColNoForPrizeCeremony = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "tilkynnaverdlaunaafhendingu"); ColNoForPDFResults = ColNoForPrizeCeremony + 3; ColNoForStigagrein = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "stigagrein"); } if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { int RowIx = e.Row.RowIndex; EventLineNoText = GridView3.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[1].ToString(); ColNo = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "ShowCompetitors"); HyperLink hp = new HyperLink(); hp.Text = "Keppendur"; //e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Text; AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) { hp.NavigateUrl = "CompetitorsInEv.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text + "&LineNo=" + EventLineNoText; } else { hp.NavigateUrl = "UpdateEventResults.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNoText; } e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Controls.Add(hp); } if (TegundStigak == 0) { e.Row.Cells[ColNoForStigagrein].Visible = false; } if (SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible == false) { e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremony].Visible = false; e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremony + 1].Visible = false; } //WrkFileName = @"C:/Pdfs/" + CompCode.Text + @"/" + e.Row.Cells[ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar].Text; //WrkFileName = @"~/" + e.Row.Cells[ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar].Text; String path = Server.MapPath(@"~/" + e.Row.Cells[ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar].Text); //MyResources/PassedFileName.pdf"); //if (File.Exists(path)) e.Row.Cells[ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar].Visible = false; //if (File.Exists(WrkFileName)) ////if (File.Exists(path)) ////{ //// e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPDFResults].Visible = true; //// HyperLink hp = new HyperLink(); //// hp.Text = "."; //// hp.NavigateUrl = path; // WrkFileName; //// e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPDFResults].Controls.Add(hp); ////} ////else ////{ e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPDFResults].Visible = false; ////} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Global gl = new Global(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); CompetitionName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); AthlCompRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompDatesArr[1] = ""; CompDatesArr[2] = ""; CompDatesArr[3] = ""; SelectDay.Items.Clear(); Int32 NoOfDates = 0; ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "Allir dagar"; newItem.Value = "%"; SelectDay.Items.Add(newItem); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(CompCode.Text); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(result) + "%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; SelectDay.Items.Add(newItem); if (NoOfDates < 4) { CompDatesArr[NoOfDates] = Convert.ToString(result); } } if (NoOfDates <= 1) { SelectDayLabel.Visible = false; SelectDay.Visible = false; } else { SelectDayLabel.Visible = true; SelectDay.Visible = true; } Int32 NoOfAgeGroups = 0; NoOfAgeGroupsInArr = 0; SelAgeFrom.Items.Clear(); SelAgeTo.Items.Clear(); var CompetitonAgeFromAndAgeTo = AthlEnt.ReturnCompAgeFromAndAgeTo(CompCode.Text); foreach (var AgeFrAndAgeTo in CompetitonAgeFromAndAgeTo) { NoOfAgeGroups = NoOfAgeGroups + 1; NoOfAgeGroupsInArr = NoOfAgeGroupsInArr + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(AgeFrAndAgeTo.AgeFromText); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(AgeFrAndAgeTo.AgeFromValue); //AgeGroupFrom[NoOfAgeGroupsInArr] = newItem.Value.ToString(); SelAgeFrom.Items.Add(newItem); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(AgeFrAndAgeTo.AgeToText); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(AgeFrAndAgeTo.AgeToValue); //AgeGroupTo[NoOfAgeGroupsInArr] = newItem.Value.ToString(); SelAgeTo.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfAgeGroups <= 1) { SelAgeFrom.Visible = false; AgeFromLabel.Visible = false; SelAgeTo.Visible = false; AgeToLabel.Visible = false; } //LastSelectedAgeGrFrom = 1; } }