public void Deconvolve()
                var blockCount = shared.XExpl.Length / (shared.YBlockSize * shared.XBlockSize);
                //var blockCount = shared.ActiveSet.Count;
                float eta = 1.0f / blockCount;

                var beta = CalcESO(shared.ProcessorCount, shared.DegreeOfSeperability, blockCount);

                xDiffMax = 0.0f;
                var continueAsync = Thread.VolatileRead(ref shared.asyncFinished) == 0;

                for (int inner = 0; inner < shared.MaxConcurrentIterations & continueAsync; inner++)
                //for (int inner = 0; inner < shared.MaxConcurrentIterations; inner++)
                    continueAsync = Thread.VolatileRead(ref shared.asyncFinished) == 0;
                    var stepFactor  = (float)beta * Theta / shared.theta0;
                    var theta2      = Theta * Theta;
                    var blockIdx    = GetPseudoRandomBlock(stepFactor, theta2);
                    var blockSample = shared.ActiveSet[blockIdx];
                    var yOffset     = blockSample.Item1 * shared.YBlockSize;
                    var xOffset     = blockSample.Item2 * shared.XBlockSize;

                    var blockLipschitz = GetBlockLipschitz(shared.AMap, yOffset, xOffset, shared.YBlockSize, shared.XBlockSize);
                    var step           = blockLipschitz * stepFactor;

                    var correctionFactor = -(1.0f - Theta / shared.theta0) / theta2;

                    var updateSum    = 0.0f;
                    var updateAbsSum = 0.0f;
                    for (int y = yOffset; y < (yOffset + shared.YBlockSize); y++)
                        for (int x = xOffset; x < (xOffset + shared.XBlockSize); x++)
                            var xExpl  = Thread.VolatileRead(ref shared.XExpl[y, x]);
                            var update = theta2 * Thread.VolatileRead(ref shared.GCorr[y, x]) + Thread.VolatileRead(ref shared.GExpl[y, x]) + xExpl * step;
                            update = ElasticNet.ProximalOperator(update, step, shared.Lambda, shared.Alpha) - xExpl;
                            blockUpdate[y - yOffset, x - xOffset] = update;
                            updateSum     = update;
                            updateAbsSum += Math.Abs(update);

                    //update gradients
                    if (0.0f != updateAbsSum)
                        xDiffMax = Math.Max(xDiffMax, updateAbsSum);
                        AsyncRandom.UpdateBMaps(blockUpdate, blockSample.Item1, blockSample.Item2, shared.Psf2, shared.GExpl, shared.GCorr, correctionFactor);
                        var newXExplore = 0.0f;
                        var oldXExplore = 0.0f;
                        var oldXCorr    = 0.0f;
                        for (int y = yOffset; y < (yOffset + shared.YBlockSize); y++)
                            for (int x = xOffset; x < (xOffset + shared.XBlockSize); x++)
                                var update     = blockUpdate[y - yOffset, x - xOffset];
                                var oldExplore = shared.XExpl[y, x];    //does not need to be volatile, this index is blocked until this process is finished, and we already made sure with a volatile read that the latest value is in the cache

                                oldXExplore += shared.XExpl[y, x];
                                oldXCorr    += Thread.VolatileRead(ref shared.XCorr[y, x]);
                                newXExplore += oldExplore + update;

                                Thread.VolatileWrite(ref shared.XExpl[y, x], shared.XExpl[y, x] + update);
                                Thread.VolatileWrite(ref shared.XCorr[y, x], shared.XCorr[y, x] + update * correctionFactor);

                        //not 100% sure this is the correct generalization from single pixel thread rule to block rule
                        var testRestartUpdate = (updateSum) * (newXExplore - (theta2 * oldXCorr + oldXExplore));
                        AsyncRandom.ConcurrentUpdateTestRestart(ref shared.testRestart, eta, testRestartUpdate);

                    Thread.VolatileWrite(ref shared.BlockLock[blockIdx], 0);

                    if (useAcceleration)
                        Theta = (float)(Math.Sqrt((theta2 * theta2) + 4 * (theta2)) - theta2) / 2.0f;

                Thread.VolatileWrite(ref shared.asyncFinished, 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Deconvolver finished " + id + " " + iter);