void DespatchData(byte[] buff)
            if (_callback == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No callback to read data to");
                int processed = 0;
                while (processed < buff.Length)
                    var len = buff.Length - processed;
                    if (len > _callback.Size)
                        len = _callback.Size;

                    if (len > 0)
                        //No point shifting the target buffer as they always read from index 0
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buff, processed, _callback.Buffer, _callback.Offset, len);
                        _callback.Callback(_callback.State, len);

                        processed += len;
            catch (Exception e)
                var buffLength     = buff == null ? "<null>" : buff.Length.ToString();
                var callbackExists = _callback == null ? "<null>" : "yes";
                var cbBufferExists = _callback == null || _callback.Buffer == null ? "<null>" : "Nope";
                var cbOffset       = _callback == null ? "<null>" : _callback.Offset.ToString();
                var cbSize         = _callback == null ? "<null>" : _callback.Size.ToString();

                ProgramLog.Error.Log("Read exception caught.");
                ProgramLog.Error.Log("Debug Values: {0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", buffLength, callbackExists, cbBufferExists, cbOffset, cbSize);
                ProgramLog.Error.Log("Error: {0}", e);