Example #1
         * Auxiliary methods

         * Returns the list of all pending async acquires that can be satisfied with
         * the current number of permits owned by the semaphore.
         * Note: Tis method is called when the current thread owns the lock.
        private List <AsyncAcquire> SatisfyPendingAsyncAcquires()
            List <AsyncAcquire> satisfied = null;

            while (asyncAcquires.Count > 0)
                AsyncAcquire acquire = asyncAcquires.First.Value;
                // Check if available permits allow satisfy this request
                if (acquire.acquires > permits)
                // Remove the request from the queue
                // Try lock the request and complete it if succeeded
                if (acquire.TryLock())
                    permits -= acquire.acquires;
                    if (satisfied == null)
                        satisfied = new List <AsyncAcquire>(1);
     * Auxiliary methods

     * Returns the list of all pending async acquires that can be satisfied with
     * the number of permits currently owned by the semaphore.
     * Note: This method is called when the current thread owns the lock.
    private List <AsyncAcquire> SatisfyPendingAsyncAcquires()
        List <AsyncAcquire> satisfied = null;

        while (asyncAcquires.Count > 0)
            AsyncAcquire acquire = asyncAcquires.First.Value;
            // Check if available permits allow satisfy this async request
            if (acquire.acquires > permits)
            // Remove the async request from the queue

            // Update permits and mark acquire as done
            permits     -= acquire.acquires;
            acquire.done = true;
            // Add the async acquire to the result list
            if (satisfied == null)
                satisfied = new List <AsyncAcquire>(1);
Example #3
         * Asynchronous Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) interface.

         * Acquires one or more permits asynchronously enabling, optionally,
         * a timeout and/or cancellation.
        public Task <bool> AcquireAsync(int acquires             = 1, int timeout = Timeout.Infinite,
                                        CancellationToken cToken = default(CancellationToken))
            lock (theLock)
                if (asyncAcquires.Count == 0 && permits >= acquires)
                    permits -= acquires;
                // if the acquire was specified as immediate, return failure
                if (timeout == 0)

                // If a cancellation was already requested return a task in the Canceled state
                if (cToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    return(Task.FromCanceled <bool>(cToken));

                // Create a request node and insert it in requests queue
                AsyncAcquire acquire = new AsyncAcquire(acquires, cToken);
                LinkedListNode <AsyncAcquire> acquireNode = asyncAcquires.AddLast(acquire);

                 * Activate the specified cancelers owning the lock.

                 * Since the timeout handler, that runs on a thread pool's worker thread,
                 * acquires the lock before access the "acquirer.timer" and "acquirer.cTokenRegistration"
                 * these assignements will be visible to timer handler.
                if (timeout != Timeout.Infinite)
                    acquire.timer = new Timer(timeoutHandler, acquireNode, timeout, Timeout.Infinite);

                 * If the cancellation token is already in the canceled state, the cancellation
                 * handler will run immediately and synchronously, which *causes no damage* because
                 * this processing is terminal and the implicit locks can be acquired recursively.
                if (cToken.CanBeCanceled)
                    acquire.cTokenRegistration = cToken.Register(cancellationHandler, acquireNode);

                // Return the Task<bool> that represents the async acquire
     * Try to cancel an async acquire request
    private void AcquireCancellationHandler(object _acquireNode, bool canceling)
        LinkedListNode <AsyncAcquire> acquireNode = (LinkedListNode <AsyncAcquire>)_acquireNode;
        AsyncAcquire        acquire   = acquireNode.Value;
        bool                complete  = false;
        List <AsyncAcquire> satisfied = null;

        // To access shared mutable state we must acquire the lock
        lock (theLock) {
             * Here, the async request can be already satisfied or cancelled.
            if (!acquire.done)
                // Remove the async acquire request from queue and mark it as done.
                complete = acquire.done = true;

                // If after removing the async acquire is possible to satisfy any
                // pending async acquire(s) do it
                if (asyncAcquires.Count > 0 && permits >= asyncAcquires.First.Value.acquires)
                    satisfied = SatisfyPendingAsyncAcquires();

        // If we cancelled the async acquire, release the resources associated with it,
        // and complete the underlying task.
        if (complete)
            // Complete any satisfied async acquires
            if (satisfied != null)

            // Dispose the resources associated with the cancelled async acquire

            // Complete the TaskCompletionSource to RanToCompletion with false (timeout)
            // or Canceled final state (cancellation).
            if (canceling)
                acquire.SetCanceled();          // cancelled
                acquire.SetResult(false);                       // timeout
     *	Synchronous interface implemented using the asynchronous TAP interface.

     * Try to cancel an asynchronous acquire request identified by its task.
     * Note: This method is needed to implement the synchronous interface.
    private bool TryCancelAcquireAsyncByTask(Task <bool> acquireTask)
        AsyncAcquire        acquire   = null;
        List <AsyncAcquire> satisfied = null;

        // To access the shared mutable state we must acquire the lock
        lock (theLock) {
            foreach (AsyncAcquire _acquire in asyncAcquires)
                if (_acquire.Task == acquireTask)
                    acquire = _acquire;
                    acquire.done = true;
                    if (asyncAcquires.Count > 0 && permits >= asyncAcquires.First.Value.acquires)
                        satisfied = SatisfyPendingAsyncAcquires();
        // If we canceled the async acquire, process the cancellation
        if (acquire != null)
            // After release the lock, complete any satisfied acquires
            if (satisfied != null)

            // Dispose the resources associated with this async acquire and complete
            // its task to the Canceled state.
Example #6
         * Try to cancel an async acquire request
        private void AcquireCancellationHandler(object _acquireNode, bool canceling)
            LinkedListNode <AsyncAcquire> acquireNode = (LinkedListNode <AsyncAcquire>)_acquireNode;
            AsyncAcquire acquire = acquireNode.Value;

            if (acquire.TryLock())
                List <AsyncAcquire> satisfied = null;
                // To access shared mutable state we must acquire the lock
                lock (theLock)
                    if (acquireNode.List != null)
                    if (asyncAcquires.Count > 0 && permits >= asyncAcquires.First.Value.acquires)
                        satisfied = SatisfyPendingAsyncAcquires();
                // Complete the satisfied async acquires

                // Release the resources associated with the async acquire.

                // Complete the TaskCompletionSource to RanToCompletion (timeout)
                // or Canceled final state.
                if (canceling)
Example #7
         *	Synchronous interface implemented using the asynchronous TAP interface.

         * Try to cancel an asynchronous request identified by its task.
         * Note: This is used to implement the synchronous interface.
        private bool CancelAcquireByTask(Task <bool> acquireTask)
            AsyncAcquire        acquire   = null;
            List <AsyncAcquire> satisfied = null;

            // To access the shared mutable state we must acquire the lock
            lock (theLock)
                foreach (AsyncAcquire _acquire in asyncAcquires)
                    if (_acquire.Task == acquireTask)
                        if (_acquire.TryLock())
                            acquire = _acquire;
                // If the new state od semaphore allows waiting acquires, satisfy them
                if (asyncAcquires.Count > 0 && permits >= asyncAcquires.First.Value.acquires)
                    satisfied = SatisfyPendingAsyncAcquires();

            if (acquire != null)
                // Dispose the resources associated with this async acquire and complete
                // its task to the Canceled state.
            return(acquire != null);
     * Asynchronous Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) interface.

     * Acquires one or more permits asynchronously enabling, optionally,
     * a timeout and/or cancellation.
    public Task <bool> AcquireAsync(int acquires             = 1, int timeout = Timeout.Infinite,
                                    CancellationToken cToken = default(CancellationToken))
        // Validate the argument "acquires"
        if (acquires < 1 || acquires > maxPermits)
        lock (theLock) {
            // If the queue is empty ans sufficiente authorizations are available,
            // the acquire can be satisfied immediatelly; so, the field permits is
            // updated and a completed task is returned with a result of true.
            if (asyncAcquires.Count == 0 && permits >= acquires)
                permits -= acquires;
            // If the acquire was specified as immediate, return completed task with
            // a result of false, which means timeout.
            if (timeout == 0)

            // If the cancellation was already requested return a a completed task in
            // the Canceled state
            if (cToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(Task.FromCanceled <bool>(cToken));

            // Create a request node and insert it in requests queue
            AsyncAcquire acquire = new AsyncAcquire(acquires, cToken);
            LinkedListNode <AsyncAcquire> acquireNode = asyncAcquires.AddLast(acquire);

             * Activate the specified cancelers when owning the lock.

             * Since the timeout handler, that runs on a thread pool's worker thread,
             * that acquires the lock before access the fields "acquirer.timer" and
             * "acquirer.cTokenRegistration" these assignements will be visible to the
             * timeout handler.
            if (timeout != Timeout.Infinite)
                acquire.timer = new Timer(timeoutHandler, acquireNode, timeout, Timeout.Infinite);

             * If the cancellation token is already in the canceled state, the cancellation
             * handler will run immediately and synchronously, which *causes no damage* because
             * this processing is terminal and the implicit locks can be acquired recursively.
            if (cToken.CanBeCanceled)
                acquire.cTokenRegistration = cToken.Register(cancellationHandler, acquireNode);

            // Return the Task<bool> that represents the async acquire
Example #9
        public async Task <Acquire> AcquireAsync()
            AsyncAcquire acquire = new AsyncAcquire(this);

            return(await acquire.Open());