Example #1
        //(import (ironscheme clr))
        //(define malloc (pinvoke-call msvcrt malloc void* (uint32)))
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb)
            Cons   c   = args as Cons;
            string lib = Unquote(c.car);

            c = c.cdr as Cons;
            string proc = Unquote(c.car);

            c = c.cdr as Cons;
            Type returntype = GetFFIType(Unquote(c.car));

            c = c.cdr as Cons;

            List <Type> paramtypes = new List <Type>();

            while (c != null)
                c = c.cdr as Cons;

            CodeBlock call = GenerateInvoke(proc,
                                            a => PInvokeCall(lib, proc, returntype, paramtypes, a),

            return(Ast.Call(Closure_Make, Ast.CodeBlockExpression(call, false), Ast.Constant(paramtypes.Count)));
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            var refs = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

            object arg      = Builtins.First(args);
            object typespec = (Builtins.Second(args));

            Cons body = Builtins.Cdr(Builtins.Cdr(args)) as Cons;

            var returntype = ClrGenerator.ExtractTypeInfo(Builtins.List(quote, Builtins.Second(typespec)));

            CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(SpanHint, GetLambdaName(c), returntype);

            NameHint    = SymbolId.Empty;
            cb.Filename = LocationHint;
            cb.Parent   = c;

            bool isrest = AssignParameters(cb, arg, Builtins.Car(typespec));

            List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();

            FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);

            Type dt = GetDelegateType(cb);
            Type ct = GetClosureType(cb);

            Expression ex = Ast.New(ct.GetConstructor(new Type[] { dt }), Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, true, dt));


Example #3
 protected static Expression MakeClosure(CodeBlock cb, bool varargs, bool typed)
     if (varargs)
         return(Ast.SimpleCallHelper(Closure_MakeVarArgsX, Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, false, typed),
         return(Ast.SimpleCallHelper(Closure_Make, Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, false, typed), Ast.Constant(cb.ParameterCount)));
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            var ns = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

            Cons name = (args as Cons).car as Cons;

            bool isprogram = name == null;

            string[] fullname = Array.ConvertAll <object, string>(Builtins.ListToVector(name), SymbolToString);

            string n = string.Join(".", fullname);

            NameHint = SymbolTable.StringToId(n);
            CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(SpanHint, GetLambdaName(c));

            cb.IsGlobal = true;

            List <SymbolId>   vars        = new List <SymbolId>();
            List <Variable>   locals      = new List <Variable>();
            List <Expression> assignments = new List <Expression>();

            List <object> defs    = new List <object>();
            List <object> bodies  = new List <object>();
            List <object> sources = new List <object>();

            args = (args as Cons).cdr;

            Cons a = (args as Cons).car as Cons;

            while (a != null)
                Cons d = a.car as Cons;

                SymbolId v = (SymbolId)d.car;
                SymbolId l = (SymbolId)((Cons)d.cdr).car;
                locals.Add(Create(v, cb, typeof(object)));


                a = a.cdr as Cons;

#if DONE
            // pass 0 - record defs
            for (int i = 0; i < vars.Count; i++)
                if (IsMakeRecord(defs[i]))

                    Type type = CreateRecordType(defs[i] as Cons);
                    if (type != null)

            List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();

            // pass 1
            for (int i = 0; i < vars.Count; i++)
                bool annotated, typed;
                if (IsLambda(defs[i], out annotated, out typed))
                    Cons cl = defs[i] as Cons;

                    sources[i] = Copy(cl);

                    int depth = GetDepth(sources[i]);

                    if (depth > 10)
                        sources[i] = null;

                    if (annotated)
                        cl = cl.cdr as Cons;

                    if (cl.cdr != null)
                        if (((Cons)cl.cdr).cdr == null)
                            Cons bh = (Cons)((Cons)cl.cdr).car;

                            if (typed)
                                bh = bh.cdr as Cons;

                            Cons b = bh.cdr as Cons;
                            bh.cdr = new Cons(Builtins.FALSE);

                            List <Cons> cbs = new List <Cons>();

                            Cons cc = cl.cdr as Cons;

                            while (cc != null)
                                Cons bh = (Cons)cc.car;

                                if (typed)
                                    bh = bh.cdr as Cons;

                                Cons b = bh.cdr as Cons;
                                bh.cdr = new Cons(Builtins.FALSE);
                                cc = cc.cdr as Cons;


                VarHint  = locals[i].Name;
                VarHint2 = vars[i];

                NameHint = SymbolTable.StringToId(n + "::" + Builtins.UnGenSymInternal(vars[i]));
                Expression e = GetAst(defs[i], cb);
                VarHint = VarHint2 = SymbolId.Empty;

                if (e is UnaryExpression && e.NodeType == AstNodeType.Convert && e.Type != typeof(object))
                    locals[i].Type = e.Type;
                else if (e.Type.IsValueType)
                    e = Ast.ConvertHelper(e, typeof(object));


                if (e is MethodCallExpression)
                    MethodCallExpression mce = e as MethodCallExpression;

                    if (mce.Method == Closure_Make)
                        var cbe = mce.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression;
                        cbe.Block.Source = sources[i];

                        libraryglobals.Add(locals[i].Name, cbe);
                        libraryglobals.Add(vars[i], cbe);
                    else if (mce.Method == Closure_MakeVarArgsX)
                        libraryglobalsX.Add(locals[i].Name, mce.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression);
                        libraryglobalsX.Add(vars[i], mce.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression);
                    else if (mce.Method == Closure_MakeCase)
                        NewArrayExpression tcs = mce.Arguments[0] as NewArrayExpression;

                        List <CodeBlockDescriptor> cdbs = new List <CodeBlockDescriptor>();

                        foreach (CodeBlockExpression tc in tcs.Expressions)
                            //where do we clean this up??

                        libraryglobalsN.Add(locals[i].Name, cdbs.ToArray());
                        libraryglobalsN.Add(vars[i], cdbs.ToArray());
                    else if (mce.Method == Closure_MakeTypedCase)
                        NewArrayExpression tcs = mce.Arguments[0] as NewArrayExpression;

                        List <CodeBlockDescriptor> cdbs = new List <CodeBlockDescriptor>();

                        foreach (Expression tc in tcs.Expressions)
                            //where do we clean this up??

                        libraryglobalsN.Add(locals[i].Name, cdbs.ToArray());
                        libraryglobalsN.Add(vars[i], cdbs.ToArray());
                else if (e is NewExpression)
                    NewExpression ne = e as NewExpression;
                    if (typeof(ITypedCallable).IsAssignableFrom(e.Type))
                        libraryglobals.Add(locals[i].Name, ne.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression);
                        libraryglobals.Add(vars[i], ne.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression);

            // pass 2, expand lambda bodies
            for (int i = 0; i < vars.Count; i++)
                Expression e = assignments[i];
                NameHint = SymbolTable.StringToId(n + "::" + Builtins.UnGenSymInternal(vars[i]));

                if (bodies[i] != null)
                    CodeBlockDescriptor[] cbds;
                    CodeBlockExpression   cbe;

                    if (libraryglobals.TryGetValue(locals[i].Name, out cbe))
                        Cons      b     = bodies[i] as Cons;
                        CodeBlock cbody = cbe.Block;
                        cbody.Body = null;

                        FillBody(cbody, new List <Statement>(), b, true);
                    else if (libraryglobalsX.TryGetValue(locals[i].Name, out cbe))
                        Cons      b     = bodies[i] as Cons;
                        CodeBlock cbody = cbe.Block;
                        cbody.Body = null;

                        FillBody(cbody, new List <Statement>(), b, true);
                    else if (libraryglobalsN.TryGetValue(locals[i].Name, out cbds))
                        List <Cons> b = bodies[i] as List <Cons>;

                        for (int j = 0; j < b.Count; j++)
                            CodeBlock cbody = cbds[j].codeblock.Block;
                            cbody.Body = null;

                            FillBody(cbody, new List <Statement>(), b[j], true);

                stmts.Add(Ast.Write(locals[i], e));
                // needed indeed
                if (!isprogram)
                    stmts.Add(Ast.Statement(Ast.SimpleCallHelper(SetSymbolValue, Ast.Constant(vars[i]), Ast.Read(locals[i]))));

            Cons body = Builtins.Cdr(args) as Cons;
            FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);
            cb.ExplicitCodeContextExpression = Ast.CodeContext();

            Expression ex = InlineCall(c, Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, false));
            Expression ex = Ast.SimpleCallHelper(MakeClosure(cb, false), GetCallable(0));

            NameHint = SymbolId.Invalid;
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            Cons lambdas = args as Cons;

            int arlen = lambdas == null ? 0 : lambdas.Length;

            if (arlen == 1)
                if (lambdagen == null)
                    lambdagen = Context.Scope.LookupName(SymbolTable.StringToId("lambda")) as LambdaGenerator;
                return(lambdagen.Generate(lambdas.car, c));
                List <CodeBlockDescriptor> cbs = new List <CodeBlockDescriptor>();
                Cons annotations = this.annotations;
                this.annotations = null;

                string lambdaname = GetLambdaName(c);

                NameHint = SymbolId.Empty;

                var        sh  = SpanHint;
                var        lh  = LocationHint;
                Annotation ann = null;

                while (lambdas != null)
                    object actual = lambdas.car;
                    if (annotations != null)
                        ann = annotations.car as Annotation;

                        if (ann != null)
                            var h = (Cons)ann.source;

                            if (h.cdr is string)
                                sh = ExtractLocation(((Cons)ann.source).cdr as string);
                            else if (h.cdr is SourceSpan)
                                sh = (SourceSpan)h.cdr;

                    var refs = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

                    CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(sh, lambdaname);
                    cb.Filename = lh;
                    cb.Parent   = c;

                    object arg  = Builtins.First(actual);
                    Cons   body = Builtins.Cdr(actual) as Cons;

                    bool isrest = AssignParameters(cb, arg);
                    cb.IsRest = isrest;

                    List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();
                    FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);

                    CodeBlockDescriptor cbd = new CodeBlockDescriptor();
                    cbd.arity     = isrest ? -cb.ParameterCount : cb.ParameterCount;
                    cbd.codeblock = Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, false);
                    cbd.varargs   = isrest;

                    descriptorshack.Add(cbd.codeblock, cbd);

                    if (annotations != null)
                        annotations = annotations.cdr as Cons;
                    lambdas = lambdas.cdr as Cons;


                return(MakeCaseClosure(lambdaname, cbs));
Example #6
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            var refs = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

            NameHint = SymbolTable.StringToId("");
            CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(SpanHint, GetLambdaName(c));

            cb.Parent = c;

            List <Variable> vars  = new List <Variable>();
            List <Variable> temps = new List <Variable>();
            List <object>   defs  = new List <object>();

            Cons a = (args as Cons).car as Cons;

            while (a != null)
                Cons     d = a.car as Cons;
                Variable t = cb.CreateVariable((SymbolId)Builtins.GenSym(d.car), Variable.VariableKind.Temporary, typeof(object));
                Variable r = Create((SymbolId)d.car, cb, typeof(object));

                a = a.cdr as Cons;

            List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();

            var notstrict = !ScriptDomainManager.Options.StrictMode;

            for (int i = 0; i < vars.Count; i++)
                NameHint = Builtins.UnGenSymInternal(vars[i].Name);
                //VarHint = vars[i].Name;
                Expression e = GetAst(defs[i], cb);

                if (e is MethodCallExpression)
                    MethodCallExpression mce = (MethodCallExpression)e;
                    if (mce.Method == Closure_Make || mce.Method == Closure_MakeCase || mce.Method == Closure_MakeVarArgsX)
                        if (notstrict)
                            temps[i].Type = vars[i].Type = typeof(Callable);
                else if (e is NewExpression)
                    var ne = (NewExpression)e;
                    if (typeof(ITypedCallable).IsAssignableFrom(ne.Type))
                        if (notstrict)
                            temps[i].Type = vars[i].Type = ne.Type;

                if (e is UnaryExpression && e.NodeType == AstNodeType.Convert && e.Type != typeof(object))
                    if (notstrict)
                        temps[i].Type = vars[i].Type = e.Type;
                else if (e.Type.IsValueType)
                    e = Ast.ConvertHelper(e, typeof(object));
                stmts.Add(Ast.Write(temps[i], e));

            for (int i = 0; i < vars.Count; i++)
                stmts.Add(Ast.Write(vars[i], temps[i]));

            NameHint = SymbolId.Invalid;

            Cons body = Builtins.Cdr(args) as Cons;

            FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);

            Expression ex = InlineCall(c, Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, false));
            Expression ex = Ast.SimpleCallHelper(MakeClosure(cb, false), GetCallable(0));


Example #7
        protected internal static Expression GetAst(object args, CodeBlock cb, bool istailposition)
            if (args is Annotation)
                args = ((Annotation)args).stripped;
            Cons c = args as Cons;

            if (c != null)
                if (c.car is SymbolId)
                    SymbolId f = (SymbolId)c.car;

                    Variable var = cb.Lookup(f);

                    if (var != null && !assigns.ContainsKey(f))
                        var = null;

                    object m;

#if !BLAH
                    CodeBlockExpression cbe;

                    //// needs to do the same for overloads...
                    if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobals.TryGetValue(f, out cbe))
                        Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb);

                        if (cbe.Block.ParameterCount < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length)
                            //inline here? we could for simple bodies, but we need to copy the entire structure
                            if (!(cbe.Block.HasEnvironment || cbe.Block.IsClosure))
                                if (cbe.Block.Body is ReturnStatement)
                                    ReturnStatement rs = (ReturnStatement)cbe.Block.Body;

                                    if (!ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode &&
                                        !ScriptDomainManager.Options.LightweightDebugging &&
                                        !cb.IsGlobal && IsSimpleExpression(rs.Expression))
                                        return(InlineCall(cb, Ast.CodeBlockExpression(RewriteBody(cbe.Block), false, cbe.IsStronglyTyped), ppp));
                            if (cbe.Block != cb.Parent && cbe.Block != cb) // do TCE later
                                return(CallNormal(cbe, ppp));

                    // varargs
                    if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobalsX.TryGetValue(f, out cbe))
                        Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb);

                        if (cbe.Block.ParameterCount < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount - 1 <= ppp.Length)
                            //inline here?
                            return(CallVarArgs(cbe, ppp));

                    // overloads
                    CodeBlockDescriptor[] cbd;
                    if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobalsN.TryGetValue(f, out cbd))
                        Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb);

                        foreach (CodeBlockDescriptor d in cbd)
                            if (d.codeblock.Block.ParameterCount < 9)
                                if (ppp.Length == d.arity || (d.varargs && ppp.Length > d.arity))
                                    if (d.varargs)
                                        //inline here?
                                        return(CallVarArgs(d.codeblock, ppp));
                                        //inline here?
                                        //if (d.codeblock.Block != cb.Parent && d.codeblock.Block != cb) // do TCE later, not yet
                                            return(CallNormal(d.codeblock, ppp));

                    //if (!ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode)
                        if (f == SymbolTable.StringToId("call-with-values"))
                            Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb);
                            if (ppp.Length == 2 && ppp[1] is MethodCallExpression)
                                MethodCallExpression consumer = ppp[1] as MethodCallExpression;

                                if (ppp[0] is MethodCallExpression)
                                    MethodCallExpression producer = ppp[0] as MethodCallExpression;
                                    if (consumer.Method == Closure_Make && producer.Method == Closure_Make)
                                        CodeBlockExpression ccbe = consumer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression;
                                        CodeBlockExpression pcbe = producer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression;


                                        if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 0)
                                            return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe));
                                        else if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 1)
                                            return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe, Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("UnwrapValue"), InlineCall(cb, pcbe))));
                                            Variable values = cb.CreateTemporaryVariable((SymbolId)Builtins.GenSym("values"), typeof(object[]));

                                            Expression valuesarr = Ast.Read(values);

                                            Expression[] pppp = new Expression[ccbe.Block.ParameterCount];

                                            for (int i = 0; i < pppp.Length; i++)
                                                pppp[i] = Ast.ArrayIndex(valuesarr, Ast.Constant(i));

                                                                   Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("WrapValue"), InlineCall(cb, pcbe)),
                                                                   typeof(MultipleValues).GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { typeof(int) }),
                                                       InlineCall(cb, ccbe, pppp)));
                                if (consumer.Method == Closure_Make)
                                    CodeBlockExpression ccbe = consumer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression;

                                    Expression producer = ppp[0];

                                    Expression exx = Ast.ConvertHelper(producer, typeof(Callable));

                                    MethodInfo callx = GetCallable(0);

                                    if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 0)
                                        return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe));
                                    else if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 1)
                                        return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe, Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("UnwrapValue"), Ast.Call(exx, callx))));
                                        Variable values = cb.CreateTemporaryVariable((SymbolId)Builtins.GenSym("values"), typeof(object[]));

                                        Expression valuesarr = Ast.Read(values);

                                        Expression[] pppp = new Expression[ccbe.Block.ParameterCount];

                                        for (int i = 0; i < pppp.Length; i++)
                                            pppp[i] = Ast.ArrayIndex(valuesarr, Ast.Constant(i));

                                                                                    Ast.Call(exx, callx)),
                                                               typeof(MultipleValues).GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { typeof(int) }),
                                                   InlineCall(cb, ccbe, pppp)));
                    // this can be enabled once builtins are auto CPS'd.
                    // ok I tried, but there are issues still, not sure what
                    // check for inline emitter
                    InlineEmitter ie;
                    if (TryGetInlineEmitter(f, out ie))
                        Expression result = ie(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb));
                        // if null is returned, the method cannot be inlined
                        if (result != null)
                            if (spanhint.IsValid)

                    if (Context.Scope.TryLookupName(f, out m))
                        if (var == null)
                            IGenerator gh = m as IGenerator;
                            if (gh != null)
                                return(gh.Generate(c.cdr, cb));

                            BuiltinMethod bf = m as BuiltinMethod;
                            if (bf != null)
                                MethodBinder mb   = bf.Binder;
                                Expression[] pars = Array.ConvertAll(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb), e => Unwrap(e));

                                if (bf.AllowConstantFold && !ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode)
                                    bool constant = Array.TrueForAll(pars, e => e is ConstantExpression && e.Type != typeof(BigInteger));

                                    if (constant)
                                        object[]    cargs = Array.ConvertAll(pars, e => GetRuntimeConstant((ConstantExpression)e));
                                        CallTarget0 disp  = delegate
                                        CallTarget1 handler = delegate(object e)
                                            throw new CompileTimeEvaluationException();

                                            object result = Runtime.R6RS.Exceptions.WithExceptionHandler(
                                            var rrrr = GetCons(result, cb);
                                            if (spanhint.IsValid)
                                        catch (CompileTimeEvaluationException)

                                Type[]          types = GetExpressionTypes(pars);
                                MethodCandidate mc    = mb.MakeBindingTarget(CallType.None, types);
                                if (mc != null)
                                    if (mc.Target.NeedsContext)
                                        pars = ArrayUtils.Insert <Expression>(Ast.CodeContext(), pars);
                                    MethodBase meth = mc.Target.Method;

                                    var rrrr = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(meth as MethodInfo, pars);
                                    if (spanhint.IsValid)

                            Closure clos = m as Closure;
                            if (clos != null && !SetGenerator.IsAssigned(f))
                                // no provision for varargs
                                MethodInfo[] mis = clos.Targets;
                                if (mis.Length > 0)
                                    MethodBinder mb = MethodBinder.MakeBinder(binder, SymbolTable.IdToString(f), mis, BinderType.Normal);

                                    Expression[] pars = Array.ConvertAll(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb), e => Unwrap(e));

                                    if (clos.AllowConstantFold && !ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode)
                                        bool constant = Array.TrueForAll(pars, e => e is ConstantExpression && e.Type != typeof(BigInteger));

                                        if (constant)
                                            object[] cargs = Array.ConvertAll(pars, e => GetRuntimeConstant((ConstantExpression)e));

                                            CallTarget0 disp = delegate
                                                var rrrr = clos.Call(cargs);

                                            CallTarget1 handler = delegate(object e)
                                                throw new CompileTimeEvaluationException();

                                                object result = Runtime.R6RS.Exceptions.WithExceptionHandler(
                                                var rrrr = GetCons(result, cb);
                                                if (spanhint.IsValid)
                                            catch (CompileTimeEvaluationException)

                                    // exclude transient members if needed
                                    if (!AllowTransientBinding)
                                        mis = Array.FindAll(mis, x => !IsTransient(x.Module));

                                    if (mis.Length > 0)
                                        Type[]          types = GetExpressionTypes(pars);
                                        MethodCandidate mc    = mb.MakeBindingTarget(CallType.None, types);
                                        if (mc != null)
                                            if (mc.Target.NeedsContext)
                                                pars = ArrayUtils.Insert <Expression>(Ast.CodeContext(), pars);
                                            MethodBase meth = mc.Target.Method;

                                            var rrrr = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(meth as MethodInfo, pars);
                                            if (spanhint.IsValid)
                                // check for overload thing

                Expression ex = Unwrap(GetAst(c.car, cb));

                // a 'let'
                if (ex is MethodCallExpression)
                    var ppp = GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb);
                    MethodCallExpression mcexpr = (MethodCallExpression)ex;
                    if (mcexpr.Method == Closure_Make)
                        CodeBlockExpression cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression;

                        if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length)
                            return(InlineCall(cb, cbe, istailposition, ppp));

                    // cater for varargs more efficiently, this does not seem to hit, probably needed somewhere else
                    if (mcexpr.Method == Closure_MakeVarArgsX)
                        CodeBlockExpression cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression;

                        if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount <= ppp.Length)
                            return(CallVarArgs(cbe, ppp));

                if (ex is NewExpression && typeof(ITypedCallable).IsAssignableFrom(ex.Type))
                    NewExpression       mcexpr = ex as NewExpression;
                    CodeBlockExpression cbe    = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression;
                    if (cbe == null && mcexpr.Arguments[0].Type == typeof(CodeContext) && mcexpr.Arguments[0] is ConstantExpression) // implies null
                        cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[1] as CodeBlockExpression;
                    if (cbe != null)
                        var ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb);

                        if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length)
                            return(InlineCall(cb, cbe, istailposition, ppp));

                if (ex is ConstantExpression)
                    Builtins.SyntaxError(SymbolTable.StringToObject("generator"), "expecting a procedure", c.car, c);

                Expression r = null;

                if (ex.Type.Name.Contains("TypedClosure"))
                    Expression[] pp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb);

                    var m = ex.Type.GetMethod("Invoke");
                    r = Ast.SimpleCallHelper(ex, m, pp);
                    Expression[] pp = GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb);

                    if (ex.Type != typeof(Callable))
                        ex = Ast.ConvertHelper(ex, typeof(Callable));

                    MethodInfo call = GetCallable(pp.Length);

                    r = pp.Length > 8 ?
                        Ast.Call(ex, call, Ast.NewArray(typeof(object[]), pp)) :
                        Ast.Call(ex, call, pp);

                if (spanhint.IsValid)


            object[] v = args as object[];

            if (v != null)
                return(GetConsVector(v, cb));
            else if (args is byte[])
                Expression[] ba = Array.ConvertAll(args as byte[], b => Ast.Constant(b));
                return(Ast.NewArray(typeof(byte[]), ba));
                if (args is SymbolId)
                    SymbolId sym = (SymbolId)args;
                    if (sym == SymbolTable.StringToId("uninitialized"))
                        return(Ast.ReadField(null, typeof(Uninitialized), "Instance"));
                        return(Read(sym, cb, typeof(object)));
                if (args == Builtins.Unspecified)
                    return(Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified));
                if (args is Fraction)
                    Fraction f = (Fraction)args;
                    return(Ast.Constant(new FractionConstant(f)));
                if (args is ComplexFraction)
                    ComplexFraction f = (ComplexFraction)args;
                    return(Ast.Constant(new ComplexFractionConstant(f)));
                if (args != null && args.GetType().Name == "stx")
                    args = new SerializedConstant(args);
        public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock c)
            Cons lambdas = args as Cons;

            int arlen = lambdas == null ? 0 : lambdas.Length;

            if (arlen == 1)
                if (lambdagen == null)
                    lambdagen = Context.Scope.LookupName(SymbolTable.StringToId("typed-lambda")) as TypedLambdaGenerator;
                return(lambdagen.Generate(lambdas.car, c));
                List <CodeBlockDescriptor> cbs = new List <CodeBlockDescriptor>();

                string lambdaname = GetLambdaName(c);

                NameHint = SymbolId.Empty;

                var sh = SpanHint;
                var lh = LocationHint;

                while (lambdas != null)
                    var refs = ClrGenerator.SaveReferences();

                    object actual = lambdas.car;

                    object arg      = Builtins.First(actual);
                    object typespec = (Builtins.Second(actual));

                    Cons body = Builtins.Cdr(Builtins.Cdr(actual)) as Cons;

                    var returntype = ClrGenerator.ExtractTypeInfo(Builtins.List(quote, Builtins.Second(typespec)));

                    CodeBlock cb = Ast.CodeBlock(SpanHint, lambdaname, returntype);
                    NameHint    = SymbolId.Empty;
                    cb.Filename = lh;
                    cb.Parent   = c;

                    bool isrest = AssignParameters(cb, arg, Builtins.Car(typespec));

                    List <Statement> stmts = new List <Statement>();
                    FillBody(cb, stmts, body, true);

                    Type dt = GetDelegateType(cb);
                    Type ct = GetClosureType(cb);

                    var        cbe = Ast.CodeBlockExpression(cb, true, dt);
                    Expression ex  = Ast.New(ct.GetConstructor(new Type[] { dt }), cbe);

                    CodeBlockDescriptor cbd = new CodeBlockDescriptor();
                    cbd.arity     = isrest ? -cb.ParameterCount : cb.ParameterCount;
                    cbd.callable  = ex;
                    cbd.codeblock = cbe;
                    cbd.varargs   = isrest;

                    descriptorshack2.Add(cbd.callable, cbd);


                    lambdas = lambdas.cdr as Cons;


                return(MakeTypedCaseClosure(lambdaname, cbs));