/// <summary> /// receive emails from IMAP /// </summary> public static void CreateTasksFromEmails(ServiceSettingsModel model, Assist assist, List <string> extensions, string uploadPath, string uploadFolder, int serviceId) { try { var client = new ImapClient(model.ImapSettings.Server, model.ImapSettings.Port, model.ImapSettings.UseSSL); if (client.Connect()) { if (client.Login(model.Credentials.UserName, model.Credentials.Password)) { // login successful List <string> lst = new List <string>(); foreach (var folder in client.Folders) { lst.Add(folder.Name); if (folder.Name.ToLower().Equals(model.ImapSettings.DefaultFolder.ToLower())) { folder.Messages.Download("ALL", MessageFetchMode.Full, Int32.MaxValue); //if (folder.Unseen>0) foreach (var message in folder.Messages) { if (!message.Seen) { assist.AddLog("Check not seen letter from: " + message.From); // check whether this email is active and user has email service assist.UserProfile = assist.CheckServiceAvailabilityByEmail(message.From.Address); if (assist.UserProfile != null && assist.UserProfile.Id > 0) { if (message.Body != null) { //change user profile } foreach (var attachment in message.Attachments) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(attachment.FileName); if (CheckExtensions(extensions, extension)) // check whether file extension is in the extensions list { var newNameGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var uploadName = newNameGuid + extension; var localName = Path.Combine(uploadFolder, uploadName); var filePath = Path.Combine(uploadPath, uploadName); string originalFileName = attachment.FileName; attachment.Download(); attachment.Save(uploadPath, uploadName); assist.AddLog("Download file: " + uploadName); //add task to db var taskId = assist.AddTask(assist.UserProfile.UserId, serviceId); assist.AddLog("Add task: " + taskId); var md5 = assist.GetMD5HashFromFile(filePath); //add document var fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath); assist.EmailSettings = assist.GetToEmailConversionSettings(assist.UserProfile.UserId); if (assist.EmailSettings != null) { var documentId = assist.AddDocument(taskId, fileInfo, originalFileName, newNameGuid, uploadName, localName, md5, 1, assist.EmailSettings.ResponseSettings.ShowJob); assist.Documents = assist.GetDocumentsByTaskId(taskId); string content = assist.ConvertProfileToRequestModel(assist.Documents, assist.UserProfile); assist.UpdateTaskProfile(taskId, content); } } } } else if (assist.UserProfile != null) { string text = ""; switch (assist.UserProfile.Id) { case 0: text = "DataCapture.Cloud received a conversion request form this e - mail address." + " This address is not currently registered with a valid account."; break; case -1: text = "DataCapture.Cloud received a conversion request form this e-mail address. " + "Subscription to E-mail Attachment Conversion Service is disabled."; break; case -2: text = "DataCapture.Cloud received a conversion request form this e-mail address. " + "Subscription to E-mail Attachment Conversion Service is disabled."; break; case -3: text = "DataCapture.Cloud received a conversion request form this e-mail address. " + "Viewer doesn't have rights to use E-mail Attachment Conversion Service."; break; default: break; } assist.SendEmailResponseFail(message.From.Address, text, ""); } message.Seen = true; } } } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { string innerException = exception.InnerException == null ? "" : exception.InnerException.Message; string methodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; assist.AddLog("Error in method: " + methodName + "; Exception: " + exception.Message + " Innner Exception: " + innerException); } }
/// <summary> /// make processing /// </summary> public static void MakeProcessing() { try { int serviceId = 3; ServiceAssist.Assist assist = new Assist(); List <string> extensions = assist.GetToAvailableFileExtensions(); List <FtpWebResponse> responses = new List <FtpWebResponse>(); string pathToDownload = assist.GetSettingValueByName("MainPath"); string resultFolder = assist.GetSettingValueByName("ResultFolder"); FlexiCapture.Cloud.FTPService.Helpers.TasksHelpers.FTPHelper.GetFtpInputSettings().ForEach(x => { if (x.Enabled) { var response = FlexiCapture.Cloud.FTPService. Helpers.TasksHelpers.FTPHelper.TryLoginToFtp(x.Host, x.UserName, PasswordHelper.Crypt.DecryptString(x.Password), x.Path, x.UserId, x.ServiceType); var ftpConversionSettings = FlexiCapture.Cloud.FTPService.Helpers.TasksHelpers. FTPHelper.GetFtpConersionSettings(x.UserId); List <Tuple <string, string> > addedFilesInResponse; if (response != null) { assist.UserProfile = assist.GetUserProfile(x.UserId, 3); addedFilesInResponse = FlexiCapture.Cloud.FTPService.Helpers. TasksHelpers.FTPHelper.ExtractFiles(response, x); addedFilesInResponse.ForEach(af => { if (CheckExtensions(extensions, af.Item2)) { var newNameGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var uploadName = newNameGuid + af.Item2; var localName = Path.Combine(Path.Combine("data", "uploads"), uploadName); string originalFileName = af.Item1; var filePathOld = Path.Combine(assist.GetSettingValueByName("MainPath"), "data", "uploads", af.Item1); var filePathNew = Path.Combine(assist.GetSettingValueByName("MainPath"), "data", "uploads", newNameGuid.ToString() + af.Item2); //add task to db var taskId = assist.AddTask(assist.UserProfile.UserId, serviceId); if (FlexiCapture.Cloud.ServiceAssist.DBHelpers.FTPSettingsHelper.CheckOutputExceptionSettings(x.Id)) { SettingsTasksUnionHelper.AddNewItem(taskId, x.Id); } var md5 = assist.GetMD5HashFromFile(filePathOld); //add document var fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePathOld); var documentId = assist.AddDocument(taskId, fileInfo, originalFileName, newNameGuid, uploadName, localName, md5, 1, ftpConversionSettings.AddProcessed); //if (x.ServiceType == 2) // assist.ConnectTaskAndFtpSetting(taskId, x.Id); // var fileUploadStatus = System.IO.File.Move(filePathOld, filePathNew); if (File.Exists(filePathOld)) { File.Delete(filePathOld); } assist.Documents = assist.GetDocumentsByTaskId(taskId); string content = assist.ConvertProfileToRequestModel(assist.Documents, assist.UserProfile); assist.UpdateTaskProfile(taskId, content); if (x.DeleteFile) { if (File.Exists(filePathNew)) { File.Delete(filePathNew); } } } }); } } }); //responses.ForEach(x => //{ // //assist.AddTask() //}); //check tasks List <Tasks> notExecutedTasks = assist.GetToNotExecutedTasks(serviceId); //upload files foreach (var notExecutedTask in notExecutedTasks) { OcrRequestModel requestModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OcrRequestModel>(notExecutedTask.ProfileContent); if (requestModel.InputFiles != null && requestModel.InputFiles.Count > 0) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(requestModel.InputFiles[0].Name); if (extension != null && extension != ".zip" && extension != ".rar" && extension != ".7z") { //////////// TaskHelper.ExecuteTask(notExecutedTask); } } } //check statuses List <Tasks> processedTasks = assist.GetToProcessedTasks(serviceId); //download files foreach (var processedTask in processedTasks) { //////////// TaskHelper.CheckStateTask(processedTask); //FTPHelper.PutFileOnFtpServer(fInfo, processedTask); } //update states } catch (Exception exception) { string innerException = exception.InnerException == null ? "" : exception.InnerException.Message; string methodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; LogHelper.AddLog("Error in method: " + methodName + "; Exception: " + exception.Message + " Innner Exception: " + innerException); } }