public static Onyx3D.Mesh ToOnyx3D(this Assimp.Mesh mesh)
            Onyx3D.Mesh newMesh = new Onyx3D.Mesh();

            newMesh.Indices = mesh.GetIndices();
            for (int vi = 0; vi < mesh.VertexCount; ++vi)
                Vertex newVertex = new Vertex();
                newVertex.Position = mesh.Vertices[vi].ToOnyx3D();

                if (mesh.HasTextureCoords(0))
                    Assimp.Vector3D texCoord = mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0][vi];
                    newVertex.TexCoord = texCoord.ToOnyx3D().Xy;
                if (mesh.HasNormals)
                    newVertex.Normal = mesh.Normals[vi].ToOnyx3D().Normalized();
                    if (mesh.HasTangentBasis)
                        newVertex.Bitangent = mesh.BiTangents[vi].ToOnyx3D().Normalized();
                        newVertex.Tangent   = mesh.Tangents[vi].ToOnyx3D().Normalized();


Example #2
        private static Vector3 toDX3(Assimp.Vector3D vValue)
            //return new Vector3(vValue.X, vValue.Y, vValue.Z);
            float y = vValue.Y - 1.0f;

            return(new Vector3(vValue.X, y, -vValue.Z));
Example #3
        public static Vector3 ToVector3(this Assimp.Vector3D vec)
            Vector3 v;

            v.X = vec.X;
            v.Y = vec.Y;
            v.Z = vec.Z;
        public static OpenToolkit.Mathematics.Vector3 ToOtk(this Assimp.Vector3D v)
            var ret = new OpenToolkit.Mathematics.Vector3();

            ret.X = v.X;
            ret.Y = v.Y;
            ret.Z = v.Z;

Example #5
 private Vector2[] ConvertVectors(Assimp.Vector3D[] vectors)
     Vector2[] data = new Vector2[vectors.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Length; i++)
         Assimp.Vector3D vector = vectors[i];
         data[i] = new Vector2(vector.X, 1 - vector.Y);
Example #6
        public static Assimp.Vector3D CalcInterpolatedScaling(float animationTime, Assimp.NodeAnimationChannel nodeAnim)
            if (nodeAnim.ScalingKeyCount == 1)

            Assimp.Vector3D result;
            int             index     = FindScaling(animationTime, nodeAnim);
            int             nextIndex = (index + 1);
            float           deltaTime = (float)(nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[nextIndex].Time - nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[index].Time);
            float           factor    = (animationTime - (float)nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[index].Time) / deltaTime;

            Assimp.Vector3D start = nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[index].Value;
            Assimp.Vector3D end   = nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[nextIndex].Value;
            Assimp.Vector3D delta = end - start;
            result = start + factor * delta;
Example #7
        private static Assimp.Vector3D CalcInterpolatedPosition(float animationTime, Assimp.NodeAnimationChannel nodeAnim)
            Assimp.Vector3D result;
            if (nodeAnim.PositionKeyCount == 1)
                result = nodeAnim.PositionKeys[0].Value;

            uint index     = FindPosition(animationTime, nodeAnim);
            uint nextIndex = (index + 1);
            //assert(NextPositionIndex < nodeAnim->mNumPositionKeys);
            float deltaTime = (float)(nodeAnim.PositionKeys[nextIndex].Time - nodeAnim.PositionKeys[index].Time);
            float factor    = (animationTime - (float)nodeAnim.PositionKeys[index].Time) / deltaTime;

            //assert(Factor >= 0.0f && Factor <= 1.0f);
            Assimp.Vector3D start = nodeAnim.PositionKeys[index].Value;
            Assimp.Vector3D end   = nodeAnim.PositionKeys[nextIndex].Value;
            Assimp.Vector3D delta = end - start;
            result = start + factor * delta;
        private static Assimp.Vector3D CalcInterpolatedScaling(float animationTime, Assimp.NodeAnimationChannel nodeAnim)
            Assimp.Vector3D Out;
            if (nodeAnim.ScalingKeyCount == 1)
                Out = nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[0].Value;

            uint ScalingIndex     = FindScaling(animationTime, nodeAnim);
            uint NextScalingIndex = (ScalingIndex + 1);
            //assert(NextScalingIndex < nodeAnim->mNumScalingKeys);
            float DeltaTime = (float)(nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[NextScalingIndex].Time - nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[ScalingIndex].Time);
            float Factor    = (animationTime - (float)nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[ScalingIndex].Time) / DeltaTime;

            //assert(Factor >= 0.0f && Factor <= 1.0f);
            Assimp.Vector3D Start = nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[ScalingIndex].Value;
            Assimp.Vector3D End   = nodeAnim.ScalingKeys[NextScalingIndex].Value;
            Assimp.Vector3D Delta = End - Start;
            Out = Start + Factor * Delta;
        private static void ReadNodeHeirarchy(float animationTime, Assimp.Node node, Assimp.Animation animation, mat4 parentTransform, AllBoneInfos allBones)
            string nodeName      = node.Name;
            mat4   nodeTransform = node.Transform.ToMat4();

            Assimp.NodeAnimationChannel nodeAnim = FineNodeAnim(animation, nodeName);
            if (nodeAnim != null)
                mat4 mat = mat4.identity();
                // Interpolate scaling and generate scaling transformation matrix
                Assimp.Vector3D Scaling  = CalcInterpolatedScaling(animationTime, nodeAnim);
                mat4            ScalingM = glm.scale(mat, new vec3(Scaling.X, Scaling.Y, Scaling.Z));

                // Interpolate rotation and generate rotation transformation matrix
                Assimp.Quaternion RotationQ = CalcInterpolatedRotation(animationTime, nodeAnim);
                mat4 RotationM = new Assimp.Matrix4x4(RotationQ.GetMatrix()).ToMat4();

                // Interpolate translation and generate translation transformation matrix
                Assimp.Vector3D Translation  = CalcInterpolatedPosition(animationTime, nodeAnim);
                mat4            TranslationM = glm.translate(mat4.identity(), new vec3(Translation.X, Translation.Y, Translation.Z));

                // Combine the above transformations
                nodeTransform = TranslationM * RotationM * ScalingM;

            mat4 transform = parentTransform * nodeTransform;

            if (allBones.nameIndexDict.ContainsKey(nodeName))
                uint BoneIndex = allBones.nameIndexDict[nodeName];
                allBones.boneInfos[BoneIndex].finalTransformation = transform;

            for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++)
                ReadNodeHeirarchy(animationTime, node.Children[i], animation, transform, allBones);
            /// <summary>
            /// Конвертация объекта вектор в объект типа <see cref="Vector3D"/>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="value">Значение</param>
            /// <param name="target_type">Целевой тип</param>
            /// <param name="parameter">Дополнительный параметр</param>
            /// <param name="culture">Культура</param>
            /// <returns>Объект <see cref="Vector3D"/></returns>
            public Object Convert(Object value, Type target_type, Object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
                if (value is Vector3D)

                if (value is System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D)
                    System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D v = (System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D)value;
                    return(new Vector3D(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));

                if (value is System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3D)
                    System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3D v = (System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3D)value;
                    return(new Vector3D(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));

                if (value is Assimp.Vector3D)
                    Assimp.Vector3D v = (Assimp.Vector3D)value;
                    return(new Vector3D(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));

                if (value is SharpDX.Vector3)
                    SharpDX.Vector3 v = (SharpDX.Vector3)value;
                    return(new Vector3D(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
Example #11
        public override Assimp.Node assimpExport(ref Assimp.Scene scn, ref Dictionary <int, int> meshImportStatus)
            Assimp.Mesh amesh = new Assimp.Mesh();
            Assimp.Node node;
            amesh.Name = name;

            int meshHash = meshVao.GetHashCode();

            if (scn.MeshCount > 20)
                node = base.assimpExport(ref scn, ref meshImportStatus);

            if (!meshImportStatus.ContainsKey(meshHash))
            //if (false)
                meshImportStatus[meshHash] = scn.MeshCount;

                int          vertcount = metaData.vertrend_graphics - metaData.vertrstart_graphics + 1;
                MemoryStream vms       = new MemoryStream(gobject.meshDataDict[metaData.Hash].vs_buffer);
                MemoryStream ims       = new MemoryStream(gobject.meshDataDict[metaData.Hash].is_buffer);
                BinaryReader vbr       = new BinaryReader(vms);
                BinaryReader ibr       = new BinaryReader(ims);

                //Initialize Texture Component Channels
                if (gobject.bufInfo[1] != null)
                    List <Assimp.Vector3D> textureChannel = new List <Assimp.Vector3D>();
                    amesh.UVComponentCount[0] = 2;

                //Generate bones only for the joints related to the mesh
                Dictionary <int, Assimp.Bone> localJointDict = new Dictionary <int, Assimp.Bone>();

                //Export Bone Structure
                if (Skinned)
                //if (false)
                    for (int i = 0; i < meshVao.BoneRemapIndicesCount; i++)
                        int joint_id = meshVao.BoneRemapIndices[i];
                        //Fetch name
                        Joint relJoint = null;

                        foreach (Joint jnt in parentScene.jointDict.Values)
                            if (jnt.jointIndex == joint_id)
                                relJoint = jnt;

                        //Generate bone
                        Assimp.Bone b = new Assimp.Bone();
                        if (relJoint != null)
                            b.Name         =;
                            b.OffsetMatrix = MathUtils.convertMatrix(relJoint.invBMat);

                        localJointDict[i] = b;

                //Write geometry info

                vbr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (int i = 0; i < vertcount; i++)
                    Assimp.Vector3D v, vN;

                    for (int j = 0; j < gobject.bufInfo.Count; j++)
                        bufInfo buf = gobject.bufInfo[j];
                        if (buf is null)

                        switch (buf.semantic)
                        case 0:     //vPosition
                            switch (buf.type)
                            case VertexAttribPointerType.HalfFloat:
                                uint v1 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                                uint v2 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                                uint v3 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                                uint v4 = vbr.ReadUInt16();

                                //Transform vector with worldMatrix
                                v = new Assimp.Vector3D(Utils.Half.decompress(v1), Utils.Half.decompress(v2), Utils.Half.decompress(v3));

                            case VertexAttribPointerType.Float:             //This is used in my custom vbos
                                float f1 = vbr.ReadSingle();
                                float f2 = vbr.ReadSingle();
                                float f3 = vbr.ReadSingle();
                                //Transform vector with worldMatrix
                                v = new Assimp.Vector3D(f1, f2, f3);

                                throw new Exception("Unimplemented Vertex Type");

                        case 1:     //uvPosition
                            Assimp.Vector3D uv;
                            uint            v1 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                            uint            v2 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                            uint            v3 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                            uint            v4 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                            //uint v4 = Convert.ToUInt16(vbr.ReadUInt16());
                            uv = new Assimp.Vector3D(Utils.Half.decompress(v1), Utils.Half.decompress(v2), 0.0f);

                            amesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0].Add(uv);         //Add directly to the first channel

                        case 2:     //nPosition
                        case 3:     //tPosition
                            switch (buf.type)
                            case (VertexAttribPointerType.Float):
                                float f1, f2, f3;
                                f1 = vbr.ReadSingle();
                                f2 = vbr.ReadSingle();
                                f3 = vbr.ReadSingle();
                                vN = new Assimp.Vector3D(f1, f2, f3);

                            case (VertexAttribPointerType.HalfFloat):
                                uint v1, v2, v3;
                                v1 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                                v2 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                                v3 = vbr.ReadUInt16();
                                vN = new Assimp.Vector3D(Utils.Half.decompress(v1), Utils.Half.decompress(v2), Utils.Half.decompress(v3));

                            case (VertexAttribPointerType.Int2101010Rev):
                                int    i1, i2, i3;
                                uint   value;
                                byte[] a32 = new byte[4];
                                a32 = vbr.ReadBytes(4);

                                value = BitConverter.ToUInt32(a32, 0);
                                //Convert Values
                                i1 = _2sComplement.toInt((value >> 00) & 0x3FF, 10);
                                i2 = _2sComplement.toInt((value >> 10) & 0x3FF, 10);
                                i3 = _2sComplement.toInt((value >> 20) & 0x3FF, 10);
                                //int i4 = _2sComplement.toInt((value >> 30) & 0x003, 10);
                                float norm = (float)Math.Sqrt(i1 * i1 + i2 * i2 + i3 * i3);

                                vN = new Assimp.Vector3D(Convert.ToSingle(i1) / norm,
                                                         Convert.ToSingle(i2) / norm,
                                                         Convert.ToSingle(i3) / norm);


                                throw new Exception("UNIMPLEMENTED NORMAL TYPE. PLEASE REPORT");

                            if (j == 2)
                            else if (j == 3)
                                amesh.BiTangents.Add(new Assimp.Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

                        case 4:               //bPosition
                            vbr.ReadBytes(4); // skip

                        case 5:     //BlendIndices + BlendWeights
                            int[]   joint_ids = new int[4];
                            float[] weights   = new float[4];

                            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                                joint_ids[k] = vbr.ReadByte();

                            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                                weights[k] = Utils.Half.decompress(vbr.ReadUInt16());

                            if (Skinned)
                            //if (false)
                                for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                                    int joint_id = joint_ids[k];

                                    Assimp.VertexWeight vw = new Assimp.VertexWeight();
                                    vw.VertexID = i;
                                    vw.Weight   = weights[k];


                        case 6:
                            break;     //Handled by 5

                            throw new Exception("UNIMPLEMENTED BUF Info. PLEASE REPORT");

                //Export Faces
                //Get indices
                ibr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                bool start  = false;
                int  fstart = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < metaData.batchcount / 3; i++)
                    int f1, f2, f3;
                    //NEXT models assume that all gstream meshes have uint16 indices
                    f1 = ibr.ReadUInt16();
                    f2 = ibr.ReadUInt16();
                    f3 = ibr.ReadUInt16();

                    if (!start && this.type != TYPES.COLLISION)
                        fstart = f1; start = true;
                    else if (!start && this.type == TYPES.COLLISION)
                        fstart = 0; start = true;

                    int f11, f22, f33;
                    f11 = f1 - fstart;
                    f22 = f2 - fstart;
                    f33 = f3 - fstart;

                    Assimp.Face face = new Assimp.Face();



            node = base.assimpExport(ref scn, ref meshImportStatus);

 public static Vector3 ToOnyx3D(this Assimp.Vector3D v)
     return(new Vector3(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
Example #13
 public static UnityEngine.Vector3 ToV3(this Assimp.Vector3D v3)
     return(new UnityEngine.Vector3(v3.X, v3.Y, v3.Z));
Example #14
 private static Vector3 ToVector3(Assimp.Vector3D vector)
     return(Unsafe.As <Assimp.Vector3D, Vector3>(ref vector));
Example #15
 public static Assimp.Vector2D XY(this Assimp.Vector3D v)
     return(new Assimp.Vector2D(v.X, v.Y));
Example #16
 public static Vector3 TK(this Assimp.Vector3D assimp)
     return(new Vector3(assimp.X, assimp.Y, assimp.Z));
Example #17
        internal static Mesh FromAssimp(Assimp.Mesh mesh)
            Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();

            newMesh.Indices = mesh.GetUnsignedIndices();

            bool hasTexCoords          = mesh.HasTextureCoords(0);
            List <Assimp.Vector3D> uvs = hasTexCoords ? mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0] : null;

            // bounding box values
            float min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z;

            min_x = max_x = mesh.Vertices[0].X;
            min_y = max_y = mesh.Vertices[0].Y;
            min_z = max_z = mesh.Vertices[0].Z;

            Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[mesh.VertexCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                Vector3 vec  = mesh.Vertices[i].ToNumeric();
                Vector3 norm = mesh.Normals[i].ToNumeric();

                if (hasTexCoords)
                    Assimp.Vector3D uv = uvs[i];
                    vertices[i] = new Vertex(vec, new Vector2(uv.X, 1.0f - uv.Y), norm);
                    vertices[i] = new Vertex(vec, Vector2.Zero, norm);

                if (vec.X < min_x)
                    min_x = vec.X;
                if (vec.X > max_x)
                    max_x = vec.X;
                if (vec.Y < min_y)
                    min_y = vec.Y;
                if (vec.Y > max_y)
                    max_y = vec.Y;
                if (vec.Z < min_z)
                    min_z = vec.Z;
                if (vec.Z > max_z)
                    max_z = vec.Z;

            newMesh.BoundingBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(min_x, min_y, min_z), new Vector3(max_x, max_y, max_z));
            newMesh.Vertices    = vertices;
Example #18
 public static Vector3 ToNumeric(this Assimp.Vector3D vector) => new Vector3(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z);
Example #19
 public static XNAV3 ToXna(this Assimp.Vector3D v)
     return(new XNAV3(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
Example #20
 public static Vector3 FromAssimp(Assimp.Vector3D value)
     return(new Vector3(value.X, value.Y, value.Z));
Example #21
 private static Vector2 toDX2(Assimp.Vector3D vValue)
     return(new Vector2(vValue.X, vValue.Y));
Example #22
 private static Vector3 toDX(Assimp.Vector3D vValue)
     return(new Vector3(vValue.X, vValue.Y, vValue.Z));
Example #23
 public static Vector2 FromAssimpAsVector2(Assimp.Vector3D value)
     return(new Vector2(value.X, value.Y));
Example #24
        public override ModelContent Process(Assimp.Scene scene, string filename, ContentProcessorContext context)
                Assimp.AssimpContext c = new Assimp.AssimpContext();

                Assimp.ExportFormatDescription des = c.GetSupportedExportFormats()[0];
                ModelContent content = new ModelContent();
                content.Meshes = new MeshContent[scene.MeshCount];
                for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < scene.MeshCount; meshIndex++)
                    var sceneMesh   = scene.Meshes[meshIndex];
                    var meshContent = new MeshContent();
                    meshContent.PrimitiveCount = sceneMesh.FaceCount;

                    meshContent.Vertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[meshContent.PrimitiveCount * 3];
                    int vertex = 0;
                    //TODO: indexing
                    foreach (var f in sceneMesh.Faces)
                        foreach (var i in f.Indices)
                            var             pos  = sceneMesh.Vertices[i];
                            var             norm = sceneMesh.Normals[i];
                            Assimp.Vector3D tex  = new Assimp.Vector3D();
                            if (sceneMesh.TextureCoordinateChannels.Length > 0 && sceneMesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0].Count > i)
                                tex = sceneMesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0][i];
                            var translated = new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z) + settings.Translate;
                            meshContent.Vertices[vertex++] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(
                                new Vector3(translated.X * settings.Scale.X, translated.Y * settings.Scale.Y, translated.Z * settings.Scale.Z),
                                new Vector3(norm.X, norm.Y, norm.Z),
                                new Vector2(tex.X, -tex.Y));

                    /*for (int i = 0; i < sceneMesh.VertexCount; i++)
                     * {
                     * }*/

                    content.Meshes[meshIndex] = meshContent;
                content.Nodes    = new List <NodeContent>();
                content.RootNode = ParseNode(content, scene.RootNode);
                foreach (var animation in scene.Animations)
                    var anim = new AnimationContent();
                    anim.Channels = new List <AnimationNodeContent>();
                    foreach (var channel in animation.NodeAnimationChannels)
                        AnimationNodeContent node = new AnimationNodeContent();
                        var curNode = content.Nodes.First(n => n.Name == channel.NodeName);
                        node.Node   = curNode;
                        node.Frames = new List <AnimationFrame>();
                        int   frameCount = Math.Max(Math.Max(channel.PositionKeyCount, channel.RotationKeyCount), channel.ScalingKeyCount);
                        float diff = 0.0f, maxTime = 0;;
                        for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
                            AnimationFrame frame = new AnimationFrame();

                            if (i < channel.PositionKeyCount)
                                frame.Frame = (float)channel.PositionKeys[i].Time;
                            else if (i < channel.RotationKeyCount)
                                frame.Frame = (float)channel.RotationKeys[i].Time;
                            else if (i < channel.ScalingKeyCount)
                                frame.Frame = (float)channel.ScalingKeys[i].Time;
                            if (i == 0)
                                diff = frame.Frame;
                            frame.Frame -= diff;
                            frame.Frame  = (float)(frame.Frame / animation.TicksPerSecond);
                            maxTime      = Math.Max(frame.Frame, maxTime);
                            //TODO: interpolation
                            var rot = channel.RotationKeyCount == 0 ? new Assimp.Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) : i >= channel.RotationKeyCount ? channel.RotationKeys.Last().Value : channel.RotationKeys[i].Value;
                            var loc = channel.PositionKeyCount == 0 ? new Assimp.Vector3D() : i >= channel.PositionKeyCount ? channel.PositionKeys.Last().Value : channel.PositionKeys[i].Value;
                            var sca = channel.ScalingKeyCount == 0 ? new Assimp.Vector3D(1, 1, 1) : i >= channel.ScalingKeyCount ? channel.ScalingKeys.Last().Value : channel.ScalingKeys[i].Value;

                            frame.Transform = new AnimationTransform(node.Node.Name, new Vector3((loc.X + settings.Translate.X), (loc.Y + settings.Translate.Y), (loc.Z + settings.Translate.Z)),
                                                                     new Vector3(sca.X * settings.Scale.X, sca.Y * settings.Scale.Y, sca.Z * settings.Scale.Z), new Quaternion(rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W));
                        anim.MaxTime = maxTime;
                PostProcess(content, content.RootNode);

            catch (Exception ex)
                context.RaiseBuildMessage(filename, ex.Message, BuildMessageEventArgs.BuildMessageType.Error);
        public IEnumerable <VertexBuffer> GetVertexAttribute(string bufferName)
            if (strPosition == bufferName)
                if (this.positionBuffer == null)
                    this.positionBuffer = this.mesh.Vertices.GenVertexBuffer(VBOConfig.Vec3, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);

                yield return(this.positionBuffer);
            else if (strNormal == bufferName)
                if (this.normalBuffer == null)
                    this.normalBuffer = this.mesh.Normals.GenVertexBuffer(VBOConfig.Vec3, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);

                yield return(this.normalBuffer);
            else if (strTexCoord == bufferName)
                if (this.texCoordBuffer == null)
                    Assimp.Vector3D[] texCoords = this.mesh.GetTextureCoords(0);
                    if (texCoords == null)
                        texCoords = new Assimp.Vector3D[this.mesh.VertexCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < texCoords.Length; i++)
                            texCoords[i] = new Assimp.Vector3D(-1, -1, -1);
                    this.texCoordBuffer = texCoords.GenVertexBuffer(VBOConfig.Vec3, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);

                yield return(this.texCoordBuffer);
            else if (strBoneIDs == bufferName)
                if (this.boneIDsBuffer == null)
                    this.boneIDsBuffer = this.boneIDs.GenVertexBuffer(VBOConfig.UVec4, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);

                yield return(this.boneIDsBuffer);
            else if (strWeights == bufferName)
                if (this.weightsBuffer == null)
                    this.weightsBuffer = this.boneWeights.GenVertexBuffer(VBOConfig.Vec4, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);

                yield return(this.weightsBuffer);
                throw new ArgumentException();
Example #26
 public static UnityEngine.Vector2 ToV2(this Assimp.Vector3D v3)
     return(new UnityEngine.Vector2(v3.X, v3.Y));
Example #27
 public static JVector Jitter(this Assimp.Vector3D assimp)
     return(new JVector(assimp.X, assimp.Y, assimp.Z));
Example #28
 public static System.Numerics.Vector3 ToSystemVec3(this Assimp.Vector3D v)
     return(new System.Numerics.Vector3(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
Example #29
 private static Vector2 Get2DCoord(Assimp.Vector3D vector3D) => new Vector2(vector3D.X, 1 - vector3D.Y);
Example #30
        public static Assimp.Scene ToAssimpScene(RwClumpNode clumpNode)
            // Scene
            var aiScene = new Assimp.Scene();

            // RootNode
            var rootFrame  = clumpNode.FrameList[0];
            var aiRootNode = new Assimp.Node("RootNode", null);

            aiRootNode.Transform = new Assimp.Matrix4x4(rootFrame.Transform.M11, rootFrame.Transform.M21, rootFrame.Transform.M31, rootFrame.Transform.M41,
                                                        rootFrame.Transform.M12, rootFrame.Transform.M22, rootFrame.Transform.M32, rootFrame.Transform.M42,
                                                        rootFrame.Transform.M13, rootFrame.Transform.M23, rootFrame.Transform.M33, rootFrame.Transform.M43,
                                                        rootFrame.Transform.M14, rootFrame.Transform.M24, rootFrame.Transform.M34, rootFrame.Transform.M44);

            aiScene.RootNode = aiRootNode;

            for (int i = 1; i < clumpNode.FrameList.Count; i++)
                var frame     = clumpNode.FrameList[i];
                var frameName = "_" + frame.HAnimFrameExtensionNode.NameId;

                Assimp.Node aiParentNode = null;
                if (frame.Parent != null)
                    string parentName = "RootNode";
                    if (frame.Parent.HasHAnimExtension)
                        parentName = "_" + frame.Parent.HAnimFrameExtensionNode.NameId;

                    aiParentNode = aiRootNode.FindNode(parentName);

                var aiNode = new Assimp.Node(frameName, aiParentNode);
                aiNode.Transform = new Assimp.Matrix4x4(frame.Transform.M11, frame.Transform.M21, frame.Transform.M31, frame.Transform.M41,
                                                        frame.Transform.M12, frame.Transform.M22, frame.Transform.M32, frame.Transform.M42,
                                                        frame.Transform.M13, frame.Transform.M23, frame.Transform.M33, frame.Transform.M43,
                                                        frame.Transform.M14, frame.Transform.M24, frame.Transform.M34, frame.Transform.M44);

            // Meshes, Materials
            for (int atomicIndex = 0; atomicIndex < clumpNode.Atomics.Count; atomicIndex++)
                var atomic   = clumpNode.Atomics[atomicIndex];
                var geometry = clumpNode.GeometryList[atomic.GeometryIndex];
                var frame    = clumpNode.FrameList[atomic.FrameIndex];

                var aiNodeName          = $"Atomic{atomicIndex}";
                var aiNode              = new Assimp.Node(aiNodeName, aiScene.RootNode);
                var frameWorldTransform = frame.WorldTransform;
                aiNode.Transform = new Assimp.Matrix4x4(frameWorldTransform.M11, frameWorldTransform.M21, frameWorldTransform.M31, frameWorldTransform.M41,
                                                        frameWorldTransform.M12, frameWorldTransform.M22, frameWorldTransform.M32, frameWorldTransform.M42,
                                                        frameWorldTransform.M13, frameWorldTransform.M23, frameWorldTransform.M33, frameWorldTransform.M43,
                                                        frameWorldTransform.M14, frameWorldTransform.M24, frameWorldTransform.M34, frameWorldTransform.M44);

                bool hasVertexWeights = geometry.SkinNode != null;

                for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < geometry.MeshListNode.MaterialMeshes.Length; meshIndex++)
                    var mesh   = geometry.MeshListNode.MaterialMeshes[meshIndex];
                    var aiMesh = new Assimp.Mesh($"Atomic{atomicIndex}_Geometry{atomic.GeometryIndex}_Mesh{meshIndex}", Assimp.PrimitiveType.Triangle);

                    // get triangle list indices
                    int[] indices;

                    if (geometry.MeshListNode.PrimitiveType == RwPrimitiveType.TriangleList)
                        indices = mesh.Indices;
                        indices = MeshUtilities.ToTriangleList(mesh.Indices, false);

                    // Faces
                    for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3)
                        var faceIndices = new[] { i, i + 1, i + 2 };
                        var aiFace      = new Assimp.Face(faceIndices);

                    // TextureCoordinateChannels, VertexColorChannels, Vertices, MaterialIndex, Normals
                    for (int triIdx = 0; triIdx < indices.Length; triIdx += 3)
                        for (int triVertIdx = 0; triVertIdx < 3; triVertIdx++)
                            int vertexIndex = indices[triIdx + triVertIdx];

                            // TextureCoordinateChannels
                            if (geometry.HasTextureCoordinates)
                                for (int channelIdx = 0; channelIdx < geometry.TextureCoordinateChannelCount; channelIdx++)
                                    var textureCoordinate   = geometry.TextureCoordinateChannels[channelIdx][vertexIndex];
                                    var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(textureCoordinate.X, textureCoordinate.Y, 0f);

                            // VertexColorChannels
                            if (geometry.HasColors)
                                var color   = geometry.Colors[vertexIndex];
                                var aiColor = new Assimp.Color4D(color.R / 255f, color.G / 255f, color.B / 255f, color.A / 255f);

                            // Vertices
                            if (geometry.HasVertices)
                                var vertex   = geometry.Vertices[vertexIndex];
                                var aiVertex = new Assimp.Vector3D(vertex.X, vertex.Y, vertex.Z);

                            // Normals
                            if (geometry.HasNormals)
                                var normal   = geometry.Normals[vertexIndex];
                                var aiNormal = new Assimp.Vector3D(normal.X, normal.Y, normal.Z);

                    // Bones
                    if (hasVertexWeights)
                        var skinNode  = geometry.SkinNode;
                        var aiBoneMap = new Dictionary <int, Assimp.Bone>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                            var vertexIndex     = indices[i];
                            int realVertexIndex = i;

                            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                                var boneIndex  = skinNode.VertexBoneIndices[vertexIndex][j];
                                var boneWeight = skinNode.VertexBoneWeights[vertexIndex][j];

                                if (boneWeight == 0.0f)

                                if (!aiBoneMap.Keys.Contains(boneIndex))
                                    var aiBone    = new Assimp.Bone();
                                    var boneFrame = clumpNode.FrameList.GetFrameByHierarchyIndex(boneIndex);

                                    aiBone.Name = boneFrame.HasHAnimExtension ? "_" + boneFrame.HAnimFrameExtensionNode.NameId : "RootNode";
                                    aiBone.VertexWeights.Add(new Assimp.VertexWeight(realVertexIndex, boneWeight));

                                    Matrix4x4.Invert(frame.WorldTransform, out Matrix4x4 invertedFrameWorldTransform);
                                    Matrix4x4.Invert(boneFrame.WorldTransform * invertedFrameWorldTransform, out Matrix4x4 offsetMatrix);
                                    aiBone.OffsetMatrix = new Assimp.Matrix4x4(offsetMatrix.M11, offsetMatrix.M21, offsetMatrix.M31, offsetMatrix.M41,
                                                                               offsetMatrix.M12, offsetMatrix.M22, offsetMatrix.M32, offsetMatrix.M42,
                                                                               offsetMatrix.M13, offsetMatrix.M23, offsetMatrix.M33, offsetMatrix.M43,
                                                                               offsetMatrix.M14, offsetMatrix.M24, offsetMatrix.M34, offsetMatrix.M44);
                                    aiBoneMap[boneIndex] = aiBone;

                                if (!aiBoneMap[boneIndex].VertexWeights.Any(x => x.VertexID == realVertexIndex))
                                    aiBoneMap[boneIndex].VertexWeights.Add(new Assimp.VertexWeight(realVertexIndex, boneWeight));

                        var aiBone = new Assimp.Bone();

                        // Name
                        aiBone.Name = frame.HasHAnimExtension ? "_" + frame.HAnimFrameExtensionNode.NameId : "RootNode";

                        // VertexWeights
                        for (int i = 0; i < aiMesh.Vertices.Count; i++)
                            var aiVertexWeight = new Assimp.VertexWeight(i, 1f);

                        // OffsetMatrix

                         * Matrix4x4.Invert( frame.WorldTransform, out Matrix4x4 offsetMatrix );
                         * aiBone.OffsetMatrix = new Assimp.Matrix4x4( offsetMatrix.M11, offsetMatrix.M21, offsetMatrix.M31, offsetMatrix.M41,
                         *                                          offsetMatrix.M12, offsetMatrix.M22, offsetMatrix.M32, offsetMatrix.M42,
                         *                                          offsetMatrix.M13, offsetMatrix.M23, offsetMatrix.M33, offsetMatrix.M43,
                         *                                          offsetMatrix.M14, offsetMatrix.M24, offsetMatrix.M34, offsetMatrix.M44 );
                        aiBone.OffsetMatrix = Assimp.Matrix4x4.Identity;


                    var material   = geometry.Materials[mesh.MaterialIndex];
                    var aiMaterial = new Assimp.Material();

                    if (material.IsTextured)
                        // TextureDiffuse
                        var texture = material.TextureReferenceNode;
                        aiMaterial.TextureDiffuse = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            texture.Name + ".png", Assimp.TextureType.Diffuse, 0, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, 0, 0, Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    // Name
                    aiMaterial.Name = material.Name ?? $"Geometry{atomic.GeometryIndex}_Material{mesh.MaterialIndex}";
                    if (material.IsTextured && material.Name == null)
                        aiMaterial.Name = material.TextureReferenceNode.Name;

                    aiMaterial.ShadingMode = Assimp.ShadingMode.Phong;

                    // Add mesh to meshes

                    // Add material to materials

                    // MaterialIndex
                    aiMesh.MaterialIndex = aiScene.Materials.Count - 1;

                    // Add mesh index to node
                    aiNode.MeshIndices.Add(aiScene.Meshes.Count - 1);
