private async Task <List <Document> > getDocumentsForStudent(Exam exam, Student student, string ip)
            List <Document> documents;

            if (!await db.Assignments.AnyAsync(a => a.StudentId == student.Id && db.Documents.Any(d =>
                                                                                                  d.Id == a.DocumentId && db.Questions.Any(q =>
                                                                                                                                           q.Id == d.QuestionId && q.ExamId == exam.Id))))
                //we need to do this in one student at a time, so if multiple students hit the server
                //at the same time, we'll still process them sequentially
                await slim.WaitAsync();

                    //now that we know we haven't already given you documents
                    //figure out which documents to hand over
                    documents = await AssignmentHandler.GetStudentDocuments(db, student, exam, ip, random);
                    await saveDocuments(student, ip, documents);
                //send them the same files again
                documents = await db.Documents.Where(d => db.Assignments.Any(a =>
                                                                             a.DocumentId == d.Id && a.StudentId == student.Id && db.Questions.Any(q =>
                                                                                                                                                   d.QuestionId == q.Id && db.Exams.Any(e => e.Id == q.ExamId && e.Id == exam.Id)))).ToListAsync();

                await saveDocuments(student, ip, documents);
