Example #1
        static void PatchVR(string gameManagersBackupPath, string gameManagersPath, string classDataPath)
            Console.WriteLine("Patching globalgamemanagers...");
            Console.WriteLine($"Using classData file from path '{classDataPath}'");

            AssetsManager am = new AssetsManager();

            AssetsFileInstance ggm      = am.LoadAssetsFile(gameManagersBackupPath, false);
            AssetsFile         ggmFile  = ggm.file;
            AssetsFileTable    ggmTable = ggm.table;


            List <AssetsReplacer> replacers = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

            AssetFileInfoEx        buildSettings     = ggmTable.GetAssetInfo(11);
            AssetTypeValueField    buildSettingsBase = am.GetATI(ggmFile, buildSettings).GetBaseField();
            AssetTypeValueField    enabledVRDevices  = buildSettingsBase.Get("enabledVRDevices").Get("Array");
            AssetTypeTemplateField stringTemplate    = enabledVRDevices.templateField.children[1];

            AssetTypeValueField[] vrDevicesList = new AssetTypeValueField[] { StringField("OpenVR", stringTemplate) };

            replacers.Add(new AssetsReplacerFromMemory(0, buildSettings.index, (int)buildSettings.curFileType, 0xffff, buildSettingsBase.WriteToByteArray()));

            using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(File.OpenWrite(gameManagersPath)))
                ggmFile.Write(writer, 0, replacers, 0);
Example #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            string mainFile = ofd.FileName;
            string outFile  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(ofd.FileName), "out.assets");
            //string classFile = "U5.6.0f3_AT.NET.dat";

            FileStream       mffs            = new FileStream(mainFile, FileMode.Open);
            FileStream       offs            = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create);
            AssetsFile       assetsFile      = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(mffs));
            AssetsFileWriter writer          = new AssetsFileWriter(offs);
            AssetsReplacer   assetsReplacer1 = new AssetsReplacerFromFile(0, 100, 0x1, 0xFFFF, new FileStream("testasset.dat", FileMode.Open), 0, 0x0E);

            assetsFile.Write(writer, 0, new AssetsReplacer[] { assetsReplacer1 }, 0);
            //AssetsFileTable assetsFileTable = new AssetsFileTable(assetsFile);
            //AssetFileInfoEx assetsFileInfo = assetsFileTable.getAssetInfo(289578);

            //FileStream cffs = new FileStream(classFile, FileMode.Open);
            //AssetTypeTemplateField pBaseField = new AssetTypeTemplateField();
            //ClassDatabaseFile classDatabaseFile = new ClassDatabaseFile();
            //classDatabaseFile.Read(new AssetsFileReader(cffs));

            //ClassDatabaseType classDatabaseType = AssetHelper.FindAssetClassByName(classDatabaseFile, "MonoBehaviour");

            //pBaseField.FromClassDatabase(classDatabaseFile, classDatabaseType, 0);

            //AssetTypeInstance ati = new AssetTypeInstance(1, new[] { pBaseField }, new AssetsFileReader(mffs), false, assetsFileInfo.absoluteFilePos);

            //MonoClass mc = new MonoClass();
            //mc.Read("Peeper", "E:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Subnautica\\Subnautica_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll");
            //AssetTypeTemplateField[] templateField = pBaseField.children.Concat(mc.children).ToArray();
            //pBaseField.children = templateField;
            //pBaseField.childrenCount = (uint)pBaseField.children.Length;

            //AssetTypeInstance ati2 = new AssetTypeInstance(1, new[] { pBaseField }, new AssetsFileReader(mffs), false, assetsFileInfo.absoluteFilePos);

            //MessageBox.Show("" + ati.GetBaseField().childrenCount);
            //MessageBox.Show("" + ati.GetBaseField().childrenCount);
            //MessageBox.Show("" + ati.GetBaseField().Get("m_Component").Get("Array").Get(0).Get("component").Get("m_PathID").GetValue().AsInt64());
            //MessageBox.Show("" + ati2.GetBaseField().Get("rechargeInterval").GetValue().AsFloat());
Example #3
 public static void WriteCombinedAssets(this IAssetsFileProvider fp, AssetsFile assetsFile, string assetsFilePath)
     if (assetsFilePath.EndsWith("split0"))
         throw new ArgumentException("Don't pass in filenames with split0, pass in the original.");
     fp.DeleteFiles(assetsFilePath + ".split*");
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
         ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
         fp.Write(assetsFilePath, ms.ToArray(), true, true);
Example #4
        public static void GenerateLevelFiles(AssetsManager am, AssetsFileInstance inst)
            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Reading dependencies...", 0.5f);

            //quicker asset id lookup
            for (int i = 0; i < am.files.Count; i++)
                AssetsFileInstance afi = am.files[i];
                if (i % 100 == 0)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Generating QLTs...", (float)i / am.files.Count);

            ClassDatabaseFile cldb  = am.classFile;
            AssetsFileTable   table = inst.table;

            ReferenceCrawler crawler = new ReferenceCrawler(am);

            List <AssetFileInfoEx> initialGameObjects = table.GetAssetsOfType(0x01);

            for (int i = 0; i < initialGameObjects.Count; i++)
                if (i % 100 == 0)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Recursing GameObject dependencies... (step 1/3)", (float)i / initialGameObjects.Count);
                AssetFileInfoEx inf = initialGameObjects[i];
                crawler.AddReference(new AssetID(inst.path, (long)inf.index), false);
                crawler.FindReferences(inst, inf);

            Dictionary <AssetID, AssetID> glblToLcl = crawler.references;

            List <Type_0D> types     = new List <Type_0D>();
            List <string>  typeNames = new List <string>();

            Dictionary <string, AssetsFileInstance> fileToInst = am.files.ToDictionary(d => d.path);
            int j = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <AssetID, AssetID> id in glblToLcl)
                if (j % 100 == 0)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Rewiring asset pointers... (step 2/3)", (float)j / glblToLcl.Count);
                AssetsFileInstance depInst = fileToInst[id.Key.fileName];
                AssetFileInfoEx    depInf  = depInst.table.getAssetInfo((ulong)id.Key.pathId);

                ClassDatabaseType clType = AssetHelper.FindAssetClassByID(cldb, depInf.curFileType);
                string            clName = clType.name.GetString(cldb);
                if (!typeNames.Contains(clName))
                    Type_0D type0d = C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, clName);
                    type0d.classId = (int)depInf.curFileType;

                crawler.ReplaceReferences(depInst, depInf, id.Value.pathId);

            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Saving scene... (step 3/3)", 1f);


            List <Type_0D> assetTypes = new List <Type_0D>()
                C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, 0x1c),
                C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, 0x30),
                C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, 0x53)

            string origFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inst.path);

            string sceneGuid = CreateMD5(origFileName);

            string ExportedScenes = Path.Combine("Assets", "ExportedScenes");
            //circumvents "!BeginsWithCaseInsensitive(file.pathName, AssetDatabase::kAssetsPathWithSlash)' assertion
            string ExportedScenesData = "ExportedScenesData";

            CreateMetaFile(sceneGuid, Path.Combine(ExportedScenes, origFileName + ".unity.meta"));

            AssetsFile sceneFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, types))));
            AssetsFile assetFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, assetTypes))));

            byte[] sceneFileData;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter w = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    w.bigEndian = false;
                    //unity editor won't load whole assets files by guid, so we have to use hardcoded paths
                    sceneFile.dependencies.pDependencies = new AssetsFileDependency[]
                        CreateDependency(ExportedScenesData + "/" + origFileName + "-data.assets"),
                        CreateScriptDependency(Constants.editDifferMsEditorScriptHash, Constants.editDifferLsEditorScriptHash)
                    sceneFile.dependencies.dependencyCount = 2;
                    sceneFile.preloadTable.items           = new AssetPPtr[]
                        new AssetPPtr(2, 11500000)
                    sceneFile.preloadTable.len = 1;
                    sceneFile.Write(w, 0, crawler.sceneReplacers.Concat(crawler.sceneMonoReplacers).ToArray(), 0);
                    sceneFileData = ms.ToArray();
            byte[] assetFileData;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter w = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    w.bigEndian = false;
                    assetFile.Write(w, 0, crawler.assetReplacers.ToArray(), 0);
                    assetFileData = ms.ToArray();

            File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(ExportedScenes, origFileName + ".unity"), sceneFileData);
            File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(ExportedScenesData, origFileName + "-data.assets"), assetFileData);
            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(ExportedScenesData, origFileName + ".metadata"), CreateHKWEMetaFile(am, inst));

Example #5
    private static void LoadScene()
        am = new AssetsManager();
        am.useTemplateFieldCache = true;
        am.updateAfterLoad       = false;

        hkDir = Util.SteamHelper.GetHollowKnightDataPath();

        var globalgamemanagers = am.LoadAssetsFile(Path.Combine(hkDir, "globalgamemanagers"), false);
        var buildSettings      = globalgamemanagers.table.getAssetInfo(11);

        var baseField = am.GetATI(globalgamemanagers.file, buildSettings).GetBaseField();

        var scenesArray = baseField.Get("scenes").Get("Array");

        // TODO: Allow level to be selected
        const int level = 0;

        var levelName = scenesArray[level].GetValue().AsString().Substring(14);

        levelName = levelName.Substring(0, levelName.Length - 6);

        progressBarTitle = "Loading Scene #" + level + ": " + levelName;

        if (ShouldCancel("Checking workspace", 0.2f))

        if (!baseField.Get("m_Version").GetValue().AsString().Equals(Application.unityVersion))
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Incorrect Unity version!", " You are using " +
                                        Application.unityVersion + " but the assets are compiled for version " +
                                        baseField.Get("m_Version").GetValue().AsString(), "Ok");

        unityVersion = Application.unityVersion;

        if (!Directory.Exists(scenesDir))

        if (!Directory.Exists(dataDir))

        var metaFilePath   = Path.Combine(scenesDir, "level" + level + ".unity.meta");
        var sceneFilePath  = Path.Combine(scenesDir, "level" + level + ".unity");
        var assetsFilePath = Path.Combine(dataDir, "level" + level + ".assets");

        if (File.Exists(sceneFilePath))
            if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Overwrite scene?", "" +
                                            " You have already exported this scene. Would you like to overwrite it or open the existing scene? ",
                                            "Open Existing", "Overwrite"))
                if (ShouldCancel("Opening Scene", 0.5f))

        if (File.Exists(metaFilePath))
        if (File.Exists(assetsFilePath))

        curSceneId = 1;
        curAssetId = 1;

        pointers       = new Dictionary <AssetID, AssetID>();
        sceneReplacers = new List <AssetsReplacer>();
        assetReplacers = new List <AssetsReplacer>();
        monoReplacers  = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

        if (ShouldCancel("Reading level file", 0.5f))
        var scenePath = Path.Combine(Util.SteamHelper.GetHollowKnightDataPath(), "level" + level);
        var scene     = am.LoadAssetsFile(scenePath, true);

        if (ShouldCancel("Updating Dependencies", 0.8f))

        for (var i = 0; i < am.files.Count; i++)
            if (i % 100 == 0 && ShouldCancel("Generating QLTs", (float)i / am.files.Count))

        var table                = scene.table;
        var gameObjects          = table.GetAssetsOfType(0x01);
        var gameObjectBaseFields = new Dictionary <AssetFileInfoEx, AssetTypeValueField>();

        var c = 0;

        for (c = 0; c < gameObjects.Count; c++)
            if (c % 100 == 0 && ShouldCancel("Finding initial GameObjects", (float)c / gameObjects.Count))

            var gameObjectInfo      = gameObjects[c];
            var gameObjectBaseField = am.GetATI(scene.file, gameObjectInfo).GetBaseField();

            AddPointer(new AssetID(scene.path, (long)gameObjectInfo.index), false);
            gameObjectBaseFields.Add(gameObjectInfo, gameObjectBaseField);
        c = 0;

        foreach (var pair in gameObjectBaseFields)
            if (c % 100 == 0 && ShouldCancel("Recursing GameObject dependencies", (float)c / gameObjectBaseFields.Count))
            FindNestedPointers(scene, pair.Value, pair.Key, false);

        var types     = new List <Type_0D>();
        var typeNames = new List <string>();

        var fileToInst = am.files.ToDictionary(d => d.path);
        var j          = 0;

        foreach (var pair in pointers)
            if (j % 100 == 0 && ShouldCancel("Rewiring asset pointers", (float)j / pointers.Count))

            var file = fileToInst[pair.Key.fileName];
            var info = file.table.getAssetInfo((ulong)pair.Key.pathId);

            var assetClass = AssetHelper.FindAssetClassByID(am.classFile, info.curFileType);
            var assetName  = assetClass.name.GetString(am.classFile);

            if (!typeNames.Contains(assetName))
                var type0d = C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, assetName);
                type0d.classId = (int)info.curFileType;

            ReplacePointers(file, info, pair.Value.pathId);

        if (ShouldCancel("Saving scene", 1))

        List <Type_0D> assetTypes = new List <Type_0D>()
            C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x1c), // audioclip
            C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x30), // shader
            C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x53)  // texture2d

        var sceneGuid = Util.UnityHelper.CreateMD5(levelName);

        UnityHelper.CreateMetaFile(sceneGuid, metaFilePath);

        var sceneFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(unityVersion, types))));
        var assetFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(unityVersion, assetTypes))));

        byte[] sceneFileData;
        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            using (AssetsFileWriter w = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                w.bigEndian = false;
                sceneFile.dependencies.pDependencies = new AssetsFileDependency[]
                sceneFile.dependencies.dependencyCount = 1;

                sceneFile.preloadTable.items = new AssetPPtr[] {};
                sceneFile.preloadTable.len   = 0;

                sceneFile.Write(w, 0, sceneReplacers.Concat(monoReplacers).ToArray(), 0);
                sceneFileData = ms.ToArray();
        byte[] assetFileData;
        using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
            using (var w = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                w.bigEndian = false;
                assetFile.Write(w, 0, assetReplacers.ToArray(), 0);
                assetFileData = ms.ToArray();

        File.WriteAllBytes(sceneFilePath, sceneFileData);
        File.WriteAllBytes(assetsFilePath, assetFileData);

        if (ShouldCancel("Refreshing Assets", 0.95f))
Example #6
        private static void ApplyEmip(string[] args)
            HashSet <string> flags    = GetFlags(args);
            string           emipFile = args[1];
            string           rootDir  = args[2];

            if (!File.Exists(emipFile))
                Console.WriteLine($"File {emipFile} does not exist!");

            InstallerPackageFile instPkg = new InstallerPackageFile();
            FileStream           fs      = File.OpenRead(emipFile);
            AssetsFileReader     r       = new AssetsFileReader(fs);

            instPkg.Read(r, true);

            Console.WriteLine($"Installing emip...");
            Console.WriteLine($"{instPkg.modName} by {instPkg.modCreators}");

            foreach (var affectedFile in instPkg.affectedFiles)
                string affectedFileName = Path.GetFileName(affectedFile.path);
                string affectedFilePath = Path.Combine(rootDir, affectedFile.path);

                if (affectedFile.isBundle)
                    string decompFile = $"{affectedFilePath}.decomp";
                    string modFile    = $"{affectedFilePath}.mod";
                    string bakFile    = GetNextBackup(affectedFilePath);

                    if (bakFile == null)

                    if (flags.Contains("-md"))
                        decompFile = null;

                    Console.WriteLine($"Decompressing {affectedFileName} to {decompFile??"memory"}...");
                    AssetBundleFile       bun  = DecompressBundle(affectedFilePath, decompFile);
                    List <BundleReplacer> reps = new List <BundleReplacer>();

                    foreach (var rep in affectedFile.replacers)
                        var bunRep = (BundleReplacer)rep;
                        if (bunRep is BundleReplacerFromAssets)
                            //read in assets files from the bundle for replacers that need them
                            string assetName = bunRep.GetOriginalEntryName();
                            var    bunRepInf = BundleHelper.GetDirInfo(bun, assetName);
                            long   pos       = bun.bundleHeader6.GetFileDataOffset() + bunRepInf.offset;
                            bunRep.Init(bun.reader, pos, bunRepInf.decompressedSize);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Writing {modFile}...");
                    FileStream       mfs = File.OpenWrite(modFile);
                    AssetsFileWriter mw  = new AssetsFileWriter(mfs);
                    bun.Write(mw, reps, instPkg.addedTypes); //addedTypes does nothing atm


                    Console.WriteLine($"Swapping mod file...");
                    File.Move(affectedFilePath, bakFile);
                    File.Move(modFile, affectedFilePath);

                    if (!flags.Contains("-kd") && !flags.Contains("-md") && File.Exists(decompFile))

                else //isAssetsFile
                    string modFile = $"{affectedFilePath}.mod";
                    string bakFile = GetNextBackup(affectedFilePath);

                    if (bakFile == null)

                    FileStream            afs    = File.OpenRead(affectedFilePath);
                    AssetsFileReader      ar     = new AssetsFileReader(afs);
                    AssetsFile            assets = new AssetsFile(ar);
                    List <AssetsReplacer> reps   = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

                    foreach (var rep in affectedFile.replacers)
                        var assetsReplacer = (AssetsReplacer)rep;

                    Console.WriteLine($"Writing {modFile}...");
                    FileStream       mfs = File.OpenWrite(modFile);
                    AssetsFileWriter mw  = new AssetsFileWriter(mfs);
                    assets.Write(mw, 0, reps, 0, instPkg.addedTypes);


                    Console.WriteLine($"Swapping mod file...");
                    File.Move(affectedFilePath, bakFile);
                    File.Move(modFile, affectedFilePath);


Example #7
        public static byte[] CreateBundleFromLevel(AssetsManager am, /*byte[] data,*/ AssetsFileInstance inst, string sceneName, DiffFile diffFile, string bunPath)
            AssetsFile      file  = inst.file;
            AssetsFileTable table = inst.table;

            string folderName = Path.GetDirectoryName(inst.path);
            //string sceneName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inst.path) + "_mod";

            List <AssetsReplacer> assetsSA = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

            List <AssetFileInfoEx> infos = table.pAssetFileInfo.ToList();

            //List<int> typeIds = new List<int>();
            //foreach (AssetFileInfoEx info in infos)
            //    int typeId = (int)info.curFileType;
            //    if (!typeIds.Contains(typeId) && typeId != 0x72)
            //        typeIds.Add(typeId);

            assetsSA.Add(BundleMeta.CreateBundleInformation(sceneName, 2));

            //todo: pull from original assets file, cldb is not always update to date
            List <Type_0D> types = new List <Type_0D>();
            //foreach (int typeId in typeIds)
            //    types.Add(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, typeId));

            List <Type_0D> typesSA = new List <Type_0D>
                C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x96), //PreloadData
                C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x8E)  //AssetBundle

            const string ver = "2017.4.10f1";

            List <AssetsReplacer> replacers = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("HKWE DM " + diffFile.magic);
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("HKWE GC " + diffFile.changes.Count + diffFile.adds.Count + diffFile.removes.Count);
            //AssetsReplacerFromMemory mem = MoveTest.RunMoveTest(table.getAssetInfo(2642), am.GetATI(file, table.getAssetInfo(2642)).GetBaseField(), 2642) as AssetsReplacerFromMemory;
            foreach (GameObjectChange goChange in diffFile.changes)
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("HKWE GO " + goChange.pathId);
                foreach (ComponentChangeOrAdd compChange in goChange.changes)
                    AssetFileInfoEx     goInfo      = table.getAssetInfo((ulong)goChange.pathId);
                    AssetTypeValueField goBaseField = am.GetATI(file, goInfo).GetBaseField();

                    AssetTypeValueField         compPptr = goBaseField.Get("m_Component").Get("Array")[(uint)compChange.componentIndex].Get("component");
                    AssetsManager.AssetExternal compExt  = am.GetExtAsset(inst, compPptr);

                    AssetFileInfoEx     compInfo      = compExt.info;
                    AssetTypeValueField compBaseField = compExt.instance.GetBaseField();

                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("HKWE LR " + compInfo.index);
                    AssetsReplacer imAlreadyReplacer = ComponentDiffReplacer.DiffComponent(compInfo, compBaseField, am.classFile, compChange, compInfo.index);
            AssetsManager amBun = new AssetsManager();                                                                          //we create a new manager because the two filenames will probably conflict

            amBun.classFile = am.classFile;                                                                                     //we can just reuse the classfile which is kinda hacky
            AssetsFileInstance bunInst = amBun.LoadAssetsFile(new MemoryStream(GetBundleData(bunPath, 0)), "HKWEDiffs", false); //placeholder path since we have no deps

            //rearrange the pathids immediately after the
            //last one from the level to keep unity happy
            ulong levelLargestPathID = 0;

            foreach (AssetFileInfoEx inf in table.pAssetFileInfo)
                if (inf.index > levelLargestPathID)
                    levelLargestPathID = inf.index;
            ReferenceCrawler.ReorderIds(amBun, bunInst, levelLargestPathID + 1);

            byte[] bunSAInst = GetBundleData(bunPath, 1);
            //HashSet<ulong> addedDeps = new HashSet<ulong>();
            foreach (AssetFileInfoEx inf in bunInst.table.pAssetFileInfo)
                replacers.Add(MakeReplacer(inf.index, am, bunInst, inst, inf, bunSAInst, types));
            //foreach (GameObjectInfo inf in diffFile.infos)
            //    Debug.Log("7");
            //    ulong bunPathId = GetBundlePathId(amBun, bunInst, inf);
            //    AssetFileInfoEx objInf = bunInst.table.getAssetInfo(bunPathId);
            //    replacers.Add(MakeReplacer(bunPathId, am, bunInst, inst, objInf, bunSAInst, types));
            //    List<ulong> deps = ReferenceCrawler.CrawlPPtrs(amBun, bunInst, bunPathId);
            //    foreach (ulong dep in deps)
            //    {
            //        if (!addedDeps.Contains(dep))
            //        {
            //            addedDeps.Add(dep);
            //            AssetFileInfoEx depInf = bunInst.table.getAssetInfo(dep);
            //            //if (depInf.curFileType == 0x01 || depInf.curFileType == 0x04 || depInf.curFileType == 0xD4 || depInf.curFileType == 0x15 || depInf.curFileType == 0xD5)
            //            //{
            //            //    continue;
            //            //}
            //            replacers.Add(MakeReplacer(dep, am, bunInst, inst, depInf, bunSAInst, types));
            //        }
            //    }
            //    ////its possible to get a collision but very unlikely since unity already randomizes ids which are 8 bytes long
            //    ////there's nothing here to test if a collision would be created so just hope that you don't win the lottery
            //    //ulong bunPathId = GetBundlePathId(amBun, bunInst, inf);
            //    ////AssetFileInfoEx afInf = bunInst.table.getAssetInfo(bunPathId);
            //    ////replacers.Add(MakeReplacer(bunPathId, afInf, bunInst.stream));
            //    //List<ulong> deps = ReferenceCrawler.CrawlPPtrs(am, bunInst, bunPathId);
            //    ////if (info.curFileType == 0x01 || info.curFileType == 0x04 || info.curFileType == 0xD4)
            //    ////{
            //    ////    continue;
            //    ////}
            //    //foreach (ulong dep in deps)
            //    //{
            //    //    AssetFileInfoEx depInf = bunInst.table.getAssetInfo(dep);
            //    //    //MakeReplacer(dep, am, bunInst, inst, depInf, bunSAInst, types);
            //    //    AssetsReplacerFromMemory ar = MakeReplacer(dep, am, bunInst, inst, depInf, bunSAInst, types);
            //    //    //todo- I guess this was just for testing purposes to block out everything, remove this at some point
            //    //    if (depInf.curFileType == 0x01 || depInf.curFileType == 0x04 || depInf.curFileType == 0xD4 || depInf.curFileType == 0x15 || depInf.curFileType == 0xD5) //depInf.curFileType == 0x1C
            //    //    {
            //    //        continue;
            //    //    }
            //    //    replacers.Add(ar);
            //    //}

            byte[] data = null;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    //file.typeTree.hasTypeTree = true; //so we don't have to calculate hashes
                    //foreach (Type_0D type in file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5)
                    //    if (!types.Any(t => t.classId == type.classId))
                    //    {
                    //        types.Insert(0, C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, type.classId));
                    //    }
                    file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5 = file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5.Concat(types.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    //file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5 = types.ToArray();
                    file.typeTree.fieldCount = (uint)file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5.Length;
                    //file.typeTree.fieldCount = (uint)types.Count;
                    file.Write(writer, 0, replacers.ToArray(), 0);
                    data = ms.ToArray();
            //File.WriteAllBytes("_bundlefinal1.unity3d", data);

            byte[]     blankDataSA = BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, typesSA);
            AssetsFile blankFileSA = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(blankDataSA)));

            byte[] dataSA = null;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    blankFileSA.Write(writer, 0, assetsSA.ToArray(), 0);
                    dataSA = ms.ToArray();

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    AssetsBundleFile bundle = BundleCreator.CreateBlankBundle(ver, data.Length, dataSA.Length, sceneName);
Example #8
        public static void GenerateDiffFile(AssetsManager am, AssetsFileInstance buildInst, AssetsFileInstance sceneInst, HKWEMeta meta)
            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Reading dependencies...", 0.5f);

            ClassDatabaseFile cldb = am.classFile;

            DiffData result = new DiffData()
                goChanges   = new List <GameObjectChange>(),
                goAdditions = new List <GameObjectAddition>()

            Dictionary <EditDifferData, long> differToSceneId = new Dictionary <EditDifferData, long>();
            Dictionary <long, EditDifferData> buildIdToDiffer = new Dictionary <long, EditDifferData>();
            List <EditDifferData>             differData      = new List <EditDifferData>();

            AssetsFileTable        sceneTable = sceneInst.table;
            List <AssetFileInfoEx> sceneGos   = sceneTable.GetAssetsOfType(0x01);

            for (int i = 0; i < sceneGos.Count; i++)
                if (i % 100 == 0)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Finding diff IDs... (step 1/3)", (float)i / sceneGos.Count);
                AssetFileInfoEx     inf       = sceneGos[i];
                AssetTypeValueField baseField = am.GetATI(sceneInst.file, inf).GetBaseField();

                AssetTypeValueField editDifferMono = GetEDMono(am, sceneInst, baseField);

                EditDifferData diff = new EditDifferData()
                    fileId     = editDifferMono.Get("fileId").GetValue().AsInt(),
                    pathId     = editDifferMono.Get("pathId").GetValue().AsInt64(),
                    origPathId = editDifferMono.Get("origPathId").GetValue().AsInt64(),
                    newAsset   = editDifferMono.Get("newAsset").GetValue().AsBool()

                buildIdToDiffer[diff.origPathId] = diff;
                differToSceneId[diff]            = inf.index;


            AssetsFileTable        origTable = buildInst.table;
            List <AssetFileInfoEx> origGos   = origTable.GetAssetsOfType(0x01);

            List <long> origDeletIds = new List <long>();
            //int nextBundleId = 1;

            //// == delete changes == //
            //for (int i = 0; i < origGos.Count; i++)
            //    if (i % 100 == 0)
            //        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Checking for deletes... (step 2/3)", (float)i / origGos.Count);
            //    AssetFileInfoEx inf = sceneGos[i];
            //    if (!differData.Any(d => d.origPathId == inf.index))
            //    {
            //        GameObjectChange change = new GameObjectChange
            //        {
            //            flags = GameObjectChangeFlags.Deleted
            //        };
            //        result.goChanges.Add(change);
            //        origDeletIds.Add(inf.index);
            //    }

            // == add changes == //
            //to get this working in a built game, we need
            //built assets (ie pngs -> texture2d) the problem
            //is there's no easy way to direct unity to do that
            //without loading the scene and using unity's api
            //but we can pull out assets into a prefab and build
            //the prefab but there are problems with duplicate
            //dependencies being copied, so we pack them all
            //into one place so that doesn't happen
            //(for reference, in hkwe1, each gameobject got
            //its own prefab)

            //find dependencies
            ReferenceCrawlerBundle createdCrawler  = new ReferenceCrawlerBundle(am); //assets created by the user in the ditor
            ReferenceCrawlerBundle existingCrawler = new ReferenceCrawlerBundle(am); //assets that already existed in the scene

            for (int i = 0; i < differData.Count; i++)
                if (i % 100 == 0)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Checking for additions... (step 2/3)", (float)i / differData.Count);
                EditDifferData dat = differData[i];
                if (dat.newAsset)
                    long            sceneId = differToSceneId[dat];
                    AssetFileInfoEx inf     = sceneInst.table.GetAssetInfo(sceneId);
                    createdCrawler.SetReferences(sceneInst, inf);
                    GameObjectAddition addition = new GameObjectAddition
                        bundleId     = createdCrawler.GetNextId(), //?
                        sceneId      = dat.pathId,
                        dependencies = new List <GameObjectAdditionDependency>()
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <AssetID, AssetID> goRef in createdCrawler.references)
                        addition.dependencies.Add(new GameObjectAdditionDependency
                            sceneId  = goRef.Key.pathId,
                            bundleId = goRef.Value.pathId
                    long            newPathId = differToSceneId[dat];
                    AssetFileInfoEx inf       = sceneInst.table.GetAssetInfo(newPathId);
                    existingCrawler.SetReferences(sceneInst, inf);

            //load up all created assets into a prefab
            List <Type_0D> types     = new List <Type_0D>();
            List <string>  typeNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (AssetsReplacer rep in createdCrawler.sceneReplacers)
                ClassDatabaseType clType = AssetHelper.FindAssetClassByID(cldb, (uint)rep.GetClassID());
                string            clName = clType.name.GetString(cldb);
                if (!typeNames.Contains(clName))
                    Type_0D type0d = C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, clName);
                    type0d.classId = clType.classId;

            List <AssetsReplacer> replacers = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

            replacers.Add(CreatePrefabAsset(2)); //better hope id 2 is a gameobject

            AssetsFile createdFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, types))));

            byte[] data;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    createdFile.Write(writer, 0, replacers, 0);
                    data = ms.ToArray();
Example #9
        public static byte[] CreateBundleFromLevel(AssetsManager am, AssetsFileInstance inst)
            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Reading Files...", 0f);

            //quicker asset id lookup
            for (int i = 0; i < am.files.Count; i++)
                AssetsFileInstance afi = am.files[i];
                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Generating QLTs", (float)i / am.files.Count);

            AssetsFile      file  = inst.file;
            AssetsFileTable table = inst.table;

            string folderName = Path.GetDirectoryName(inst.path);

            List <AssetFileInfoEx> infos = table.pAssetFileInfo.ToList();

            List <string> fileNames           = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <AssetID, byte[]> deps = new Dictionary <AssetID, byte[]>();


            //add own ids to list so we don't reread them
            foreach (AssetFileInfoEx info in infos)
                if (info.curFileType != 1)
                AssetID id = new AssetID(inst.name, (long)info.index);
                deps.Add(id, null);

            //look through each field in each asset in this file
            for (int i = 0; i < infos.Count; i++)
                AssetFileInfoEx info = infos[i];
                if (info.curFileType != 1)
                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Crawling PPtrs", (float)i / infos.Count);
                ReferenceCrawler.CrawlPPtrs(am, inst, info.index, fileNames, deps);

            //add typetree data for dependencies
            long                  curId     = 1;
            List <Type_0D>        types     = new List <Type_0D>();
            List <string>         typeNames = new List <string>();
            List <AssetsReplacer> assets    = new List <AssetsReplacer>();
            Dictionary <string, AssetsFileInstance> insts = new Dictionary <string, AssetsFileInstance>();
            //asset id is our custom id that uses filename/pathid instead of fileid/pathid
            //asset id to path id
            Dictionary <AssetID, long> aidToPid = new Dictionary <AssetID, long>();
            //script id to mono id
            Dictionary <ScriptID, ushort> sidToMid = new Dictionary <ScriptID, ushort>();
            uint   lastId     = 0;
            ushort nextMonoId = 0;
            int    depCount   = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <AssetID, byte[]> dep in deps)
                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Fixing Dependencies", (float)depCount / deps.Keys.Count);
                AssetID            id        = dep.Key;
                byte[]             assetData = dep.Value;
                AssetsFileInstance afInst    = null;
                if (insts.ContainsKey(id.fileName))
                    afInst = insts[id.fileName];
                    afInst = am.files.First(f => f.name == id.fileName);
                if (afInst == null)
                AssetFileInfoEx inf = afInst.table.getAssetInfo((ulong)id.pathId);
                if (lastId != inf.curFileType)
                    lastId = inf.curFileType;

                ClassDatabaseType clType    = AssetHelper.FindAssetClassByID(am.classFile, inf.curFileType);
                string            clName    = clType.name.GetString(am.classFile);
                ushort            monoIndex = 0xFFFF;
                if (inf.curFileType != 0x72)
                    if (!typeNames.Contains(clName))
                        Type_0D type0d = C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, clName);
                        type0d.classId = (int)inf.curFileType; //?
                    //unused for now
                    AssetTypeValueField baseField       = am.GetATI(afInst.file, inf).GetBaseField();
                    AssetTypeValueField m_Script        = baseField.Get("m_Script");
                    AssetTypeValueField scriptBaseField = am.GetExtAsset(afInst, m_Script).instance.GetBaseField();
                    string   m_ClassName    = scriptBaseField.Get("m_ClassName").GetValue().AsString();
                    string   m_Namespace    = scriptBaseField.Get("m_Namespace").GetValue().AsString();
                    string   m_AssemblyName = scriptBaseField.Get("m_AssemblyName").GetValue().AsString();
                    ScriptID sid            = new ScriptID(m_ClassName, m_Namespace, m_AssemblyName);
                    if (!sidToMid.ContainsKey(sid))
                        MonoClass mc = new MonoClass();
                        mc.Read(m_ClassName, Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(inst.path), "Managed"), m_AssemblyName), afInst.file.header.format);

                        Type_0D type0d = C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, clName);
                        TemplateFieldToType0D typeConverter = new TemplateFieldToType0D();

                        TypeField_0D[] monoFields = typeConverter.TemplateToTypeField(mc.children, type0d);

                        type0d.pStringTable      = typeConverter.stringTable;
                        type0d.stringTableLen    = (uint)type0d.pStringTable.Length;
                        type0d.scriptIndex       = nextMonoId;
                        type0d.pTypeFieldsEx     = type0d.pTypeFieldsEx.Concat(monoFields).ToArray();
                        type0d.typeFieldsExCount = (uint)type0d.pTypeFieldsEx.Length;

                        sidToMid.Add(sid, nextMonoId);
                    monoIndex = sidToMid[sid];
                aidToPid.Add(id, curId);
                AssetsReplacer rep = new AssetsReplacerFromMemory(0, (ulong)curId, (int)inf.curFileType, monoIndex, assetData);

            byte[]     blankData = BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, types);
            AssetsFile blankFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(blankData)));

            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Writing first file...", 0f);
            byte[] data = null;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    blankFile.Write(writer, 0, assets.ToArray(), 0);
                    data = ms.ToArray();

            //File.WriteAllBytes("debug.assets", data);

            MemoryStream  msn = new MemoryStream(data);
            AssetsManager amn = new AssetsManager();

            amn.classFile = am.classFile;
            AssetsFileInstance instn = amn.LoadAssetsFile(msn, ((FileStream)inst.file.reader.BaseStream).Name, false);



            List <AssetsReplacer> assetsn = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

            //gameobject id to mono id
            Dictionary <long, long> gidToMid = new Dictionary <long, long>();
            long nextBehaviourId             = (long)instn.table.pAssetFileInfo.Max(i => i.index) + 1;

            CreateEditDifferTypeTree(amn.classFile, instn);
            CreateSceneMetadataTypeTree(amn.classFile, instn);

            Random rand = new Random();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <AssetID, long> kvp in aidToPid)
                AssetFileInfoEx inf = instn.table.getAssetInfo((ulong)kvp.Value);
                if (inf.curFileType == 0x01)
                    gidToMid.Add(kvp.Value, nextBehaviourId);
                    assetsn.Add(CreateEditDifferMonoBehaviour(kvp.Value, kvp.Key, nextBehaviourId++, rand));

            for (int i = 0; i < instn.table.pAssetFileInfo.Length; i++)
                AssetFileInfoEx inf = instn.table.pAssetFileInfo[i];
                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Crawling PPtrs", (float)i / instn.table.pAssetFileInfo.Length);
                ReferenceCrawler.CrawlReplacePPtrs(amn, instn, inf.index, fileNames, deps, aidToPid, gidToMid);

            //add monoscript assets to preload table to make unity happy
            List <AssetPPtr> preloadPptrs = new List <AssetPPtr>();

            preloadPptrs.Add(new AssetPPtr(1, 11500000));
            preloadPptrs.Add(new AssetPPtr(2, 11500000));
            foreach (KeyValuePair <AssetID, byte[]> dep in deps)
                AssetID id        = dep.Key;
                byte[]  assetData = dep.Value;
                long    pid       = id.pathId;

                if (pid == 1)
                    assetData = AddMetadataMonobehaviour(assetData, nextBehaviourId);

                AssetFileInfoEx inf    = instn.table.getAssetInfo((ulong)pid);
                ushort          monoId = instn.file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5[inf.curFileTypeOrIndex].scriptIndex;
                assetsn.Add(new AssetsReplacerFromMemory(0, (ulong)pid, (int)inf.curFileType, monoId, assetData));
                if (inf.curFileType == 0x73)
                    preloadPptrs.Add(new AssetPPtr(0, (ulong)pid));

            List <long> usedIds = assetsn.Select(a => (long)a.GetPathID()).ToList();

            //will break if no gameobjects but I don't really care at this point
            assetsn.Add(CreateSceneMetadataMonoBehaviour(1, nextBehaviourId++, inst.name, usedIds));

            instn.file.preloadTable.items = preloadPptrs.ToArray();
            instn.file.preloadTable.len   = (uint)instn.file.preloadTable.items.Length;

            //add dependencies to monobehaviours
            List <AssetsFileDependency> fileDeps = new List <AssetsFileDependency>();

            AddScriptDependency(fileDeps, Constants.editDifferMsEditorScriptHash, Constants.editDifferLsEditorScriptHash);
            AddScriptDependency(fileDeps, Constants.sceneMetadataMsEditorScriptHash, Constants.sceneMetadataLsEditorScriptHash);

            instn.file.dependencies.pDependencies   = fileDeps.ToArray();
            instn.file.dependencies.dependencyCount = (uint)fileDeps.Count;

            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Writing second file...", 0f);
            byte[] datan = null;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    instn.file.Write(writer, 0, assetsn.ToArray(), 0);
                    datan = ms.ToArray();

