Example #1
    public override bool doTool()
        bool done = false;

        AssetsController.addSingleAsset(assetsInformation[index].category, filename, destinyAssetName, true);
        // Dirty fix?
        string selectedAsset = destinyAssetName == null ? (new FileInfo(filename)).FullName : destinyAssetName;

        // If a file was selected
        if (selectedAsset != null)
            // Take the index of the selected asset
            string[] assetFilenames = AssetsController.getAssetFilenames(assetsInformation[index].category,
            string[] assetPaths = AssetsController.getAssetsList(assetsInformation[index].category,
            int assetIndex = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < assetFilenames.Length; i++)
                if (assetFilenames[i].Equals(selectedAsset))
                    assetIndex = i;

            // check if the asset is "standright" or "standleft" in order to modify the attr assetNecessary
            // for the assetInformation
            if (assetsInformation[index].name.Equals("standright"))
                // if "standright" asset is necessary, set the "standleft" as not necessary
                if (assetsInformation[index].assetNecessary)
                    for (int i = 0; i < assetsInformation.Length; i++)
                        if (assetsInformation[i].name.Equals("standleft"))
                            assetsInformation[i].assetNecessary = false;
                //if is not art necessary and is 3rd person game, look for "standleft", if this asset is
                // not necessary, set "standright as necessary"
                else if (!Controller.getInstance().isPlayTransparent())
                    for (int i = 0; i < assetsInformation.Length; i++)
                        if (assetsInformation[i].name.Equals("standleft"))
                            assetsInformation[index].assetNecessary = true;
                            assetsInformation[i].assetNecessary     = false;
            else if (assetsInformation[index].name.Equals("standleft"))
                // if "standleft" asset is necessary, set the "standright" as not necessary
                if (assetsInformation[index].assetNecessary)
                    for (int i = 0; i < assetsInformation.Length; i++)
                        assetsInformation[i].assetNecessary = false;
                } //if is not art necessary and is 3rd person game, look for "standright", if this asset is
                // not necessary, set "standright as necessary"
                else if (!Controller.getInstance().isPlayTransparent())
                    for (int i = 0; i < assetsInformation.Length; i++)
                        if (assetsInformation[i].name.Equals("standright"))
                            assetsInformation[index].assetNecessary = true;
                            assetsInformation[i].assetNecessary     = false;
            //The empty animation is, in fact, a special asset. When this asset is in an animation, it is considered as animation asset.
            // For this reason,at this point, assetIndex is = -1. So, if animation is emptyAnimation, change the path in addAsset method
            bool   changeFilter = false;
            string specialPath  = AssetsController.CATEGORY_SPECIAL_ASSETS + "/" + "EmptyAnimation.eaa";
            if (filename.Contains("EmptyAnimation"))
                changeFilter = true;

            resources.addAsset(assetsInformation[index].name, changeFilter ? specialPath : assetPaths[assetIndex]);
            done = true;