Example #1
        // Main routine to resolve a typeReference.
        private static RuntimeType TryResolveTypeReference(this ReflectionDomain reflectionDomain, MetadataReader reader, TypeReferenceHandle typeReferenceHandle, ref Exception exception)
                ExecutionDomain executionDomain = reflectionDomain as ExecutionDomain;
                if (executionDomain != null)
                    RuntimeTypeHandle resolvedRuntimeTypeHandle;
                    if (executionDomain.ExecutionEnvironment.TryGetNamedTypeForTypeReference(reader, typeReferenceHandle, out resolvedRuntimeTypeHandle))

            TypeReference typeReference = typeReferenceHandle.GetTypeReference(reader);
            String        name          = typeReference.TypeName.GetString(reader);
            Handle        parent        = typeReference.ParentNamespaceOrType;
            HandleType    parentType    = parent.HandleType;
            TypeInfo      outerTypeInfo = null;

            // Check if this is a reference to a nested type.

            if (parentType == HandleType.TypeDefinition)
                outerTypeInfo = RuntimeNamedTypeInfo.GetRuntimeNamedTypeInfo(reader, parent.ToTypeDefinitionHandle(reader));
            else if (parentType == HandleType.TypeReference)
                RuntimeType outerType = reflectionDomain.TryResolveTypeReference(reader, parent.ToTypeReferenceHandle(reader), ref exception);
                if (outerType == null)
                outerTypeInfo = outerType.GetTypeInfo();   // Since we got to outerType via a metadata reference, we're assured GetTypeInfo() won't throw a MissingMetadataException.
            if (outerTypeInfo != null)
                // It was a nested type. We've already resolved the containing type recursively - just find the nested among its direct children.
                TypeInfo resolvedTypeInfo = outerTypeInfo.GetDeclaredNestedType(name);
                if (resolvedTypeInfo == null)
                    exception = reflectionDomain.CreateMissingMetadataException(outerTypeInfo, name);

            // If we got here, the typeReference was to a non-nested type.
            if (parentType == HandleType.NamespaceReference)
                AssemblyQualifiedTypeName assemblyQualifiedTypeName = parent.ToNamespaceReferenceHandle(reader).ToAssemblyQualifiedTypeName(name, reader);
                RuntimeType runtimeType;
                exception = assemblyQualifiedTypeName.TryResolve(reflectionDomain, null, /*ignoreCase: */ false, out runtimeType);
                if (exception != null)

            throw new BadImageFormatException(); // Expected TypeReference parent to be typeRef, typeDef or namespaceRef.