Example #1
        private static void PatchGame(string version, string copyToFolder, bool runPeVerify)
            if (!Directory.Exists(copyToFolder))
                Log.Information("Creating copy to folder.");
            //+ Path-related
            var copyToPath      = Path.Combine(copyToFolder, @"Assembly-CSharp.dll");
            var originalDllPath = Path.Combine(RelativePaths.DllSourcesPath, version, "Assembly-CSharp.dll");

            //+ Creating patcher
            var patcher = new AssemblyPatcher(originalDllPath, ImplicitImportSetting.OnlyCompilerGenerated, Log)
                EmbedHistory = false

            //+ Patching assemblies
            //add more lines to patch more things

            //+ End

            if (runPeVerify)
                    "Running PEVerify on the assembly to check the IL for errors. Please wait.");
                Log.Information(patcher.RunPeVerify(ignoreErrors: _ignoreErrors));
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to close.");
Example #2
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <paramref name="path" /> parameter contains invalid characters, is empty, or contains only white spaces.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException" />, instead.The <paramref name="path" /> parameter is longer than the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
        public static string TryRunPeVerify(this AssemblyPatcher patcher, AppInfo appInfo, string targetFile)
            var peSettings = new PEVerifyInput
                AssemblyResolutionFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFile),
                IgnoreErrors             = appInfo.IgnorePEVerifyErrors.ToList()

            PEVerifyOutput peOutput = patcher.RunPeVerify(peSettings);

Example #3
        private void ApplyInstructions(IEnumerable <PatchGroup> patchGroups, ProgressObject po)
            //TODO: Use a different progress tracking system and make the entire patching operation more recoverable and fault-tolerant.
            //TODO: Refactor this method.
            patchGroups = patchGroups.ToList();
            var appInfo      = AppInfo;
            var logger       = Logger;
            var fileProgress = new ProgressObject();

            po.Child.Value = fileProgress;
            var patchProgress = new ProgressObject();

            fileProgress.Child.Value = patchProgress;
            var myAttributesAssembly   = typeof(AppInfo).Assembly;
            var attributesAssemblyName = Path.GetFileName(myAttributesAssembly.Location);
            var history = new List <XmlFileHistory>();

            po.TaskTitle.Value = "Patching Game";
            po.TaskText.Value  = appInfo.AppName;
            po.Total.Value     = patchGroups.Count();

            foreach (var patchGroup in patchGroups)
                var patchCount = patchGroup.Instructions.Count;
                po.TaskTitle.Value = $"Patching {appInfo.AppName}";
                var targetFile = patchGroup.TargetPath;
                po.TaskText.Value = Path.GetFileName(targetFile);
                //Note that Path.Combine(FILENAME, "..", OTHER_FILENAME) doesn't work on Mono but does work on .NET.
                var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFile);

                var localAssemblyName = Path.Combine(dir, attributesAssemblyName);
                var copy = true;
                fileProgress.TaskTitle.Value = "Patching File";
                fileProgress.Total.Value     = 2 + patchCount;

                var backupModified = PatchingHelper.GetBackupForModified(targetFile);
                var backupOrig     = PatchingHelper.GetBackupForOriginal(targetFile);
                fileProgress.TaskText.Value = "Applying Patch";

                if (!PatchingHelper.DoesFileMatchPatchList(backupModified, targetFile, patchGroup.Instructions) ||
                    if (File.Exists(localAssemblyName))
                        try {
                            var localAssembly = AssemblyCache.Default.ReadAssembly(localAssemblyName);
                            if (localAssembly.GetAssemblyMetadataString() == myAttributesAssembly.GetAssemblyMetadataString())
                                copy = false;
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            Logger.Warning(ex, $"Failed to read local attributes assembly so it will be overwritten.");
                            //if reading the assembly failed for any reason, just ignore...
                    if (copy)
                        File.Copy(myAttributesAssembly.Location, localAssemblyName, true);

                    var patcher = new AssemblyPatcher(targetFile, logger)
                        EmbedHistory = true

                    foreach (var patch in patchGroup.Instructions)
                        try {
                            patcher.PatchManifest(patch.Patch, patchProgress.ToMonitor());
                        catch (PatchException ex) {
                            throw new PatchingProcessException(ex)
                                      AssociatedInstruction = patch,
                                      AssociatedPatchGroup  = patchGroup,
                                      Step = PatchProcessingStep.ApplyingSpecificPatch
                    patchProgress.TaskText.Value  = "";
                    patchProgress.TaskTitle.Value = "";

                    fileProgress.TaskText.Value = "Writing Assembly";
                    if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                        fileProgress.TaskText.Value = "Running PEVerify...";
                        var targetFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFile);
                        try {
                            var peOutput = patcher.RunPeVerify(new PEVerifyInput {
                                AssemblyResolutionFolder = targetFolder,
                                IgnoreErrors             = AppInfo.IgnorePEVerifyErrors.ToList()
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            logger.Error(ex, "Failed to run PEVerify on the assembly.");

                    try {
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw new PatchingProcessException(ex)
                                  AssociatedInstruction = null,
                                  AssociatedPatchGroup  = patchGroup,
                                  Step = PatchProcessingStep.WritingToFile
                    fileProgress.Current.Value += patchCount;
                try {
                    PatchingHelper.SwitchFilesSafely(backupModified, targetFile, backupOrig);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new PatchingProcessException(ex)
                              AssociatedInstruction = null,
                              AssociatedPatchGroup  = patchGroup,
                              Step = PatchProcessingStep.PerformingSwitch
Example #4
		private void ApplyInstructions(IEnumerable<PatchGroup> patchGroups, ProgressObject po) {
			//TODO: Use a different progress tracking system and make the entire patching operation more recoverable and fault-tolerant.
			//TODO: Refactor this method.
			patchGroups = patchGroups.ToList();
			var appInfo = AppInfo;
			var logger = Logger;
			var fileProgress = new ProgressObject();
			po.Child.Value = fileProgress;
			var patchProgress = new ProgressObject();
			fileProgress.Child.Value = patchProgress;
			var myAttributesAssembly = typeof (AppInfo).Assembly;
			var attributesAssemblyName = Path.GetFileName(myAttributesAssembly.Location);
			var history = new List<XmlFileHistory>();
			po.TaskTitle.Value = "Patching Game";
			po.TaskText.Value = appInfo.AppName;
			po.Total.Value = patchGroups.Count();

			foreach (var patchGroup in patchGroups) {
				var patchCount = patchGroup.Instructions.Count;
				po.TaskTitle.Value = $"Patching {appInfo.AppName}";
				var targetFile = patchGroup.TargetPath;
				po.TaskText.Value = Path.GetFileName(targetFile);
				//Note that Path.Combine(FILENAME, "..", OTHER_FILENAME) doesn't work on Mono but does work on .NET.
				var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFile);

				var localAssemblyName = Path.Combine(dir, attributesAssemblyName);
				var copy = true;
				fileProgress.TaskTitle.Value = "Patching File";
				fileProgress.Total.Value = 2 + patchCount;

				var backupModified = PatchingHelper.GetBackupForModified(targetFile);
				var backupOrig = PatchingHelper.GetBackupForOriginal(targetFile);
				fileProgress.TaskText.Value = "Applying Patch";

				if (!PatchingHelper.DoesFileMatchPatchList(backupModified, targetFile, patchGroup.Instructions)
					|| Preferences.AlwaysPatch) {
					if (File.Exists(localAssemblyName)) {
						try {
							var localAssembly = AssemblyCache.Default.ReadAssembly(localAssemblyName);
							if (localAssembly.GetAssemblyMetadataString() == myAttributesAssembly.GetAssemblyMetadataString()) {
								copy = false;
						catch (Exception ex) {
							Logger.Warning(ex, $"Failed to read local attributes assembly so it will be overwritten.");
							//if reading the assembly failed for any reason, just ignore...
					if (copy) {
						File.Copy(myAttributesAssembly.Location, localAssemblyName, true);

					var patcher = new AssemblyPatcher(targetFile, logger) {
						EmbedHistory = true

					foreach (var patch in patchGroup.Instructions) {
						try {
							patcher.PatchManifest(patch.Patch, patchProgress.ToMonitor());
						catch (PatchException ex) {
							throw new PatchingProcessException(ex) {
								AssociatedInstruction = patch,
								AssociatedPatchGroup = patchGroup,
								Step = PatchProcessingStep.ApplyingSpecificPatch
					patchProgress.TaskText.Value = "";
					patchProgress.TaskTitle.Value = "";

					fileProgress.TaskText.Value = "Writing Assembly";
					if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) {
						fileProgress.TaskText.Value = "Running PEVerify...";
						var targetFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFile);
						try {
							var peOutput = patcher.RunPeVerify(new PEVerifyInput {
								AssemblyResolutionFolder = targetFolder,
								IgnoreErrors = AppInfo.IgnorePEVerifyErrors.ToList()
						catch (Exception ex) {
							logger.Error(ex, "Failed to run PEVerify on the assembly.");

					try {
					catch (Exception ex) {
						throw new PatchingProcessException(ex) {
							AssociatedInstruction = null,
							AssociatedPatchGroup = patchGroup,
							Step = PatchProcessingStep.WritingToFile
				} else {
					fileProgress.Current.Value += patchCount;
				try {
					PatchingHelper.SwitchFilesSafely(backupModified, targetFile, backupOrig);
				catch (Exception ex) {
					throw new PatchingProcessException(ex) {
						AssociatedInstruction = null,
						AssociatedPatchGroup = patchGroup,
						Step = PatchProcessingStep.PerformingSwitch