Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update Common Assay Attributes table (mbs_owner.cmn_assy_atrbts)
        /// Command: Update AssayAttributesTable
        /// This command builds an entry (or two) in the cmn_assy_atrbts table for each assay
        /// referenced in the Mobius contents tree that reports an SP or CRC value as determined
        /// by the associated metafactory and available in each metatable.
        /// If the gene target associated with an assay can be identified then information on that
        /// gene is included as well.
        /// Additional gene information may come from the metadata for a source such as the results
        /// warehouse.
        /// Note that this function must be run under an account that has access to all restricted data so that it
        /// can properly see what's available and build the table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string UpdateAssayAttributesTable(string args)
            MetaTable       mt;
            MetaColumn      mc;
            AssayAttributes aa, aa2;

            Dictionary <int, int>    geneIdCounts = new Dictionary <int, int>();        // genes and counts keyed by entrez gene id
            Dictionary <int, double> targetMapXDict;                                    // dendogram X coord keyed by gene id
            Dictionary <int, double> targetMapYDict;                                    // dendogram Y coord keyed by gene id

            Dictionary <string, int> targetTypeCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>(); // target types and counts
            Dictionary <int, string> assayTypeDict;
            Dictionary <int, string> assayModeDict;

            //UnpivotedAssayResult rr, rr2;
            List <string> toks;
            string        mtName, tableNamePrefix, key, fileName, msg;
            bool          crcExists, spExists, isSummary;
            int           tableId, step, ri, resultTypeId, assayRowCount;

            Log = new LogFile(ServicesDirs.LogDir + @"\UpdateCommonAssayAttributes.log");

// Get list of all of the assays in the tree

            LogMessage("Accumulating assays...");

            HashSet <string> mtNameHash = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (MetaTreeNode mtn0 in MetaTree.Nodes.Values)
                if (mtn0.Type != MetaTreeNodeType.MetaTable)

                mtName = mtn0.Target;

                if (AssayMetaData.IsAssayMetaTableName(mtName))

            bool debug = false;             // set to true to debug with limited list of assays from below

            if (debug)


            // Get other informatin needed from AssayMetadata

            LogMessage("Reading AssayMetadata ASSAY metadata...");
            Dictionary <int, AssayDbMetadata> assayMetadataAssayDict =            // get assays and associated target/gene information

            LogMessage("Getting AssayMetadata result types...");
            Dictionary <int, AssayDbResultType> resultTypeDict = AssayMetadataDao.GetResultTypeDict();

            LogMessage("Getting assay types and modes...");
            AssayMetadataDao.GetAssayTypesAndModes(out assayTypeDict, out assayModeDict);

            LogMessage("Getting gene dendogram coordinates...");
                AssayMetadataDao.GetImageCoords(out targetMapXDict, out targetMapYDict);
            catch (Exception ex)             // may fail if problem with data source
                LogMessage(DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex, true));
                targetMapXDict = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                targetMapYDict = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            // Process each assay

            int metatablesFound = 0, metatablesNotFound = 0;

            int assaysProcessed            = 0;
            int assaysWithGenes            = 0;
            int assaysWithGeneCoords       = 0;
            int assaysWithTargets          = 0;
            int assaysWithSpOnly           = 0;
            int assaysWithCrcOnly          = 0;
            int assaysWithNoCrcSP          = 0;
            int assaysWithOtherTypes       = 0;
            int assaysWithCrcAndSp         = 0;
            int assaysWithNoKeyTypes       = 0;
            int assaysWithProcessingErrors = 0;

            Dictionary <string, int> CrcAssayCnt = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "ASSAY_DB1", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB2", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB3", 0 }
            Dictionary <string, int> SpAssayCnt = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "ASSAY_DB1", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB2", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB3", 0 }
            Dictionary <string, int> OtherAssayCnt = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "ASSAY_DB1", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB2", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB3", 0 }

            List <AssayAttributes> resultTypeRows = new List <AssayAttributes>();
            List <AssayAttributes> geneRows       = new List <AssayAttributes>();
            List <AssayAttributes> dbRows         = new List <AssayAttributes>();

            string copyUpdateMsg = "";

            foreach (string mtName0 in mtNameHash)
                AssayMetaData assayMetaData = null;                 // metadata for assay
                bool          isAssay       = false;
                int           assayIdNbr    = NullValue.NullNumber;
                int           assayId       = NullValue.NullNumber;

                //if (assaysProcessed >= 100) break; // debug

                mtName = mtName0;
                MetaTable.ParseMetaTableName(mtName, out tableNamePrefix, out tableId, out isSummary);

                string resultType = "";
                string rtId = "";
                string assayName, assayDb;

                mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);                 // get metatable
                if (mt == null)
                    LogMessage("MetaTable not found: " + mtName);


                if (mt.Code == "")
                    continue;                         // must be single pivoted assay
                assayDb    = "ASSAY_DB";              // customize
                assayIdNbr = -1;

                if (UalUtil.IClient != null && UalUtil.IClient.Attended)
                    UAL.Progress.Show((assaysProcessed + 1).ToString() + " / " + mtNameHash.Count + " - " + mt.Name + "\r\n" + mt.Label);

                aa = new AssayAttributes();
                aa.AssayDatabase = assayDb;
                aa.AssayIdNbr    = assayIdNbr;         // data-source-specific assay Id
                aa.AssayIdTxt    = mt.Name;            // store ASSAY_1234  type table name
                aa.AssayId2      = assayId;            // any associated assay id

                if (isAssay)
                    aa.AssayName = assayMetaData.Name;                     // name from AssayMetadata
                    aa.AssayName = MetaTable.RemoveSuffixesFromName(mt.Label);                  // name from metatable
                if (mt.SummarizedExists)
                    aa.SummarizedAvailable = true;
                    aa.SummarizedAvailable = false;

                if (isAssay)
                    if (assayTypeDict.ContainsKey(tableId))
                        aa.AssayType = assayTypeDict[tableId];

                    if (assayModeDict.ContainsKey(tableId))
                        aa.AssayMode = assayModeDict[tableId];

                    aa.AssaySource       = AssayMetaData.GetAssaySource(tableId);
                    aa.AssociationSource = "TODO";                     // customize

                aa.AssayStatus = "Active";                 // say all active for now

                MetaTableStats mts = MetaTableFactory.GetStats(mtName);
                if (mts != null)
                    aa.ResultCount     = (int)mts.RowCount;
                    aa.AssayUpdateDate = mts.UpdateDateTime;
                    aa.ResultCount = 0;                  // assume no results if no stats
                if (mt.DescriptionIsAvailable())         // use description from Mobius
                    aa.AssayDesc = "Y";

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aa.GeneFamily))
                    aa.GeneFamily = "Unknown";                              // set these to "Unknown" rather than null
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aa.AssayType))
                    aa.AssayType = "UNKNOWN";                             // upper case UNKNOWN
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aa.AssayMode))
                    aa.AssayMode = "UNKNOWN";                             // upper case UNKNOWN
// Step1: Add a row for primary & any secondary results

                MetaColumn       firstResultCol = null, firstKeyResultCol = null, firstOtherKeyResultCol = null;
                string           resultTypeConcType;
                HashSet <string> keyResultTypeCodes = new HashSet <string>();
                int spCnt = 0, crcCnt = 0, otherCnt = 0;

                for (int mci = 0; mci < mt.MetaColumns.Count; mci++)                 // pick first col with result code (could also check summarization method)
                    mc = mt.MetaColumns[mci];

                    if (Lex.IsUndefined(mc.ResultCode))
                        continue;                                                     // must have code defined
                    if (keyResultTypeCodes.Contains(mc.ResultCode))
                        continue;                                                                 // and not included so far
                    if (mc.InitialSelection != ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected)
                        continue;                                                                          // selected only
                    if (firstResultCol == null)
                        firstResultCol = mc;

                    if (!IsKeyResultType(mc, out resultTypeConcType))

                    if (firstKeyResultCol == null)
                        firstKeyResultCol = mc;


                    aa2 = aa.Clone();

                    if (resultTypeRows.Count == 0)
                        aa2.TopLevelResult = "Y";
                        aa2.TopLevelResult = "N";

                    aa2.ResultTypeId2   = GetAssayResultTypeId(mc);    // AssayMetadata result type id
                    aa2.ResultTypeIdNbr = GetInternalResultTypeId(mc); // Internal database result type id
                    aa2.ResultTypeIdTxt = mc.Name;                     // Mobius column name

                    if (isAssay && resultTypeDict.ContainsKey(aa2.ResultTypeId2))
                        aa2.ResultName = resultTypeDict[aa2.ResultTypeId2].Name;                         // use name from AssayMetadata result type dict
                        aa2.ResultName = mc.Label;                      // use label from Mobius
                    aa2.ResultTypeUnits = mc.Units;                     // result units

                    if (Lex.Eq(resultTypeConcType, "SP"))
                        aa2.ResultTypeConcType = "SP";

                    else if (Lex.Eq(resultTypeConcType, "CRC"))
                        aa2.ResultTypeConcType = "CRC";

                        aa2.ResultTypeConcType = "";
                        if (firstOtherKeyResultCol == null)
                            firstOtherKeyResultCol = mc;

                    aa2.ResultTypeConcUnits = "";                     // todo


                if (resultTypeRows.Count >= 1)
                    if (crcCnt > 0)
                        CrcAssayCnt[assayDb]++;                                 // count primary type by db
                    else if (spCnt > 0)

                    if (crcCnt > 0 && spCnt == 0)
                        assaysWithCrcOnly++;                                               // count overall primary/secondary types
                    else if (crcCnt == 0 && spCnt > 0)
                    else if (crcCnt > 0 && spCnt > 0)

                    if (crcCnt == 0 && spCnt == 0)                     // no SP or CRC result types
                        mc = firstKeyResultCol;
                        LogMessage("Assay with No SP/CRC key results: " + mt.Name + "." + mc.Name + " (" + mc.ResultCode + "), " + mt.Label + "." + mc.Label);

                    else if (otherCnt > 0)                     // no SP or CRC result types
                        mc = firstOtherKeyResultCol;
                        LogMessage("Non SP/CRC key result: " + mt.Name + "." + mc.Name + " (" + mc.ResultCode + "), " + mt.Label + "." + mc.Label);

                else                 // no key result type
                    aa2 = aa.Clone();
                    resultTypeRows.Add(aa2);                     // include row for step1

                    LogMessage("No key result type for metatable: " + mt.Name + ", " + mt.Label);

// Build a step2 row for each target/gene

                List <AssayTarget> targets = new List <AssayTarget>();
                int geneCount = 0;

                if (isAssay)
                    targets = assayMetaData.Targets;
                if (targets.Count > 0)

                foreach (AssayTarget target in targets)
                    aa            = new AssayAttributes();
                    aa.GeneFamily = target.TargetTypeShortName;                     // count target type occurance
                    if (Lex.IsUndefined(aa.GeneFamily))
                        aa.GeneFamily = "Unknown";
                    if (!targetTypeCounts.ContainsKey(aa.GeneFamily))
                        targetTypeCounts[aa.GeneFamily] = 0;

                    if (target.Genes == null || target.Genes.Count == 0)                     // if no genes add a single target row

                    foreach (AssayGene rg in target.Genes)
                        if (!Lex.IsDefined(rg.GeneSymbol))

                        aa2 = aa.Clone();

                        aa2.GeneSymbol = rg.GeneSymbol;
                        int.TryParse(rg.GeneId, out aa2.GeneId);

                        if (aa2.GeneId > 0 && targetMapXDict.ContainsKey(aa2.GeneId))
                            aa2.TargetMapX = targetMapXDict[aa2.GeneId];
                            aa2.TargetMapY = targetMapYDict[aa2.GeneId];
                            if (geneCount == 0)

                        if (!geneIdCounts.ContainsKey(aa2.GeneId))                         // count gene occurance
                            geneIdCounts[aa2.GeneId] = 0;

                        if (geneCount == 0)


                if (geneRows.Count == 0)                 // if no step 2 rows (i.e. no targets), create a single step2 row
                    aa = new AssayAttributes();

// Combine key result types with target/genes

                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < resultTypeRows.Count; i1++)
                    AssayAttributes s1aa = resultTypeRows[i1];
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < geneRows.Count; i2++)
                        AssayAttributes s2aa = geneRows[i2];

                        aa            = s1aa.Clone();
                        aa.GeneId     = s2aa.GeneId;
                        aa.GeneSymbol = s2aa.GeneSymbol;
                        aa.GeneFamily = s2aa.GeneFamily;

                        aa.TargetMapX = s2aa.TargetMapX;
                        aa.TargetMapY = s2aa.TargetMapY;

                        aa.GeneCount = geneCount;

                        if (i2 > 0)
                            aa.GeneCount = -geneCount;                                 // negative for other than 1st gene


            // Update table

            bool updateTable = true;             // set to false for debug

            if (dbRows.Count <= 0)
                LogMessage("No rows in new dataset, table not updated");

            else if (updateTable)
                LogMessage("Deleting existing data...");
                DbCommandMx dao = new DbCommandMx();
                string      sql = "delete from mbs_owner.cmn_assy_atrbts";

                sql = AssayAttributesDao.AdjustAssayAttrsTableName(sql);

                int delCnt = dao.ExecuteNonReader();

                LogMessage("Inserting new data...");
                int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
                for (ri = 0; ri < dbRows.Count; ri++)
                    aa    = dbRows[ri];
                    aa.Id = ri + 1;

                    //aa.Id += 10000; // debug

                    if (aa.GeneSymbol != null)
                        aa.GeneSymbol = aa.GeneSymbol.ToUpper();                                            // be sure key match cols are upper case
                    if (aa.GeneFamily != null)
                        aa.GeneFamily = aa.GeneFamily.ToUpper();
                    if (aa.GeneFamilyTargetSymbol != null)
                        aa.GeneFamilyTargetSymbol = aa.GeneFamilyTargetSymbol.ToUpper();
                    if (aa.ResultTypeConcType != null)
                        aa.ResultTypeConcType = aa.ResultTypeConcType.ToUpper();
                    if (aa.AssayType != null)
                        aa.AssayType = aa.AssayType.ToUpper();
                    if (aa.AssayMode != null)
                        aa.AssayMode = aa.AssayMode.ToUpper();

                    AssayAttributesDao.InsertCommonAssayAttributes(aa, dao);
                    if (TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0 > 1000)
                        //Progress.Show("Inserting new data " + (ri + 1) + "/" + rows.Count + "...");
                        t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();


                copyUpdateMsg = UpdateCmnAssyAtrbtsCopies();

            string response =
                "----------------------------------\r\n" +
                "Assays processed: " + assaysProcessed + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with processing errors: " + assaysWithProcessingErrors + "\r\n" +
                "Rows inserted: " + dbRows.Count + "\r\n" +
                copyUpdateMsg +
                "----------------------------------\r\n" +
                "Assays with CRC only: " + assaysWithCrcOnly + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with SP only: " + assaysWithSpOnly + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with CRC and SP: " + assaysWithCrcAndSp + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with no CRC or SP: " + assaysWithNoCrcSP + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with non CRC/SP key types: " + assaysWithOtherTypes + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with no key types: " + assaysWithNoKeyTypes + "\r\n" +
                "----------------------------------\r\n" +
                "Assays with targets defined: " + assaysWithTargets + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with genes defined: " + assaysWithGenes + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with gene map coordinates: " + assaysWithGeneCoords + "\r\n" +
                "----------------------------------\r\n" +
                //"CRC Assays: " + CrcAssayCnt["ASSAY"] + "\r\n" +
                //"SP  Assays: " + SpAssayCnt["ASSAY"] + "\r\n" +
                //"??? Assays: " + OtherAssayCnt["ASSAY"] + "\r\n" +

            LogMessage("\r\n" + response);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Build platform / target / assay metatree
        /// </summary>

        public static void BuildPlatformMetaTree()
            string assayId, assayDb;
            string sql = @"
				select gene_fmly, gene_symbl, assy_nm, assy_db, assy_id_txt 
				from mbs_owner.cmn_assy_atrbts 
				where gene_fmly is not null and gene_symbl is not null and assy_nm is not null 
				order by lower(gene_fmly), lower(gene_symbl), lower(assy_nm)"                ;

            sql = AssayAttributesDao.AdjustAssayAttrsTableName(sql);

                DbCommandMx drd = new DbCommandMx();

                string family       = "";
                string targetSymbol = "";
                string assayName    = "";

                MetaTreeNode familyMtn = null, targetMtn = null, tsMtn = null, assayMtn = null;

                while (drd.Read())
                    string nextFamily = drd.GetString(0);
                    if (Lex.Ne(family, nextFamily))                     // get current family node
                        family = nextFamily;
                        string familyNodeName = "GFTA_" + family.Replace(" ", "_");                         // build name to match node
                        familyMtn = MetaTreeFactory.GetNode(familyNodeName);

                    string nextTargetSymbol = drd.GetString(1);
                    //					if (Lex.Eq(nextTargetSymbol, "Adr1a")) nextTargetSymbol = nextTargetSymbol; // debug
                    if (Lex.Ne(targetSymbol, nextTargetSymbol))                     // add new target node if going to new target
                        targetSymbol     = nextTargetSymbol;
                        targetMtn        = new MetaTreeNode();
                        targetMtn.Type   = MetaTreeNodeType.Target;
                        targetMtn.Name   = "TGT_ASSYS_" + targetSymbol.ToUpper();
                        targetMtn.Label  = targetSymbol;
                        targetMtn.Target = targetMtn.Name;
                        if (familyMtn != null)

                        tsMtn        = new MetaTreeNode();                  // add node for summary view by gene symbol
                        tsMtn.Type   = MetaTreeNodeType.MetaTable;
                        tsMtn.Name   = MultiDbAssayDataNames.BasePivotTablePrefix + targetSymbol.ToUpper();
                        tsMtn.Label  = targetSymbol + " Assay Results Summary";
                        tsMtn.Target = tsMtn.Name;

                        MetaTreeNode mtn2 = MetaTreeFactory.GetNode(tsMtn.Name);                         // node with this name already exist?
                        if (mtn2 == null)
                            MetaTreeFactory.AddNode(tsMtn);                                      // add to tree if doesn't exist
                            tsMtn = mtn2;                          // use existing node otherwise since this label doesn't have priority
                        if (targetMtn != null)

                    string nextAssayName = drd.GetString(2);
                    if (Lex.Ne(assayName, nextAssayName))
                        assayName       = nextAssayName;
                        assayDb         = drd.GetString(3);
                        assayId         = drd.GetString(4);
                        assayMtn        = new MetaTreeNode();
                        assayMtn.Type   = MetaTreeNodeType.MetaTable;
                        assayMtn.Name   = assayId;
                        assayMtn.Target = assayMtn.Name;
                        assayMtn.Label  = assayName;
                        MetaTreeNode mtn2 = MetaTreeFactory.GetNode(assayMtn.Name);                         // node with this name already exist?
                        if (mtn2 == null)
                            MetaTreeFactory.AddNode(assayMtn);                                      // add to tree if doesn't exist
                            assayMtn = mtn2;                          // use existing node otherwise since this label doesn't have priority
                        if (targetMtn != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                DebugLog.Message("TargetAssayMetafactory.Build Error:\r\n" + DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex));