public async Task <BaseResponseModel> Edit(AspiceVersionModel request) { BaseResponseModel response = new BaseResponseModel(); if (request.Validate()) { AspiceVersion aspiceVersion = await Load(request.Id, response); if (aspiceVersion != null) { aspiceVersion.ReleaseDate = request.ReleaseDate; aspiceVersion.Description = request.Description; aspiceVersion.VersionNumber = request.VersionNumber; await Database.SaveChangesAsync(); response.Message = "Automotive SPICE version was successfully edited!"; } } else { response.Success = false; response.Message = "Some of the required properties is not present!"; } return(response); }
public async Task <BaseResponseModelPost> Create(AspiceVersionModel request) { BaseResponseModelPost response = new BaseResponseModelPost(); if (request.Validate()) { AspiceVersion aspiceVersion = new AspiceVersion { ReleaseDate = request.ReleaseDate, Description = request.Description, VersionNumber = request.VersionNumber }; await Database.AspiceVersion.AddAsync(aspiceVersion); await Database.SaveChangesAsync(); response.Id = aspiceVersion.Id; response.Message = "Automotive SPICE version was successfully created!"; } else { response.Success = false; response.Message = "Some of the required properties is not present!"; } return(response); }
public async Task <BaseResponseModel> Drop(int id) { BaseResponseModel response = new BaseResponseModel(); AspiceVersion aspiceVersion = await Load(id, response); if (aspiceVersion != null) { if (aspiceVersion.AspiceProcess.Count == 0) { Database.AspiceVersion.Remove(aspiceVersion); await Database.SaveChangesAsync(); response.Message = "Automotive SPICE version was successfully deleted!"; } else { response.Success = false; response.Message = "Cannot delete Automotive SPICE version, because some Automotive SPICE process use this version!"; } } return(response); }
public AspiceVersionModel ConvertToModel(AspiceVersion dbModel) { return(new AspiceVersionModel { Id = dbModel.Id, ReleaseDate = dbModel.ReleaseDate, Description = dbModel.Description, VersionNumber = dbModel.VersionNumber }); }
public async Task <AspiceVersion> Load(int id, BaseResponseModel response, bool tracking = true, bool lazy = true) { AspiceVersion aspiceVersion = await Database.AspiceVersion.FirstOrDefaultAsyncSpecial(a => a.Id == id, tracking); if (aspiceVersion == null) { response.Success = false; response.Message = "Unknown Automotive SPICE version!"; } return(aspiceVersion); }
public async Task <BaseResponseModelGet <AspiceVersionModel> > Get(int id, bool lazy) { var response = new BaseResponseModelGet <AspiceVersionModel>(); AspiceVersion aspiceVersion = await Load(id, response, false); if (aspiceVersion != null) { response.Value = ConvertToModel(aspiceVersion); } return(response); }