public ValidationResponse ValidateCertificate(X509Certificate2 certificate, X509Certificate2 issuer) { Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate certificateBC = Org.BouncyCastle.Security.DotNetUtilities.FromX509Certificate(certificate); try { Asn1Object derAiaExtension = Asn1Object.FromByteArray(certificateBC.GetExtensionValue(new DerObjectIdentifier("")).GetOctets()); Asn1InputStream asn1Stream = new Asn1InputStream(derAiaExtension.GetDerEncoded()); Asn1Sequence asn1Sequence = (Asn1Sequence)asn1Stream.ReadObject(); foreach (Asn1Encodable entry in asn1Sequence) { AccessDescription aiaEntry = AccessDescription.GetInstance(entry.ToAsn1Object()); if (aiaEntry.AccessMethod.Id == AccessDescription.IdADOcsp.Id) { Console.Out.WriteLine(aiaEntry.AccessLocation.ToString()); GeneralName gn = (GeneralName)aiaEntry.AccessLocation; ValidationResponse validationResponse = ValidateCertificate(certificate, issuer, gn.Name.ToString()); if ((validationResponse.status == ValidationExtensions.Enums.CertificateStatus.VALID) || (validationResponse.status == ValidationExtensions.Enums.CertificateStatus.REVOKED)) { return(validationResponse); } } } } catch (NullReferenceException) { // No Access Information Exception } return(new ValidationResponse(ValidationExtensions.Enums.CertificateStatus.UNKNOWN)); }
internal static ISet GetDeltaCrls(DateTime currentDate, PkixParameters paramsPKIX, X509Crl completeCRL) { X509CrlStoreSelector x509CrlStoreSelector = new X509CrlStoreSelector(); try { IList list = Platform.CreateArrayList(); list.Add(completeCRL.IssuerDN); x509CrlStoreSelector.Issuers = list; } catch (IOException innerException) { throw new Exception("Cannot extract issuer from CRL.", innerException); } BigInteger bigInteger = null; try { Asn1Object extensionValue = PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.GetExtensionValue(completeCRL, X509Extensions.CrlNumber); if (extensionValue != null) { bigInteger = DerInteger.GetInstance(extensionValue).PositiveValue; } } catch (Exception innerException2) { throw new Exception("CRL number extension could not be extracted from CRL.", innerException2); } byte[] issuingDistributionPoint = null; try { Asn1Object extensionValue2 = PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.GetExtensionValue(completeCRL, X509Extensions.IssuingDistributionPoint); if (extensionValue2 != null) { issuingDistributionPoint = extensionValue2.GetDerEncoded(); } } catch (Exception innerException3) { throw new Exception("Issuing distribution point extension value could not be read.", innerException3); } x509CrlStoreSelector.MinCrlNumber = ((bigInteger == null) ? null : bigInteger.Add(BigInteger.One)); x509CrlStoreSelector.IssuingDistributionPoint = issuingDistributionPoint; x509CrlStoreSelector.IssuingDistributionPointEnabled = true; x509CrlStoreSelector.MaxBaseCrlNumber = bigInteger; ISet set = PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.CrlUtilities.FindCrls(x509CrlStoreSelector, paramsPKIX, currentDate); ISet set2 = new HashSet(); foreach (X509Crl x509Crl in set) { if (PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.isDeltaCrl(x509Crl)) { set2.Add(x509Crl); } } return(set2); }
public void Export(Container container, Stream output) { Asn1Object privateKey = EncodePrivateKey(container); PemObject pemObject = new PemObject("PRIVATE KEY", privateKey.GetDerEncoded()); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(output)) { PemWriter writer = new PemWriter(sw); writer.WriteObject(pemObject); } }
public DerApplicationSpecific(bool isExplicit, int tag, Asn1Encodable obj) { Asn1Object asn1Object = obj.ToAsn1Object(); byte[] derEncoded = asn1Object.GetDerEncoded(); isConstructed = Asn1TaggedObject.IsConstructed(isExplicit, asn1Object); this.tag = tag; if (isExplicit) { octets = derEncoded; return; } int lengthOfHeader = GetLengthOfHeader(derEncoded); byte[] array = new byte[derEncoded.Length - lengthOfHeader]; Array.Copy(derEncoded, lengthOfHeader, array, 0, array.Length); octets = array; }
/** * Fetches delta CRLs according to RFC 3280 section 5.2.4. * * @param currentDate The date for which the delta CRLs must be valid. * @param paramsPKIX The extended PKIX parameters. * @param completeCRL The complete CRL the delta CRL is for. * @return A <code>Set</code> of <code>X509CRL</code>s with delta CRLs. * @throws Exception if an exception occurs while picking the delta * CRLs. */ internal static ISet GetDeltaCrls( DateTime currentDate, PkixParameters paramsPKIX, X509Crl completeCRL) { X509CrlStoreSelector deltaSelect = new X509CrlStoreSelector(); // 5.2.4 (a) try { IList deltaSelectIssuer = Platform.CreateArrayList(); deltaSelectIssuer.Add(completeCRL.IssuerDN); deltaSelect.Issuers = deltaSelectIssuer; } catch (IOException e) { throw new Exception("Cannot extract issuer from CRL.", e); } BigInteger completeCRLNumber = null; try { Asn1Object asn1Object = GetExtensionValue(completeCRL, X509Extensions.CrlNumber); if (asn1Object != null) { completeCRLNumber = CrlNumber.GetInstance(asn1Object).PositiveValue; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( "CRL number extension could not be extracted from CRL.", e); } // 5.2.4 (b) byte[] idp = null; try { Asn1Object obj = GetExtensionValue(completeCRL, X509Extensions.IssuingDistributionPoint); if (obj != null) { idp = obj.GetDerEncoded(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( "Issuing distribution point extension value could not be read.", e); } // 5.2.4 (d) deltaSelect.MinCrlNumber = (completeCRLNumber == null) ? null : completeCRLNumber.Add(BigInteger.One); deltaSelect.IssuingDistributionPoint = idp; deltaSelect.IssuingDistributionPointEnabled = true; // 5.2.4 (c) deltaSelect.MaxBaseCrlNumber = completeCRLNumber; // find delta CRLs ISet temp = CrlUtilities.FindCrls(deltaSelect, paramsPKIX, currentDate); ISet result = new HashSet(); foreach (X509Crl crl in temp) { if (isDeltaCrl(crl)) { result.Add(crl); } } return(result); }
private void AddAsn1Object(string name, DataKey root, Asn1Object obj, int level, Logger logger) { Asn1Sequence seq = obj as Asn1Sequence; Asn1Set set = obj as Asn1Set; Asn1TaggedObject tag = obj as Asn1TaggedObject; string currName = name ?? obj.GetType().Name; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}", currName, obj.GetType())); if (seq != null) { if (!Config.IgnoreSequences) { DataKey key = new Asn1SequenceKey(currName, Config.NoVerify); foreach (Asn1Object o in seq) { AddAsn1Object(null, key, o, level + 1, logger); } root.AddSubNode(key); } else { root.AddValue(currName, obj.GetDerEncoded()); } } else if (set != null) { if (!Config.IgnoreSets) { DataKey key = new Asn1SetKey(currName, Config.NoVerify); foreach (Asn1Object o in set) { AddAsn1Object(null, key, o, level + 1, logger); } root.AddSubNode(key); } else { root.AddValue(currName, obj.GetDerEncoded()); } } else if (tag != null) { if (!Config.IgnoreTaggedObjects) { DataKey key = new Asn1TaggedObjectKey(currName, tag.TagNo, Config.NoVerify); root.AddSubNode(key); Asn1Object o = tag.GetObject(); DerOctetString oct = o as DerOctetString; AddAsn1Object("Object", key, tag.GetObject(), level + 1, logger); //if (oct != null) //{ // Asn1InputStream input = new Asn1InputStream(oct.GetOctetStream()); // try // { // Asn1Object next = input.ReadObject(); // if (next == null) // { // AddAsn1Object("Object", key, o, logger); // } // else // { // Asn1OctetStringObject newRoot = new Asn1OctetStringObject("Object"); // while (next != null) // { // AddAsn1Object(next.GetType().Name, newRoot, next, logger); // next = input.ReadObject(); // } // key.AddSubNode(newRoot); // } // } // catch (IOException) // { // AddAsn1Object("Object", key, o, logger); // } //} //else //{ // AddAsn1Object("Object", key, tag.GetObject(), logger); //} } else { root.AddValue(currName, obj.GetDerEncoded()); } } else { if (!Config.NoDecode) { DerStringBase str = obj as DerStringBase; DerObjectIdentifier oid = obj as DerObjectIdentifier; DerInteger i = obj as DerInteger; DerOctetString oct = obj as DerOctetString; DerBitString bits = obj as DerBitString; DerBoolean boo = obj as DerBoolean; DerNull n = obj as DerNull; DerUtcTime time = obj as DerUtcTime; DerGeneralizedTime gt = obj as DerGeneralizedTime; DerApplicationSpecific app = obj as DerApplicationSpecific; if (oct != null) { root.AddValue(new Asn1OctetStringValue(currName, oct.GetOctets())); } else if (bits != null) { root.AddSubNode(new Asn1BitStringKey(currName, bits.PadBits, bits.GetBytes())); } else if (str != null) { Type stringType = typeof(Asn1StringValue <>).MakeGenericType(str.GetType()); root.AddValue((DataValue)Activator.CreateInstance(stringType, currName, str.GetString())); } else if (oid != null) { root.AddValue(new Asn1ObjectIdentifierValue(currName, oid.Id)); } else if (i != null) { root.AddValue(new Asn1IntegerValue(currName, i.Value.ToByteArray())); } else if (boo != null) { root.AddValue(new Asn1BooleanValue(currName, boo.IsTrue)); } else if (n != null) { root.AddValue(new Asn1NullValue(currName)); } else if (time != null) { root.AddValue(new Asn1DateTimeValue(currName, time.ToDateTime())); } else if (gt != null) { root.AddValue(new Asn1GeneralizedTimeValue(currName, gt.ToDateTime())); } else if (app != null) { root.AddSubNode(new Asn1ApplicationSpecificValue(currName, app.ApplicationTag, app.GetContents())); } else { logger.LogError("Cannot convert type {0} to a class", obj.GetType().Name); root.AddValue(currName, obj.GetDerEncoded()); } } else { root.AddValue(currName, obj.GetDerEncoded()); } } }
internal static ISet GetDeltaCrls(global::System.DateTime currentDate, PkixParameters paramsPKIX, X509Crl completeCRL) { //IL_0023: Expected O, but got Unknown X509CrlStoreSelector x509CrlStoreSelector = new X509CrlStoreSelector(); try { global::System.Collections.IList list = Platform.CreateArrayList(); list.Add((object)completeCRL.IssuerDN); x509CrlStoreSelector.Issuers = (global::System.Collections.ICollection)list; } catch (IOException val) { IOException val2 = val; throw new global::System.Exception("Cannot extract issuer from CRL.", (global::System.Exception)(object) val2); } BigInteger bigInteger = null; try { Asn1Object extensionValue = GetExtensionValue(completeCRL, X509Extensions.CrlNumber); if (extensionValue != null) { bigInteger = DerInteger.GetInstance(extensionValue).PositiveValue; } } catch (global::System.Exception ex) { throw new global::System.Exception("CRL number extension could not be extracted from CRL.", ex); } byte[] issuingDistributionPoint = null; try { Asn1Object extensionValue2 = GetExtensionValue(completeCRL, X509Extensions.IssuingDistributionPoint); if (extensionValue2 != null) { issuingDistributionPoint = extensionValue2.GetDerEncoded(); } } catch (global::System.Exception ex2) { throw new global::System.Exception("Issuing distribution point extension value could not be read.", ex2); } x509CrlStoreSelector.MinCrlNumber = bigInteger?.Add(BigInteger.One); x509CrlStoreSelector.IssuingDistributionPoint = issuingDistributionPoint; x509CrlStoreSelector.IssuingDistributionPointEnabled = true; x509CrlStoreSelector.MaxBaseCrlNumber = bigInteger; ISet set = CrlUtilities.FindCrls(x509CrlStoreSelector, paramsPKIX, currentDate); ISet set2 = new HashSet(); global::System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator = ((global::System.Collections.IEnumerable)set).GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { X509Crl x509Crl = (X509Crl)enumerator.get_Current(); if (isDeltaCrl(x509Crl)) { set2.Add(x509Crl); } } return(set2); } finally { global::System.IDisposable disposable = enumerator as global::System.IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } }