/// <summary> /// Generates loot for Items and GOs. /// </summary> /// <param name="lootable">The Object or Unit that is being looted</param> /// <returns>The object's loot or null if there is nothing to get or the given Character can't access the loot.</returns> public static Asda2ObjectLoot CreateAndSendObjectLoot(IAsda2Lootable lootable, Character initialLooter, Asda2LootEntryType type) { var oldLoot = initialLooter.LooterEntry.Loot; if (oldLoot != null) { oldLoot.ForceDispose(); } var looters = FindLooters(lootable, initialLooter); var loot = CreateLoot <Asda2ObjectLoot>(lootable, initialLooter, type, 0); // TODO: pass mapid if (loot != null) { initialLooter.LooterEntry.Loot = loot; loot.Initialize(initialLooter, looters, 0); // TODO: pass mapid //LootHandler.SendLootResponse(initialLooter, loot); } else { //lootable.OnFinishedLooting(); // empty Item -> Don't do anything } return(loot); }
public static List <Asda2LootItemEntry> GetEntries(Asda2LootEntryType type, uint id) { var entries = LootEntries[(uint)type]; var list = entries.Get(id); return(list); }
public override uint GetLootId(Asda2LootEntryType type) { if (m_entry is IGOLootableEntry) { return(((IGOLootableEntry)m_entry).LootId); } return(0); }
public override uint GetLootId(Asda2LootEntryType lootType) { switch (lootType) { case Asda2LootEntryType.Npc: return(Template.Id); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Returns all Items that can be looted off the given lootable /// </summary> public static Asda2LootItem[] CreateLootItems(uint lootId, Asda2LootEntryType type, IList <Asda2LooterEntry> looters, float dropChanceBoost) { #if DEBUG if (!Asda2ItemMgr.Loaded) { return(Asda2LootItem.EmptyArray); } #endif var entries = GetEntries(type, lootId); if (entries == null) { return(Asda2LootItem.EmptyArray); } var items = new Asda2LootItem[Math.Min(CharacterFormulas.MaxLootCount, entries.Count)]; //var i = max; var i = 0; foreach (var entry in entries) { var chance = entry.DropChance * (LootItemDropFactor + dropChanceBoost); if ((100 * Utility.RandomFloat()) >= chance) { continue; } var template = entry.ItemTemplate; if (template == null) { // weird continue; } /*if (!looters.Any(looter => template.CheckLootConstraints(looter.Owner))) * { * continue; * }*/ items[i] = new Asda2LootItem(template, Utility.Random(entry.MinAmount, entry.MaxAmount), (uint)i); i++; if (i == CharacterFormulas.MaxLootCount) { break; } } if (i == 0) { return(Asda2LootItem.EmptyArray); } Array.Resize(ref items, i); return(items); }
protected static void AddItems <T>(Asda2LootEntryType t, List <T> all) where T : Asda2LootItemEntry { foreach (List <Asda2LootItemEntry> entry in Asda2LootMgr.GetEntries(t)) { if (entry != null) { foreach (Asda2LootItemEntry asda2LootItemEntry in entry) { all.Add((T)asda2LootItemEntry); } } } }
protected static void AddItems <T>(Asda2LootEntryType t, List <T> all) where T : Asda2LootItemEntry { var entries = Asda2LootMgr.GetEntries(t); foreach (var list in entries) { if (list != null) { foreach (var entry in list) { all.Add((T)entry); } } } }
/// <summary>Generates loot for Items and GOs.</summary> /// <param name="lootable">The Object or Unit that is being looted</param> /// <returns>The object's loot or null if there is nothing to get or the given Character can't access the loot.</returns> public static Asda2ObjectLoot CreateAndSendObjectLoot(IAsda2Lootable lootable, Character initialLooter, Asda2LootEntryType type) { Asda2Loot loot1 = initialLooter.LooterEntry.Loot; if (loot1 != null) { loot1.ForceDispose(); } IList <Asda2LooterEntry> looters = Asda2LootMgr.FindLooters(lootable, initialLooter); Asda2ObjectLoot loot2 = Asda2LootMgr.CreateLoot <Asda2ObjectLoot>(lootable, initialLooter, type, MapId.Silaris); if (loot2 != null) { initialLooter.LooterEntry.Loot = (Asda2Loot)loot2; loot2.Initialize(initialLooter, looters, MapId.Silaris); } return(loot2); }
/// <summary> /// Returns all Items that can be looted off the given lootable /// </summary> public static Asda2LootItem[] CreateLootItems(uint lootId, Asda2LootEntryType type, IList <Asda2LooterEntry> looters, float dropChanceBoost) { List <Asda2LootItemEntry> entries = Asda2LootMgr.GetEntries(type, lootId); if (entries == null) { return(Asda2LootItem.EmptyArray); } Asda2LootItem[] array = new Asda2LootItem[Math.Min(CharacterFormulas.MaxLootCount, entries.Count)]; int newSize = 0; foreach (Asda2LootItemEntry asda2LootItemEntry in entries) { if (100.0 * (double)Utility.RandomFloat() < (double)(asda2LootItemEntry.DropChance * (Asda2LootMgr.LootItemDropFactor + dropChanceBoost))) { Asda2ItemTemplate itemTemplate = asda2LootItemEntry.ItemTemplate; if (itemTemplate != null) { array[newSize] = new Asda2LootItem(itemTemplate, Utility.Random(asda2LootItemEntry.MinAmount, asda2LootItemEntry.MaxAmount), (uint)newSize); ++newSize; if (newSize == CharacterFormulas.MaxLootCount) { break; } } } } if (newSize == 0) { return(Asda2LootItem.EmptyArray); } Array.Resize <Asda2LootItem>(ref array, newSize); return(array); }
public override uint GetLootId(Asda2LootEntryType type) { return(m_template.Id); }
/// <summary> /// Whether the given lootable contains quest items for the given Character when looting with the given type /// </summary> public static bool ContainsQuestItemsFor(this IAsda2Lootable lootable, Character chr, Asda2LootEntryType type) { Asda2Loot loot = lootable.Loot; if (loot != null) { return(((IEnumerable <Asda2LootItem>)loot.Items).Any <Asda2LootItem>((Func <Asda2LootItem, bool>)(item => { if (item.Template.HasQuestRequirements) { return item.Template.CheckQuestConstraints(chr); } return false; }))); } List <Asda2LootItemEntry> entries = lootable.GetEntries(type); if (entries != null) { return(entries.Any <Asda2LootItemEntry>((Func <Asda2LootItemEntry, bool>)(entry => { if (entry.ItemTemplate.HasQuestRequirements) { return entry.ItemTemplate.CheckQuestConstraints(chr); } return false; }))); } return(false); }
public static List <Asda2LootItemEntry> GetEntries(this IAsda2Lootable lootable, Asda2LootEntryType type) { return(Asda2LootMgr.GetEntries(type, lootable.GetLootId(type))); }
/// <summary> /// Generates normal loot (usually for dead mob-corpses). /// Returns null, if the loot is empty. /// </summary> /// <param name="lootable">The Object or Unit that is being looted</param> public static Asda2Loot GetOrCreateLoot(IAsda2Lootable lootable, Character triggerChar, Asda2LootEntryType type) { Asda2Loot loot = lootable.Loot; if (loot != null) { if (loot.IsMoneyLooted && loot.RemainingCount == 0) { return((Asda2Loot)null); } loot.Looters.Clear(); } else { lootable.Loot = loot = (Asda2Loot)Asda2LootMgr.CreateLoot <Asda2NPCLoot>(lootable, triggerChar, type, MapId.Silaris); } return(loot); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Loot object and returns it or null, if there is nothing to be looted. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"><see cref="ObjectLoot"/> or <see cref="NPCLoot"/></typeparam> /// <param name="lootable"></param> /// <param name="initialLooter"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static T CreateLoot <T>(IAsda2Lootable lootable, Character initialLooter, Asda2LootEntryType type, MapId mapid) where T : Asda2Loot, new() { var looters = FindLooters(lootable, initialLooter); var dropChanceBoost = 0f; var goldAmountBoost = 0f; foreach (var asda2LootItemEntry in looters) { dropChanceBoost += asda2LootItemEntry.Owner.Asda2DropChance - 1; goldAmountBoost += goldAmountBoost + asda2LootItemEntry.Owner.Asda2GoldAmountBoost - 1; } var items = CreateLootItems(lootable.GetLootId(type), type, looters, dropChanceBoost); var money = lootable.LootMoney * (DefaultMoneyDropFactor + goldAmountBoost); if (items.Length == 0 && money == 0) { if (lootable is GameObject) { // TODO: Don't mark GO as lootable if it has nothing to loot money = 1; } } if (items.Length > 0 || money > 0) { var loot = new T { Lootable = lootable, Money = (uint)(money > UInt32.MaxValue ? 1 : money), Items = items }; foreach (var asda2LootItem in items) { asda2LootItem.Loot = loot; } loot.Initialize(initialLooter, looters, mapid); return(loot); } else { //var loot = new T { Lootable = lootable, Money = 1, Items = LootItem.EmptyArray }; //loot.Initialize(initialLooter, looters); //return loot; return(null); } }
public static List <Asda2LootItemEntry>[] GetEntries(Asda2LootEntryType type) { return(Asda2LootMgr.LootEntries[(uint)type]); }
public virtual uint GetLootId(Asda2LootEntryType type) { return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Whether the given lootable contains quest items for the given Character when looting with the given type /// </summary> public static bool ContainsQuestItemsFor(this IAsda2Lootable lootable, Character chr, Asda2LootEntryType type) { var loot = lootable.Loot; if (loot != null) { // loot has already been created return(loot.Items.Any(item => item.Template.HasQuestRequirements && item.Template.CheckQuestConstraints(chr))); } // no loot yet -> check what happens if we create any var entries = lootable.GetEntries(type); if (entries != null) { return(entries.Any(entry => entry.ItemTemplate.HasQuestRequirements && entry.ItemTemplate.CheckQuestConstraints(chr))); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Loot object and returns it or null, if there is nothing to be looted. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"><see cref="T:WCell.RealmServer.Looting.ObjectLoot" /> or <see cref="T:WCell.RealmServer.Looting.NPCLoot" /></typeparam> /// <param name="lootable"></param> /// <param name="initialLooter"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static T CreateLoot <T>(IAsda2Lootable lootable, Character initialLooter, Asda2LootEntryType type, MapId mapid) where T : Asda2Loot, new() { IList <Asda2LooterEntry> looters = Asda2LootMgr.FindLooters(lootable, initialLooter); float dropChanceBoost = 0.0f; float num1 = 0.0f; foreach (Asda2LooterEntry asda2LooterEntry in (IEnumerable <Asda2LooterEntry>)looters) { dropChanceBoost += asda2LooterEntry.Owner.Asda2DropChance - 1f; num1 += (float)((double)num1 + (double)asda2LooterEntry.Owner.Asda2GoldAmountBoost - 1.0); } Asda2LootItem[] lootItems = Asda2LootMgr.CreateLootItems(lootable.GetLootId(type), type, looters, dropChanceBoost); float num2 = (float)lootable.LootMoney * ((float)Asda2LootMgr.DefaultMoneyDropFactor + num1); if (lootItems.Length == 0 && (double)num2 == 0.0 && lootable is GameObject) { num2 = 1f; } if (lootItems.Length <= 0 && (double)num2 <= 0.0) { return(default(T)); } T instance = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); instance.Lootable = lootable; instance.Money = (double)num2 > 4294967296.0 ? 1U : (uint)num2; instance.Items = lootItems; T obj = instance; foreach (Asda2LootItem asda2LootItem in lootItems) { asda2LootItem.Loot = (Asda2Loot)obj; } obj.Initialize(initialLooter, looters, mapid); return(obj); }
public static List <Asda2LootItemEntry> GetEntries(Asda2LootEntryType type, uint id) { return(Asda2LootMgr.LootEntries[(uint)type].Get <List <Asda2LootItemEntry> >(id)); }
/// <summary> /// Generates normal loot (usually for dead mob-corpses). /// Returns null, if the loot is empty. /// </summary> /// <param name="lootable">The Object or Unit that is being looted</param> public static Asda2Loot GetOrCreateLoot(IAsda2Lootable lootable, Character triggerChar, Asda2LootEntryType type) { var loot = lootable.Loot; if (loot != null) { // apparently mob got killed a 2nd time if (loot.IsMoneyLooted && loot.RemainingCount == 0) { // already looted empty return(null); } loot.Looters.Clear(); } else { lootable.Loot = loot = CreateLoot <Asda2NPCLoot>(lootable, triggerChar, type, 0); // TODO: pass mapid } return(loot); }