public void GetAll_Returns_10_Products() { var databaseName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); using (var context = DbContextFactory.CreateInstance(databaseName)) { //Arrange var productRepository = new ProductRepository(context); var articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(context); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var product = ProductFactory.CreateValidEntity(); productRepository.Add(product); var articleToAdd = ArticleFactory.CreateValidEntity(product); articleRepository.Add(articleToAdd); } context.SaveChanges(); //Act var articles = articleRepository.GetAll(); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(10, articles.Count()); } }
public ActionResult AllArticles(int?page) { int pageSize = 10; int pageIndex = (page ?? 1); List <Article> allArticles = articleRepository.GetAll().ToList(); List <ArticleModel> articles = new List <ArticleModel>(); foreach (var item in allArticles) { if (item.IsRemove != true) { articles.Add(item); } } return(View(articles.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize))); }
public IActionResult List() { int memberID = int.Parse(HttpContext.Request.Cookies["ID"]); var memberArticles = _articleRepository.GetAll(a => a.MemberID == memberID); return(View(memberArticles)); }
public void CanLoadArticleDetails() { var repo = new ArticleRepository(); var articles = repo.GetAll().ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(9, articles.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("Space and you", articles[2].ArticleTitle); }
public ActionResult Articles() { IEnumerable <Article> allArticles = articleRepository.GetAll(); List <ArticleModel> articles = new List <ArticleModel>(); foreach (var a in allArticles) { articles.Add(a); } return(View(articles)); }
public void Map_GivenIsValidArticles_ShouldMapCorrectly() { var articleMapper = new ArticleMapper(); var articleRepositry = new ArticleRepository(); var articles = articleRepositry.GetAll(); var articlesDto = articleMapper.Map(articles); articlesDto.Should().BeEquivalentTo(articles, options => options .Excluding(art => art.LastModified) .Excluding(art => art.LastModifiedBy) ); }
// GET: Article public ActionResult Index() { var allArticles = repository.GetAll(); List <ArticlePreview> articlePreviews = new List <ArticlePreview>(); foreach (var article in allArticles) { var articlePreview = new ArticlePreview { Article = article }; articlePreviews.Add(articlePreview); } return(View(articlePreviews)); }
// If fewAticles is true, the method returns as many articles as requested(count). Else returns the number of all articles. public List <ArticleListModel> GetArticlesList(bool fewAticles = false, int count = 0) { List <ArticleListModel> articleListModels; List <Article> articles; if (fewAticles && count > 0) { articles = articleRepository.TakeArticles(count); } else { articles = articleRepository.GetAll(); } articleListModels = ArrayMap <Article, ArticleListModel>(articles); var result = articleListModels.OrderByDescending(si => si.UpdateDate).ToList();; return(result); }
public void CanGetAllArticlesFromPostgre() { var articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(dbConnectionString); var articleText = "Test Text"; var articleTitle = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var articleAuthor = "Bob"; articleRepository.Add(new Article { Text = articleText, Title = articleTitle, Author = articleAuthor }); IList <Article> articles = articleRepository.GetAll(); Assert.NotNull(articles); Assert.AreEqual(2, articles.Count); Assert.IsTrue(articles.Any(x => x.Title == articleTitle)); }
public void CanDeleteArticlesFromPostgre() { var articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(dbConnectionString); var articleText = "Test Text"; var articleTitle = "Test Title"; var articleAuthor = "Bob"; articleRepository.Add(new Article { Text = articleText, Title = articleTitle, Author = articleAuthor }); Article article = articleRepository.GetAll().LastOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(article); articleRepository.Delete(article.Id); article = articleRepository.Get(article.Id).Value; Assert.IsNull(article); }
public void CanAddArticleToPostgre() { var articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(dbConnectionString); var articleText = "Test Text"; var articleTitle = "Test Title"; var articleAuthor = "Bob"; articleRepository.Add(new Article { Text = articleText, Title = articleTitle, Author = articleAuthor }); List <Article> articles = articleRepository.GetAll(); Assert.IsNotEmpty(articles); var article = articleRepository.Get(articles.First().Id).Value; Assert.AreEqual(articleText, article.Text); Assert.AreEqual(articleTitle, article.Title); Assert.AreEqual(articleAuthor, article.Author); }
public ActionResult Articles() { var repo = new ArticleRepository(); var model = repo.GetAll().ToList(); if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var user = User.Identity; ViewBag.Name = user.Name; ViewBag.displayMenu = "No"; if (IsAdminUser()) { ViewBag.displayMenu = "Yes"; } return(View(model)); } else { ViewBag.Name = "Not Logged IN"; } return(View()); }
// GET: Articles/Articles public IActionResult Index() { return(View(_articleRepository.GetAll())); }
public List <Article> GetAll() { return(_repository.GetAll()); }
public IEnumerable <IArticle> GetAll() => _articleRepository.GetAll();
public IEnumerable <ArticleViewModel> GetArticles() { return(_articleRepository.GetAll()); }
public virtual IEnumerable <Article> GetAll(object p1, object p2, object p3) { return(_articleRepository.GetAll((DateTime?)p1, (int?)p2, (int?)p3)); }
public ActionResult Articles() { if (AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Default")); } List <Article> articleList = new List <Article>(); ArticleRepository articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(); Dictionary <int, List <Comment> > comments = new Dictionary <int, List <Comment> >(); CommentRepository commentRepository = new CommentRepository(); Dictionary <int, string> userDictionary = new Dictionary <int, string>(); List <int> subjectId = new List <int>(); Teacher teacher = new Teacher(); TeacherRepository teacherRepository = new TeacherRepository(); Student student = new Student(); StudentRepository studentRepository = new StudentRepository(); List <Article> list = new List <Article>(); if (AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.GetType().BaseType.Equals(typeof(Teacher))) { teacher = teacherRepository.GetById(AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id); foreach (var item in teacher.CourseSubject) { subjectId.Add(item.Subject.Id); } } else if (AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.GetType().BaseType.Equals(typeof(Student))) { student = studentRepository.GetById(AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id); List <CourseSubject> courseSubjectList = new List <CourseSubject>(); CourseSubjectRepository courseSubjectRepository = new CourseSubjectRepository(); courseSubjectList = courseSubjectRepository.GetAll(filter: cs => cs.CourseID == student.CourseID); foreach (var item in courseSubjectList) { subjectId.Add(item.Subject.Id); } } subjectId = subjectId.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var item in subjectId) { List <Article> article = articleRepository.GetAll(filter: s => s.Subject.Id == item); if (article != null) { articleList.AddRange(article); } } articleList = articleList.OrderBy(d => d.DateCreated.TimeOfDay).ToList(); articleList.Reverse(); ArticleControllerArticlesVM model = new ArticleControllerArticlesVM(); LikeRepository likeRepository = new LikeRepository(); Dictionary <Article, int> ArticlesAndLikeCount = new Dictionary <Article, int>(); Dictionary <int, bool> Liked = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); int articleId = 0; string type = AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.GetType().BaseType.ToString(); int start = type.LastIndexOf(".") + 1; int positions = type.Length - start; type = type.Substring(start, positions); foreach (var item in articleList) { List <Comment> commentedCommentList = new List <Comment>(); commentedCommentList = commentRepository.GetAll(filter: c => c.Article.Id == item.Id); commentedCommentList.OrderBy(c => c.DateCreated.TimeOfDay).ToList(); commentedCommentList.Reverse(); foreach (var comment in commentedCommentList) { string userName = ""; if (comment.UserType == "Teacher") { teacher = teacherRepository.GetById(comment.UserID); if (teacher != null) { userName = teacher.FirstName + " " + teacher.LastName; userDictionary.Add(comment.Id, userName); } } else { student = studentRepository.GetById(comment.UserID); userName = student.FirstName + " " + student.LastName; userDictionary.Add(comment.Id, userName); } } comments.Add(item.Id, commentedCommentList); int count = likeRepository.GetAll(filter: a => a.ArticleID == item.Id).Count; ArticlesAndLikeCount.Add(item, count); List <Like> likes = new List <Like>(); likes = likeRepository.GetAll(l => l.ArticleID == item.Id); foreach (var like in likes.Where(l => l.UserID == AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id && l.UserType == type)) { Liked.Add(item.Id, true); } model.ArticleId = item.Id; if (Liked.Count != ArticlesAndLikeCount.Count) { foreach (var dictionary in ArticlesAndLikeCount.Where(a => a.Key.Id == item.Id)) { articleId = item.Id; } Liked.Add(articleId, false); } } model.UserType = type; model.IsLiked = Liked; model.UserID = AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id; model.Articles = ArticlesAndLikeCount; model.CommentList = comments; model.UserDictionary = userDictionary; return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Articles() { if (AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser == null) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "Default"); } List<Article> articleList = new List<Article>(); ArticleRepository articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(); Dictionary<int, List<Comment>> comments = new Dictionary<int, List<Comment>>(); CommentRepository commentRepository = new CommentRepository(); Dictionary<int, string> userDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>(); List<int> subjectId = new List<int>(); Teacher teacher = new Teacher(); TeacherRepository teacherRepository = new TeacherRepository(); Student student = new Student(); StudentRepository studentRepository = new StudentRepository(); List<Article> list = new List<Article>(); if (AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.GetType().BaseType.Equals(typeof(Teacher))) { teacher = teacherRepository.GetById(AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id); foreach (var item in teacher.CourseSubject) { subjectId.Add(item.Subject.Id); } } else if (AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.GetType().BaseType.Equals(typeof(Student))) { student = studentRepository.GetById(AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id); List<CourseSubject> courseSubjectList = new List<CourseSubject>(); CourseSubjectRepository courseSubjectRepository = new CourseSubjectRepository(); courseSubjectList = courseSubjectRepository.GetAll(filter: cs => cs.CourseID == student.CourseID); foreach (var item in courseSubjectList) { subjectId.Add(item.Subject.Id); } } subjectId = subjectId.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var item in subjectId) { List<Article> article = articleRepository.GetAll(filter: s => s.Subject.Id == item); if (article != null) { articleList.AddRange(article); } } articleList = articleList.OrderBy(d => d.DateCreated.TimeOfDay).ToList(); articleList.Reverse(); ArticleControllerArticlesVM model = new ArticleControllerArticlesVM(); LikeRepository likeRepository = new LikeRepository(); Dictionary<Article, int> ArticlesAndLikeCount = new Dictionary<Article, int>(); Dictionary<int, bool> Liked = new Dictionary<int, bool>(); int articleId = 0; string type = AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.GetType().BaseType.ToString(); int start = type.LastIndexOf(".") + 1; int positions = type.Length - start; type = type.Substring(start, positions); foreach (var item in articleList) { List<Comment> commentedCommentList = new List<Comment>(); commentedCommentList = commentRepository.GetAll(filter: c => c.Article.Id == item.Id); commentedCommentList.OrderBy(c => c.DateCreated.TimeOfDay).ToList(); commentedCommentList.Reverse(); foreach (var comment in commentedCommentList) { string userName = ""; if (comment.UserType == "Teacher") { teacher = teacherRepository.GetById(comment.UserID); if (teacher != null) { userName = teacher.FirstName + " " + teacher.LastName; userDictionary.Add(comment.Id, userName); } } else { student = studentRepository.GetById(comment.UserID); userName = student.FirstName + " " + student.LastName; userDictionary.Add(comment.Id, userName); } } comments.Add(item.Id, commentedCommentList); int count = likeRepository.GetAll(filter: a => a.ArticleID == item.Id).Count; ArticlesAndLikeCount.Add(item, count); List<Like> likes = new List<Like>(); likes = likeRepository.GetAll(l => l.ArticleID == item.Id); foreach (var like in likes.Where(l => l.UserID == AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id && l.UserType == type)) { Liked.Add(item.Id, true); } model.ArticleId = item.Id; if (Liked.Count != ArticlesAndLikeCount.Count) { foreach (var dictionary in ArticlesAndLikeCount.Where(a => a.Key.Id == item.Id)) { articleId = item.Id; } Liked.Add(articleId, false); } } model.UserType = type; model.IsLiked = Liked; model.UserID = AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id; model.Articles = ArticlesAndLikeCount; model.CommentList = comments; model.UserDictionary = userDictionary; return View(model); }
public List <ArticleDto> GetAll() { List <Article> articles = _articleRepository.GetAll(); return(_articleMapper.Map(articles)); }
public void EditProductJustDocument() { var inizio = DateTime.Now; IDocumentRepository docRep = new DocumentRepository(); IProductRepository prodRep = new ProductRepository(); PapiroService p = new PapiroService(); p.DocumentRepository = docRep; p.CostDetailRepository = new CostDetailRepository(); p.TaskExecutorRepository = new TaskExecutorRepository(); p.ArticleRepository = new ArticleRepository(); Document doc = docRep.GetEstimateEcommerce("000001"); doc.EstimateNumber = "0"; DocumentProduct dp = docRep.GetDocumentProductsByCodProduct("").FirstOrDefault(); //work with product Product prod = p.InitProduct("SuppRigidi", new ProductTaskNameRepository(), new FormatsNameRepository(), new TypeOfTaskRepository()); //------passaggio del prodotto inizializzato all'ecommerce o alla view prod.CodProduct = prodRep.GetNewCode(prod); prod.ProductParts.FirstOrDefault().Format = "15x21"; prod.ProductParts.FirstOrDefault().SubjectNumber = 1; var art = prod.ProductParts.FirstOrDefault().ProductPartPrintableArticles.FirstOrDefault(); #region Printable Article IArticleRepository artRep = new ArticleRepository(); var artFormList = artRep.GetAll().OfType<RigidPrintableArticle>().FirstOrDefault(); art.TypeOfMaterial = artFormList.TypeOfMaterial; art.NameOfMaterial = artFormList.NameOfMaterial; art.Weight = artFormList.Weight; art.Color = artFormList.Color; #endregion //------ritorno del prodotto modificato!!!! //rigenero prodRep.Add(prod); prodRep.Save(); #region ViewModel ProductViewModel pv = new ProductViewModel(); pv.Product = prod; // prod.ProductCodeRigen(); pv.Quantity = 10; #endregion p.EditOrCreateAllCost(dp.CodDocumentProduct); var fine = DateTime.Now.Subtract(inizio).TotalSeconds; Assert.IsTrue(fine < 4); }
// GET: Articles public ActionResult Index() { IEnumerable <Article> articles = articleRepository.GetAll(); return(View(articles)); }