public override Article CreateArticle(Category category, string owner,
                                            string name, string title, 
                                            string description, string body)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore articleStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);
                if (articleStore.FindByName(name) != null)
                    throw new ArticleNameAlreadyExistsException(name);

                CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);

                Article article = new Article(category, name, owner, title, description, body);
                article.Author = owner;

                if (category.AutoApprove)
                    article.Approved = true;



                return article;
Example #2
    public async Task <ActionResult <int> > AddInAsync([FromRoute] Guid id, List <CommentUpdateDto> list, [FromServices] ArticleDataStore dependStore)
        var depend = await dependStore.FindAsync(id);

        if (depend == null)
            return(NotFound("depend not exist"));
        var newList = new List <Comment>();

        list.ForEach(item =>
            var newItem = new Comment()
                Article = depend
        return(await _store.BatchAddAsync(newList));
        public override FileAttachment CreateFileAttachment(Article article, string name, string contentType, byte[] contentData)
            FileAttachment attachment = new FileAttachment(article, name, contentType, contentData);

            //Check attachment
            if (attachment != null)
                Attachment.FileHelper.CheckFile(attachment, article.Category.AttachExtensions, article.Category.AttachMaxSize);

            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);

                FileAttachmentDataStore attachmentStore = new FileAttachmentDataStore(transaction);


                return attachment;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the specified article. Increment the version if required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="article"></param>
        /// <param name="backupVersion">If true the previous article version is saved as a backup in the VersionedArticle and the current version is incremented.</param>
        public override void UpdateArticle(Article article, bool backupVersion)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);

                VersionedArticle versionedArticle = null;

                if (backupVersion)
                    //Retrive the previous version (before saving the new instance) and save a versioned row

                    Article prevVersion = dataStore.FindByKey(article.Id);
                    if (prevVersion == null)
                        throw new ArticleNotFoundException(article.Id);

                    versionedArticle = new VersionedArticle(prevVersion);

                    VersionedArticleDataStore versionedStore = new VersionedArticleDataStore(transaction);

                    //Increment the current article version

                //flag the entity to be updated and attach the entity to the db
                // I must use InsertOrUpdateCopy because if backupVersion = true there is already a
                // persistent entity in the session and I must copy the values to this instance. The Update method in this case throw an exception
                article = dataStore.InsertOrUpdateCopy(article);

        public override IList<Article> GetArticlesByOwner(Category category,
                            string owner, ArticleStatus status)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);

                return dataStore.FindByCategoryAndOwner(category, owner, status);
        public override Article GetArticleByName(string name, bool throwIfNotFound)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);

                Article article = dataStore.FindByName(name);
                if (article == null && throwIfNotFound)
                    throw new ArticleNotFoundException(name);
                else if (article == null)
                    return null;

                return article;
        public override Article GetArticle(string id)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);

                Article article = dataStore.FindByKey(id);
                if (article == null)
                    throw new ArticleNotFoundException(id);

                return article;
        public override IList<Article> FindArticles(Filter<string> categoryName,
                                           Filter<string> searchFor,
                                           Filter<string> author,
                                           Filter<string> owner,
                                           Filter<string> tag,  
                                           DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate,
                                           ArticleStatus status,
                                           PagingInfo paging)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);

                return dataStore.FindByFields(categoryName, searchFor,
                                                author, owner,
                                                fromDate, toDate,
        public override void DeleteArticle(Article article)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ArticleDataStore dataStore = new ArticleDataStore(transaction);

