Example #1
        protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ArticleInfo article = new ArticleInfo();

            article.ID       = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID");
            article.Title    = this.Title.Text;
            article.ClassID  = ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassFullFatherID(Convert.ToInt32(this.ClassID.Text));
            article.IsTop    = Convert.ToInt32(this.IsTop.Text);
            article.Author   = this.Author.Text;
            article.Resource = this.Resource.Text;
            article.Keywords = this.Keywords.Text;
            article.Url      = this.Url.Text;
            article.Photo    = this.Photo.Text;
            article.Summary  = this.Summary.Text;
            article.Content  = this.Content.Value;
            article.Date     = RequestHelper.DateNow;
            string alertMessage = ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("AddOK");

            if (article.ID == -2147483648)
                base.CheckAdminPower("AddArticle", PowerCheckType.Single);
                int id = ArticleBLL.AddArticle(article);
                AdminLogBLL.AddAdminLog(ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("AddRecord"), ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("Article"), id);
                base.CheckAdminPower("UpdateArticle", PowerCheckType.Single);
                AdminLogBLL.AddAdminLog(ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("UpdateRecord"), ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("Article"), article.ID);
                alertMessage = ShopLanguage.ReadLanguage("UpdateOK");
            AdminBasePage.Alert(alertMessage, RequestHelper.RawUrl);
Example #2
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!this.Page.IsPostBack)
         base.CheckAdminPower("ReadArticle", PowerCheckType.Single);
         foreach (ArticleClassInfo info in ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassNamedList())
             this.ArticleClassID.Items.Add(new ListItem(info.ClassName, "|" + info.ID + "|"));
         this.ArticleClassID.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("ËùÓзÖÀà", string.Empty));
         this.Title.Text          = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("Title");
         this.ArticleClassID.Text = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("ClassID");
         this.IsTop.Text          = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("IsTop");
         this.classID             = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("ClassID");
         if (this.classID != string.Empty)
             this.classID = ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassFullFatherID(Convert.ToInt32(this.classID.Replace("|", string.Empty)));
             this.classID = this.classID.Substring(1, this.classID.Length - 2);
             if (this.classID.IndexOf('|') > -1)
                 this.classID = this.classID.Substring(0, this.classID.IndexOf('|'));
         ArticleSearchInfo article = new ArticleSearchInfo();
         article.Title   = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("Title");
         article.ClassID = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("ClassID");
         article.IsTop   = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("IsTop");
         base.BindControl(ArticleBLL.SearchArticleList(base.CurrentPage, base.PageSize, article, ref this.Count), this.RecordList, this.MyPager);
Example #3
        protected override void PageLoad()
            topNav = 8;

            id = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("id");
            if (id <= 0)
                id = ArticleClass.Help;         //默认帮助中心
            var chlidList = ArticleClassBLL.ReadChilds(ArticleClass.Help);

            if (id == ArticleClass.Help && chlidList.Count > 0)
                id = chlidList[0].Id;
            fullClassId = ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassFullFatherID(id);
            int currentPage = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("Page");

            if (currentPage < 1)
                currentPage = 1;
            int pageSize = 10;
            int count    = 0;

            articleList = ArticleBLL.SearchList(currentPage, pageSize, new ArticleSearchInfo {
                ClassId = "|" + id + "|"
            }, ref count);
            pagerclass.CurrentPage = currentPage;
            pagerclass.PageSize    = pageSize;
            pagerclass.Count       = count;
            pagerclass.FirstPage   = "<<首页";
            pagerclass.PreviewPage = "<<上一页";
            pagerclass.NextPage    = "下一页>>";
            pagerclass.LastPage    = "末页>>";
            pagerclass.ListType    = false;
            pagerclass.DisCount    = false;
            pagerclass.PrenextType = true;
            pagerclass.URL         = "/Help-C" + id + "-P$Page.html";

            Title = ArticleClassBLL.Read(id).Name;
            //Keywords = string.IsNullOrEmpty(article.Keywords) ? article.Title : article.Keywords;
            //Description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(article.Summary) ? StringHelper.Substring(StringHelper.KillHTML(article.Content), 200) : article.Summary;
Example #4
        protected override void PageLoad()
            articleClassID = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID");

            if (articleClassID <= 0)
                articleClassID = 46;                     //默认企业动态
            thisClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(articleClassID);

            int topClassID = 0;

            ArticleClassBLL.GetTopClassID(articleClassID, ref topClassID);
            topNav = topClassID;

            topClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(topClassID);

            navList = ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassFullFatherID(articleClassID);

            int count = int.MinValue;
            ArticleSearchInfo articleSearch = new ArticleSearchInfo();

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
            articleSearch.ClassId = "|" + articleClassID + "|";
            //    //articleSearch.Key = keywords;
            //    articleSearch.Title = keywords;
            //    //articleSearch.Keywords = keywords;
            //    articleSearch.InClassId = "38,44,46,47";
            articleList = ArticleBLL.SearchList(1, 4, articleSearch, ref count);

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords)) commonPagerClass.URL = "/article-C" + articleClassID + "-P$Page.html";
            //else commonPagerClass.URL = "/article/Keyword/" + keywords + "-P$Page.html";

            Title       = thisClass.Name;
            Keywords    = thisClass.Name;
            Description = thisClass.Description;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 页面加载
        /// </summary>
        protected override void PageLoad()
            int articleID = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID");

            if (articleID == 60)
                topNav = 6;
                int counts = 0;
                if ((ArticleBLL.SearchList(1, 1, new ArticleSearchInfo {
                    ClassId = "|60|"
                }, ref counts).Count > 0))
                    articleID = ArticleBLL.SearchList(1, 1, new ArticleSearchInfo {
                        ClassId = "|60|"
                    }, ref counts)[0].Id;
            article = ArticleBLL.Read(articleID);
            ArticleInfo tmp = article;

            tmp.ViewCount = tmp.ViewCount + 1;


            thisClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(ArticleClassBLL.GetLastClassID(article.ClassId));

            int topClassID = ArticleClassBLL.GetTopClassID(article.ClassId);

            topNav = topClassID;

            topClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(topClassID);

            if (thisClass.Id == 60)
                topNav = 6;

            string theArticleClassID = article.ClassId;
            int    lastClassID       = int.MinValue;

            if (theArticleClassID != string.Empty)
                theArticleClassID = theArticleClassID.Substring(1);
                lastClassID       = Convert.ToInt32(theArticleClassID.Substring(0, theArticleClassID.IndexOf('|')));

            navList = ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassFullFatherID(ArticleClassBLL.GetLastClassID(article.ClassId));
            ArticleSearchInfo articleSearch = new ArticleSearchInfo();

            List <ArticleInfo> nextPreList = new List <ArticleInfo>();

            if (ArticleBLL.SearchListRowNumber(" ID =" + article.Id + "").Count > 0)
                ArticleInfo thisArtInfo = ArticleBLL.SearchListRowNumber(" ID =" + article.Id + "")[0];
                nextPreList = ArticleBLL.SearchListRowNumber(" [ClassID] Like'%" + article.ClassId + "%' and [RowNumber]>" + thisArtInfo.RowNumber + " Order by RowNumber asc");

                if (nextPreList.Count > 0)
                    NextNews  = "<a href=\"/articledetail-I" + nextPreList[0].Id + ".html\" title=\"" + nextPreList[0].Title + "\">" + StringHelper.Substring(nextPreList[0].Title, 20) + "</a>";
                    NextNewsM = "<a href=\"/mobile/articledetail-I" + nextPreList[0].Id + ".html\" title=\"" + nextPreList[0].Title + "\">" + StringHelper.Substring(nextPreList[0].Title, 13) + "</a>";

                nextPreList = ArticleBLL.SearchListRowNumber(" ClassID Like'%" + article.ClassId + "%' and RowNumber<" + thisArtInfo.RowNumber + " Order by RowNumber desc");
                if (nextPreList.Count > 0)
                    PreNews  = "<a href=\"/articledetail-I" + nextPreList[0].Id + ".html\" title=\"" + nextPreList[0].Title + "\">" + StringHelper.Substring(nextPreList[0].Title, 20) + "</a>";
                    PreNewsM = "<a href=\"/mobile/articledetail-I" + nextPreList[0].Id + ".html\" title=\"" + nextPreList[0].Title + "\">" + StringHelper.Substring(nextPreList[0].Title, 13) + "</a>";

            Title       = article.Title;
            Keywords    = (article.Keywords == string.Empty) ? article.Title : article.Keywords;
            Description = (article.Summary == string.Empty) ? StringHelper.Substring(StringHelper.KillHTML(article.Content), 200) : article.Summary;
Example #6
        protected override void PageLoad()
            int articleClassID = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID");

            keywords = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("Keywords");
            if (articleClassID <= 0)
                articleClassID = 2;                   //默认企业动态
            thisClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(articleClassID);

            int topClassID = 0;

            ArticleClassBLL.GetTopClassID(articleClassID, ref topClassID);
            topNav = topClassID;

            topClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(topClassID);

            navList = ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassFullFatherID(articleClassID);

            int currentPage = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("Page");

            if (currentPage < 1)
                currentPage = 1;
            int pageSize = 4;

            if (RequestHelper.RawUrl.ToLower().IndexOf("/mobile") > -1)
                pageSize = 4;                                                      //手机端每页4条
            int count = int.MinValue;
            ArticleSearchInfo articleSearch = new ArticleSearchInfo();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                articleSearch.ClassId = "|" + articleClassID + "|";
                //articleSearch.Key = keywords;
                articleSearch.Title = keywords;
                //articleSearch.Keywords = keywords;
                articleSearch.InClassId = "38,44,47";//只搜索 企业动态  养老政策  安华公益
            articleList = ArticleBLL.SearchList(currentPage, pageSize, articleSearch, ref count);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                commonPagerClass.URL = "/article-C" + articleClassID + "-P$Page.html";
                commonPagerClass.URL = "/article/Keyword/" + keywords + "-P$Page.html";
            commonPagerClass.CurrentPage   = currentPage;
            commonPagerClass.PageSize      = pageSize;
            commonPagerClass.Count         = count;
            commonPagerClass.FirstLastType = true;
            commonPagerClass.FirstPage     = "首页";
            commonPagerClass.LastPage      = "尾页";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                Title = thisClass.Name;
                Title = "搜索结果";
            Keywords    = thisClass.Name;
            Description = thisClass.Description;
Example #7
        protected override void PageLoad()
            int articleClassID = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID");

            sera_Keywords = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <string>("kw");
            if (articleClassID <= 0)
                articleClassID = 46;                     //默认企业动态
            thisClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(articleClassID);
            if (thisClass.ShowType == 1)
                if (ArticleBLL.SearchList(new ArticleSearchInfo {
                    ClassId = "|" + articleClassID + "|"
                }).Count > 0)
                    if (RequestHelper.RawUrl.ToLower().IndexOf("/mobile/") >= 0)
                        Response.Redirect("/HZ/Mobile/Product.aspx?id=" + ArticleBLL.SearchList(new ArticleSearchInfo {
                            ClassId = "|" + articleClassID + "|"
                        Response.Redirect("/HZ/Product.aspx?id=" + ArticleBLL.SearchList(new ArticleSearchInfo {
                            ClassId = "|" + articleClassID + "|"
            int topClassID = 0;

            ArticleClassBLL.GetTopClassID(articleClassID, ref topClassID);
            topNav = topClassID;
            switch (articleClassID)
            case 54: topNav = 2;

            case 55: topNav = 3;

            case 56: topNav = 4;

            case 57: topNav = 5;

            topClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(topClassID);

            navList = ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassFullFatherID(articleClassID);

            int currentPage = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("Page");

            if (currentPage < 1)
                currentPage = 1;
            int pageSize = 9;

            if (RequestHelper.RawUrl.ToLower().IndexOf("/mobile") > -1)
                pageSize = 4;                                                        //手机端每页4条
            int count = int.MinValue;
            ArticleSearchInfo articleSearch = new ArticleSearchInfo();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sera_Keywords))
                articleSearch.ClassId = "|" + articleClassID + "|";
                //articleSearch.Keywords = keywords;
                articleSearch.Title = sera_Keywords;
                //articleSearch.Keywords = sera_Keywords;
                //articleSearch.InClassId = "58,54,55,56,57";
                articleSearch.ClassId = "|58|";
                #region 添加搜索历史记录

                var historySearch = CookiesHelper.ReadCookieValue("HistorySearch");
                if (("," + historySearch + ",").IndexOf("," + Server.UrlDecode(sera_Keywords) + ",") == -1)
                    if (historySearch == "")
                        historySearch = Server.UrlDecode(sera_Keywords);
                        historySearch = Server.UrlDecode(sera_Keywords) + "," + historySearch;
                    if (historySearch.ToString().IndexOf(",") > -1)
                        if (historySearch.Split(',').Length > 8)
                            historySearch = historySearch.Substring(0, historySearch.LastIndexOf(","));
                    CookiesHelper.AddCookie("HistorySearch", historySearch, 3, TimeType.Day);
            articleList = ArticleBLL.SearchList(currentPage, pageSize, articleSearch, ref count);

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords)) commonPagerClass.URL = "/article-C" + articleClassID + "-P$Page.html";
            //else commonPagerClass.URL = "/article/Keyword/" + keywords + "-P$Page.html";
            commonPagerClass.URL           = "/picture-C" + articleClassID + "-P$Page.html";
            commonPagerClass.CurrentPage   = currentPage;
            commonPagerClass.PageSize      = pageSize;
            commonPagerClass.Count         = count;
            commonPagerClass.FirstLastType = true;
            commonPagerClass.FirstPage     = "首页";
            commonPagerClass.LastPage      = "尾页";

            Title       = thisClass.Name;
            Keywords    = thisClass.Name;
            Description = thisClass.Description;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 页面加载
        /// </summary>
        protected override void PageLoad()
            int articleID = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID");

            article = ArticleBLL.Read(articleID);
            ArticleInfo tmp = article;

            tmp.ViewCount = tmp.ViewCount + 1;


            #region 微信分享
            Hashtable    ht  = new Hashtable();
            WechatCommon wxs = new WechatCommon();
            ht        = wxs.getSignPackage();
            timestamp = ht["timestamp"].ToString();
            nonce     = ht["nonceStr"].ToString();
            signature = ht["signature"].ToString();
            url       = ht["url"].ToString();

            WeChatImg = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host + article.Photo;
            title     = article.Title;
            desc      = (article.Summary == string.Empty) ? StringHelper.Substring(StringHelper.KillHTML(article.Content), 200) : article.Summary;

            thisClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(ArticleClassBLL.GetLastClassID(article.ClassId));

            int topClassID = ArticleClassBLL.GetTopClassID(article.ClassId);
            topNav = topClassID;

            topClass = ArticleClassBLL.Read(topClassID);

            string theArticleClassID = article.ClassId;
            int    lastClassID       = int.MinValue;
            if (theArticleClassID != string.Empty)
                theArticleClassID = theArticleClassID.Substring(1);
                lastClassID       = Convert.ToInt32(theArticleClassID.Substring(0, theArticleClassID.IndexOf('|')));

            navList = ArticleClassBLL.ReadArticleClassFullFatherID(ArticleClassBLL.GetLastClassID(article.ClassId));
            ArticleSearchInfo articleSearch = new ArticleSearchInfo();

            List <ArticleInfo> nextPreList = new List <ArticleInfo>();
            if (ArticleBLL.SearchListRowNumber(" ID =" + article.Id + "").Count > 0)
                ArticleInfo thisArtInfo = ArticleBLL.SearchListRowNumber(" ID =" + article.Id + "")[0];
                nextPreList = ArticleBLL.SearchListRowNumber(" [ClassID] Like'%" + article.ClassId + "%' and [RowNumber]>" + thisArtInfo.RowNumber + " Order by RowNumber asc");

                if (nextPreList.Count > 0)
                    NextNewsM = "<a href=\"/mobile/Newsdetail.html?id=" + nextPreList[0].Id + "\" title=\"" + nextPreList[0].Title + "\" class=\"nextLink\">" + "下一篇:" + StringHelper.Substring(nextPreList[0].Title, 13) + "</a>";

                nextPreList = ArticleBLL.SearchListRowNumber(" ClassID Like'%" + article.ClassId + "%' and RowNumber<" + thisArtInfo.RowNumber + " Order by RowNumber desc");
                if (nextPreList.Count > 0)
                    PreNewsM = "<a href=\"/mobile/Newsdetail.html?id=" + nextPreList[0].Id + "\" title=\"" + nextPreList[0].Title + "\" class=\"prevLink\">" + "上一篇:" + StringHelper.Substring(nextPreList[0].Title, 13) + "</a>";

            Title       = article.Title;
            Keywords    = (article.Keywords == string.Empty) ? article.Title : article.Keywords;
            Description = (article.Summary == string.Empty) ? StringHelper.Substring(StringHelper.KillHTML(article.Content), 200) : article.Summary;