public override IEnumerator Respond(string[] split, string command)
        if (split.Length != 2 || split[0] != "appreciate")
            yield break;

        var targetModule = TwitchGame.Instance.Modules.Find(module => module.Code.EqualsIgnoreCase(split[1]));

        if (targetModule == null)
            yield break;

        if (Art.TryGetValue(targetModule, out Component artComponent))
            LocalAppreciationReqTime = artComponent.GetValue <float>("_appreciationRequiredDuration");

        // If we're going to appreciate Art but we are also Art, don't allow the Show/HideAppreciation methods to appreciate ourselves.
        // Which would lead to appreciating two things at the same time.
        avoidDoubleAppreciation = artComponent != null && Art.ContainsKey(Module);

        yield return(null);

        yield return(ModuleCommands.Zoom(targetModule, new SuperZoomData(1, 0.5f, 0.5f), LocalAppreciationReqTime));

        if (targetModule.Solved)

        if (CoroutineCanceller.ShouldCancel || artComponent == null)
            if (artComponent != null)

            yield return($"sendtochat The appreciation of module ID {split[1]} was cancelled.");

            yield break;
