Example #1
        private static NavigateToMatchKind GetNavigateToMatchKind(ArrayBuilder <PatternMatch> nameMatches)
            if (nameMatches.Any(r => r.Kind == PatternMatchKind.Exact))

            if (nameMatches.Any(r => r.Kind == PatternMatchKind.Prefix))

            if (nameMatches.Any(r => r.Kind == PatternMatchKind.Substring))

        protected static SyntaxTokenList GetUpdatedDeclarationAccessibilityModifiers(
            ArrayBuilder <SyntaxToken> newModifierTokens, SyntaxTokenList modifiersList,
            Func <SyntaxToken, bool> isAccessibilityModifier)
            using var _ = ArrayBuilder <SyntaxToken> .GetInstance(out var updatedModifiersList);

            var anyAccessModifierSeen = false;

            foreach (var modifier in modifiersList)
                SyntaxToken newModifier;
                if (isAccessibilityModifier(modifier))
                    if (newModifierTokens.Count == 0)

                    newModifier = newModifierTokens[0]
                    anyAccessModifierSeen = true;
                    if (anyAccessModifierSeen && newModifierTokens.Any())

                    newModifier = modifier;


            if (!anyAccessModifierSeen)
                for (var i = newModifierTokens.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    updatedModifiersList.Insert(0, newModifierTokens[i]);

Example #3
            internal static void EncodeInternal(TypeSymbol type, int customModifiersCount, RefKind refKind, ArrayBuilder <bool> transformFlagsBuilder)

                if (refKind != RefKind.None)
                    // Native compiler encodes an extra transform flag, always false, for ref/out parameters.

                // Native compiler encodes an extra transform flag, always false, for each custom modifier.
                HandleCustomModifiers(customModifiersCount, transformFlagsBuilder);

                type.VisitType(s_encodeDynamicTransform, transformFlagsBuilder);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// The set of synthesized delegates created by
 /// this AnonymousTypeManager.
 /// </summary>
 private void GetCreatedSynthesizedDelegates(ArrayBuilder<SynthesizedDelegateSymbol> builder)
     var delegates = _lazySynthesizedDelegates;
     if (delegates != null)
         foreach (var template in delegates.Values)
             if (ReferenceEquals(template.Manager, this))
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// The set of anonymous type templates created by
 /// this AnonymousTypeManager, in fixed order.
 /// </summary>
 private void GetCreatedAnonymousTypeTemplates(ArrayBuilder<AnonymousTypeTemplateSymbol> builder)
     var anonymousTypes = _lazyAnonymousTypeTemplates;
     if (anonymousTypes != null)
         foreach (var template in anonymousTypes.Values)
             if (ReferenceEquals(template.Manager, this))
         // Sort type templates using smallest location
         builder.Sort(new AnonymousTypeComparer(this.Compilation));
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The set of synthesized delegates created by
        /// this AnonymousTypeManager.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetCreatedSynthesizedDelegates(ArrayBuilder <SynthesizedDelegateSymbol> builder)
            var delegates = _lazySynthesizedDelegates;

            if (delegates != null)
                foreach (var template in delegates.Values)
                    if (ReferenceEquals(template.Manager, this))
                // Should be sorted, same as AnonymousTypeTemplates. See VB.
        private void EmitMultidimensionalElementInitializers(ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType,
                                                            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits,
                                                            bool includeConstants)
            // Using a List for the stack instead of the framework Stack because IEnumerable from Stack is top to bottom.
            // This algorithm requires the IEnumerable to be from bottom to top. See extensions for List in CollectionExtensions.vb.

            var indices = new ArrayBuilder<IndexDesc>();

            // emit initializers for all values of the leftmost index.
            for (int i = 0; i < inits.Length; i++)
                indices.Push(new IndexDesc(i, ((BoundArrayInitialization)inits[i]).Initializers));
                EmitAllElementInitializersRecursive(arrayType, indices, includeConstants);

Example #8
            private static void EncodeInternal(TypeSymbol type, int customModifiersCount, RefKind refKind, ArrayBuilder <bool> transformFlagsBuilder, bool addCustomModifierFlags)

                if (refKind != RefKind.None)
                    // Native compiler encodes an extra transform flag, always false, for ref/out parameters.

                if (addCustomModifierFlags)
                    // Native compiler encodes an extra transform flag, always false, for each custom modifier.
                    HandleCustomModifiers(customModifiersCount, transformFlagsBuilder);
                    type.VisitType((typeSymbol, builder, isNested) => AddFlags(typeSymbol, builder, isNested, addCustomModifierFlags: true), transformFlagsBuilder);
                    type.VisitType((typeSymbol, builder, isNested) => AddFlags(typeSymbol, builder, isNested, addCustomModifierFlags: false), transformFlagsBuilder);
        /// <summary>
        /// If we have a WinRT type event, we need to encapsulate the adder call
        /// (which returns an EventRegistrationToken) with a call to
        /// WindowsRuntimeMarshal.AddEventHandler or RemoveEventHandler, but these
        /// require us to create a new Func representing the adder and another
        /// Action representing the Remover.
        /// The rewritten call looks something like:
        /// WindowsRuntimeMarshal.AddEventHandler&lt;EventHandler&gt;
        ///     (new Func&lt;EventHandler, EventRegistrationToken&gt;(@object.add),
        ///      new Action&lt;EventRegistrationToken&gt;(@object.remove), handler);
        /// Where @object is a compiler-generated local temp if needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// TODO: use or delete isDynamic.
        /// </remarks>
        private BoundExpression RewriteWindowsRuntimeEventAssignmentOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, EventSymbol eventSymbol, EventAssignmentKind kind, bool isDynamic, BoundExpression rewrittenReceiverOpt, BoundExpression rewrittenArgument)
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignment = null;
            BoundLocal boundTemp = null;

            if (!eventSymbol.IsStatic && CanChangeValueBetweenReads(rewrittenReceiverOpt))
                boundTemp = _factory.StoreToTemp(rewrittenReceiverOpt, out tempAssignment);

            NamedTypeSymbol tokenType   = _factory.WellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Runtime_InteropServices_WindowsRuntime_EventRegistrationToken);
            NamedTypeSymbol marshalType = _factory.WellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Runtime_InteropServices_WindowsRuntime_WindowsRuntimeMarshal);

            NamedTypeSymbol actionType = _factory.WellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Action_T).Construct(tokenType);

            TypeSymbol eventType = eventSymbol.Type;

            BoundExpression delegateCreationArgument = boundTemp ?? rewrittenReceiverOpt ?? _factory.Type(eventType);

            BoundDelegateCreationExpression removeDelegate = new BoundDelegateCreationExpression(
                syntax: syntax,
                argument: delegateCreationArgument,
                methodOpt: eventSymbol.RemoveMethod,
                isExtensionMethod: false,
                type: actionType);

            BoundExpression clearCall = null;

            if (kind == EventAssignmentKind.Assignment)
                MethodSymbol clearMethod;
                if (TryGetWellKnownTypeMember(syntax, WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_InteropServices_WindowsRuntime_WindowsRuntimeMarshal__RemoveAllEventHandlers, out clearMethod))
                    clearCall = MakeCall(
                        syntax: syntax,
                        rewrittenReceiver: null,
                        method: clearMethod,
                        rewrittenArguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(removeDelegate),
                        type: clearMethod.ReturnType);
                    clearCall = new BoundBadExpression(syntax, LookupResultKind.NotInvocable, ImmutableArray <Symbol> .Empty, ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(removeDelegate), ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType);

            ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> marshalArguments;
            WellKnownMember helper;

            if (kind == EventAssignmentKind.Subtraction)
                helper           = WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_InteropServices_WindowsRuntime_WindowsRuntimeMarshal__RemoveEventHandler_T;
                marshalArguments = ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(removeDelegate, rewrittenArgument);
                NamedTypeSymbol func2Type = _factory.WellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Func_T2).Construct(eventType, tokenType);

                BoundDelegateCreationExpression addDelegate = new BoundDelegateCreationExpression(
                    syntax: syntax,
                    argument: delegateCreationArgument,
                    methodOpt: eventSymbol.AddMethod,
                    isExtensionMethod: false,
                    type: func2Type);

                helper           = WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_InteropServices_WindowsRuntime_WindowsRuntimeMarshal__AddEventHandler_T;
                marshalArguments = ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(addDelegate, removeDelegate, rewrittenArgument);

            BoundExpression marshalCall;

            MethodSymbol marshalMethod;

            if (TryGetWellKnownTypeMember(syntax, helper, out marshalMethod))
                marshalMethod = marshalMethod.Construct(eventType);

                marshalCall = MakeCall(
                    syntax: syntax,
                    rewrittenReceiver: null,
                    method: marshalMethod,
                    rewrittenArguments: marshalArguments,
                    type: marshalMethod.ReturnType);
                marshalCall = new BoundBadExpression(syntax, LookupResultKind.NotInvocable, ImmutableArray <Symbol> .Empty, marshalArguments, ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType);

            // In this case, we don't need a sequence.
            if (boundTemp == null && clearCall == null)

            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> tempSymbols = boundTemp == null
                ? ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> .Empty
                : ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(boundTemp.LocalSymbol);

            ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> sideEffects = ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> .GetInstance(2); //max size

            if (clearCall != null)
            if (tempAssignment != null)
            Debug.Assert(sideEffects.Any(), "Otherwise, we shouldn't be building a sequence");

            return(new BoundSequence(syntax, tempSymbols, sideEffects.ToImmutableAndFree(), marshalCall, marshalCall.Type));
Example #10
            private void OnSymbolEnd(SymbolAnalysisContext symbolEndContext, bool hasInvalidOrDynamicOperation)
                // We bail out reporting diagnostics for named types if it contains following kind of operations:
                //  1. Invalid operations, i.e. erroneous code:
                //     We do so to ensure that we don't report false positives during editing scenarios in the IDE, where the user
                //     is still editing code and fixing unresolved references to symbols, such as overload resolution errors.
                //  2. Dynamic operations, where we do not know the exact member being referenced at compile time.
                if (hasInvalidOrDynamicOperation)

                if (symbolEndContext.Symbol.GetAttributes().Any(a => a.AttributeClass == _structLayoutAttributeType))
                    // Bail out for types with 'StructLayoutAttribute' as the ordering of the members is critical,
                    // and removal of unused members might break semantics.

                // Report diagnostics for unused candidate members.
                var first = true;
                PooledHashSet <ISymbol> symbolsReferencedInDocComments    = null;
                ArrayBuilder <string>   debuggerDisplayAttributeArguments = null;

                    var namedType = (INamedTypeSymbol)symbolEndContext.Symbol;
                    foreach (var member in namedType.GetMembers())
                        // Check if the underlying member is neither read nor a readable reference to the member is taken.
                        // If so, we flag the member as either unused (never written) or unread (written but not read).
                        if (TryRemove(member, out var valueUsageInfo) &&

                            if (first)
                                // Bail out if there are syntax errors in any of the declarations of the containing type.
                                // Note that we check this only for the first time that we report an unused or unread member for the containing type.
                                if (HasSyntaxErrors(namedType, symbolEndContext.CancellationToken))

                                // Compute the set of candidate symbols referenced in all the documentation comments within the named type declarations.
                                // This set is computed once and used for all the iterations of the loop.
                                symbolsReferencedInDocComments = GetCandidateSymbolsReferencedInDocComments(namedType, symbolEndContext.Compilation, symbolEndContext.CancellationToken);

                                // Compute the set of string arguments to DebuggerDisplay attributes applied to any symbol within the named type declaration.
                                // These strings may have an embedded reference to the symbol.
                                // This set is computed once and used for all the iterations of the loop.
                                debuggerDisplayAttributeArguments = GetDebuggerDisplayAttributeArguments(namedType);

                                first = false;

                            // Simple heuristic for members referenced in DebuggerDisplayAttribute's string argument:
                            // bail out if any of the DebuggerDisplay string arguments contains the member name.
                            // In future, we can consider improving this heuristic to parse the embedded expression
                            // and resolve symbol references.
                            if (debuggerDisplayAttributeArguments.Any(arg => arg.Contains(member.Name)))

                            // Report IDE0051 or IDE0052 based on whether the underlying member has any Write/WritableRef/NonReadWriteRef references or not.
                            var rule = !valueUsageInfo.IsWrittenTo() && !valueUsageInfo.IsNameOnly() && !symbolsReferencedInDocComments.Contains(member)
                                ? s_removeUnusedMembersRule
                                : s_removeUnreadMembersRule;

                            // Do not flag write-only properties that are not read.
                            // Write-only properties are assumed to have side effects
                            // visible through other means than a property getter.
                            if (rule == s_removeUnreadMembersRule &&
                                member is IPropertySymbol property &&

                            // Most of the members should have a single location, except for partial methods.
                            // We report the diagnostic on the first location of the member.
                            var diagnostic = DiagnosticHelper.CreateWithMessage(
                                additionalLocations: null,
                                properties: null,
                                GetMessage(rule, member));

            private void OnSymbolEnd(SymbolAnalysisContext symbolEndContext, bool hasInvalidOperation)
                // We bail out reporting diagnostics for named types which have any invalid operations, i.e. erroneous code.
                // We do so to ensure that we don't report false positives during editing scenarios in the IDE, where the user
                // is still editing code and fixing unresolved references to symbols, such as overload resolution errors.
                if (hasInvalidOperation)

                // Report diagnostics for unused candidate members.
                var first = true;
                PooledHashSet <ISymbol> symbolsReferencedInDocComments    = null;
                ArrayBuilder <string>   debuggerDisplayAttributeArguments = null;

                    var namedType = (INamedTypeSymbol)symbolEndContext.Symbol;
                    foreach (var member in namedType.GetMembers())
                        // Check if the underlying member is neither read nor a readable reference to the member is taken.
                        // If so, we flag the member as either unused (never written) or unread (written but not read).
                        if (TryRemove(member, out var valueUsageInfo) &&

                            if (first)
                                // Bail out if there are syntax errors in any of the declarations of the containing type.
                                // Note that we check this only for the first time that we report an unused or unread member for the containing type.
                                if (HasSyntaxErrors(namedType, symbolEndContext.CancellationToken))

                                // Compute the set of candidate symbols referenced in all the documentation comments within the named type declarations.
                                // This set is computed once and used for all the iterations of the loop.
                                symbolsReferencedInDocComments = GetCandidateSymbolsReferencedInDocComments(namedType, symbolEndContext.Compilation, symbolEndContext.CancellationToken);

                                // Compute the set of string arguments to DebuggerDisplay attributes applied to any symbol within the named type declaration.
                                // These strings may have an embedded reference to the symbol.
                                // This set is computed once and used for all the iterations of the loop.
                                debuggerDisplayAttributeArguments = GetDebuggerDisplayAttributeArguments(namedType);

                                first = false;

                            // Simple heuristic for members referenced in DebuggerDisplayAttribute's string argument:
                            // bail out if any of the DebuggerDisplay string arguments contains the member name.
                            // In future, we can consider improving this heuristic to parse the embedded expression
                            // and resolve symbol references.
                            if (debuggerDisplayAttributeArguments.Any(arg => arg.Contains(member.Name)))

                            // Report IDE0051 or IDE0052 based on whether the underlying member has any Write/WritableRef/NonReadWriteRef references or not.
                            var rule = !valueUsageInfo.ContainsWriteOrWritableRef() && !valueUsageInfo.ContainsNonReadWriteRef() && !symbolsReferencedInDocComments.Contains(member)
                                ? s_removeUnusedMembersRule
                                : s_removeUnreadMembersRule;

                            // Most of the members should have a single location, except for partial methods.
                            // We report the diagnostic on the first location of the member.
                            var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(
                                additionalLocations: null,
                                properties: null,

Example #12
        private void EmitMultidimensionalElementInitializers(ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType,
                                                            ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> inits,
                                                            bool includeConstants)
            // Using a List for the stack instead of the framework Stack because IEnumerable from Stack is top to bottom.
            // This algorithm requires the IEnumerable to be from bottom to top. See extensions for List in CollectionExtensions.vb.

            var indices = new ArrayBuilder<IndexDesc>();

            // emit initializers for all values of the leftmost index.
            for (int i = 0; i < inits.Length; i++)
                indices.Push(new IndexDesc(i, ((BoundArrayInitialization)inits[i]).Initializers));
                EmitAllElementInitializersRecursive(arrayType, indices, includeConstants);

Example #13
        TypeAnnotations BuildTypeAnnotations(TypeDefinition type)
            var annotatedFields = new ArrayBuilder <FieldAnnotation> ();

            // First go over all fields with an explicit annotation
            if (type.HasFields)
                foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields)
                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes annotation = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(field);
                    if (annotation == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)

                    if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(field.FieldType))
                        // Already know that there's a non-empty annotation on a field which is not System.Type/String and we're about to ignore it
                            $"Field '{field.GetDisplayName ()}' has 'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute', but that attribute can only be applied to fields of type 'System.Type' or 'System.String'",
                            2097, field, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);

                    annotatedFields.Add(new FieldAnnotation(field, annotation));

            var annotatedMethods = new ArrayBuilder <MethodAnnotations> ();

            // Next go over all methods with an explicit annotation
            if (type.HasMethods)
                foreach (MethodDefinition method in type.Methods)
                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[] paramAnnotations = null;

                    // We convert indices from metadata space to IL space here.
                    // IL space assigns index 0 to the `this` parameter on instance methods.

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes methodMemberTypes = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(method);

                    int offset;
                    if (method.HasImplicitThis())
                        offset = 1;
                        if (IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(method.DeclaringType))
                            // If there's an annotation on the method itself and it's one of the special types (System.Type for example)
                            // treat that annotation as annotating the "this" parameter.
                            if (methodMemberTypes != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)
                                paramAnnotations    = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[method.Parameters.Count + offset];
                                paramAnnotations[0] = methodMemberTypes;
                        else if (methodMemberTypes != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)
                                $"The 'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute' is not allowed on methods. It is allowed on method return value or method parameters though.",
                                2041, method, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);
                        offset = 0;
                        if (methodMemberTypes != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)
                                $"The 'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute' is not allowed on methods. It is allowed on method return value or method parameters though.",
                                2041, method, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);

                    for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++)
                        var methodParameter = method.Parameters[i];
                        DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes pa = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(methodParameter, method);
                        if (pa == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)

                        if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(methodParameter.ParameterType))
                                $"Parameter '{DiagnosticUtilities.GetParameterNameForErrorMessage (methodParameter)}' of method '{DiagnosticUtilities.GetMethodSignatureDisplayName (methodParameter.Method)}' has 'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute', but that attribute can only be applied to parameters of type 'System.Type' or 'System.String'",
                                2098, method, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);

                        if (paramAnnotations == null)
                            paramAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[method.Parameters.Count + offset];
                        paramAnnotations[i + offset] = pa;

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes returnAnnotation = IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(method.ReturnType) ?
                                                                      GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(method.MethodReturnType, method) : DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None;

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[] genericParameterAnnotations = null;
                    if (method.HasGenericParameters)
                        for (int genericParameterIndex = 0; genericParameterIndex < method.GenericParameters.Count; genericParameterIndex++)
                            var genericParameter = method.GenericParameters[genericParameterIndex];
                            var annotation       = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(genericParameter, method);
                            if (annotation != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)
                                if (genericParameterAnnotations == null)
                                    genericParameterAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[method.GenericParameters.Count];
                                genericParameterAnnotations[genericParameterIndex] = annotation;

                    if (returnAnnotation != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None || paramAnnotations != null || genericParameterAnnotations != null)
                        annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(method, paramAnnotations, returnAnnotation, genericParameterAnnotations));

            // Next up are properties. Annotations on properties are kind of meta because we need to
            // map them to annotations on methods/fields. They're syntactic sugar - what they do is expressible
            // by placing attribute on the accessor/backing field. For complex properties, that's what people
            // will need to do anyway. Like so:
            // [field: Attribute]
            // Type MyProperty {
            //     [return: Attribute]
            //     get;
            //     [value: Attribute]
            //     set;
            //  }

            if (type.HasProperties)
                foreach (PropertyDefinition property in type.Properties)
                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes annotation = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(property);
                    if (annotation == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)

                    if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(property.PropertyType))
                            $"Property '{property.GetDisplayName ()}' has 'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute', but that attribute can only be applied to properties of type 'System.Type' or 'System.String'",
                            2099, property, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);

                    FieldDefinition backingFieldFromSetter = null;

                    // Propagate the annotation to the setter method
                    MethodDefinition setMethod = property.SetMethod;
                    if (setMethod != null)
                        // Abstract property backing field propagation doesn't make sense, and any derived property will be validated
                        // to have the exact same annotations on getter/setter, and thus if it has a detectable backing field that will be validated as well.
                        if (setMethod.HasBody)
                            // Look for the compiler generated backing field. If it doesn't work out simply move on. In such case we would still
                            // propagate the annotation to the setter/getter and later on when analyzing the setter/getter we will warn
                            // that the field (which ever it is) must be annotated as well.
                            ScanMethodBodyForFieldAccess(setMethod.Body, write: true, out backingFieldFromSetter);

                        if (annotatedMethods.Any(a => a.Method == setMethod))
                                $"'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute' on property '{property.GetDisplayName ()}' conflicts with the same attribute on its accessor '{setMethod.GetDisplayName ()}'.",
                                2043, setMethod, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);
                            int offset = setMethod.HasImplicitThis() ? 1 : 0;
                            if (setMethod.Parameters.Count > 0)
                                DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[] paramAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[setMethod.Parameters.Count + offset];
                                paramAnnotations[offset] = annotation;
                                annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(setMethod, paramAnnotations, DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None, null));

                    FieldDefinition backingFieldFromGetter = null;

                    // Propagate the annotation to the getter method
                    MethodDefinition getMethod = property.GetMethod;
                    if (getMethod != null)
                        // Abstract property backing field propagation doesn't make sense, and any derived property will be validated
                        // to have the exact same annotations on getter/setter, and thus if it has a detectable backing field that will be validated as well.
                        if (getMethod.HasBody)
                            // Look for the compiler generated backing field. If it doesn't work out simply move on. In such case we would still
                            // propagate the annotation to the setter/getter and later on when analyzing the setter/getter we will warn
                            // that the field (which ever it is) must be annotated as well.
                            ScanMethodBodyForFieldAccess(getMethod.Body, write: false, out backingFieldFromGetter);

                        if (annotatedMethods.Any(a => a.Method == getMethod))
                                $"'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute' on property '{property.GetDisplayName ()}' conflicts with the same attribute on its accessor '{getMethod.GetDisplayName ()}'.",
                                2043, getMethod, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);
                            annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(getMethod, null, annotation, null));

                    FieldDefinition backingField;
                    if (backingFieldFromGetter != null && backingFieldFromSetter != null &&
                        backingFieldFromGetter != backingFieldFromSetter)
                            $"Could not find a unique backing field for property '{property.GetDisplayName ()}' to propagate 'DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute'.",
                            2042, property, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);
                        backingField = null;
                        backingField = backingFieldFromGetter ?? backingFieldFromSetter;

                    if (backingField != null)
                        if (annotatedFields.Any(a => a.Field == backingField))
                                $"'DynamicallyAccessedMemberAttribute' on property '{property.GetDisplayName ()}' conflicts with the same attribute on its backing field '{backingField.GetDisplayName ()}'.",
                                2056, backingField, subcategory: MessageSubCategory.TrimAnalysis);
                            annotatedFields.Add(new FieldAnnotation(backingField, annotation));

            DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[] typeGenericParameterAnnotations = null;
            if (type.HasGenericParameters)
                for (int genericParameterIndex = 0; genericParameterIndex < type.GenericParameters.Count; genericParameterIndex++)
                    var genericParameter = type.GenericParameters[genericParameterIndex];
                    var annotation       = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(genericParameter, type);
                    if (annotation != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)
                        if (typeGenericParameterAnnotations == null)
                            typeGenericParameterAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[type.GenericParameters.Count];
                        typeGenericParameterAnnotations[genericParameterIndex] = annotation;

            return(new TypeAnnotations(type, annotatedMethods.ToArray(), annotatedFields.ToArray(), typeGenericParameterAnnotations));
Example #14
            protected override TypeAnnotations CreateValueFromKey(TypeDesc key)
                // We scan the entire type at this point; the reason for doing that is properties.
                // We allow annotating properties, but those annotations need to flow onto individual get/set methods
                // and backing fields. Without scanning all properties, we can't answer questions about fields/methods.
                // And if we're going over all properties, we might as well go over everything else to keep things simple.

                if (key is not EcmaType ecmaType)
                    return(new TypeAnnotations(key, DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None, null, null, null));

                MetadataReader reader = ecmaType.MetadataReader;

                // class, interface, struct can have annotations
                TypeDefinition typeDef = reader.GetTypeDefinition(ecmaType.Handle);
                DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes typeAnnotation = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, typeDef.GetCustomAttributes());

                    // Also inherit annotation from bases
                    TypeDesc baseType = key.BaseType;
                    while (baseType != null)
                        TypeDefinition baseTypeDef = reader.GetTypeDefinition(((EcmaType)baseType.GetTypeDefinition()).Handle);
                        typeAnnotation |= GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, baseTypeDef.GetCustomAttributes());
                        baseType        = baseType.BaseType;

                    // And inherit them from interfaces
                    foreach (DefType runtimeInterface in key.RuntimeInterfaces)
                        TypeDefinition interfaceTypeDef = reader.GetTypeDefinition(((EcmaType)runtimeInterface.GetTypeDefinition()).Handle);
                        typeAnnotation |= GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, interfaceTypeDef.GetCustomAttributes());
                catch (TypeSystemException)
                    // If the class hierarchy is not walkable, just stop collecting the annotations.

                var annotatedFields = new ArrayBuilder <FieldAnnotation>();

                // First go over all fields with an explicit annotation
                foreach (EcmaField field in ecmaType.GetFields())
                    FieldDefinition fieldDef = reader.GetFieldDefinition(field.Handle);
                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes annotation =
                        GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, fieldDef.GetCustomAttributes());
                    if (annotation == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)

                    if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(field.FieldType))
                        // Already know that there's a non-empty annotation on a field which is not System.Type/String and we're about to ignore it
                        _logger.LogWarning(field, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersOnFieldCanOnlyApplyToTypesOrStrings, field.GetDisplayName());

                    annotatedFields.Add(new FieldAnnotation(field, annotation));

                var annotatedMethods = new ArrayBuilder <MethodAnnotations>();

                // Next go over all methods with an explicit annotation
                foreach (EcmaMethod method in ecmaType.GetMethods())
                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[]? paramAnnotations = null;

                    // We convert indices from metadata space to IL space here.
                    // IL space assigns index 0 to the `this` parameter on instance methods.

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes methodMemberTypes =
                        GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, reader.GetMethodDefinition(method.Handle).GetCustomAttributes());

                    MethodSignature signature;
                        signature = method.Signature;
                    catch (TypeSystemException)
                        // If we cannot resolve things in the signature, just move along.

                    int offset;
                    if (!signature.IsStatic)
                        offset = 1;
                        offset = 0;

                    // If there's an annotation on the method itself and it's one of the special types (System.Type for example)
                    // treat that annotation as annotating the "this" parameter.
                    if (methodMemberTypes != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)
                        if (IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(method.OwningType) && !signature.IsStatic)
                            paramAnnotations    = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[signature.Length + offset];
                            paramAnnotations[0] = methodMemberTypes;
                            _logger.LogWarning(method, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersIsNotAllowedOnMethods);

                    MethodDefinition          methodDef        = reader.GetMethodDefinition(method.Handle);
                    ParameterHandleCollection parameterHandles = methodDef.GetParameters();

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes returnAnnotation = DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None;

                    foreach (ParameterHandle parameterHandle in parameterHandles)
                        Parameter parameter = reader.GetParameter(parameterHandle);

                        if (parameter.SequenceNumber == 0)
                            // this is the return parameter
                            returnAnnotation = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, parameter.GetCustomAttributes());
                            if (returnAnnotation != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None && !IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(signature.ReturnType))
                                _logger.LogWarning(method, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersOnMethodReturnValueCanOnlyApplyToTypesOrStrings, method.GetDisplayName());
                            DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes pa = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, parameter.GetCustomAttributes());
                            if (pa == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)

                            if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(signature[parameter.SequenceNumber - 1]))
                                _logger.LogWarning(method, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersOnMethodParameterCanOnlyApplyToTypesOrStrings, DiagnosticUtilities.GetParameterNameForErrorMessage(method, parameter.SequenceNumber - 1), method.GetDisplayName());

                            if (paramAnnotations == null)
                                paramAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[signature.Length + offset];
                            paramAnnotations[parameter.SequenceNumber - 1 + offset] = pa;

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[]? genericParameterAnnotations = null;
                    foreach (EcmaGenericParameter genericParameter in method.Instantiation)
                        GenericParameter genericParameterDef = reader.GetGenericParameter(genericParameter.Handle);
                        var annotation = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, genericParameterDef.GetCustomAttributes());
                        if (annotation != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)
                            if (genericParameterAnnotations == null)
                                genericParameterAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[method.Instantiation.Length];
                            genericParameterAnnotations[genericParameter.Index] = annotation;

                    if (returnAnnotation != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None || paramAnnotations != null || genericParameterAnnotations != null)
                        annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(method, paramAnnotations, returnAnnotation, genericParameterAnnotations));

                // Next up are properties. Annotations on properties are kind of meta because we need to
                // map them to annotations on methods/fields. They're syntactic sugar - what they do is expressible
                // by placing attribute on the accessor/backing field. For complex properties, that's what people
                // will need to do anyway. Like so:
                // [field: Attribute]
                // Type MyProperty
                // {
                //     [return: Attribute]
                //     get;
                //     [value: Attribute]
                //     set;
                //  }

                foreach (PropertyDefinitionHandle propertyHandle in reader.GetTypeDefinition(ecmaType.Handle).GetProperties())
                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes annotation = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(
                        reader, reader.GetPropertyDefinition(propertyHandle).GetCustomAttributes());
                    if (annotation == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)

                    PropertyPseudoDesc property = new PropertyPseudoDesc(ecmaType, propertyHandle);

                    if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(property.Signature.ReturnType))
                        _logger.LogWarning(property, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersOnPropertyCanOnlyApplyToTypesOrStrings, property.GetDisplayName());

                    FieldDesc?backingFieldFromSetter = null;

                    // Propagate the annotation to the setter method
                    MethodDesc setMethod = property.SetMethod;
                    if (setMethod != null)
                        // Abstract property backing field propagation doesn't make sense, and any derived property will be validated
                        // to have the exact same annotations on getter/setter, and thus if it has a detectable backing field that will be validated as well.
                        MethodIL methodBody = _ilProvider.GetMethodIL(setMethod);
                        if (methodBody != null)
                            // Look for the compiler generated backing field. If it doesn't work out simply move on. In such case we would still
                            // propagate the annotation to the setter/getter and later on when analyzing the setter/getter we will warn
                            // that the field (which ever it is) must be annotated as well.
                            ScanMethodBodyForFieldAccess(methodBody, write: true, out backingFieldFromSetter);

                        if (annotatedMethods.Any(a => a.Method == setMethod))
                            _logger.LogWarning(setMethod, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersConflictsBetweenPropertyAndAccessor, property.GetDisplayName(), setMethod.GetDisplayName());
                            int offset = setMethod.Signature.IsStatic ? 0 : 1;
                            if (setMethod.Signature.Length > 0)
                                DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[] paramAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[setMethod.Signature.Length + offset];
                                paramAnnotations[paramAnnotations.Length - 1] = annotation;
                                annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(setMethod, paramAnnotations, DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None, null));

                    FieldDesc?backingFieldFromGetter = null;

                    // Propagate the annotation to the getter method
                    MethodDesc getMethod = property.GetMethod;
                    if (getMethod != null)
                        // Abstract property backing field propagation doesn't make sense, and any derived property will be validated
                        // to have the exact same annotations on getter/setter, and thus if it has a detectable backing field that will be validated as well.
                        MethodIL methodBody = _ilProvider.GetMethodIL(getMethod);
                        if (methodBody != null)
                            // Look for the compiler generated backing field. If it doesn't work out simply move on. In such case we would still
                            // propagate the annotation to the setter/getter and later on when analyzing the setter/getter we will warn
                            // that the field (which ever it is) must be annotated as well.
                            ScanMethodBodyForFieldAccess(methodBody, write: false, out backingFieldFromGetter);

                        if (annotatedMethods.Any(a => a.Method == getMethod))
                            _logger.LogWarning(getMethod, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersConflictsBetweenPropertyAndAccessor, property.GetDisplayName(), getMethod.GetDisplayName());
                            annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(getMethod, null, annotation, null));

                    if (backingFieldFromGetter != null && backingFieldFromSetter != null &&
                        backingFieldFromGetter != backingFieldFromSetter)
                        _logger.LogWarning(property, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersCouldNotFindBackingField, property.GetDisplayName());
                        backingField = null;
                        backingField = backingFieldFromGetter ?? backingFieldFromSetter;

                    if (backingField != null)
                        if (annotatedFields.Any(a => a.Field == backingField))
                            _logger.LogWarning(backingField, DiagnosticId.DynamicallyAccessedMembersOnPropertyConflictsWithBackingField, property.GetDisplayName(), backingField.GetDisplayName());
                            annotatedFields.Add(new FieldAnnotation(backingField, annotation));

                DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[]? typeGenericParameterAnnotations = null;
                foreach (EcmaGenericParameter genericParameter in ecmaType.Instantiation)
                    GenericParameter genericParameterDef = reader.GetGenericParameter(genericParameter.Handle);

                    var annotation = GetMemberTypesForDynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(reader, genericParameterDef.GetCustomAttributes());
                    if (annotation != DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None)
                        if (typeGenericParameterAnnotations == null)
                            typeGenericParameterAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes[ecmaType.Instantiation.Length];
                        typeGenericParameterAnnotations[genericParameter.Index] = annotation;

                return(new TypeAnnotations(ecmaType, typeAnnotation, annotatedMethods.ToArray(), annotatedFields.ToArray(), typeGenericParameterAnnotations));
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind and return a single type parameter constraint clause.
        /// </summary>
        private TypeParameterConstraintClause BindTypeParameterConstraints(TypeParameterSyntax typeParameterSyntax, TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax constraintClauseSyntax, bool isForOverride, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            var constraints = TypeParameterConstraintKind.None;
            ArrayBuilder <TypeWithAnnotations>  constraintTypes = null;
            ArrayBuilder <TypeConstraintSyntax> syntaxBuilder   = null;
            SeparatedSyntaxList <TypeParameterConstraintSyntax> constraintsSyntax = constraintClauseSyntax.Constraints;

            Debug.Assert(!InExecutableBinder); // Cannot eagerly report diagnostics handled by LazyMissingNonNullTypesContextDiagnosticInfo
            bool hasTypeLikeConstraint           = false;
            bool reportedOverrideWithConstraints = false;

            if (!isForOverride)
                constraintTypes = ArrayBuilder <TypeWithAnnotations> .GetInstance();

                syntaxBuilder = ArrayBuilder <TypeConstraintSyntax> .GetInstance();

            for (int i = 0, n = constraintsSyntax.Count; i < n; i++)
                var syntax = constraintsSyntax[i];
                switch (syntax.Kind())
                case SyntaxKind.ClassConstraint:
                    hasTypeLikeConstraint = true;

                    if (i != 0)
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_RefValBoundMustBeFirst, syntax.GetFirstToken().GetLocation());

                        if (isForOverride && (constraints & (TypeParameterConstraintKind.ValueType | TypeParameterConstraintKind.ReferenceType)) != 0)

                    var         constraintSyntax = (ClassOrStructConstraintSyntax)syntax;
                    SyntaxToken questionToken    = constraintSyntax.QuestionToken;
                    if (questionToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken))
                        constraints |= TypeParameterConstraintKind.NullableReferenceType;

                        if (isForOverride)
                            reportOverrideWithConstraints(ref reportedOverrideWithConstraints, syntax, diagnostics);
                            LazyMissingNonNullTypesContextDiagnosticInfo.ReportNullableReferenceTypesIfNeeded(IsNullableEnabled(questionToken), questionToken.GetLocation(), diagnostics);
                    else if (isForOverride || IsNullableEnabled(constraintSyntax.ClassOrStructKeyword))
                        constraints |= TypeParameterConstraintKind.NotNullableReferenceType;
                        constraints |= TypeParameterConstraintKind.ReferenceType;


                case SyntaxKind.StructConstraint:
                    hasTypeLikeConstraint = true;

                    if (i != 0)
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_RefValBoundMustBeFirst, syntax.GetFirstToken().GetLocation());

                        if (isForOverride && (constraints & (TypeParameterConstraintKind.ValueType | TypeParameterConstraintKind.ReferenceType)) != 0)

                    constraints |= TypeParameterConstraintKind.ValueType;

                case SyntaxKind.ConstructorConstraint:
                    if (isForOverride)
                        reportOverrideWithConstraints(ref reportedOverrideWithConstraints, syntax, diagnostics);

                    if ((constraints & TypeParameterConstraintKind.ValueType) != 0)
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NewBoundWithVal, syntax.GetFirstToken().GetLocation());
                    if ((constraints & TypeParameterConstraintKind.Unmanaged) != 0)
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NewBoundWithUnmanaged, syntax.GetFirstToken().GetLocation());

                    if (i != n - 1)
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NewBoundMustBeLast, syntax.GetFirstToken().GetLocation());

                    constraints |= TypeParameterConstraintKind.Constructor;

                case SyntaxKind.TypeConstraint:
                    if (isForOverride)
                        reportOverrideWithConstraints(ref reportedOverrideWithConstraints, syntax, diagnostics);
                        hasTypeLikeConstraint = true;

                        var typeConstraintSyntax = (TypeConstraintSyntax)syntax;
                        var typeSyntax           = typeConstraintSyntax.Type;
                        var typeSyntaxKind       = typeSyntax.Kind();

                        // For pointer types, don't report this error. It is already reported during binding typeSyntax below.
                        switch (typeSyntaxKind)
                        case SyntaxKind.PredefinedType:
                        case SyntaxKind.PointerType:
                        case SyntaxKind.NullableType:

                            if (!SyntaxFacts.IsName(typeSyntax.Kind()))
                                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadConstraintType, typeSyntax.GetLocation());

                        var type = BindTypeOrUnmanagedKeyword(typeSyntax, diagnostics, out var isUnmanaged);

                        if (isUnmanaged)
                            if (constraints != 0 || constraintTypes.Any())
                                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnmanagedConstraintMustBeFirst, typeSyntax.GetLocation());

                            // This should produce diagnostics if the types are missing
                            GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Runtime_InteropServices_UnmanagedType, diagnostics, typeSyntax);
                            GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_ValueType, diagnostics, typeSyntax);

                            constraints |= TypeParameterConstraintKind.Unmanaged;


                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(syntax.Kind());

            if (!isForOverride && !hasTypeLikeConstraint && !IsNullableEnabled(typeParameterSyntax.Identifier))
                constraints |= TypeParameterConstraintKind.ObliviousNullabilityIfReferenceType;

            Debug.Assert(!isForOverride ||
                         (constraints & (TypeParameterConstraintKind.ReferenceType | TypeParameterConstraintKind.ValueType)) != (TypeParameterConstraintKind.ReferenceType | TypeParameterConstraintKind.ValueType));

                                                        constraintTypes?.ToImmutableAndFree() ?? ImmutableArray <TypeWithAnnotations> .Empty,
                                                        syntaxBuilder?.ToImmutableAndFree() ?? default));
        /// <summary>
        /// The strategy of this rewrite is to do rewrite "locally".
        /// We analyze arguments of the concat in a shallow fashion assuming that
        /// lowering and optimizations (including this one) is already done for the arguments.
        /// Based on the arguments we select the most appropriate pattern for the current node.
        /// NOTE: it is not guaranteed that the node that we chose will be the most optimal since we have only
        ///       local information - i.e. we look at the arguments, but we do not know about siblings.
        ///       When we move to the parent, the node may be rewritten by this or some another optimization.
        /// Example:
        ///     result = ( "abc" + "def" + null ?? expr1 + "moo" + "baz" ) + expr2
        /// Will rewrite into:
        ///     result = Concat("abcdef", expr2)
        /// However there will be transient nodes like  Concat(expr1 + "moo")  that will not be present in the
        /// resulting tree.
        /// </summary>
        private BoundExpression RewriteStringConcatenation(SyntaxNode syntax, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression loweredLeft, BoundExpression loweredRight, TypeSymbol type)
                operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.StringConcatenation ||
                operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.StringAndObjectConcatenation ||
                operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.ObjectAndStringConcatenation);

            if (_inExpressionLambda)
                return(RewriteStringConcatInExpressionLambda(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type));

            // Convert both sides to a string (calling ToString if necessary)
            loweredLeft  = ConvertConcatExprToString(syntax, loweredLeft);
            loweredRight = ConvertConcatExprToString(syntax, loweredRight);

            Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type.IsStringType() || loweredLeft.ConstantValue?.IsNull == true || loweredLeft.Type.IsErrorType());
            Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type.IsStringType() || loweredRight.ConstantValue?.IsNull == true || loweredRight.Type.IsErrorType());

            // try fold two args without flattening.
            var folded = TryFoldTwoConcatOperands(syntax, loweredLeft, loweredRight);

            if (folded != null)

            // flatten and merge -  ( expr1 + "A" ) + ("B" + expr2) ===> (expr1 + "AB" + expr2)
            ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> leftFlattened = ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> .GetInstance();

            ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> rightFlattened = ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> .GetInstance();

            FlattenConcatArg(loweredLeft, leftFlattened);
            FlattenConcatArg(loweredRight, rightFlattened);

            if (leftFlattened.Any() && rightFlattened.Any())
                folded = TryFoldTwoConcatOperands(syntax, leftFlattened.Last(), rightFlattened.First());
                if (folded != null)
                    rightFlattened[0] = folded;


            BoundExpression result;

            switch (leftFlattened.Count)
            case 0:
                result = _factory.StringLiteral(string.Empty);

            case 1:
                // All code paths which reach here (through TryFoldTwoConcatOperands) have already called
                // RewriteStringConcatenationOneExpr if necessary
                result = leftFlattened[0];

            case 2:
                var left  = leftFlattened[0];
                var right = leftFlattened[1];
                result = RewriteStringConcatenationTwoExprs(syntax, left, right);

            case 3:
                var first  = leftFlattened[0];
                var second = leftFlattened[1];
                var third  = leftFlattened[2];
                result = RewriteStringConcatenationThreeExprs(syntax, first, second, third);

            case 4:
                var first  = leftFlattened[0];
                var second = leftFlattened[1];
                var third  = leftFlattened[2];
                var fourth = leftFlattened[3];
                result = RewriteStringConcatenationFourExprs(syntax, first, second, third, fourth);

                result = RewriteStringConcatenationManyExprs(syntax, leftFlattened.ToImmutable());

Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// The strategy of this rewrite is to do rewrite "locally".
        /// We analyze arguments of the concat in a shallow fashion assuming that
        /// lowering and optimizations (including this one) is already done for the arguments.
        /// Based on the arguments we select the most appropriate pattern for the current node.
        /// NOTE: it is not guaranteed that the node that we chose will be the most optimal since we have only
        ///       local information - i.e. we look at the arguments, but we do not know about siblings.
        ///       When we move to the parent, the node may be rewritten by this or some another optimization.
        /// Example:
        ///     result = ( "abc" + "def" + null ?? expr1 + "moo" + "baz" ) + expr2
        /// Will rewrite into:
        ///     result = Concat("abcdef", expr2)
        /// However there will be transient nodes like  Concat(expr1 + "moo")  that will not be present in the
        /// resulting tree.
        /// </summary>
        private BoundExpression RewriteStringConcatenation(SyntaxNode syntax, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression loweredLeft, BoundExpression loweredRight, TypeSymbol type)
                operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.StringConcatenation ||
                operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.StringAndObjectConcatenation ||
                operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.ObjectAndStringConcatenation);

            if (_inExpressionLambda)
                return(RewriteStringConcatInExpressionLambda(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type));

            // avoid run time boxing and ToString operations if we can reasonably convert to a string at compile time
            loweredLeft  = ConvertConcatExprToStringIfPossible(syntax, loweredLeft);
            loweredRight = ConvertConcatExprToStringIfPossible(syntax, loweredRight);

            // try fold two args without flattening.
            var folded = TryFoldTwoConcatOperands(syntax, loweredLeft, loweredRight);

            if (folded != null)

            // flatten and merge -  ( expr1 + "A" ) + ("B" + expr2) ===> (expr1 + "AB" + expr2)
            ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> leftFlattened = ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> .GetInstance();

            ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> rightFlattened = ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> .GetInstance();

            FlattenConcatArg(loweredLeft, leftFlattened);
            FlattenConcatArg(loweredRight, rightFlattened);

            if (leftFlattened.Any() && rightFlattened.Any())
                folded = TryFoldTwoConcatOperands(syntax, leftFlattened.Last(), rightFlattened.First());
                if (folded != null)
                    rightFlattened[0] = folded;


            BoundExpression result;

            switch (leftFlattened.Count)
            case 0:
                result = _factory.StringLiteral(string.Empty);

            case 1:
                result = leftFlattened[0];

            case 2:
                var left  = leftFlattened[0];
                var right = leftFlattened[1];
                result = RewriteStringConcatenationTwoExprs(syntax, left, right);

            case 3:
                var first  = leftFlattened[0];
                var second = leftFlattened[1];
                var third  = leftFlattened[2];
                result = RewriteStringConcatenationThreeExprs(syntax, first, second, third);

                result = RewriteStringConcatenationManyExprs(syntax, leftFlattened.ToImmutable());

 internal static bool TryGetNames(TypeSymbol type, ArrayBuilder <string> namesBuilder)
     type.VisitType((t, builder, _ignore) => AddNames(t, builder), namesBuilder);
     return(namesBuilder.Any(name => name != null));
Example #19
        private TypeAnnotations BuildTypeAnnotations(TypeDefinition type)
            var annotatedFields = new ArrayBuilder <FieldAnnotation> ();

            // First go over all fields with an explicit annotation
            if (type.HasFields)
                foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields)
                    if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(field.FieldType))

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds annotation = _source.GetFieldAnnotation(field);
                    if (annotation == 0)

                    annotatedFields.Add(new FieldAnnotation(field, annotation));

            var annotatedMethods = new ArrayBuilder <MethodAnnotations> ();

            // Next go over all methods with an explicit annotation
            if (type.HasMethods)
                foreach (MethodDefinition method in type.Methods)
                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds [] paramAnnotations = null;

                    // We convert indices from metadata space to IL space here.
                    // IL space assigns index 0 to the `this` parameter on instance methods.
                    int offset;
                    if (method.HasImplicitThis())
                        offset = 1;
                        if (IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(method.DeclaringType))
                            DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds ta = _source.GetThisParameterAnnotation(method);
                            if (ta != 0)
                                paramAnnotations     = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds [method.Parameters.Count + offset];
                                paramAnnotations [0] = ta;
                        offset = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++)
                        if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(method.Parameters [i].ParameterType))

                        DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds pa = _source.GetParameterAnnotation(method, i);
                        if (pa == 0)

                        if (paramAnnotations == null)
                            paramAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds [method.Parameters.Count + offset];
                        paramAnnotations [i + offset] = pa;

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds returnAnnotation = IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(method.ReturnType) ?
                                                                      _source.GetReturnParameterAnnotation(method) : 0;
                    if (returnAnnotation != 0 || paramAnnotations != null)
                        annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(method, paramAnnotations, returnAnnotation));

            // Next up are properties. Annotations on properties are kind of meta because we need to
            // map them to annotations on methods/fields. They're syntactic sugar - what they do is expressible
            // by placing attribute on the accessor/backing field. For complex properties, that's what people
            // will need to do anyway. Like so:
            // [field: Attribute]
            // Type MyProperty {
            //     [return: Attribute]
            //     get;
            //     [value: Attribute]
            //     set;
            //  }

            if (type.HasProperties)
                foreach (PropertyDefinition property in type.Properties)
                    if (!IsTypeInterestingForDataflow(property.PropertyType))

                    DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds annotation = _source.GetPropertyAnnotation(property);
                    if (annotation == 0)

                    FieldDefinition backingFieldFromSetter = null;

                    // Propagate the annotation to the setter method
                    MethodDefinition setMethod = property.SetMethod;
                    if (setMethod != null)
                        // TODO: Handle abstract properties - no way to propagate the annotation to the field
                        if (!setMethod.HasBody || !ScanMethodBodyForFieldAccess(setMethod.Body, write: true, out backingFieldFromSetter))
                            // TODO: warn we couldn't find a unique backing field

                        if (annotatedMethods.Any(a => a.Method == setMethod))
                            // TODO: warn: duplicate annotation. not propagating.
                            int offset = setMethod.HasImplicitThis() ? 1 : 0;
                            if (setMethod.Parameters.Count > 0)
                                DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds [] paramAnnotations = new DynamicallyAccessedMemberKinds [setMethod.Parameters.Count + offset];
                                paramAnnotations [offset] = annotation;
                                annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(setMethod, paramAnnotations, 0));

                    FieldDefinition backingFieldFromGetter = null;

                    // Propagate the annotation to the getter method
                    MethodDefinition getMethod = property.GetMethod;
                    if (getMethod != null)
                        // TODO: Handle abstract properties - no way to propagate the annotation to the field
                        if (!getMethod.HasBody || !ScanMethodBodyForFieldAccess(getMethod.Body, write: false, out backingFieldFromGetter))
                            // TODO: warn we couldn't find a unique backing field

                        if (annotatedMethods.Any(a => a.Method == getMethod))
                            // TODO: warn: duplicate annotation. not propagating.
                            annotatedMethods.Add(new MethodAnnotations(getMethod, null, annotation));

                    FieldDefinition backingField;
                    if (backingFieldFromGetter != null && backingFieldFromSetter != null &&
                        backingFieldFromGetter != backingFieldFromSetter)
                        // TODO: warn we couldn't find a unique backing field
                        backingField = null;
                        backingField = backingFieldFromGetter ?? backingFieldFromSetter;

                    if (backingField != null)
                        if (annotatedFields.Any(a => a.Field == backingField))
                            // TODO: warn about duplicate annotations
                            annotatedFields.Add(new FieldAnnotation(backingField, annotation));

            return(new TypeAnnotations(annotatedMethods.ToArray(), annotatedFields.ToArray()));
Example #20
        private async Task AppendFixesAsync(
            Document document,
            TextSpan span,
            IEnumerable<DiagnosticData> diagnostics,
            bool fixAllForInSpan,
            bool isBlocking,
            ArrayBuilder<CodeFixCollection> result,
            Func<string, IDisposable?> addOperationScope,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var hasAnySharedFixer = _workspaceFixersMap.TryGetValue(document.Project.Language, out var fixerMap);

            var projectFixersMap = GetProjectFixers(document.Project);
            var hasAnyProjectFixer = projectFixersMap.Any();

            if (!hasAnySharedFixer && !hasAnyProjectFixer)

            var allFixers = new List<CodeFixProvider>();

            // TODO (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4932): Don't restrict CodeFixes in Interactive
            var isInteractive = document.Project.Solution.Workspace.Kind == WorkspaceKind.Interactive;

            // gather CodeFixProviders for all distinct diagnostics found for current span
            foreach (var diagnosticId in diagnostics.Select(d => d.Id).Distinct())

                if (hasAnySharedFixer && fixerMap.Value.TryGetValue(diagnosticId, out var workspaceFixers))
                    if (isInteractive)

                if (hasAnyProjectFixer && projectFixersMap.TryGetValue(diagnosticId, out var projectFixers))

            var extensionManager = document.Project.Solution.Workspace.Services.GetService<IExtensionManager>();

            // run each CodeFixProvider to gather individual CodeFixes for reported diagnostics
            foreach (var fixer in allFixers.Distinct())

                await AppendFixesOrConfigurationsAsync(
                    document, span, diagnostics, fixAllForInSpan, result, fixer,
                    hasFix: d => this.GetFixableDiagnosticIds(fixer, extensionManager).Contains(d.Id),
                    getFixes: dxs =>
                        var fixerName = fixer.GetType().Name;
                        using (addOperationScope(fixerName))
                        using (RoslynEventSource.LogInformationalBlock(FunctionId.CodeFixes_GetCodeFixesAsync, fixerName, cancellationToken))
                            if (fixAllForInSpan)
                                var primaryDiagnostic = dxs.First();
                                return GetCodeFixesAsync(document, primaryDiagnostic.Location.SourceSpan, fixer, isBlocking, ImmutableArray.Create(primaryDiagnostic), cancellationToken);
                                return GetCodeFixesAsync(document, span, fixer, isBlocking, dxs, cancellationToken);
                    cancellationToken: cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Just need the first result if we are doing fix all in span
                if (fixAllForInSpan && result.Any()) return;