Example #1
        public ArkTribeProfile(string pathname, ArkWorld world)
            //Set values
            linkedWorld = world;

            //Open inline file
            var indes = new Deserializer.Inline.InlineFileDeserializer();

            source = indes.ReadInlineFile(pathname);

            //Grab tribe data struct.
            var tribeData = (InlineStructProperty)source.props[0];

            tribeDataStruct = (InlineStructProperty.ArkStructInlineProps)tribeData.data;

            //Grab data
            InlineProperty temp;

            temp = GetPropertyByName("TribeName");
            if (temp != null)
                tribeName = ((InlineStrProperty)temp).value;
            temp = GetPropertyByName("OwnerPlayerDataID");
            if (temp != null)
                tribeOwnerId = ((InlineUInt32Property)temp).value;
            temp = GetPropertyByName("TribeID");
            if (temp != null)
                tribeId = ((InlineIntProperty)temp).value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads from a GameObject
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ArkInventory LoadFromAsset(ArkWorld world, DotArkGameObject r)
            //Get a list of all items
            List <ObjectProperty> inventoryItems;

            if (!r.PropExistsName("InventoryItems"))
                inventoryItems = new List <ObjectProperty>();
                inventoryItems = ((ArrayProperty <ObjectProperty>)r.GetPropsByName("InventoryItems")[0]).items;

            //Now, loop through and create items
            ArkInventory inventory = new ArkInventory();

            inventory.items = new List <ArkPrimalItem>();
            foreach (var o in inventoryItems)
                ArkPrimalItem item = new ArkPrimalItem(world, o.gameObjectRef);
                if (item.isEngram)


Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ArkWorld world = new ArkWorld("save\\", "Extinction", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\SavedV\Config\WindowsServer\", null, true);

            Console.WriteLine("World loaded.");

            RunTestNamed(world, "Blake", "Yutyrannus", 2300.8f, 3091.2f, 4200f, 644.8f);
            RunTestNamed(world, "Kato", "Rock Drake", 2268.8f, 1578.4f, 3120f, 642.8f);

            Console.WriteLine("Tests completed.");
Example #4
        static void RunTestNamed(ArkWorld w, string name, string species, float expectedHealth, float expectedStamina, float expectedFood, float expectedWeight)
            ArkDinosaur dino = null;

            foreach (ArkDinosaur d in w.dinos)
                if (d.dino_entry == null)
                if (d.dino_entry.screen_name == species && name == d.tamedName)
                    dino = d;
            RunTest(dino, expectedHealth, expectedStamina, expectedFood, expectedWeight);
Example #5
        public ArkPlayer(ArkWorld world, DotArkGameObject orig) : base(world, orig)
            playerName = GetStringProperty("PlayerName");
            steamName  = GetStringProperty("PlatformProfileName");
            arkId      = GetUInt64Property("LinkedPlayerDataID");

            //Read the struct containing Steam ID
            StructProperty       sprop  = (StructProperty)GetSingleProperty("PlatformProfileID");
            ArkStructUniqueNetId nsprop = (ArkStructUniqueNetId)sprop.structData;

            steamId = nsprop.netId;

            //Tribe stuff
            if (HasProperty("TribeName"))
                tribeName = GetStringProperty("TribeName");
                tribeId   = GetInt32Property("TargetingTeam");
                isInTribe = true;
                tribeName = "No Tribe";
                tribeId   = -1;
                isInTribe = false;

            //Check if alive
                HighLevelArkGameObjectRef statusComponent = GetGameObjectRef("MyCharacterStatusComponent");
                currentStats = ArkDinosaurStats.ReadStats(statusComponent, "CurrentStatusValues", false);
                isAlive      = currentStats.health > 0.1f;
            } catch
                isAlive = false;
Example #6
        public ArkStructure(ArkWorld world, DotArkGameObject orig, StructureDisplayMetadata displayMetadata) : base(world, orig)
            tribeId              = GetInt32Property("TargetingTeam");
            isInTribe            = true;
            hasInventory         = HasProperty("MyInventoryComponent");
            this.displayMetadata = displayMetadata;

            if (HasProperty("CurrentItemCount"))
                currentItemCount = GetInt32Property("CurrentItemCount");
            if (HasProperty("MaxItemCount"))
                currentItemCount = GetInt32Property("MaxItemCount");
            if (HasProperty("Health"))
                currentHealth = GetFloatProperty("Health");
            if (HasProperty("MaxHealth"))
                maxHealth = GetFloatProperty("MaxHealth");
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads from a reference
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ArkInventory LoadFromReference(ArkWorld world, ObjectProperty r)
     return(LoadFromAsset(world, r.gameObjectRef));
        public ArkDinosaur(ArkWorld world, DotArkGameObject orig) : base(world, orig)
            //Grab the data and save it here.
            //Get the other components of this dinosaur.
            HighLevelArkGameObjectRef statusComponent = GetGameObjectRef("MyCharacterStatusComponent");

            //Check if this dinosaur is tamed.
            isTamed = CheckIfValueExists("TamedName") && CheckIfValueExists("TribeName") && CheckIfValueExists("TargetingTeam");
            //Grab the values that will exist on both tamed and untamed dinosaurs.
            isFemale = GetBooleanProperty("bIsFemale");
            //Convert the colors into a byte array and hex.
            var colorAttrib = GetPropertiesByName("ColorSetIndices"); //Get all of the color properties from the dinosaur. These are indexes in the color table.

            colors     = new byte[colorAttrib.Length];                //Initialize the array for storing the indexes. These will be saved to the file.
            colors_hex = new string[colorAttrib.Length];              //Initialize the array for reading nice HTML color values.
            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)                   //For each color region this dinosaur has. Each "ColorSetIndices" value is a color region.
                colors[i] = ((ByteProperty)colorAttrib[i]).byteValue; //Get the index in the color table by getting the byte value out of the property
                //Validate that the color is in range
                byte color = colors[i];
                if (color <= 0 || color > ArkColorIds.ARK_COLOR_IDS.Length)
                    colors_hex[i] = "#FFF";
                    colors_hex[i] = ArkColorIds.ARK_COLOR_IDS[colors[i] - 1]; //Look this up in the color table to get the nice HTML value.
            //Read the dinosaur ID by combining the the bytes of the two UInt32 values.
            byte[] buf = new byte[8];
            BitConverter.GetBytes(GetUInt32Property("DinoID1")).CopyTo(buf, 0);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(GetUInt32Property("DinoID2")).CopyTo(buf, 4);
            //Convert this to a ulong
            dinosaurId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(buf, 0);
            //Read in levels
            currentStats        = ArkDinosaurStats.ReadStats(statusComponent, "CurrentStatusValues", false);
            baseLevelupsApplied = ArkDinosaurStats.ReadStats(statusComponent, "NumberOfLevelUpPointsApplied", true);
            baseLevel           = 1;
            if (statusComponent.CheckIfValueExists("BaseCharacterLevel"))
                baseLevel = statusComponent.GetInt32Property("BaseCharacterLevel");
            level = baseLevel;
            //Now, convert attributes that only exist on tamed dinosaurs.
            isInTribe = isTamed;
            if (isTamed)
                tamedName            = GetStringProperty("TamedName");
                tribeId              = GetInt32Property("TargetingTeam");
                tamerName            = GetStringProperty("TribeName");
                tamedLevelupsApplied = ArkDinosaurStats.ReadStats(statusComponent, "NumberOfLevelUpPointsAppliedTamed", true);
                if (statusComponent.CheckIfValueExists("ExtraCharacterLevel"))
                    level += statusComponent.GetUInt16Property("ExtraCharacterLevel");
                if (statusComponent.HasProperty("ExperiencePoints"))
                    experience = statusComponent.GetFloatProperty("ExperiencePoints");
                    experience = 0;

                isBaby = GetBooleanProperty("bIsBaby");
                if (isBaby)
                    babyAge         = GetFloatProperty("BabyAge");
                    nextImprintTime = -1;
                    if (HasProperty("BabyNextCuddleTime"))
                        nextImprintTime = GetDoubleProperty("BabyNextCuddleTime");
                    if (statusComponent.HasProperty("DinoImprintingQuality"))
                        imprintQuality = statusComponent.GetFloatProperty("DinoImprintingQuality");
                        imprintQuality = 0;

            //Get the dino entry data
            dino_entry = ArkImports.GetDinoDataByClassname(classname.classname);

            isInit = true;
        public ArkPrimalItem(ArkWorld world, DotArkGameObject orig) : base(world, orig)
            //Check if this is claimed not to be an item
            if (!isItem)
                throw new Exception("Cannot read ArkPrimalItem when property 'isItem' is false!");
            //Read in values. Start with values that will never be null
            classname = orig.classname.classname;
            stackSize = 1;
            if (orig.PropExistsName("ItemQuantity"))
                stackSize = (int)orig.GetPropByName("ItemQuantity").data;
            owner = new HighLevelArkGameObjectRef(world, (orig.GetPropsByName <ObjectProperty>("OwnerInventory")[0]).gameObjectRef);

            //Convert ItemID
            ArkStructProps itemIdStruct = (ArkStructProps)orig.GetPropsByName <StructProperty>("ItemId")[0].structData;

            byte[] buf = new byte[8];
            BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)itemIdStruct.props_string["ItemID1"].data).CopyTo(buf, 0);
            BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)itemIdStruct.props_string["ItemID2"].data).CopyTo(buf, 4);
            itemId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(buf, 0);

            //Read booleans
            isBlueprint = GetBooleanProperty("bIsBlueprint");
            isEngram    = GetBooleanProperty("bIsEngram");

            //Read props that may not exist
            if (CheckIfValueExists("SavedDurability"))
                savedDurability = GetFloatProperty("SavedDurability");
                savedDurability = 1;

            if (CheckIfValueExists("CrafterCharacterName"))
                crafterName = GetStringProperty("CrafterCharacterName");
                crafterName = null;

            if (CheckIfValueExists("CrafterTribeName"))
                crafterTribe = GetStringProperty("CrafterTribeName");
                crafterTribe = null;

            if (CheckIfValueExists("LastAutoDurabilityDecreaseTime"))
                lastDurabilityDecreaseTime = (double)orig.GetPropsByName <DoubleProperty>("LastAutoDurabilityDecreaseTime")[0].data;
                lastDurabilityDecreaseTime = -1;
 public ArkCharacter(ArkWorld world, DotArkGameObject orig) : base(world, orig)