Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Метод GetFermat производит расчет простых чисел Ферма
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">Неотрицательное целое число</param>
 /// <returns>Возращает простые числа Ферма</returns>
 public static Int32[] GetFermat(this Int32[] n)
     Int32[] f = null;
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < n.Count(); i++)
         if (n[i] >= 0)
             f[i] = ArithmeticFunctions <Int32> .PowTwo(2, ArithmeticFunctions <Int32> .PowTwo(2, n[i])) + 1;
 // mn = 2 ^ n - 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Метод GetMersennes производит расчет простых четных чисел Марсена
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">Четное число больше нуля</param>
 /// <returns>Возращает массив простых чисел Марсена</returns>
 public static Int32[] GetMersennes(this Int32[] n)
     Int32[] f = null;
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < n.Count(); i++)
         if (n[i] % 2 == 0)
             f[i] += ArithmeticFunctions <Int32> .PowTwo(2, n[i]) - 1;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the binary(2 operand) operation described by a given opcode value. If the
        /// opcode does not correspond to a binary operation, the first operand is returned
        /// (like an identity function, but only for the first operand)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opcode">opcode corresponding to the operation to perform</param>
        /// <param name="firstOperand">the first operand for the operation</param>
        /// <param name="secondOperand">the second operand for the operation</param>
        /// <returns>the result of the operation</returns>
        private decimal PerformBinaryOperation(Opcodes opcode, decimal firstOperand, decimal secondOperand)
            switch (opcode)
            case Opcodes.AdditionOperation:
                return(ArithmeticFunctions.CalculateAddition(firstOperand, secondOperand));

            case Opcodes.SubtractionOperation:
                return(ArithmeticFunctions.CalculateSubtraction(firstOperand, secondOperand));

            case Opcodes.MultiplicationOperation:
                return(ArithmeticFunctions.CalculateMultiplication(firstOperand, secondOperand));

            case Opcodes.DivisionOperation:
                return(ArithmeticFunctions.CalculateDivision(firstOperand, secondOperand));

        /// <summary>
        /// Метод QuadraticEquationFunc производит решение квадратного уровнения
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">Первый коэффициент</param>
        /// <param name="b">Второй коэффициент</param>
        /// <param name="c">Свободный член</param>
        /// <returns>Возращает массив коэфициентов</returns>
        public static Double[] QuadraticEquationFunc(Double a, Double b, Double c)
            Double d = ArithmeticFunctions <Double>
                       .DivideTwo(ArithmeticFunctions <Double>
                                  .MultiplyTwo(b, b), ArithmeticFunctionsExcellent <Double, Double>
                                  .MultiplyTwo(ArithmeticFunctionsExcellent <Double, Int32>
                                               .MultiplyTwo(a, 4), c));

            if (d > 0)
                Double x1 = (-b + Math.Sqrt(d)) / 2 / a;
                Double x2 = (-b - Math.Sqrt(d)) / 2 / a;
                return(new Double[] { x1, x2 });
            else if (d == 0)
                Double x1 = b / 2 / a;
                Double x2 = b / 2 / a;
                return(new Double[] { x1, x2 });