/// <summary>
 /// Retrieves data for an Argos Platform from the Argos Web Server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="platform">The Argos Platform to retrieve from the server</param>
 /// <param name="daysToRetrieve">The number of most recent days to retrieve from the server</param>
 public static void DownloadArgosPlatform(ArgosPlatform platform, int? daysToRetrieve = null)
     int daysSinceLastDownload;
     if (daysToRetrieve.HasValue)
         daysSinceLastDownload = daysToRetrieve.Value;
         var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
         var dateOfLastDownload = (from log in database.ArgosDownloads
                                   where log.PlatformId == platform.PlatformId && log.FileId != null
                                   orderby log.TimeStamp descending
                                   select log.TimeStamp).FirstOrDefault();
         daysSinceLastDownload = (DateTime.Now - dateOfLastDownload).Days;
     var days = Math.Min(ArgosWebSite.MaxDays, daysSinceLastDownload);
     if (days < ArgosWebSite.MinDays)
     var program = platform.ArgosProgram;
     string errors;
     var results = ArgosWebSite.GetCollar(program.UserName, program.Password, platform.PlatformId, days,
                                          out errors);
     CollarFile file = FileLoader.LoadPlatfrom(platform, days, results, errors);
     if (file == null)
Example #2
 private static bool ProcessOnServer(CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform = null)
     if (NeedTelonicsSoftware(file) && !HaveAccessToTelonicsSoftware())
         if (OnDatabaseServer())
             throw new InvalidOperationException("No access to Telonics software to process files.");
         LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start processing file {0} on database", file.FileId));
         var database = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
         //FIXME: ProcessOnServer may be called with H and I (Teloncs files which need processing, but are not ArgosFiles)
         //FIXME: If called by Animal Movement App Upload Form on client machine with H or I files, this code will fail
         // if teloncs file but not argos
         // database.TelonicsData_Process(file.FileId);
         // if not telonics or not Argos then fail with warning
         if (platform == null)
             database.ArgosFile_ProcessPlatform(file.FileId, platform.PlatformId);
         LogGeneralMessage("Finished processing file on database");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves data for an Argos Platform from the Argos Web Server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="platform">The Argos Platform to retrieve from the server</param>
        /// <param name="daysToRetrieve">The number of most recent days to retrieve from the server</param>
        public static void DownloadArgosPlatform(ArgosPlatform platform, int?daysToRetrieve = null)
            int daysSinceLastDownload;

            if (daysToRetrieve.HasValue)
                daysSinceLastDownload = daysToRetrieve.Value;
                var database           = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
                var dateOfLastDownload = (from log in database.ArgosDownloads
                                          where log.PlatformId == platform.PlatformId && log.FileId != null
                                          orderby log.TimeStamp descending
                                          select log.TimeStamp).FirstOrDefault();
                daysSinceLastDownload = (DateTime.Now - dateOfLastDownload).Days;
            var days = Math.Min(ArgosWebSite.MaxDays, daysSinceLastDownload);

            if (days < ArgosWebSite.MinDays)
            var    program = platform.ArgosProgram;
            string errors;
            var    results = ArgosWebSite.GetCollar(program.UserName, program.Password, platform.PlatformId, days,
                                                    out errors);
            CollarFile file = FileLoader.LoadPlatfrom(platform, days, results, errors);

            if (file == null)
        private void CreateDeployment(Collar collar, ArgosPlatform platform, DateTime startDateTime)
            DateTime?endDateTime = null;

            if (platform.ArgosDeployments.Count > 0 || collar.ArgosDeployments.Count > 0)
                if (!FixOtherDeployments(collar, platform, startDateTime, ref endDateTime))
            var deploy = new ArgosDeployment
                ArgosPlatform = platform,
                Collar        = collar,
                StartDate     = startDateTime,
                EndDate       = endDateTime

            //Creating a deployment is optional, so we submit now, so a failure will not stop other transactions.
            if (!SubmitChanges())
        private void CreateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var argosId = ArgosIdTextBox.Text.NullifyIfEmpty();
            var program = (ArgosProgram)ArgosProgramComboBox.SelectedItem;

            if (Database.ArgosPlatforms.Any(p => p.ArgosProgram == program && p.PlatformId == argosId))
                MessageBox.Show("The Argos Id is not unique.  Try again", "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                CreateButton.Enabled = false;
            var argos = new ArgosPlatform
                ArgosProgram = program,
                PlatformId   = argosId,
                DisposalDate = DisposalDateTimePicker.Checked ? DisposalDateTimePicker.Value.ToUniversalTime() : (DateTime?)null,
                Active       = ActiveCheckBox.Checked,
                Notes        = NotesTextBox.Text,

            if (!SubmitChanges())
                CreateButton.Enabled = false;
Example #6
        private static string GetPlatformName(ArgosPlatform platform)
            var active = platform.ArgosProgram.Active.HasValue
                             ? ""
                             : (platform.Active ? " (Active)" : " (Inactive)");

            return(platform.PlatformId + active);
        private bool FixOtherDeployments(Collar collar, ArgosPlatform platform, DateTime start, ref DateTime?endDate)
            //I'm willing to move a existing null end dates (there can only be one for the platform and one for the collar) back to my start date.
            //Any existing non-null enddate must have been explicitly set by the user, so they should be dealt with explicitly
            //If this situation exists, and I correct it, I am guaranteed to be fine (the new one will exist in the space created)
            var deployment1 =
                collar.ArgosDeployments.SingleOrDefault(d =>
                                                        d.ArgosPlatform != platform &&
                                                        d.StartDate < start && d.EndDate == null);
            var deployment2 =
                platform.ArgosDeployments.SingleOrDefault(d =>
                                                          d.Collar != collar &&
                                                          d.StartDate < start && d.EndDate == null);

            if (deployment1 != null)
                deployment1.EndDate = start;
            if (deployment2 != null)
                deployment2.EndDate = start;
            if (deployment1 != null || deployment2 != null)
                if (!SubmitChanges())

            //If my enddate is null, I should set my end to the earliest start time of the others that are larger than my start but smaller than my end (infinity, so all).
            //I don't try to fix a non-null end date, because that was explicitly set by the user, and be should explicitly changed.
            if (endDate == null)
                endDate =
                    Database.ArgosDeployments.Where(d =>
                                                    ((d.Collar == collar && d.ArgosPlatform != platform) ||
                                                     (d.Collar != collar && d.ArgosPlatform == platform)) &&
                                                    start < d.StartDate)
                    .Select(d => d.StartDate).Min();         //If min gets an empty enumerable, it will return null, which in this case is no change.
            //Since my startdate is non-null, there is no situation where I would need to change an existing null start date.

            //now check if the new deployment is in conflict with any existing deployments
            DateTime?end         = endDate;
            var      competition = Database.ArgosDeployments.Where(d => (d.Collar == collar && d.ArgosPlatform != platform) ||
                                                                   (d.Collar != collar && d.ArgosPlatform == platform)).ToList();
            bool conflict = competition.Any(d => DatesOverlap(d.StartDate, d.EndDate, start, end));

            if (conflict)
                    "The other deployment(s) for this collar or platform will require manual adjustment before this platform can be used on this collar",
                    "Oh No!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Example #8
 public AddArgosDeploymentForm(Collar collar = null, ArgosPlatform platform = null)
     Collar      = collar;
     Platform    = platform;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
     SetUpControls();  //Called before events are triggered
Example #9
 public ArgosPlatformDetailsForm(ArgosPlatform platform)
     Platform    = platform;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
 public ArgosPlatformDetailsForm(ArgosPlatform platform)
     Platform = platform;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
 public AddArgosDeploymentForm(Collar collar = null, ArgosPlatform platform = null)
     Collar = collar;
     Platform = platform;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
     SetUpControls();  //Called before events are triggered
 /// <summary>
 /// Full or partial processing of Telonics data in an Argos file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">The collar file with Argos data to processes.  Must not be null</param>
 /// <param name="platform">The Argos platform in the file to process.
 /// If this is null, then all the platforms will be processed.</param>
 public static void ProcessFile(CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform = null)
     if (file == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("file", "No collar file was provided to process.");
     if (!ProcessOnServer(file, platform))
         if (file.Format == 'H')
         else if (file.Format == 'I')
             ProcessFile(file, GetArgosFile(file), platform);
Example #13
 private void LoadArgosDataGridView(ArgosPlatform platform)
     ArgosDeploymentsGridView.DataSource =
         platform.ArgosDeployments.Select(d => new
         ArgosDeployment = d,
         ArgosId   = d.PlatformId,
         Start     = d.StartDate == null ? "Long ago" : d.StartDate.Value.ToString("g"),
         End       = d.EndDate == null ? "Never" : d.EndDate.Value.ToString("g"),
         CanDelete = true
     ArgosDeploymentsGridView.Columns[0].Visible = false;
     ArgosDeploymentsGridView.Columns[5].Visible = false;
Example #14
 internal static void exceptionHandler(Exception ex, CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform)
     if (file == null)
             String.Format("Unexpected Exception ({0}) when Loading an unknown collar file",
             String.Format("Unexpected Exception ({0}) when Loading collar file (id: {1}, name:{2}",
                           ex.Message, file.FileId, file.FileName));
Example #15
 internal static void exceptionHandler(Exception ex, CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform)
     if (file == null)
             String.Format("Unexpected Exception ({0}) when Loading an unknown collar file",
             String.Format("Unexpected Exception ({0}) when Loading collar file (id: {1}, name:{2}",
             ex.Message, file.FileId, file.FileName));
Example #16
 private static void HandleException(Exception ex, CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform)
     if (file == null)
         Console.WriteLine("Processor exception handler called without a file: {0}", ex.Message);
     if (file.LookupCollarFileFormat.ArgosData != 'Y')
         Console.WriteLine("Processor exception handler called with a Non-Argos Data file({1}): {0}", ex.Message, file.FileId);
     var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     db.ArgosFileProcessingIssues_Insert(file.FileId, ex.Message, platform == null ? null : platform.PlatformId,
                                         null, null, null, null);
 private void AddMissingPlatformsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     AddMissingPlatformsButton.Enabled = false;
     AddMissingPlatformsButton.Text    = "Working...";
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
         string error;
         var    programPlatforms = ArgosWebSite.GetPlatformList(Program.UserName, Program.Password, out error);
         var    addedNewPlatform = false;
         if (error != null)
             MessageBox.Show("Argos Web Server returned an error" + Environment.NewLine + error, "Server Error",
                             MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
         foreach (var item in programPlatforms)
             if (item.Item1 == Program.ProgramId)
                 if (Program.ArgosPlatforms.All(p => p.PlatformId != item.Item2))
                     var platform = new ArgosPlatform
                         ArgosProgram = Program,
                         PlatformId   = item.Item2,
                         Active       = true
                     addedNewPlatform = true;
         if (addedNewPlatform && SubmitChanges())
         AddMissingPlatformsButton.Enabled = true;
         AddMissingPlatformsButton.Text    = "Add Missing Platforms";
         Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Example #18
        private static void HandleException(Exception ex, CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform)
            if (file == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Processor exception handler called without a file: {0}", ex.Message);
            if (file.LookupCollarFileFormat.ArgosData != 'Y')
                Console.WriteLine("Processor exception handler called with a Non-Argos Data file({1}): {0}", ex.Message, file.FileId);
            var db = new AnimalMovementDataContext();

            db.ArgosFileProcessingIssues_Insert(file.FileId, ex.Message, platform == null ? null : platform.PlatformId,
                                                null, null, null, null);
Example #19
 internal static void exceptionHandler(Exception ex, ArgosProgram program, ArgosPlatform platform)
     if (program == null && platform == null)
         AddErrorToEmail(_admin, null, null, "Downloader exception handler called without a program or platform: " + ex.Message);
     string errors = null;
     if (program != null)
         errors = "Download error '" + ex.Message + "' for program " + program.ProgramId;
     //If program and platform are both non-null (unanticipated), then program is ignored.
     if (platform != null)
         errors = "Download error '" + ex.Message + "' for platform " + platform.ProgramId;
         program = platform.ArgosProgram;
     AddErrorToEmail(program.ProjectInvestigator.Email, program.UserName, program.ProgramId, errors);
     AddErrorToEmail(_admin, program.UserName, program.ProgramId, errors);
Example #20
        private static void ProcessFile(CollarFile file, ArgosFile argos, ArgosPlatform platform)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));
            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            if (platform == null)
                if (IsArgosAwsFileIncomplete(argos as ArgosAwsFile) ?? false)
                                    "The Argos server could not return all the data requested and this file is incomplete.");
                databaseFunctions.ArgosFile_UnProcessPlatform(file.FileId, platform.PlatformId);

            var transmissionsByPlatform = from transmission in argos.GetTransmissions()
                                          group transmission by transmission.PlatformId
                                          into transmissions
                                          where platform == null || transmissions.Key == platform.PlatformId
                                          select transmissions;

            foreach (var transmissionSet in transmissionsByPlatform)
                    ProcessTransmissions(file, argos, transmissionSet);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = String.Format("ERROR {0} adding Argos {1} transmissions",
                                                ex.Message, transmissionSet.Key);
                    LogIssueForFile(file.FileId, message, transmissionSet.Key);
            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Full or partial processing of Telonics data in an Argos file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">The collar file with Argos data to processes.  Must not be null</param>
 /// <param name="platform">The Argos platform in the file to process.
 /// If this is null, then all the platforms will be processed.</param>
 public static void ProcessFile(CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform = null)
     if (file == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("file", "No collar file was provided to process.");
     if (!ProcessOnServer(file, platform))
         if (file.Format == 'H')
         else if (file.Format == 'I')
             ProcessFile(file, GetArgosFile(file), platform);
Example #22
        internal static void exceptionHandler(Exception ex, ArgosProgram program, ArgosPlatform platform)
            if (program == null && platform == null)
                AddErrorToEmail(_admin, null, null, "Downloader exception handler called without a program or platform: " + ex.Message);
            string errors = null;

            if (program != null)
                errors = "Download error '" + ex.Message + "' for program " + program.ProgramId;
            //If program and platform are both non-null (unanticipated), then program is ignored.
            if (platform != null)
                errors  = "Download error '" + ex.Message + "' for platform " + platform.ProgramId;
                program = platform.ArgosProgram;
            AddErrorToEmail(program.ProjectInvestigator.Email, program.UserName, program.ProgramId, errors);
            AddErrorToEmail(_admin, program.UserName, program.ProgramId, errors);
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads and logs the download data for an Argos Platform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="platform">The Argos PlatformId that this data is for</param>
        /// <param name="days">The number of days that are included in this data set</param>
        /// <param name="results">The data returned from the Argos Web Server (may be null)</param>
        /// <param name="errors">Any errors returned by the Argos Web Server (may be null)</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the newly created collar file, complete with database calculated fields</returns>
        /// <remarks>Only one of results and errors can be non-null.</remarks>
        internal static CollarFile LoadPlatfrom(ArgosPlatform platform, int days,
                                                ArgosWebSite.ArgosWebResult results, string errors)
            //if results is null, then errors should be non-null (database rule, insert will fail if false)
            CollarFile file     = null;
            var        database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();

            //Linq to SQL wraps the changes in a transaction so file will not be created if log cannot be written
            if (results != null)
                file = new CollarFile
                    Owner    = platform.ArgosProgram.Manager,
                    FileName = "platform_" + platform.PlatformId + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".aws",
                    Status   = 'A',
                    Contents = results.ToBytes()
            //Linq to SQL does not return the PK (timestamp) of the new ArgosDownload object, so don't use it in this data context
            var log = new ArgosDownload
                PlatformId   = platform.PlatformId,
                CollarFile   = file,
                Days         = days,
                ErrorMessage = errors

            //Linq TO SQL Insert with SPROC dos not set associations, and provides not partial methods to expand
            if (file != null)
                file.LookupCollarFileFormat = database.LookupCollarFileFormats.First(l => l.Code == file.Format);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Platform is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Platform != null)
                Platform = Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == Platform.PlatformId);
            if (Platform == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Argos Platform Details Form not provided a valid Platform.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Platform.ArgosProgram.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void CreateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var argosId = ArgosIdTextBox.Text.NullifyIfEmpty();
            var program = (ArgosProgram) ArgosProgramComboBox.SelectedItem;

            if (Database.ArgosPlatforms.Any(p => p.ArgosProgram == program && p.PlatformId == argosId))
                MessageBox.Show("The Argos Id is not unique.  Try again", "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                CreateButton.Enabled = false;
            var argos = new ArgosPlatform
                ArgosProgram = program,
                PlatformId = argosId,
                DisposalDate = DisposalDateTimePicker.Checked ? DisposalDateTimePicker.Value.ToUniversalTime() : (DateTime?)null,
                Active = ActiveCheckBox.Checked,
                Notes = NotesTextBox.Text,
            if (!SubmitChanges())
                CreateButton.Enabled = false;
 private void LoadArgosDataGridView(ArgosPlatform platform)
     ArgosDeploymentsGridView.DataSource =
         platform.ArgosDeployments.Select(d => new
                 ArgosDeployment = d,
                 ArgosId = d.PlatformId,
                 Start = d.StartDate == null ? "Long ago" : d.StartDate.Value.ToString("g"),
                 End = d.EndDate == null ? "Never" : d.EndDate.Value.ToString("g"),
                 CanDelete = true
     ArgosDeploymentsGridView.Columns[0].Visible = false;
     ArgosDeploymentsGridView.Columns[5].Visible = false;
        private static void ProcessFile(CollarFile file, ArgosFile argos, ArgosPlatform platform)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));
            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            if (platform == null)
                if (IsArgosAwsFileIncomplete(argos as ArgosAwsFile) ?? false)
                                    "The Argos server could not return all the data requested and this file is incomplete.");
                databaseFunctions.ArgosFile_UnProcessPlatform(file.FileId, platform.PlatformId);

            var transmissionsByPlatform = from transmission in argos.GetTransmissions()
                                          group transmission by transmission.PlatformId
                                          into transmissions
                                          where platform == null || transmissions.Key == platform.PlatformId
                                          select transmissions;

            foreach (var transmissionSet in transmissionsByPlatform)
                    ProcessTransmissions(file, argos, transmissionSet);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = String.Format("ERROR {0} adding Argos {1} transmissions",
                                                ex.Message, transmissionSet.Key);
                    LogIssueForFile(file.FileId, message, transmissionSet.Key);
            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
        private bool FixOtherDeployments(Collar collar, ArgosPlatform platform, DateTime start, ref DateTime? endDate)
            //I'm willing to move a existing null end dates (there can only be one for the platform and one for the collar) back to my start date.
            //Any existing non-null enddate must have been explicitly set by the user, so they should be dealt with explicitly
            //If this situation exists, and I correct it, I am guaranteed to be fine (the new one will exist in the space created)
            var deployment1 =
                collar.ArgosDeployments.SingleOrDefault(d =>
                                                        d.ArgosPlatform != platform &&
                                                        d.StartDate < start && d.EndDate == null);
            var deployment2 =
                platform.ArgosDeployments.SingleOrDefault(d =>
                                                          d.Collar != collar &&
                                                          d.StartDate < start && d.EndDate == null);
            if (deployment1 != null)
                deployment1.EndDate = start;
            if (deployment2 != null)
                deployment2.EndDate = start;
            if (deployment1 != null || deployment2 != null)
                if (!SubmitChanges())
                    return false;

            //If my enddate is null, I should set my end to the earliest start time of the others that are larger than my start but smaller than my end (infinity, so all).
            //I don't try to fix a non-null end date, because that was explicitly set by the user, and be should explicitly changed.
            if (endDate == null)
                endDate =
                    Database.ArgosDeployments.Where(d =>
                                                    ((d.Collar == collar && d.ArgosPlatform != platform) ||
                                                     (d.Collar != collar && d.ArgosPlatform == platform)) &&
                                                    start < d.StartDate)
                            .Select(d => d.StartDate).Min(); //If min gets an empty enumerable, it will return null, which in this case is no change.

            //Since my startdate is non-null, there is no situation where I would need to change an existing null start date.

            //now check if the new deployment is in conflict with any existing deployments
            DateTime? end = endDate;
            var competition = Database.ArgosDeployments.Where(d => (d.Collar == collar && d.ArgosPlatform != platform) ||
                                                                (d.Collar != collar && d.ArgosPlatform == platform)).ToList();
            bool conflict = competition.Any(d => DatesOverlap(d.StartDate, d.EndDate, start, end));
            if (conflict)
                    "The other deployment(s) for this collar or platform will require manual adjustment before this platform can be used on this collar",
                    "Oh No!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return false;
            return true;
 private void CreateDeployment(Collar collar, ArgosPlatform platform, DateTime startDateTime)
     DateTime? endDateTime = null;
     if (platform.ArgosDeployments.Count > 0 || collar.ArgosDeployments.Count > 0)
         if (!FixOtherDeployments(collar, platform, startDateTime, ref endDateTime))
     var deploy = new ArgosDeployment
         ArgosPlatform = platform,
         Collar = collar,
         StartDate = startDateTime,
         EndDate = endDateTime
     //Creating a deployment is optional, so we submit now, so a failure will not stop other transactions.
     if (!SubmitChanges())
Example #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Full or partially processes telonics data in argos files.  This program is designed to run regularly
 /// as a scheduled task (with no arguments) as well as being called by the database with a single fileid
 /// argument (to fully process that file), or with two arguments, platformid and fileid (to partially
 /// process that file for just the single platform).  When a file is fully or partially processed, it
 /// clears any prior processing results and issues, to prevent duplicates.
 /// Any processing errors are written to the database, any other errors are written to the console.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">
 /// If there are no args then ask the database for a list of files that need processing and process them all.
 /// If there is only one argument and that argument is the login (domain\username) of a project
 ///   investigator in the database, then process all the files that belong to the PI or his projects and
 ///   need processing.
 /// If the argument matches /np[latform], or '/na[rgos]', then the remaining files will be fully processed
 /// If the argument matches /nf[ile], then the next argos platform specified will not be used to
 ///   partially process the previously specified file
 /// If the argument matches /a[rgos]:xxx or /p[latform]:xxx or xxx and xxx is a platform id in the
 ///   database, then the previously specified file (or the next file if no has been specified) will be
 ///   partially processed for only this platform.
 /// if the argument matches /f[ile]:xxx or xxx, and xxx is a fileid in the database, then the file will
 ///   be partially processed if an argos platform has been provided as a prior argument, otherwise it will
 ///   be fully processed.
 /// In the unlikely event that an argument matches a valid platform and a valid file, then the tie will go
 ///   to the file.
 /// Any other argument is ignored with a warning
 /// Note:
 ///   A project investigator login will be accepted as an argument in any position, but is only
 ///     meaningful as the first and only argument
 ///   If you want to partially process a file, you must provide the Argos platform first
 /// Examples:
 ///   To fully process multiple files
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe f1 f2 f3 ...
 ///   To partially process multiple files with for one Argos platform
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe p1 f1 f2 f3 ...
 ///   To partially process one file for multiple Argos platforms
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe p1 f1 p2 p3 ...
 ///   To partially process multiple files with multiple Argos platforms
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe p1 f1 p2 p3 /nf p4 f2 p5 p6 ...
 ///   To fully process files f1 and f2 and partially process files f3 and f4
 ///     ArgosProcessor,exe f1 f2 p1 f3 p2 /nf p3 f4 p4 ...
 ///     or ArgosProcessor,exe p1 f3 p2 /nf p3 f4 p4 /np f1 f2 ...
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// If a copy of TDC.exe is available from this program (as specified in the config file),
 /// then the processor will be make use of it to process the files locally and send the
 /// results to the database, otherwise the processor will request that the database
 /// invoke the ArgosProcessor on the server.
 /// </remarks>
 private static void Main(string[] args)
         if (args.Length == 0)
             ArgosPlatform       platform = null;
             CollarFile          file     = null;
             ProjectInvestigator pi       = null;
             foreach (var arg in args)
                 if (ClearPlatform(arg))
                     platform = null;
                     if (ClearCollarFile(arg))
                         file = null;
                         var fileArg = GetCollarFile(arg);
                         if (fileArg != null)
                             file = fileArg;
                             var platformArg = GetPlatform(arg);
                             if (platformArg != null)
                                 platform = platformArg;
                                 var piArg = GetProjectInvestigator(arg);
                                 if (piArg != null)
                                     pi = piArg;
                                     Console.WriteLine("Unhandled argument: {0}", arg);
                 if (args.Length == 1 && pi != null)
                     FileProcessor.ProcessAll(HandleException, pi);
                 if (file != null)
                         FileProcessor.ProcessFile(file, platform);
                     catch (Exception ex)
                         HandleException(ex, file, platform);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Console.WriteLine("Unhandled Exception: {0}", ex.Message);
 private static bool ProcessOnServer(CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform = null)
     if (NeedTelonicsSoftware(file) && !HaveAccessToTelonicsSoftware())
         if (OnDatabaseServer())
             throw new InvalidOperationException("No access to Telonics software to process files.");
         LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start processing file {0} on database", file.FileId));
         var database = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
         //FIXME: ProcessOnServer may be called with H and I (Teloncs files which need processing, but are not ArgosFiles)
         //FIXME: If called by Animal Movement App Upload Form on client machine with H or I files, this code will fail
         // if teloncs file but not argos
         // database.TelonicsData_Process(file.FileId);
         // if not telonics or not Argos then fail with warning
         if (platform == null)
             database.ArgosFile_ProcessPlatform(file.FileId, platform.PlatformId);
         LogGeneralMessage("Finished processing file on database");
         return true;
     return false;
 private static string GetPlatformName(ArgosPlatform platform)
     var active = platform.ArgosProgram.Active.HasValue
                      ? ""
                      : (platform.Active ? " (Active)" : " (Inactive)");
     return platform.PlatformId + active;
 private void LoadDataContext()
     Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
     //Database.Log = Console.Out;
     //Collar and Platform are in a different DataContext, get them in this DataContext
     if (Collar != null)
         Collar =
                 c => c.CollarManufacturer == Collar.CollarManufacturer && c.CollarId == Collar.CollarId);
     if (Platform != null)
         Platform =
             Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == Platform.PlatformId);
 private void AddMissingPlatformsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     AddMissingPlatformsButton.Enabled = false;
     AddMissingPlatformsButton.Text = "Working...";
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
         string error;
         var programPlatforms = ArgosWebSite.GetPlatformList(Program.UserName, Program.Password, out error);
         var addedNewPlatform = false;
         if (error != null)
             MessageBox.Show("Argos Web Server returned an error" + Environment.NewLine + error, "Server Error",
                             MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
         foreach (var item in programPlatforms)
             if (item.Item1 == Program.ProgramId)
                 if (Program.ArgosPlatforms.All(p => p.PlatformId != item.Item2))
                     var platform = new ArgosPlatform
                         ArgosProgram = Program,
                         PlatformId = item.Item2,
                         Active = true
                     addedNewPlatform = true;
         if (addedNewPlatform && SubmitChanges())
         AddMissingPlatformsButton.Enabled = true;
         AddMissingPlatformsButton.Text = "Add Missing Platforms";
         Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;