Example #1
        public static void TestWriteArctic(string lib = "net.securities", string host = "localhost", bool purge = true, bool del = true, string symbol = "S1")
            var driver = new MongoClient("mongodb://" + host);
            var arctic = new Arctic(driver, lib, purge: purge);

            if (del)
                var delcnt = arctic.DeleteAsync(symbol).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Deleted {0} versi\tons for {1}".Args(delcnt, symbol));

            //var df = SampleDataFrame ();
            var df = RandomDataFrame();
            //var df2 = SampleDataFrame (df[0].AsDateTime()[-1]);

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            var version = arctic.AppendAsync(symbol, df, CHUNKSIZE).Result;

            //var version2 = arctic.AppendAsync (symbol, df2, CHUNKSIZE).Result;
            long rows = df.Rows.Count;// + df2.Rows.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("write {0} took {1}s = {2}/sec -> ver:\n {3}".Args(rows, sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, rows / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, version));
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Arctic     arcticHabitat     = new Arctic();
            Rainforest rainforestHabitat = new Rainforest();

            arcticHabitat.inhabitants = new List <Animal>();

            Penguin larry = new Penguin();

            larry.species = new EudyptesChrysolophus();
            larry.name    = "Larry";

            Penguin betty = new Penguin();

            betty.species = new EudyptesChrysolophus();
            betty.name    = "Betty";


            foreach (Animal a in arcticHabitat.inhabitants)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} the {1} in the genus {2}. To find out more visit {3}.",

Example #3
        public static void TestArcticDateTimeIndex(string lib = "net.securities", string host = "localhost", bool purge = true, bool del = true, string symbol = "S1")
            var driver = new MongoClient("mongodb://" + host);
            var arctic = new Arctic(driver, lib, purge: purge);

            if (del)
                var delcnt = arctic.DeleteAsync(symbol).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Deleted {0} versi\tons for {1}".Args(delcnt, symbol));

            var df = new DataFrame(new Series[] {
                new DateTimeSeries(new[] { new DateTime(2014, 1, 1), new DateTime(2014, 2, 1) }, name: "date"),
                new Series <long>(new long[] { 1, 2 }, name: "val")
            }, index: "date");

            var df2 = new DataFrame(new Series[] {
                new DateTimeSeries(new[] { new DateTime(2014, 3, 1), new DateTime(2014, 4, 1) }, name: "date"),
                new Series <long>(new long[] { 3, 4 }, name: "val")
            }, index: "date");

            var df4 = new DataFrame(new Series[] {
                new DateTimeSeries(new[] { new DateTime(2014, 3, 1), new DateTime(2014, 4, 1), new DateTime(2014, 5, 1) }, name: "date"),
                new Series <long>(new long[] { 3, 4, 5 }, name: "val")
            }, index: "date");

            var df3 = new DataFrame(new Series[] {
                new DateTimeSeries(new[] { new DateTime(2014, 5, 1), new DateTime(2014, 6, 1) }, name: "date"),
                new Series <long>(new long[] { 5, 6 }, name: "val")
            }, index: "date");

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            var version  = arctic.AppendAsync(symbol, df, CHUNKSIZE).Result;
            var version2 = arctic.AppendAsync(symbol, df2, CHUNKSIZE).Result;
            var version3 = arctic.AppendAsync(symbol, df2, CHUNKSIZE).Result;
            var version4 = arctic.AppendAsync(symbol, df4, CHUNKSIZE).Result;

            var read1 = arctic.Read(symbol, new DateRange(new DateTime(2014, 3, 1)));


            var read2 = arctic.Read(symbol, new DateRange(new DateTime(2014, 1, 1), new DateTime(2014, 2, 1)));

            long rows = df.Rows.Count;// + df2.Rows.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("write {0} took {1}s = {2}/sec -> ver:\n {3}".Args(rows, sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, rows / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, version));
Example #4
        public static void TestReadArctic(string lib = "bench.securities", string host = "localhost", string symbol = "S1")
            var       driver = new MongoClient("mongodb://" + host);
            var       arctic = new Arctic(driver, lib);
            Stopwatch sw     = new Stopwatch();

            var df = arctic.ReadAsync(symbol).Result;

            if (df != null)
                Console.WriteLine("read {0} took {1}s = {2}/sec".Args(df.Rows.Count, sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, df.Rows.Count / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
                Console.WriteLine("Not found {0}".Args(symbol));
Example #5
        private void CreatePoles()
            Log("Map: Creating poles");

            for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
                foreach (int y in new int[] { 0, (HEIGHT - 1) })
                    _tiles[x, y] = new Arctic(x, y, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < (WIDTH / 4); i++)
                foreach (int y in new int[] { 0, 1, (HEIGHT - 2), (HEIGHT - 1) })
                    int x = Common.Random.Next(WIDTH);
                    _tiles[x, y] = new Tundra(x, y, false);
Example #6
        private void LoadMap(Bytemap bitmap)
            _tiles = new ITile[WIDTH, HEIGHT];

            for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++)
                    ITile tile;
                    bool  special = TileIsSpecial(x, y);
                    switch (bitmap[x, y])
                    case 2: tile = new Forest(x, y, special); break;

                    case 3: tile = new Swamp(x, y, special); break;

                    case 6: tile = new Plains(x, y, special); break;

                    case 7: tile = new Tundra(x, y, special); break;

                    case 9: tile = new River(x, y); break;

                    case 10: tile = new Grassland(x, y); break;

                    case 11: tile = new Jungle(x, y, special); break;

                    case 12: tile = new Hills(x, y, special); break;

                    case 13: tile = new Mountains(x, y, special); break;

                    case 14: tile = new Desert(x, y, special); break;

                    case 15: tile = new Arctic(x, y, special); break;

                    default: tile = new Ocean(x, y, special); break;
                    _tiles[x, y] = tile;
Example #7
        public void ChangeTileType(int x, int y, Terrain type)
            bool special  = TileIsSpecial(x, y);
            bool road     = _tiles[x, y].Road;
            bool railRoad = _tiles[x, y].RailRoad;

            switch (type)
            case Terrain.Forest: _tiles[x, y] = new Forest(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.Swamp: _tiles[x, y] = new Swamp(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.Plains: _tiles[x, y] = new Plains(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.Tundra: _tiles[x, y] = new Tundra(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.River: _tiles[x, y] = new River(x, y); break;

            case Terrain.Grassland1:
            case Terrain.Grassland2: _tiles[x, y] = new Grassland(x, y); break;

            case Terrain.Jungle: _tiles[x, y] = new Jungle(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.Hills: _tiles[x, y] = new Hills(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.Mountains: _tiles[x, y] = new Mountains(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.Desert: _tiles[x, y] = new Desert(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.Arctic: _tiles[x, y] = new Arctic(x, y, special); break;

            case Terrain.Ocean: _tiles[x, y] = new Ocean(x, y, special); break;
            _tiles[x, y].Road     = road;
            _tiles[x, y].RailRoad = railRoad;
Example #8
        private void MergeElevationAndLatitude(int[,] elevation, int[,] latitude)
            Log("Map: Stage 3 - Merge elevation and latitude into the map");

            // merge elevation and latitude into the map
            for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
                    bool special = TileIsSpecial(x, y);
                    switch (elevation[x, y])
                    case 0: _tiles[x, y] = new Ocean(x, y, special); break;

                    case 1:
                        switch (latitude[x, y])
                        case 0: _tiles[x, y] = new Desert(x, y, special); break;

                        case 1: _tiles[x, y] = new Plains(x, y, special); break;

                        case 2: _tiles[x, y] = new Tundra(x, y, special); break;

                        case 3: _tiles[x, y] = new Arctic(x, y, special); break;

                    case 2: _tiles[x, y] = new Hills(x, y, special); break;

                    default: _tiles[x, y] = new Mountains(x, y, special); break;
Example #9
        public static void TestMetadata(string lib = "net.securities", string host = "localhost", bool purge = true, bool del = true, string symbol = "S1")
            var driver = new MongoClient("mongodb://" + host);
            var arctic = new Arctic(driver, lib, purge: purge);

            if (del)
                var delcnt = arctic.DeleteAsync(symbol).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Deleted {0} versi\tons for {1}".Args(delcnt, symbol));
            var df = new DataFrame();

            df.FilledCount = 2;
            df.Col <DateTime>("date")[0] = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1);
            df.Col <DateTime>("date")[1] = new DateTime(2015, 2, 1);
            df.Col <long>("value")[0]    = 15;
            df.Metadata["sector"]        = "internet";
            df.Index = df["date"];
            arctic.Append("AAPL", df);

            var df1 = arctic.Read("AAPL");

            Console.WriteLine($"AAPL metadata {df1.Metadata["sector"]}");
Example #10
        private void ClimateAdjustments()
            Log("Map: Stage 4 - Climate adjustments");

            int wetness, latitude;

            for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++)
                int yy = (int)(((float)y / HEIGHT) * 50);

                wetness  = 0;
                latitude = Math.Abs(25 - yy);

                for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
                    if (_tiles[x, y].Type == Terrain.Ocean)
                        // wetness yield
                        int wy = latitude - 12;
                        if (wy < 0)
                            wy = -wy;
                        wy += (_climate * 4);

                        if (wy > wetness)
                    else if (wetness > 0)
                        bool special  = TileIsSpecial(x, y);
                        int  rainfall = Common.Random.Next(7 - (_climate * 2));
                        wetness -= rainfall;

                        switch (_tiles[x, y].Type)
                        case Terrain.Plains: _tiles[x, y] = new Grassland(x, y); break;

                        case Terrain.Tundra: _tiles[x, y] = new Arctic(x, y, special); break;

                        case Terrain.Hills: _tiles[x, y] = new Forest(x, y, special); break;

                        case Terrain.Desert: _tiles[x, y] = new Plains(x, y, special); break;

                        case Terrain.Mountains: wetness -= 3; break;

                wetness  = 0;
                latitude = Math.Abs(25 - yy);

                // reset row wetness to 0
                for (int x = WIDTH - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                    if (_tiles[x, y].Type == Terrain.Ocean)
                        // wetness yield
                        int wy = (latitude / 2) + _climate;
                        if (wy > wetness)
                    else if (wetness > 0)
                        bool special  = TileIsSpecial(x, y);
                        int  rainfall = Common.Random.Next(7 - (_climate * 2));
                        wetness -= rainfall;

                        switch (_tiles[x, y].Type)
                        case Terrain.Swamp: _tiles[x, y] = new Forest(x, y, special); break;

                        case Terrain.Plains: new Grassland(x, y); break;

                        case Terrain.Grassland1:
                        case Terrain.Grassland2: _tiles[x, y] = new Jungle(x, y, special); break;

                        case Terrain.Hills: _tiles[x, y] = new Forest(x, y, special); break;

                        case Terrain.Mountains: _tiles[x, y] = new Forest(x, y, special); wetness -= 3; break;

                        case Terrain.Desert: _tiles[x, y] = new Plains(x, y, special); break;