private void UploadSingleFile(IAmazonGlacier client,
                                      string vaultName,
                                      string accountId,
                                      string filePath,
                                      string description)
            using (var transferManager = new ArchiveTransferManager(client))
                var runner        = new ProgressRunner(this);
                var uploadOptions = new UploadOptions
                    AccountId = accountId

                var tracker = new UploadProgressTracker(runner, handler => uploadOptions.StreamTransferProgress += handler, filePath);

                var output = new CmdletOutput();
                runner.SafeRun(() =>
                    var result = transferManager.Upload(vaultName, description, filePath, uploadOptions);
                    var result = transferManager.UploadAsync(vaultName, description, filePath, uploadOptions).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    output.PipelineOutput = new FileUploadResult(filePath, result);
                }, tracker, output);

                // write as we go so that any subsequent error doesn't cause the user to lose
                // the ids of archives we have successfully uploaded so far
        private void UploadSingleFile(IAmazonGlacier client,
                                      string vaultName,
                                      string accountId,
                                      string startingFolder,
                                      string filePath,
                                      int thisFileIndex,
                                      int allFilesCount)
            using (var transferManager = new ArchiveTransferManager(client))
                var runner        = new ProgressRunner(this);
                var uploadOptions = new UploadOptions
                    AccountId = accountId

                var tracker = new UploadFolderProgressTracker(runner, handler => uploadOptions.StreamTransferProgress += handler, startingFolder, filePath, thisFileIndex, allFilesCount);

                var output = new CmdletOutput();
                runner.SafeRun(() =>
                    var result = transferManager.Upload(vaultName, "", filePath, uploadOptions);
                    var result = transferManager.UploadAsync(vaultName, "", filePath, uploadOptions).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    output.PipelineOutput = new FileUploadResult(filePath, result);
                }, tracker, output);

Example #3
        public void Upload(FileInfo file, DateTime backupDate)
            var task = _manager.UploadAsync(_name, $"Confluence Backup for {backupDate.ToShortDateString()}", file.FullName);

            if (task.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
                _archives.Add(new GlacierArchive(task.Result.ArchiveId, backupDate));
Example #4
        static async void MainAsync(string[] args)
            if (CheckRequiredFields())
                var glacierClient = new AmazonGlacierClient();
                using (manager = new ArchiveTransferManager(glacierClient))
                        // Creates a new Vault
                        Console.WriteLine("Create Vault");
                        await manager.CreateVaultAsync(vaultName);

                        // Uploads the specified file to Glacier.
                        Console.WriteLine("Upload a Archive");
                        var uploadResult = await manager.UploadAsync(vaultName, "Archive Description", filePath);

                        archiveId = uploadResult.ArchiveId;
                        Console.WriteLine("Upload successful. Archive Id : {0}  Checksum : {1}",
                                          uploadResult.ArchiveId, uploadResult.Checksum);

                        // Downloads the file from Glacier
                        // This operation can take a long time to complete.
                        // The ArchiveTransferManager.Download() method creates an Amazon SNS topic,
                        // and an Amazon SQS queue that is subscribed to that topic.
                        // It then initiates the archive retrieval job and polls the queue for the
                        // archive to be available. This polling takes about 4 hours.
                        // Once the archive is available, download will begin.
                        Console.WriteLine("Download the Archive");
                        var options = new DownloadOptions();
                        options.StreamTransferProgress += OnProgress;
                        await manager.DownloadAsync(vaultName, archiveId, downloadFilePath, options);

                        Console.WriteLine("Delete the Archive");
                        await manager.DeleteArchiveAsync(vaultName, archiveId);
                    catch (AmazonGlacierException e)
                    catch (AmazonServiceException e)
Example #5
        public static async Task Main()
                var manager = new ArchiveTransferManager(RegionEndpoint.USWest2);

                // Upload an archive.
                var response = await manager.UploadAsync(VaultName, "upload archive test", ArchiveToUpload);

                Console.WriteLine("Copy and save the ID for use in other examples.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Archive ID: {response.ArchiveId}");
                Console.WriteLine("To continue, press Enter");
            catch (AmazonGlacierException ex)
Example #6
        public Task <UploadResult> SaveFileAsync(string filename, object metadata, string vaultName, bool compress)
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metadata);

            var fi        = new FileInfo(filename);
            var shortFile = Path.GetFileName(filename);

            _log.InfoFormat("Uploading {0}, {1} bytes", filename, fi.Length);

            var vault   = GetTrimmedVaultName(vaultName);
            var options = new UploadOptions()
                AccountId = _accountId,
                StreamTransferProgress = (sender, args) =>

            return(_transferManager.UploadAsync(vault, json, filename, options));
Example #7
        public async Task <VerfiedUploadLocation> Upload(VerifiedFileLocation fileLocation, IProgress <string> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            string vaultName = await GetVaultNameAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string archiveDescription = fileLocation.BackupFileName;

            using (ArchiveTransferManager transferManager = new ArchiveTransferManager(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast2))
                UploadResult transfer = await transferManager.UploadAsync(vaultName, archiveDescription, fileLocation.FileInfo.FullName, new UploadOptions
                    StreamTransferProgress = (sender, args) => progress.Report($"{archiveDescription}:{args.PercentDone}%")

                if (transfer.Checksum != fileLocation.FileInfo.Checksum())
                    transferManager.DeleteArchive(vaultName, transfer.ArchiveId);
                    _logger.Error(new InvalidChecksumException(), "Failed to upload backup '{0}'. Checksum mismatch.", fileLocation.BackupFileName);
                return(new VerfiedUploadLocation(transfer.ArchiveId, archiveDescription, transfer.Checksum, DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("O")));
Example #8
        void BackupFile(string file)
            var backupFile = new BackupFile(file, _opts.RelativeRoot);

            var result = new BackupResult {
                Region = _opts.Region,
                Vault  = _opts.VaultName,
                Backup = backupFile

            for (var i = 1; i <= RETRY_COUNT; i++)
                var attempt = i > 1 ? $" (attempt {i})" : string.Empty;

                    Console.WriteLine($"  - backing up {backupFile.GlacierDescription}{attempt}");

                    result.Result = _atm.UploadAsync(_opts.VaultName, backupFile.GlacierDescription, backupFile.FullPath).Result;

                    lock (_lockObj)

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"  - error backing up {backupFile.GlacierDescription}{attempt}: {ex.Message}");

                    var ms = _rand.Next(START_WAIT_TIME_MS) * i;  // wait for a random amount of time, and increase as the number of tries increases


            Console.WriteLine($" ** unable to backup {backupFile.GlacierDescription} **");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var directories = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(ArchiveToUpload);

            foreach (var directory in directories)
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Directory.GetLastWriteTime(directory)) > TimeSpan.FromDays(60))
                        var manager     = new ArchiveTransferManager(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USWest2);
                        var archiveId   = manager.UploadAsync(VaultName, "upload archive test", directory).Result.ArchiveId;
                        var archiveName = Path.Combine(ArchiveToUpload, directory + "-ARCHIVE");

                        File.WriteAllText(archiveName, archiveId);
                        Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(ArchiveToUpload, directory), true);
                    catch (AmazonGlacierException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); }
                    catch (AmazonServiceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); }
                    catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); }
Example #10
        public async Task RunCode()
            var client  = new AmazonGlacierClient();
            var manager = new ArchiveTransferManager(client);

            #region ArchiveTransferManager için kullanılan Kod Bloğu
            Console.Write("Yeni bir vault oluşturmak istiyor musunuz ?: [y/n] ");

            ConsoleKeyInfo decisionCreate = Console.ReadKey();
            if (decisionCreate.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                // High-Level API ile vault oluşturma işlemi
                Console.Write("Oluşturmak istediğiniz glacier vault ismini giriniz : ");
                var createVaultName = Console.ReadLine();
                await manager.CreateVaultAsync(createVaultName);

                Console.WriteLine($"{createVaultName} isimli vault oluşturuldu");

            Console.Write("Bir vault içine upload yapmak istiyor musnuz ?: [y/n] ");

            ConsoleKeyInfo decisionUpload = Console.ReadKey();
            if (decisionUpload.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                // High-Level API ile archive oluşturma işlemi
                Console.Write("Upload yapmak istediğiniz glacier vault ismini giriniz : ");
                var uploadVaultName = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Oluşturmak istediğiniz archive  açıklamasını giriniz : ");
                var archiveDesc = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Upload etmek istediğiniz dosya yolunu giriniz : ");
                var filePath = Console.ReadLine();
                var response = await manager.UploadAsync(uploadVaultName, archiveDesc, filePath);

                Console.WriteLine($"Yüklemiş olduğunuz dosya kaydedilmiştir. ArchiveId : {response.ArchiveId} ");

            Console.Write("Yeni bir download yapmak istiyor musunuz ?: [y/n] ");

            ConsoleKeyInfo decisionDownload = Console.ReadKey();
            if (decisionDownload.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                // High-Level API ile archive download etme işlemi
                Console.Write("Download yapmak istediğiniz glacier vault ismini giriniz : ");
                var downloadVaultName = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("İndirmek istediğiniz archive için ArchiveId giriniz : ");
                var archiveId = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Download etmek istediğiniz local dosya yolunu giriniz : ");
                var downloadPath = Console.ReadLine();
                await manager.DownloadAsync(downloadVaultName, archiveId, downloadPath);

                Console.WriteLine($"Dosyanız başarılı şekilde indirildi.");
            Console.Write("Bir vault Silmek istiyor musunuz ?: [y/n] ");

            ConsoleKeyInfo decisionDelete = Console.ReadKey();
            if (decisionDelete.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                // High-Level API ile vault silme işlemi
                Console.Write("Silmek istediğiniz glacier vault ismini giriniz : ");
                var deleteVaultName = Console.ReadLine();
                await manager.DeleteVaultAsync(deleteVaultName);

                Console.WriteLine($"{deleteVaultName} isimli vault başarı ile silindi.");