public Task <bool> Handle(InsertNewApprovalCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!request.IsValid())
            var approval = new ApprovalEntity(Guid.NewGuid()
                                              , request.CategoryId
                                              , request.Subject
                                              , request.Description
                                              , request.EmailApproval
                                              , DateTime.Now);


            if (Commit())
                Bus.RaiseEvent(new ApprovalInsertEvent(approval.Id
                                                       , approval.CategoryId
                                                       , approval.Subject
                                                       , approval.Description
                                                       , approval.EmailApproval
                                                       , approval.DateCreate));

Example #2
        public static ActivityResult SendSmsChallenge(
            [ActivityTrigger] VerificationParameter phone,
            [Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Table("approval", "AzureWebJobsStorage")] CloudTable table,
            ILogger log,
            [TwilioSms(AccountSidSetting = "TwilioAccountSid", AuthTokenSetting = "TwilioAuthToken", From = "%TwilioPhoneNumber%")]
            out CreateMessageOptions message)
                int challengeCode = GetChallengeCode();

                log.LogInformation($"Sending verification code {challengeCode} to {phone.Payload}.");

                var entity = new ApprovalEntity(phone.OrchestrationId, "NewMember", challengeCode, EventNameSms);

                message = new CreateMessageOptions(new PhoneNumber(phone.Payload));

                message.Body = $"Your verification code is {challengeCode:0000}";

                return(new ActivityResult {
                    HasError = false, Value = challengeCode
            catch (Exception ex)
                message = null;
                return(new ActivityResult {
                    HasError = true, Value = ex.Message
        public async void Should_CreateApprovalAsync_Valid()
            var newAccountEntity = new ApprovalEntity
                AccountId = Guid.NewGuid()
            var newCreatedAccountEntity = await _service.CreateApprovalAsync(newAccountEntity);

            public async void Should_AddAsync_Valid()
                await using var context = new TestContext(ContextOptions);
                var repository = new ApprovalsRepository(
                    new Mock <ILogger <AbstractRepository <ApprovalsContext, ApprovalEntity> > >().Object,
                var newEntity = new ApprovalEntity();
                var result    = await repository.AddAsync(newEntity);

Example #5
        public static async Task <ActivityResult> SendEMailVerification(
            [ActivityTrigger] VerificationParameter eMail,
            [Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Table("approval", "AzureWebJobsStorage")] CloudTable table,
            ILogger log, Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ExecutionContext context)
            var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                         .AddJsonFile("local.settings.json", true, true)

            string uriFlow = config["flowRESTTarget"];


            int challengeCode = GetChallangeCode();

                var valueObject = new SendMail
                    emailadress  = eMail.Payload,
                    emailSubject = "Confirmation of membership - " + challengeCode,
                    emailBody    = $"http://{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBSITE_HOSTNAME")}/api/approve/{challengeCode}"

                var entity = new ApprovalEntity(eMail.OrchestrationId, "NewMember", challengeCode, EventNameEMail);
                await table.AddToTableStorageASync(entity);

                var client  = new RestClient(uriFlow);
                var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
                request.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
                request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
                request.AddParameter("undefined", SimpleJson.SimpleJson.SerializeObject(valueObject), ParameterType.RequestBody);
                IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
                if (!response.IsSuccessful)
                    log.LogError(new EventId(1, "EMail not sent"), $"EMail to receiver {valueObject.emailadress} could not be sent. Error: {response.Content}");

                return(new ActivityResult {
                    HasError = false, Value = challengeCode
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ActivityResult {
                    HasError = true, Value = ex.Message
            public async void Should_GetOneByParameterAsync_Valid()
                await using var context = new TestContext(ContextOptions);
                var repository = new ApprovalsRepository(
                    new Mock <ILogger <AbstractRepository <ApprovalsContext, ApprovalEntity> > >().Object,
                var newEntity = new ApprovalEntity {
                    Version = 99
                var _ = await repository.AddAsync(newEntity);

                var result = await repository.GetOneByParameterAsync(
                    e => e.Version == 99

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// method to add/upadte Request entity to azure table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="approval">takes approval entity as input</param>
        public void AddUpdateApproval(ApprovalEntity approval)
            //Get Caller Method name
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                //call dataprovider method to insert entity into azure table
                DataProvider.InsertReplaceEntity <ApprovalEntity>(CoreConstants.AzureTables.RequestTransactions, approval);
            catch (Exception exception)
                //write exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message + " - Error while inserting approval into requestTransactions azure table in DAL ", exception, callerMethodName);
                throw new DataAccessException();
        public static TModel ToAccountModel <TModel>(this ApprovalEntity approvalEntity, IAccountModel accountModel)
            where TModel : class, IAccountModel, new()
            return(new TModel
                Id = accountModel.Id,
                Version = accountModel.Version,

                Balance = accountModel.Balance,

                ProfileId = accountModel.ProfileId,

                Approved = approvalEntity.Approved,
                Pending = approvalEntity.Pending,
                Blocked = approvalEntity.Blocked,

                LastSequentialNumber = accountModel.LastSequentialNumber
        public Task <bool> Handle(UpdateApprovalCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!request.IsValid(_user))
            var approval = new ApprovalEntity(request.Id
                                              , request.CategoryId
                                              , request.Subject
                                              , request.Description
                                              , request.EmailApproval
                                              , request.DateCreate)


            if (Commit())
                Bus.RaiseEvent(new ApprovalUpdateEvent(approval.Id
                                                       , approval.Subject
                                                       , approval.Description
                                                       , approval.IsApproval
                                                       , approval.Justification
                                                       , approval.CategoryId
                                                       , approval.EmailApproval
                                                       , approval.DateCreate
                                                       , approval.DateApproval
                                                       , approval.DateRead));

Example #10
        public UserBackendDTO AddRequsetsTasksCountToSynchResponse(List <RequestEntity> userbackendrequestslist, List <ApprovalEntity> userbackendapprovalslist, UserBackendEntity userbackend, SynchRequestDTO query, UserBackendDTO userbackenddto)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                List <ApprovalRequestDTO> approvalrequestlist = new List <ApprovalRequestDTO>();
                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: Loop through all requests in backend");
                //loop through each request in the userbackend
                foreach (RequestEntity request in userbackendrequestslist)
                    ApprovalRequestDTO approvalrequest = new ApprovalRequestDTO();
                    RequestDTO         requestdto      = new RequestDTO();
                    //get approval associated to request
                    ApprovalEntity approval = userbackendapprovalslist.Find(x => x.RequestId == request.ID);
                    if (approval != null)
                        ApprovalDTO approvaldto = new ApprovalDTO();
                        approvaldto = DataProvider.ResponseObjectMapper <ApprovalDTO, ApprovalEntity>(approval);
                        approvalrequest.approval            = approvaldto;
                        userbackenddto.approvalsCount.Count = userbackenddto.approvalsCount.Count + 1;
                        //if request is updated
                        if (Rules.IsRequestUpdated(request, userbackend.DefaultUpdateFrequency))
                            InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: check request update, response: true");
                            //get request synch entity
                            RequestSynchEntity requestsynch = GetRequestSynch(request);
                            //check if requests which have changed since the last synch need to send in response or all requests.
                            if (Rules.IsTargetRequest(query, request, approval, requestsynch))
                                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: Target request, response: true");
                                requestdto = DataProvider.ResponseObjectMapper <RequestDTO, RequestEntity>(request);
                                approvalrequest.request = requestdto;
                                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: add request header to response, response: success");
                                //code here to populate extended depth
                                //code here to update request synch time stamp
                                AddUpdateRequestSynch(request, requestsynch, query.userId);
                                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: Update request synch timestamp, response: success");
                                //requestsfulfilled = true;
                            InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: check request update, response: false");
                            //check if request update is in progress in service layer then send the latency in response
                            if (Rules.IsRequestUpdateInProgress(request))
                                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: update in-progress, response: true");
                                approvalrequest.retryAfter = request.ExpectedLatency;
                                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: Add expected request latancy to resposne as retry time, response: Success");
                                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: update in-progress, response: false");
                                TriggerRequestUpdate(request, query.userId);
                                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: trigger a Request update, response: success");
                                approvalrequest.retryAfter = Convert.ToInt32(Rules.RequestRetryTime(userbackend));
                                InsightLogger.TrackEvent("SyncAPIController :: endpoint - api/synch/users/{userID}/backends, action: Add request retrytime to response, response: success");
                            //requestsunfulfilled = true;
                        //add approval request to list which will be added to corresponding backend
                userbackenddto.requests = approvalrequestlist;
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while adding all approvals count to response  : "
                //+ exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This method updates approval object status
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objApprQry"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void UpdateApprovalObjectStatus(ApprovalQuery objApprQry)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                //ApprovalResponse objApprovalResponse = null;
                string acknowledgement = string.Empty;
                string backendID       = string.Empty;
                string domain          = string.Empty;
                //reading ApprovalQuery request object properties and assign the values to below variables.
                string userID = objApprQry.UserID;
                string taskID = objApprQry.ApprovalRequestID;
                string status = objApprQry.ApprovalDecision.Status;
                //string comment = objApprQry.ApprovalDecision.Comment;
                string   comment       = string.Format(taskApprovedComment, status, objApprQry.DeviceID);
                DateTime decisionDate  = objApprQry.ApprovalDecision.DecisionDate;
                string   requestID     = string.Empty;
                string   approverOrder = string.Empty;
                string[] taskIDArr     = taskID.Split('_');
                if (taskIDArr != null && (taskIDArr.Length == 2))
                    approverOrder = Convert.ToString(taskIDArr[1]);
                //get approvalrequest object from RequestTransactions azure table based on partitionkey and rowkey(requestID)
                ApprovalEntity apprReqEntity = DataProvider.Retrieveentity <ApprovalEntity>(CoreConstants.AzureTables.RequestTransactions, string.Concat(CoreConstants.AzureTables.ApprovalPK, userID), taskID);
                if (apprReqEntity != null)
                    backendID = apprReqEntity.BackendID;
                    domain    = apprReqEntity.Domain;
                    requestID = apprReqEntity.RequestId;
                    //update status,decisiondate,comment column values in approvalrequest object
                    apprReqEntity.Status       = status;
                    apprReqEntity.DecisionDate = decisionDate;
                    apprReqEntity.Comment      = comment;
                    //updating the backend confirmed flag set to false
                    apprReqEntity.BackendConfirmed = false;
                    //call dataprovider method to update entity to azure table
                    DataProvider.UpdateEntity <ApprovalEntity>(CoreConstants.AzureTables.RequestTransactions, apprReqEntity);
                    InsightLogger.TrackEvent("ApprovalAPIController :: Endpoint : api/approval/requests/{ " + requestID + "} , Action :: Update Approval object data in Azure table, Response :: Success ,Details are ApprovalRequestID=" + requestID + " Approver:" + userID + " status:" + status);
                    InsightLogger.TrackEvent("ApprovalAPIController :: Endpoint : api/approval/requests/{ " + requestID + "} , Action :: Cleared Backend-Confirmed flag(set Backend-Confirmed value to false), Response :: Success ");
                    //get domain,backendid details from service layer
                    objApprQry.Domain            = domain;
                    objApprQry.BackendID         = backendID;
                    objApprQry.ApprovalRequestID = requestID;
                    objApprQry.ApproverOrder     = approverOrder;
                    Decision apprDecision = objApprQry.ApprovalDecision;
                    apprDecision.Comment        = comment;
                    objApprQry.ApprovalDecision = apprDecision;
                    //call backend requestApproval/ api
                    var result = apiController.UpdateApprovalRequest(objApprQry, backendID, requestID);
                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ToString()))
                    //    acknowledgement = result.ToString();
                    InsightLogger.TrackEvent("ApprovalAPIController :: Endpoint : api/approval/requests/{ requestID } , Action :: Update Approval object data in Azure table, Response :: Error ,Details are ApprovalRequestID=" + requestID + " Approver:" + userID + " status:" + status);
                //return acknowledgement;
            //catch (ServiceLayerException serException)
            //    throw serException;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //throw new DataAccessException("Error while updating the approval object staus in ApprovalDAL :: UpdateApprovalObjectStatus() method,Error Message : " + exception.Message, exception.InnerException);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// method to deicede only the filtered requests are sent back or all
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">takes qury as input</param>
        /// <param name="request">takes request as input</param>
        /// <param name="approvalStatus">takes approvalStatus as input</param>
        /// <param name="requestsynch">takes requestsynch as input</param>
        /// <returns>returns whether filtered requests are sent back or all</returns>
        public static Boolean IsTargetRequest(SynchRequestDTO query, RequestEntity request, ApprovalEntity approval, RequestSynchEntity requestsynch)
            string QueryRequestStatus  = query.parameters.filters.reqStatus;
            string QueryApprovalStatus = query.parameters.filters.apprStatus;
            string approvalStatus      = null;

            if (approval != null)
                approvalStatus = approval.Status;
            if (requestsynch != null)
                return(((string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryRequestStatus) && (request.Status == QueryRequestStatus)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryRequestStatus))) &&
                       ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryApprovalStatus) && (approvalStatus == QueryApprovalStatus)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryApprovalStatus))) &&
                       ((query.parameters.filters.onlyChangedReq && request.LastUpdate != null && (request.LastUpdate > requestsynch.LastChange)) || (!query.parameters.filters.onlyChangedReq)));
                return(((string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryRequestStatus) && (request.Status == QueryRequestStatus)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryRequestStatus))) &&
                       ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryApprovalStatus) && (approvalStatus == QueryApprovalStatus)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryApprovalStatus))));
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// BL method to add approval entity into azure table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">takes request as input</param>
        public void AddUpdateApproval(List <Approvers> approverslist, string requestid, string UserID, string backendId, int missingconfirmationlimit, string requestTitle)
            //Get Caller Method name
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                RequestUpdateDAL requestupdatedal = new RequestUpdateDAL();

                //get the user tasks  from list of approvers got from backend
                List <Approvers> lstapprover = (from apr in approverslist
                                                where apr.User.UserID.Equals(UserID) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apr.Status) && apr.Status != taskNotStartedStatus)
                                                select apr).ToList();

                if (lstapprover != null && lstapprover.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Approvers approver in lstapprover)
                        string partitionkey       = string.Concat(CoreConstants.AzureTables.ApprovalPK, UserID);
                        string approverOrder      = Convert.ToString(approver.Order);
                        string serviceLayerTaskID = requestid + "_" + approverOrder;
                        //get approval from service layer
                        ApprovalEntity ServiceLayerApproval = requestupdatedal.GetApproval(partitionkey, serviceLayerTaskID);
                        //get the current approver from list of approvers got from backend
                        // Approvers approver = approverslist.Find(x => x.User.UserID == UserID);
                        //check if approval exists or not
                        if (ServiceLayerApproval != null)
                            if (!ServiceLayerApproval.BackendConfirmed)
                                //check for Status Confirmation and update approval flags
                                if (ServiceLayerApproval.Status == approver.Status)
                                    ServiceLayerApproval.Backendoverwritten   = false;
                                    ServiceLayerApproval.BackendConfirmed     = true;
                                    ServiceLayerApproval.Missingconfirmations = 0;
                                    //increase Missingconfirmation limit as status is not matching
                                    ServiceLayerApproval.Missingconfirmations = ServiceLayerApproval.Missingconfirmations + 1;
                                    ServiceLayerApproval.Backendoverwritten   = false;
                                    ServiceLayerApproval.BackendConfirmed     = false;
                                    //Add message to update triggering VIP queue to trigger request update.
                                    RequestUpdateTrigger(requestid, UserID, backendId);
                                    //check for Missing confirmation limit
                                    if (ServiceLayerApproval.Missingconfirmations > missingconfirmationlimit)
                                        ServiceLayerApproval.Backendoverwritten   = true;
                                        ServiceLayerApproval.BackendConfirmed     = true;
                                        ServiceLayerApproval.Missingconfirmations = 0;
                                        ServiceLayerApproval.Status = approver.Status;
                                ServiceLayerApproval.Status = approver.Status;
                            ServiceLayerApproval.DueDate      = approver.DueDate;
                            ServiceLayerApproval.DecisionDate = approver.DecisionDate;
                            //calling DAL method to add request entity
                            //generating approval entity from input approver,request obj by adding partitionkey and rowkey
                            ApprovalEntity approvalentity = new ApprovalEntity();
                            approvalentity.PartitionKey = partitionkey;
                            approvalentity.RowKey       = serviceLayerTaskID;
                            approvalentity.RequestId    = requestid;
                            string status = approver.Status;
                            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
                            //    status = CoreConstants.AzureTables.Waiting;
                            approvalentity.Status             = status;
                            approvalentity.BackendID          = backendId;
                            approvalentity.ServiceLayerTaskID = serviceLayerTaskID;
                            approvalentity.TaskTitle          = requestTitle;
                            approvalentity.DueDate            = approver.DueDate;
                            //calling DAL method to add request entity
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                //write exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message + " - Error in BL while inserting Approval", exception, callerMethodName);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
 public Task <ApprovalEntity?> UpdateApprovalAsync(ApprovalEntity approvalEntity)
     return(_approvalsRepository.UpdateActivelyAsync(approvalEntity) !);
 public async Task <ApprovalEntity?> CreateApprovalAsync(ApprovalEntity approvalEntity)
     return(await _approvalsRepository.AddAsync(approvalEntity) !);