Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data into the controls
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeRegistryMappings()
            // Populate the combo box with each of the applications for which we have already got
            // a registry mapping
            _applicationsFile = new ApplicationDefinitionsFile();
            List <string> listRegistryMappings = new List <string>();

            _applicationsFile.EnumerateKeys(ApplicationDefinitionsFile.APPLICATION_MAPPINGS_SECTION, listRegistryMappings);

            // Iterate through the keys and create an application mapping object
            foreach (string thisKey in listRegistryMappings)
                // The key is the application name, the value the registry mapping
                ApplicationRegistryMapping applicationMapping = new ApplicationRegistryMapping(thisKey);
                String mappings = _applicationsFile.GetString(thisKey, "");
                if (thisKey == "Travel")
                    int a = 0;

                // Add this entry to the combo box noting that we store the object with it to make
                // it easier to display the registry keys when selected
                ValueListItem newItem = cbApplications.Items.Add(applicationMapping.ApplicationName);
                newItem.Tag = applicationMapping;

            // Select the first entry
            cbApplications.SelectedIndex = 0;
Example #2
        private void UpdateSerialNumberMappings()
            List <SerialNumberMapping> lSerialNumberMappingsList   = new List <SerialNumberMapping>();
            ApplicationDefinitionsFile _applicationDefinitionsFile = new ApplicationDefinitionsFile();

            List <string> listRegistryMappings = new List <string>();

            _applicationDefinitionsFile.EnumerateKeys(ApplicationDefinitionsFile.APPLICATION_MAPPINGS_SECTION, listRegistryMappings);

            // Iterate through the keys and create an application mapping object
            foreach (string thisKey in listRegistryMappings)
                // The key is the application name, the value the registry mapping
                ApplicationRegistryMapping applicationMapping = new ApplicationRegistryMapping(thisKey);
                string mappings = _applicationDefinitionsFile.GetString(thisKey, "");

                SerialNumberMapping lSerialNumberMapping = new SerialNumberMapping();
                lSerialNumberMapping.ApplicationName = applicationMapping.ApplicationName;

                foreach (RegistryMapping lMapping in applicationMapping)
                    SerialNumberMappingsRegistryKey lSerialNumberMappingRegKey = new SerialNumberMappingsRegistryKey();
                    lSerialNumberMappingRegKey.RegistryKeyName  = lMapping.RegistryKey;
                    lSerialNumberMappingRegKey.RegistryKeyValue = lMapping.ValueName;



            auditAgentScannerDefinition.SerialNumberMappingsList = lSerialNumberMappingsList;