private void ClassificationButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Data> Trainingdataset = Utility.LoadDataset(DatasetType.Training); TrainModel train = null; if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { train = new TrainModel(ViewModel.FeatureExtraction.FeatureExtractionType.EuclideanDistance, ClassifierType.Bayesian); } else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { train = new TrainModel(ViewModel.FeatureExtraction.FeatureExtractionType.EuclideanDistance, ClassifierType.KNearestNeighbour); } train.Train(Trainingdataset); OpenFileDialog f = new OpenFileDialog(); if (DialogResult.OK == f.ShowDialog()) { ScoreModel score = new ScoreModel(train, int.Parse(KNNTextBox.Text)); List <Vector2> features = Utility.LoadPoints(f.FileName); int estimatedClass = score.Classify(features); ExpectedClassLabel.Text = estimatedClass.ToString(); AppModel app = new AppModel(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"); try { if (estimatedClass == 0) { app.Close(); } else if (estimatedClass == 1) { app.Minimize(); } else if (estimatedClass == 2) { app.Open(); } else if (estimatedClass == 3) { app.Restore(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't take that action, please make sure that the specified program is already opened"); } } /*for(int i=0;i<40;) * { * Vector2 a = new Vector2(); * a.x = double.Parse(inputarr[i++].Text); * a.y = double.Parse(inputarr[i++].Text); * features.Add(a); * }*/ }