private void updateParticle2(float step_time, Particle p, cWorld world)
            p.Vel.Y += (Constants.GRAVITY * 40.0f * (step_time * step_time));

            // p.Vel.X *= p.SlowDown;
            // p.Vel.Y *= p.SlowDown;

            AppMath.Vec2Truncate(ref p.Vel, p.MaxSpeed);

            //world.collideParticleSAT(p, step_time, false);

            //p.Heading = cAppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(p.Vel);
            p.LastPos = p.Pos;
            p.Pos.X  += p.Vel.X * step_time;
            p.Pos.Y  += p.Vel.Y * step_time;

            if (!AppMath.Vec2IsZero(p.Vel))
                p.Heading  = AppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(p.Vel);
                p.Rotation = (float)AppMath.GetAngleOfVector(p.Heading);

            world.collideParticleRayTrace(p, step_time);

            p.Opacity -= p.Fade * step_time;
Example #2
        public override void Update(float step_time)
            cWorld world = particleManager.Scene.World;

            for (int i = 0; i < pool.CountActive; ++i)
                Particle p = pool.get(i);

                if (!p.Intersects)
                     * p.Dims.Y += p.ScaleSpeed * step_time; //+=
                     * p.Dims.y += p.ScaleSpeed * step_time; //+=
                    AppMath.Vec2Truncate(ref p.Vel, p.MaxSpeed * 1.5f);

                    p.Vel.Y += (Constants.GRAVITY * 40.0f * (step_time * step_time));

                    p.Vel.X *= p.SlowDown;
                    p.Vel.Y *= p.SlowDown;

                    //p.Heading = cAppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(p.Vel);
                    p.LastPos = p.Pos;
                    p.Pos.X  += p.Vel.X * step_time;
                    p.Pos.Y  += p.Vel.Y * step_time;

                    if (!AppMath.Vec2IsZero(p.Vel))
                        p.Heading  = AppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(p.Vel);
                        p.Rotation = (float)AppMath.GetAngleOfVector(p.Heading);

                    world.collideParticleRayTrace(p, step_time);

                p.Opacity -= p.Fade * step_time;

                if (p.Opacity <= 0.0f)
                    p.Opacity = 0.0f;


                p.Color.A = (byte)p.Opacity;
        private void init(Vector2f pos, Vector2f emit_direction)
            this.pickedUp = pulling = false;
            this.heading  = emit_direction;

            this.renderer = pickup.Renderer.DeepCopy();

            this.Bounds = new AABB();
            this.HitCollisionRect = Bounds.ShallowCopy();

            this.MaxSpeed = EMIT_SPEED * 2; //*2
            this.mass     = 100.0f;

            this.velocity.X = this.heading.X * EMIT_SPEED;
            this.velocity.Y = this.heading.Y * EMIT_SPEED;
            orientation     = AppMath.GetAngleOfVector(heading);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scene"></param>
        /// <param name="pos">position</param>
        /// <param name="owner">owner gameobject ex. cCharacter</param>
        /// <param name="direction">normalized vector of direction</param>
        public cBullet(cGameObject owner, BulletBreed breed, Vector2f pos, Vector2f direction) : base(owner.Scene, pos)
            this.owner = owner;
            this.breed = breed;

            this.alive = true;
            this.alpha = 255.0f;
            // proci határozza meg, hogy milyen alaplap foglalat és milyen RAM!!
            this.heading = direction;
            this.Bounds  = new AABB();
            this.Bounds.SetDims(new Vector2f(1.0f, 1.0f));
            this.oppositeDir  = new Vector2f(-this.heading.X * breed.slugLength, -this.heading.Y * breed.slugLength);
            this.intersection = new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
            this.velocity.X = this.heading.X * breed.startSpeed;
            this.velocity.Y = this.heading.Y * breed.startSpeed;
            orientation     = AppMath.GetAngleOfVector(heading);

            this.sprite          = new Sprite(this.breed.sprite); // bullet_yellow_sm; bullet_light_gree
            this.sprite.Rotation = (float)AppMath.RadianToDegress(this.orientation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main update protocol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="step_time"></param>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="world"></param>
        private void updateParticle1(float step_time, Particle p, cWorld world)
            // Particle's update code comes here.

            p.Dims.X += p.ScaleSpeed * step_time; //+=
            p.Dims.Y += p.ScaleSpeed * step_time; //+=

            if (AppMath.Vec2Length(p.Dims) < 0.5f)
                p.Dims.X = 0.0f;
                p.Dims.Y = 0.0f;

            p.Vel.Y += (Constants.GRAVITY * 40.0f * (step_time * step_time));

            p.Vel.X *= p.SlowDown;
            p.Vel.Y *= p.SlowDown;

            AppMath.Vec2Truncate(ref p.Vel, p.MaxSpeed * 1.5f);

            // world.collideParticleSAT(p, step_time, false);

            //p.Heading = cAppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(p.Vel);
            p.LastPos = p.Pos;
            p.Pos.X  += p.Vel.X * step_time;
            p.Pos.Y  += p.Vel.Y * step_time;

            if (!AppMath.Vec2IsZero(p.Vel))
                p.Heading  = AppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(p.Vel);
                p.Rotation = (float)AppMath.GetAngleOfVector(p.Heading);

            world.collideParticleRayTrace(p, step_time);

            p.Opacity -= p.Fade * step_time;
Example #6
        public override bool Fire(Vector2f target)
            if (this.isReadForNextShot())
                Vector2f dir       = AppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(target -;
                float    dirAngle  = (float)AppMath.GetAngleOfVector(dir);
                float    unitAngle = spread / bulletsPerShot;
                float    tangle    = dirAngle - ((bulletsPerShot / 2.0f) * unitAngle);
                for (int i = 0; i < bulletsPerShot; ++i)
                    tangle += i * unitAngle;
                    //Vector2f toSpreadTarget = cAppMath.GetRandomVecBySpread(dir, spread);
                    Vector2f toSpreadTarget = new Vector2f((float)Math.Cos(tangle), (float)Math.Sin(tangle));


                owner.Scene.Assets.PlaySound("shotgun", 3);


        public override void Update(float step_time)

            cPlayer player = Scene.Player;

            if (this.pulling)
                Vector2f predicted = AppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(( + (player.Velocity * step_time)) -;
                // pull pickup
                //Vector2f toPlayer = cAppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn( -;

                // G * ((m1*m2) / (d*d))
                float f = PULL_FORCE * 150f; // * (100000.0f / ( d*d) );
                this.AddForce(predicted * f);

             * else
             * {
             *  this.pulling = false;
             * }

            // applying some gravity
            force.Y += (false == pulling) ? (Constants.GRAVITY * 40.0f * step_time) : 0.0f;

            velocity.X += force.X * step_time;
            velocity.Y += force.Y * step_time;

            //velocity.X = Math.Abs(velocity.X) < 0.05f ? 0.0f : velocity.X;
            //velocity.Y = Math.Abs(velocity.Y) < 0.05f ? 0.0f : velocity.Y;

            double len = AppMath.Vec2Length(velocity);

            if (len < 0.1)
                velocity = new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);

            AppMath.Vec2Truncate(ref velocity, MaxSpeed);

            // get more precise result calling it here (because of the updated velocity)
            // instead of calling at the beginning of this update method

            lastPosition = position;
            position.X  += velocity.X * step_time;
            position.Y  += velocity.Y * step_time;

            this.hitCollisionRect = Bounds;

            if (!AppMath.Vec2IsZero(velocity))
                heading     = AppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(velocity);
                orientation = AppMath.GetAngleOfVector(heading);

            force = new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
Example #8
        public static void DrawDirLightByDVec(RenderTarget destination,

                                              Vector2f light_pos,
                                              double light_radius,
                                              Vector2f light_dir,
                                              double light_spread_angle,
                                              Color Color,
                                              BlendMode blend_mode,
                                              Shader shader)
            double lightSubdivisionSize = AppMath.PI / 24.0;

            VertexArray va = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.TriangleFan);

            Transform    t      = Transform.Identity;
            RenderStates states = new RenderStates(blend_mode, t, null, shader);

            double light_dir_angle = AppMath.GetAngleOfVector(light_dir);

            //Math->GetAngleBetwenVecs(light_pos, light_dir) - Math->PI/2.0;

            va.Append(new Vertex(light_pos, Color, new Vector2f()));

            // Set the edge color for rest of shape
            int    numSubdivisions = (int)(light_spread_angle / lightSubdivisionSize);
            double startAngle      = light_dir_angle - light_spread_angle / 2.0f;

            for (int currentSubDivision = 0; currentSubDivision <= numSubdivisions; currentSubDivision++)
                double angle = startAngle + currentSubDivision * lightSubdivisionSize;

                va.Append(new Vertex(new Vector2f((float)(light_radius * Math.Cos(angle) + light_pos.X), (float)(light_radius * Math.Sin(angle) + light_pos.Y)), Color));

            destination.Draw(va, states);

//soft portion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		sf::VertexArray finVA;
//		sf::RenderStates finStates;
//		finStates.blendMode = sf::BlendMultiply;
//		finStates.shader = shader;
//		finStates.texture = &myLightFinTexture;
//		sf::Color color(120, 120, 120, 0);
//		double softSpreadAngle = Math->PI / 35.0;
//		double umbraAngle1 = light_dir_angle - light_spread_angle / 2.0f;
//		double penumbraAngle1 = umbraAngle1 + softSpreadAngle;
//		sf::Vector2f penumbra_pos = sf::Vector2f(light_radius * cosf(penumbraAngle1), light_radius * sinf(penumbraAngle1));
//		sf::Vector2f umbra_pos = sf::Vector2f(light_radius * cosf(umbraAngle1), light_radius * sinf(umbraAngle1));
//		sf::Vector2f rootPos = light_pos;
//		sf::Vector2f tc1 = sf::Vector2f(myLightFinTexture.getSize().x, 0);
//		sf::Vector2f tc2 = sf::Vector2f(myLightFinTexture.getSize().x, myLightFinTexture.getSize().y);
//		sf::Vector2f tc3 = sf::Vector2f(0 , myLightFinTexture.getSize().y);
//		sf::Vector2f tc1 = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
//		sf::Vector2f tc2 = sf::Vector2f(myLightFinTexture.getSize().x, 0);
//		sf::Vector2f tc3 = sf::Vector2f(0 , myLightFinTexture.getSize().y);
//		sf::Vector2f p1 = sf::Vector2f(rootPos.x, rootPos.y);
//		sf::Vector2f p2 = sf::Vector2f(rootPos.x + penumbra_pos.x, rootPos.y + penumbra_pos.y);
//		sf::Vector2f p3 = sf::Vector2f(rootPos.x + umbra_pos.x, rootPos.y + umbra_pos.y);
//		finVA.append(sf::Vertex(p1, color, tc1));
//		finVA.append(sf::Vertex(p2, color, tc2));
//		finVA.append(sf::Vertex(p3, color, tc3));
//		destination.draw(&finVA[0], finVA.getVertexCount(), sf::PrimitiveType::Triangles, finStates);

            //double umbraAngle2 = light_dir_angle + light_spread_angle / 2.0f;
            //double penumbraAngle2 = umbraAngle2 - softSpreadAngle;
            //sf::Vector2f penumbra_pos_2 = sf::Vector2f(light_radius * cosf(penumbraAngle2), light_radius * sinf(penumbraAngle2));
            //sf::Vector2f umbra_pos_2 = sf::Vector2f(light_radius * cosf(umbraAngle2), light_radius * sinf(umbraAngle2));
            //sf::Vector2f rootPos_2 = light_pos;

            //tc1 = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
            //tc2 = sf::Vector2f(myLightFinTexture.getSize().x, 0);
            //tc3 = sf::Vector2f(0 , myLightFinTexture.getSize().y);

            //p1 = sf::Vector2f(rootPos_2.x, rootPos_2.y);
            //p2 = sf::Vector2f(rootPos_2.x + penumbra_pos_2.x, rootPos_2.y + penumbra_pos_2.y);
            //p3 = sf::Vector2f(rootPos_2.x + umbra_pos_2.x, rootPos_2.y + umbra_pos_2.y);

            //finVA.append(sf::Vertex(p1, color, tc1));
            //finVA.append(sf::Vertex(p2, color, tc2));
            //finVA.append(sf::Vertex(p3, color, tc3));

            //destination.draw(&finVA[0], finVA.getVertexCount(), sf::PrimitiveType::Triangles, finStates);