Example #1
        public ActionResult Register(AccountsModel accountmodel)
            var returnController = "Home";
            var returnAction     = "Index";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["returnController"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["returnAction"]))
                returnController = Request.Form["returnController"];
                returnAction     = Request.Form["returnAction"];

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //Set default values for account
                var confirm_password = Request.Form["RepeatPassword"];
                //If passwords do not match
                if (accountmodel.Password != confirm_password)
                    TempData["ProcessRegisterFailureMessage"] = "Passwords do not match.";
                    TempData["displayModal"] = "registerModal";
                    return(RedirectToAction(returnAction, returnController));

                //Check if email exist already
                if (db.Accounts.Where(s => s.Email == accountmodel.Email).Any())
                    TempData["ProcessRegisterFailureMessage"] = "The email provided already exist, please try again with a different email.";
                    TempData["displayModal"] = "registerModal";
                    return(RedirectToAction(returnAction, returnController));

                //Add registration
                if (SecurityFunctions.AddNewRegistration(accountmodel.Email, accountmodel.Password, false))
                    string to_name = AppFunctions.FirstLetterToUpper(AppFunctions.GetUsernameFromEmail(accountmodel.Email));
                    string h1_text = "Welcome to Gambia Review.";
                    string h2_text = null;
                    string p1_text = "You've successfully registered in Gambia Review application system.";
                    string p2_text = "You can contact us by phone +7 (495) 280-14- 81 (ext. 3397) or by using the feedback form, which is presented on the questionnaire page. Our staff will promptly provide answers to your questions. You can fill in the questionnaire sections in any order convenient for you.";
                    //Send email to registerer
                    AppEmailer.SendEmail(GMailer.GetGambiaReviewEmail(), "Gambia Review", accountmodel.Email, to_name, "Welcome to Gambia Review",
                                         h1_text, h2_text, p1_text, p2_text, null, null, null, null, null);

                    //Send email to Gambia Review
                    to_name = "Gambia Review Team";
                    h1_text = "New User Registered";
                    h2_text = null;
                    p1_text = "User with email :" + accountmodel.Email + " has registered.";
                    p2_text = null;
                    AppEmailer.SendEmail(GMailer.GetGambiaReviewEmail(), "Gambia Review", "*****@*****.**", to_name, "Welcome to Gambia Review",
                                         h1_text, h2_text, p1_text, p2_text, null, null, null, null, null);

                    //Add Login data
                    var SessionID = SecurityFunctions.ComputeSha256Hash(AppFunctions.RandomString(12).ToString());
                    if (!SecurityFunctions.AddLoginInfo(accountmodel.Email, DateTime.Now, 0, 0, null, 0, SessionID, DateTime.Now))
                        //Think of what to do here
                        //Log Error

                    TempData["ProcessSuccessMessage"] = "Registration successfull.";
                    SecurityFunctions Security = new SecurityFunctions();
                    Session["sessionID"]       = SessionID;
                    Session["sessionEmail"]    = accountmodel.Email;
                    Session["sessionFullName"] = Security.ReturnAccountData(accountmodel.Email, "FirstName") + " " + Security.ReturnAccountData(accountmodel.Email, "LastName");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Security.ReturnAccountData(accountmodel.Email, "FirstName")))
                        Session["sessionFullName"] = accountmodel.Email;

                    Session["sessionProfilePic"] = Security.ReturnAccountData(accountmodel.Email, "DirectoryName") + "/" + Security.ReturnAccountProfilePic(accountmodel.Email);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Security.ReturnAccountData(accountmodel.Email, "DirectoryName")))
                        Session["sessionProfilePic"] = AppFunctions.GetDefaultProfileLink();

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                    TempData["ProcessFailureMessage"] = "Registration failed, please try again.";
                    return(RedirectToAction(returnAction, returnController));
                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var item in ModelState)
                    string key    = item.Key;
                    var    errors = item.Value.Errors;

                    foreach (var error in errors)
                        result.Append(key + " " + error.ErrorMessage + "#");
                TempData["ProcessRegisterFailureMessage"] = result.ToString();
                TempData["displayModal"] = "registerModal";

            return(RedirectToAction(returnAction, returnController));