public async Task GivenTextToTranslate_WhenTranslated_ThenTranslationProviderReturnsTranslation()
            // Arrange
            string textToBeTranslated     = "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.";
            string vulcanTranslation      = "Ret: wuh kim-shah frontier. Aifa nam-tor wuh halan t' wuh yel-hali enterprise. Ish-veh ongoing skrol: tor explore flekh uzh panu, tor seek si' uzh ha'kiv-shidau heh uzh sutenivaya; tor boldly hal-tor wilat kling has hal-tor fa'.";
            var    apiTranslationResponse = new ApiTranslationResponse()
                success = new Success()
                    total = 1
                contents = new Contents()
                    translated  = vulcanTranslation,
                    text        = textToBeTranslated,
                    translation = "vulcan"

            _mockTranslationApi.Setup(t => t.Translate(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).ReturnsAsync(apiTranslationResponse);
            ITranslationProvider vulcanTranslationProvider = new VulcanTranslator(_mockLoggerFactory, _mockTranslationApi.Object);

            // Act
            var translationResult = await vulcanTranslationProvider.TranslatedPokemon(new List <TranslationRequest>() { new TranslationRequest("test property", textToBeTranslated) });

            // Assert
        public string Translate(Language from, Language to, string str)
            string fromCode = GetLanguageCodeFor(from);
            string toCode   = GetLanguageCodeFor(to);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) || fromCode.Equals(toCode))

            string endpoint    = string.Format(ApiEndpoint, "translate");
            string uri         = endpoint + $"&from={fromCode}&to={toCode}";
            string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new[] { new ApiTranslationString(str) });

            string resp = DoSimpleWebRequest(uri, requestBody, true);
            ApiTranslationResponse response = JsonConvert
                                              .DeserializeObject <ApiTranslationResponse[]>(resp)
