private async void ButtonLogin_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Apis   apis    = new Apis();
            string account = TextBoxAccount.Text;
            string pass    = Password.Password;

            ButtonLogin.Content   = "登录中";
            ButtonLogin.IsEnabled = false;
            ApiRespone <QueryDocLoginModel> model = null;
            await Task.Run(delegate
                model = apis.QueryDocLogin(account, pass).Result;

            if (model != null && model.Code == "200")
                Configs.QueryDocLoginModel = model;
                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
                    new MainWindow().Show(); // 显示主窗口;
                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
                    ButtonLogin.Content   = "登录";
                    ButtonLogin.IsEnabled = true;
Example #2
        public override async Task Execute(Message message, TelegramBotClient client)
                await client.SendChatActionAsync(message.Chat.Id, Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.ChatAction.Typing);

                ApiRequest inputMessage = new ApiRequest()
                    Id          = message.Chat.Id,
                    Language    = "rus",
                    RequestType = "text",
                    TextData    = message.Text
                var        jsonRequest   = JsonConverter.ToJson(inputMessage);
                var        jsonRespone   = RestApiClient.Post(jsonRequest);
                ApiRespone outputMessage = JsonConverter.FromJson <ApiRespone>(jsonRespone);
                var        keyboard      = new Telegram.Bot.Types.ReplyMarkups.ReplyKeyboardMarkup
                    Keyboard = new[]
                        new[] // row 1
                            new Telegram.Bot.Types.KeyboardButton("📝 исправить ответ 📝")
                    ResizeKeyboard = true
                await client.SendTextMessageAsync(outputMessage.Id, outputMessage.OuputText, replyMarkup : keyboard);

                 * Replic inputR = new Replic()
                 * {
                 *  Id = message.Chat.Id,
                 *  Text = message.Text,
                 *  Time = message.Date
                 * };
                 * Replic outputR = new Replic()
                 * {
                 *  Id = 0,
                 *  Text = outputMessage.OuputText,
                 *  Time = message.Date
                 * };
                 * string[] lines = new string[]
                 * {
                 *  JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inputR),
                 *  JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outputR)
                 * };
                 * await System.IO.File.AppendAllLinesAsync($"{Environment.CurrentDirectory}\\{message.Chat.Id}.txt", lines);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utils.Log.LogError(message.Chat.Id, ex.Message);
                await client.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, $"Произошла ошибка: `{ex.Message}`\nОбратитесь к @gosha20777", Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.ParseMode.Markdown);
Example #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody] ApiRequest apiRequest)
                var time = DateTime.Now;
                //ApiRequest apiRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ApiRequest>(requestStr);
                //convert speech to text
                if (apiRequest.GetRequestType() == Enums.RequestType.Voice)
                    Log.LogInformation(apiRequest.Id.Value, 0, this.GetType().ToString(), "processing voice request");

                    var textServiceRespone = await _speechToTextService.Invork(new VoiceRequest()
                        Id = apiRequest.Id, VoiceData = apiRequest.VoiceData

                    //recognize text and make text answer
                    var textProcessingRespone = await _textProcessingService.Invork(new TextRequest()
                        Id = textServiceRespone.Id, TextData = textServiceRespone.TextData

                    //convert text to speech
                    var speechServiceRespone = await _textToSpeechService.Invork(new TextRequest()
                        Id = textProcessingRespone.Id, TextData = textProcessingRespone.TextData

                    //make a respone
                    ApiRespone apiRespone = new ApiRespone
                        Id         = speechServiceRespone.Id,
                        VoiceData  = speechServiceRespone.VoiceData,
                        InputText  = textServiceRespone.TextData,
                        OutputText = textProcessingRespone.TextData,
                        IntentName = textProcessingRespone.IntentName,
                        Entities   = textProcessingRespone.Entities,
                        WayPoint   = textProcessingRespone.WayPoint

                    textServiceRespone    = null;
                    textProcessingRespone = null;
                    speechServiceRespone  = null;

                    Log.LogInformation(apiRequest.Id.Value, 0, this.GetType().ToString(), $"voice request processed in {(DateTime.Now - time).TotalMilliseconds} ms");

                    Console.WriteLine("WayPoint:" + apiRespone.WayPoint);

                    Log.LogInformation(apiRequest.Id.Value, 0, this.GetType().ToString(), "processing text request");

                    //recognize text and make text answer
                    var textProcessingRespone = await _textProcessingService.Invork(new TextRequest()
                        Id = apiRequest.Id, TextData = apiRequest.TextData

                    //make a respone
                    ApiRespone apiRespone = new ApiRespone
                        Id         = apiRequest.Id.Value,
                        VoiceData  = null,
                        InputText  = apiRequest.TextData,
                        OutputText = textProcessingRespone.TextData,
                        IntentName = textProcessingRespone.IntentName,
                        Entities   = textProcessingRespone.Entities,
                        WayPoint   = textProcessingRespone.WayPoint

                    textProcessingRespone = null;

                    Log.LogInformation(apiRequest.Id.Value, 0, this.GetType().ToString(), "text request processed");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.LogError(apiRequest.Id.Value, 0, this.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message);
                string outputFailText = "Я не расслышала, что вы сказали. Пожалуйста, повторите ваш запрос";
                if (apiRequest.GetLanguage() == Enums.Language.English)
                    outputFailText = "I did not hear what you said. Please repeat your request";
                var speechServiceRespone = await _textToSpeechService.Invork(new TextRequest()
                    Id = apiRequest.Id, TextData = outputFailText

                ApiRespone apiRespone = new ApiRespone
                    Id         = speechServiceRespone.Id,
                    VoiceData  = speechServiceRespone.VoiceData,
                    InputText  = "",
                    OutputText = outputFailText,
                    IntentName = "none",
                    Entities   = null,
                    WayPoint   = null
                speechServiceRespone = null;