Example #1
        // Sort the vertices in anticlockwise order when looking towards the origin.
        private static List <Vertex> SortVertices(IEnumerable <Vertex> vertices)
            var vertexList = vertices.ToList();
            var center     = vertexList.Aggregate(Vector.Zeros(3), (c, v) => c + v.Position).Normalize();
            var view       = -center;
            var comparer   = new AnticlockwiseComparer(vertexList.First().Position, view);

            var sortedVertices = vertexList.OrderBy(vertex => vertex.Position, comparer).ToList();

Example #2
        //TODO: Does this actually need to be given the list of vertices? Can't that be inferred from the edges?
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a lookup from the given vertices to the edges that contain them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices"></param>
        /// <param name="edges"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <Vertex, List <Edge> > VertexToEdgeDictionary(List <Vertex> vertices, List <Edge> edges)
            var vertexToEdges = vertices.ToDictionary(vertex => vertex, vertex => new List <Edge>());

            foreach (var edge in edges)

            foreach (var vertex in vertices)
                var comparer    = new AnticlockwiseComparer(vertex.Position, -vertex.Position);
                var sortedEdges = vertexToEdges[vertex].OrderBy(edge => edge.SphericalCenter(), comparer);
                vertexToEdges[vertex] = sortedEdges.ToList();

Example #3
        public void Compare_ForClockwiseVectorsAroundAPoint_ShouldReturn1
            (double azimuth0, double azimuth1)
            // Fixture setup
            var center   = VectorUtilities.NewVector(1, 0, 0);
            var view     = VectorUtilities.NewVector(0, 0, -1);
            var comparer = new AnticlockwiseComparer(center, view);

            var lesserAzimuth     = azimuth0 % (2 * Math.PI);
            var greaterAzimuth    = azimuth1 % (2 * Math.PI - lesserAzimuth) + lesserAzimuth;
            var lessAnticlockwise = VectorUtilities.NewVector(Math.PI / 2, lesserAzimuth);
            var moreAnticlockwise = VectorUtilities.NewVector(Math.PI / 2, greaterAzimuth);

            var expected = 1;

            // Exercise system
            var actual = comparer.Compare(moreAnticlockwise, lessAnticlockwise);

            // Verify outcome
            TestUtilities.WriteExpectedAndActual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            // Teardown