Example #1
        public void TestTriggerFireExclusion()
            TestJob.JobHasFired = false;
            JobDetailImpl    myDesc   = new JobDetailImpl("name", "group", typeof(TestJob));
            IOperableTrigger trigger  = new CronTriggerImpl("trigName", "trigGroup", "0/15 * * * * ?");
            AnnualCalendar   calendar = new AnnualCalendar();

            calendar.SetDayExcluded(DateTime.Now, true);
            sched.AddCalendar("calendar", calendar, true, true);
            trigger.CalendarName = "calendar";
            sched.ScheduleJob(myDesc, trigger);
            IOperableTrigger triggerreplace = new CronTriggerImpl("foo", "trigGroup", "name", "group", "0/15 * * * * ?");

            triggerreplace.CalendarName = "calendar";
            sched.RescheduleJob(new TriggerKey("trigName", "trigGroup"), triggerreplace);
            Thread.Sleep(1000 * 20);
            Assert.IsFalse(TestJob.JobHasFired, "task must not be neglected - it is forbidden by the calendar");

            calendar.SetDayExcluded(DateTime.Now, false);
            sched.AddCalendar("calendar", calendar, true, true);
            Thread.Sleep(1000 * 20);
            Assert.IsTrue(TestJob.JobHasFired, "task must be neglected - it is permitted by the calendar");

            sched.DeleteJob(new JobKey("name", "group"));

Example #2
        public void TestDaysExcludedOverTime()
            AnnualCalendar annualCalendar = new AnnualCalendar();

            DateTime day = new DateTime(2005, 6, 23);

            annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(day, true);

            day = new DateTime(2008, 2, 1);
            annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(day, true);

            Assert.IsTrue(annualCalendar.IsDayExcluded(day), "The day 1 February is expected to be excluded but it is not");
Example #3
        public async Task RunAsync()
            IScheduler scheduler = await StdSchedulerFactory.GetDefaultScheduler();

            #region 添加日历
            AnnualCalendar holidays = new AnnualCalendar(); // 创建一个年度假日日历

            // 元旦 1月1日
            DateTime NewYearDay = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 1, 1);
            holidays.SetDayExcluded(NewYearDay, true); // true 排除元旦执行  false 在元旦执行

            // 劳动节 5月1日
            DateTime LaborDay = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 5, 1);
            holidays.SetDayExcluded(LaborDay, true); // true 排除元旦执行  false 在元旦执行

            // 国庆节 10月1日
            DateTime NationalDay = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 10, 1);
            holidays.SetDayExcluded(NationalDay, true); // true 排除元旦执行  false 在元旦执行

            await scheduler.AddCalendar("holidays", holidays, true, true);


            DateTimeOffset runDate = DateBuilder.DateOf(10, 0, 0, 1, 10);

            IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create <HelloJob2>()
                             .WithIdentity("job1", "jobGroup1")

            ISimpleTrigger trigger = (ISimpleTrigger)TriggerBuilder.Create()
                                     .WithIdentity("trigger1", "triggerGroup1")
                                     .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInHours(2).RepeatForever())

            DateTimeOffset df = await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

            ConsoleExtend.WriteLineDebug1($"作业【{job.Key}】 触发器【{trigger.Key}】 将在【{df.LocalDateTime}】执行" +
                                          $",重复执行时间间隔【{trigger.RepeatInterval.Hours}】小时 重复【{trigger.RepeatCount}】次");

            await scheduler.Start();

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

            await scheduler.Shutdown(true);

            ConsoleExtend.WriteLineDebug2($"共执行了{(await scheduler.GetMetaData()).NumberOfJobsExecuted}个作业");
Example #4
        public void TestRemoveInTheFuture()
            AnnualCalendar annualCalendar = new AnnualCalendar();

            DateTime day = new DateTime(2005, 6, 23);

            annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(day, true);

            // Trying to remove the 23th of June
            day = new DateTime(2008, 6, 23);
            annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(day, false);

            Assert.IsFalse(annualCalendar.IsDayExcluded(day), "The day 23 June is not expected to be excluded but it is");
Example #5
        public async Task TestTriggerFireExclusion()
            await sched.Start();

            TestJob.JobHasFired = false;
            IJobDetail jobDetail = JobBuilder.Create <TestJob>()
                                   .WithIdentity("name", "group")

            ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                               .WithIdentity("trigName", "trigGroup")
                               .WithCronSchedule("0/15 * * * * ?")

            AnnualCalendar calendar = new AnnualCalendar();

            calendar.SetDayExcluded(DateTime.Now, true);
            await sched.AddCalendar("calendar", calendar, true, true);

            await sched.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);

            ITrigger triggerreplace = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                                      .WithIdentity("foo", "trigGroup")
                                      .WithCronSchedule("0/15 * * * * ?")

            await sched.RescheduleJob(new TriggerKey("trigName", "trigGroup"), triggerreplace);

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));

            Assert.IsFalse(TestJob.JobHasFired, "task must not be neglected - it is forbidden by the calendar");

            calendar.SetDayExcluded(DateTime.Now, false);
            await sched.AddCalendar("calendar", calendar, true, true);

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));

            Assert.IsTrue(TestJob.JobHasFired, "task must be neglected - it is permitted by the calendar");

            await sched.DeleteJob(new JobKey("name", "group"));

            await sched.DeleteCalendar("calendar");

            await sched.Shutdown();
 ["annual"] = new CalendarHandler()
     Builder = model =>
         var cal = new AnnualCalendar()
             TimeZone = model.ResolveTimeZone(), Description = model.Description
         foreach (var d in model.Days)
             cal.SetDayExcluded(DateTime.ParseExact(d, "MMMM d", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), true);
     Validator = (model, errors) =>
         for (int i = 0; i < model.Days.Count; i++)
             if (DateTime.TryParseExact(model.Days[i], "MMMM d", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime _) == false)
                 errors.Add(new ValidationError()
                     Field = nameof(model.Days), Reason = "Invalid format.", FieldIndex = i
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// AnnualCalendar 排除每年某一天的任务的执行
        /// </summary>
        public static void Fun15()
            var sche = StdSchedulerFactory.GetDefaultScheduler();


            AnnualCalendar cale = new AnnualCalendar();

            cale.SetDayExcluded(new DateTimeOffset(2018, 12, 25, 12, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(8)), true);
            sche.AddCalendar("myCalendar", cale, true, true);

            var job = JobBuilder.Create <MyJob>()

            var trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create().StartNow().WithDailyTimeIntervalSchedule(
                m => m.StartingDailyAt(TimeOfDay.HourAndMinuteOfDay(7, 0))
                .EndingDailyAt(TimeOfDay.HourAndMinuteOfDay(19, 0))
                .Build()                                                                                            //是任务在7点-19点间执行,执行频率:每秒执行一次

            //ModifiedByCalendar 将ICalendar的设置应用到触发器中
            sche.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);
Example #8
        public void SerializeAnnualCalendar()
            var calendar = new AnnualCalendar();

            calendar.Description = "description";
            calendar.SetDayExcluded(DateTime.UtcNow.Date, true);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the object to serialize when generating serialized file for future
        /// tests, and against which to validate deserialized object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override object GetTargetObject()
            AnnualCalendar c = new AnnualCalendar();

            c.Description = "description";
            DateTime date = new DateTime(2005, 1, 20, 10, 5, 15);

            c.SetDayExcluded(date, true);
Example #10
        public void TestAnnualCalendarSerialization()
            AnnualCalendar annualCalendar = new AnnualCalendar();
            DateTime       day            = new DateTime(2011, 12, 20, 0, 0, 0);

            annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(day, true);
            AnnualCalendar clone = annualCalendar.DeepClone();

Example #11
        private ICalendar CreateCalendar()
            var annualCalendar = new AnnualCalendar();

            foreach (var excludedDate in _holidaysCalendar.ExcludedDates)
                annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(excludedDate, true);

Example #12
        public void SerializeChainedCalendars()
            var annualCalendar = new AnnualCalendar();

            annualCalendar.Description = "description";
            annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(DateTime.UtcNow.Date, true);

            var cronCalendar = new CronCalendar("0/5 * * * * ?");

            cronCalendar.CalendarBase = annualCalendar;

Example #13
        public void BaseCalendarShouldNotAffectSettingInternalDataStructures()
            var dayToExclude = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1);

            AnnualCalendar a = new AnnualCalendar();

            a.SetDayExcluded(dayToExclude, true);

            AnnualCalendar b = new AnnualCalendar(a);

            b.SetDayExcluded(dayToExclude, true);

            b.CalendarBase = null;

            Assert.That(b.IsDayExcluded(dayToExclude), "day was no longer excluded after base calendar was detached");
Example #14
        public void TestDayExclusion()
            // we're local by default
            DateTime d = new DateTime(2005, 1, 1);

            cal.SetDayExcluded(d, true);
            Assert.IsFalse(cal.IsTimeIncluded(d.ToUniversalTime()), "Time was included when it was supposed not to be");
            Assert.IsTrue(cal.IsDayExcluded(d), "Day was not excluded when it was supposed to be excluded");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, cal.DaysExcluded.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(d.Day, cal.DaysExcluded.First().Day);
            Assert.AreEqual(d.Month, cal.DaysExcluded.First().Month);
Example #15
        public static List <ICalendar> CreateAnnualCalendarsWithSpecifiedDatesExcluded(List <CustomCalendarDefinition> customCalendarDefinitions)
            var actualCalendars = new List <ICalendar>();

            foreach (var customCalendar in customCalendarDefinitions)
                var calendar = new AnnualCalendar
                    Description = customCalendar.CalendarName

                bool shouldExclude = customCalendar.Action.ToLower().Trim() == "exclude";
                foreach (var date in customCalendar.Dates)
                    calendar.SetDayExcluded(date, shouldExclude);

Example #16
        public void TestAnnualCalendarTimeZone()
            TimeZoneInfo   tz = TimeZoneUtil.FindTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");
            AnnualCalendar c  = new AnnualCalendar();

            c.TimeZone = tz;

            DateTime excludedDay = new DateTime(2012, 11, 4, 0, 0, 0);

            c.SetDayExcluded(excludedDay, true);

            // 11/5/2012 12:00:00 AM -04:00  translate into 11/4/2012 11:00:00 PM -05:00 (EST)
            DateTimeOffset date = new DateTimeOffset(2012, 11, 5, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(-4));

            Assert.IsFalse(c.IsTimeIncluded(date), "date was expected to not be included.");

            DateTimeOffset expectedNextAvailable = new DateTimeOffset(2012, 11, 5, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(-5));
            DateTimeOffset actualNextAvailable   = c.GetNextIncludedTimeUtc(date);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedNextAvailable, actualNextAvailable);
Example #17
        public virtual void Run()
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(CalendarExample));

            log.Info("------- Initializing ----------------------");

            // First we must get a reference to a scheduler
            ISchedulerFactory sf    = new StdSchedulerFactory();
            IScheduler        sched = sf.GetScheduler();

            log.Info("------- Initialization Complete -----------");

            log.Info("------- Scheduling Jobs -------------------");

            // Add the holiday calendar to the schedule
            AnnualCalendar holidays = new AnnualCalendar();

            // fourth of July (July 4)
            DateTime fourthOfJuly = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 7, 4);

            holidays.SetDayExcluded(fourthOfJuly, true);

            // halloween (Oct 31)
            DateTime halloween = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 10, 31);

            holidays.SetDayExcluded(halloween, true);

            // christmas (Dec 25)
            DateTime christmas = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 12, 25);

            holidays.SetDayExcluded(christmas, true);

            // tell the schedule about our holiday calendar
            sched.AddCalendar("holidays", holidays, false, false);

            // schedule a job to run hourly, starting on halloween
            // at 10 am
            DateTime      runDate = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 10, 31, 10, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime();
            JobDetail     job     = new JobDetail("job1", "group1", typeof(SimpleJob));
            SimpleTrigger trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger1", "group1", runDate, null, SimpleTrigger.RepeatIndefinitely, TimeSpan.FromHours(1));

            // tell the trigger to obey the Holidays calendar!
            trigger.CalendarName = "holidays";

            // schedule the job and print the first run date
            DateTime firstRunTime = sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

            // print out the first execution date.
            // Note:  Since Halloween (Oct 31) is a holiday, then
            // we will not run unti the next day! (Nov 1)
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} will run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds", job.FullName, firstRunTime.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, trigger.RepeatInterval.TotalSeconds));

            // All of the jobs have been added to the scheduler, but none of the jobs
            // will run until the scheduler has been started
            log.Info("------- Starting Scheduler ----------------");

            // wait 30 seconds:
            // note:  nothing will run
            log.Info("------- Waiting 30 seconds... --------------");
                // wait 30 seconds to show jobs
                Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000);
                // executing...
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException)

            // shut down the scheduler
            log.Info("------- Shutting Down ---------------------");
            log.Info("------- Shutdown Complete -----------------");

            SchedulerMetaData metaData = sched.GetMetaData();

            log.Info(string.Format("Executed {0} jobs.", metaData.NumJobsExecuted));
Example #18
        public async Task Test(IScheduler scheduler, bool clearJobs, bool scheduleJobs)
                if (clearJobs)
                    await scheduler.Clear();

                if (scheduleJobs)
                    ICalendar cronCalendar    = new CronCalendar("0/5 * * * * ?");
                    ICalendar holidayCalendar = new HolidayCalendar();

                    // QRTZNET-86
                    ITrigger t = await scheduler.GetTrigger(new TriggerKey("NonExistingTrigger", "NonExistingGroup"));


                    AnnualCalendar cal = new AnnualCalendar();
                    cal.SetDayExcluded(new DateTime(2018, 7, 4), true);
                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("annualCalendar", cal, false, true);

                    IOperableTrigger calendarsTrigger = new SimpleTriggerImpl("calendarsTrigger", "test", 20, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5));
                    calendarsTrigger.CalendarName = "annualCalendar";

                    JobDetailImpl jd = new JobDetailImpl("testJob", "test", typeof(NoOpJob));
                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(jd, calendarsTrigger);

                    // QRTZNET-93
                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("annualCalendar", cal, true, true);

                    var annualCalendar = (AnnualCalendar)await scheduler.GetCalendar("annualCalendar");

                    Assert.That(annualCalendar.Description, Is.EqualTo(cal.Description));
                    Assert.That(annualCalendar.DaysExcluded, Is.EquivalentTo(cal.DaysExcluded));

                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("baseCalendar", new BaseCalendar(), false, true);

                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("cronCalendar", cronCalendar, false, true);

                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("dailyCalendar", new DailyCalendar(DateTime.Now.Date, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1)), false, true);

                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("holidayCalendar", holidayCalendar, false, true);

                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("monthlyCalendar", new MonthlyCalendar(), false, true);

                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("weeklyCalendar", new WeeklyCalendar(), false, true);

                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("cronCalendar", cronCalendar, true, true);

                    await scheduler.AddCalendar("holidayCalendar", holidayCalendar, true, true);


                    JobDetailImpl lonelyJob = new JobDetailImpl("lonelyJob", "lonelyGroup", typeof(SimpleRecoveryJob));
                    lonelyJob.Durable          = true;
                    lonelyJob.RequestsRecovery = true;
                    await scheduler.AddJob(lonelyJob, false);

                    await scheduler.AddJob(lonelyJob, true);

                    string schedId = scheduler.SchedulerInstanceId;

                    int count = 1;

                    JobDetailImpl job = new JobDetailImpl("job_" + count, schedId, typeof(SimpleRecoveryJob));

                    // ask scheduler to re-Execute this job if it was in progress when
                    // the scheduler went down...
                    job.RequestsRecovery = true;
                    IOperableTrigger trigger = new SimpleTriggerImpl("trig_" + count, schedId, 20, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
                    trigger.JobDataMap.Add("key", "value");
                    trigger.EndTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(10);

                    trigger.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1000L);
                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

                    // check that trigger was stored
                    ITrigger persisted = await scheduler.GetTrigger(new TriggerKey("trig_" + count, schedId));

                    Assert.IsTrue(persisted is SimpleTriggerImpl);

                    job = new JobDetailImpl("job_" + count, schedId, typeof(SimpleRecoveryJob));
                    // ask scheduler to re-Execute this job if it was in progress when
                    // the scheduler went down...
                    job.RequestsRecovery = true;
                    trigger = new SimpleTriggerImpl("trig_" + count, schedId, 20, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                    trigger.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(2000L);
                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

                    job = new JobDetailImpl("job_" + count, schedId, typeof(SimpleRecoveryStatefulJob));
                    // ask scheduler to re-Execute this job if it was in progress when
                    // the scheduler went down...
                    job.RequestsRecovery = true;
                    trigger = new SimpleTriggerImpl("trig_" + count, schedId, 20, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

                    trigger.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1000L);
                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

                    job = new JobDetailImpl("job_" + count, schedId, typeof(SimpleRecoveryJob));
                    // ask scheduler to re-Execute this job if it was in progress when
                    // the scheduler went down...
                    job.RequestsRecovery = true;
                    trigger = new SimpleTriggerImpl("trig_" + count, schedId, 20, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4));

                    trigger.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1000L);
                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

                    job = new JobDetailImpl("job_" + count, schedId, typeof(SimpleRecoveryJob));
                    // ask scheduler to re-Execute this job if it was in progress when
                    // the scheduler went down...
                    job.RequestsRecovery = true;
                    trigger = new SimpleTriggerImpl("trig_" + count, schedId, 20, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(4500));
                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

                    job = new JobDetailImpl("job_" + count, schedId, typeof(SimpleRecoveryJob));
                    // ask scheduler to re-Execute this job if it was in progress when
                    // the scheduler went down...
                    job.RequestsRecovery = true;
                    IOperableTrigger ct = new CronTriggerImpl("cron_trig_" + count, schedId, "0/10 * * * * ?");
                    ct.JobDataMap.Add("key", "value");
                    ct.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1000);

                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, ct);

                    job = new JobDetailImpl("job_" + count, schedId, typeof(SimpleRecoveryJob));
                    // ask scheduler to re-Execute this job if it was in progress when
                    // the scheduler went down...
                    job.RequestsRecovery = true;

                    var timeZone1 = TimeZoneUtil.FindTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time");
                    var timeZone2 = TimeZoneUtil.FindTimeZoneById("Mountain Standard Time");

                    DailyTimeIntervalTriggerImpl nt = new DailyTimeIntervalTriggerImpl("nth_trig_" + count, schedId, new TimeOfDay(1, 1, 1), new TimeOfDay(23, 30, 0), IntervalUnit.Hour, 1);
                    nt.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.Now.Date.AddMilliseconds(1000);
                    nt.TimeZone     = timeZone1;

                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, nt);

                    var loadedNt = (IDailyTimeIntervalTrigger)await scheduler.GetTrigger(nt.Key);

                    Assert.That(loadedNt.TimeZone.Id, Is.EqualTo(timeZone1.Id));

                    nt.TimeZone = timeZone2;
                    await scheduler.RescheduleJob(nt.Key, nt);

                    loadedNt = (IDailyTimeIntervalTrigger)await scheduler.GetTrigger(nt.Key);

                    Assert.That(loadedNt.TimeZone.Id, Is.EqualTo(timeZone2.Id));

                    DailyTimeIntervalTriggerImpl nt2 = new DailyTimeIntervalTriggerImpl();
                    nt2.Key          = new TriggerKey("nth_trig2_" + count, schedId);
                    nt2.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.Now.Date.AddMilliseconds(1000);
                    nt2.JobKey       = job.Key;
                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(nt2);

                    // GitHub issue #92
                    await scheduler.GetTrigger(nt2.Key);

                    // GitHub issue #98
                    nt2.StartTimeOfDay = new TimeOfDay(1, 2, 3);
                    nt2.EndTimeOfDay   = new TimeOfDay(2, 3, 4);

                    await scheduler.UnscheduleJob(nt2.Key);

                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(nt2);

                    var triggerFromDb = (IDailyTimeIntervalTrigger)await scheduler.GetTrigger(nt2.Key);

                    Assert.That(triggerFromDb.StartTimeOfDay.Hour, Is.EqualTo(1));
                    Assert.That(triggerFromDb.StartTimeOfDay.Minute, Is.EqualTo(2));
                    Assert.That(triggerFromDb.StartTimeOfDay.Second, Is.EqualTo(3));

                    Assert.That(triggerFromDb.EndTimeOfDay.Hour, Is.EqualTo(2));
                    Assert.That(triggerFromDb.EndTimeOfDay.Minute, Is.EqualTo(3));
                    Assert.That(triggerFromDb.EndTimeOfDay.Second, Is.EqualTo(4));

                    job.RequestsRecovery = true;
                    CalendarIntervalTriggerImpl intervalTrigger = new CalendarIntervalTriggerImpl(
                        "calint_trig_" + count,
                    intervalTrigger.JobKey = job.Key;

                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(intervalTrigger);

                    // custom time zone
                    const string CustomTimeZoneId = "Custom TimeZone";
                    var          webTimezone      = TimeZoneInfo.CreateCustomTimeZone(

                    TimeZoneUtil.CustomResolver = id =>
                        if (id == CustomTimeZoneId)

                    var customTimeZoneTrigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                                                .WithCronSchedule("0/5 * * * * ?", x => x.InTimeZone(webTimezone))

                    await scheduler.ScheduleJob(customTimeZoneTrigger);

                    var loadedCustomTimeZoneTrigger = (ICronTrigger)await scheduler.GetTrigger(customTimeZoneTrigger.Key);

                    Assert.That(loadedCustomTimeZoneTrigger.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(22)));

                    // bulk operations
                    var        info     = new Dictionary <IJobDetail, IReadOnlyCollection <ITrigger> >();
                    IJobDetail detail   = new JobDetailImpl("job_" + count, schedId, typeof(SimpleRecoveryJob));
                    ITrigger   simple   = new SimpleTriggerImpl("trig_" + count, schedId, 20, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(4500));
                    var        triggers = new List <ITrigger>();
                    info[detail] = triggers;

                    await scheduler.ScheduleJobs(info, true);

                    Assert.IsTrue(await scheduler.CheckExists(detail.Key));
                    Assert.IsTrue(await scheduler.CheckExists(simple.Key));

                    // QRTZNET-243
                    await scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupContains("a").DeepClone());

                    await scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupEndsWith("a").DeepClone());

                    await scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupStartsWith("a").DeepClone());

                    await scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupEquals("a").DeepClone());

                    await scheduler.GetTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher <TriggerKey> .GroupContains("a").DeepClone());

                    await scheduler.GetTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher <TriggerKey> .GroupEndsWith("a").DeepClone());

                    await scheduler.GetTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher <TriggerKey> .GroupStartsWith("a").DeepClone());

                    await scheduler.GetTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher <TriggerKey> .GroupEquals("a").DeepClone());

                    await scheduler.Start();

                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

                    await scheduler.PauseAll();

                    await scheduler.ResumeAll();

                    await scheduler.PauseJob(new JobKey("job_1", schedId));

                    await scheduler.ResumeJob(new JobKey("job_1", schedId));

                    await scheduler.PauseJobs(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupEquals(schedId));

                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

                    await scheduler.ResumeJobs(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupEquals(schedId));

                    await scheduler.PauseTrigger(new TriggerKey("trig_2", schedId));

                    await scheduler.ResumeTrigger(new TriggerKey("trig_2", schedId));

                    await scheduler.PauseTriggers(GroupMatcher <TriggerKey> .GroupEquals(schedId));

                    var pausedTriggerGroups = await scheduler.GetPausedTriggerGroups();

                    Assert.AreEqual(1, pausedTriggerGroups.Count);

                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

                    await scheduler.ResumeTriggers(GroupMatcher <TriggerKey> .GroupEquals(schedId));

                    Assert.IsNotNull(scheduler.GetTrigger(new TriggerKey("trig_2", schedId)));
                    Assert.IsNotNull(scheduler.GetJobDetail(new JobKey("job_1", schedId)));

                    var genericjobKey = new JobKey("genericJob", "genericGroup");
                    var genericJob = JobBuilder.Create <GenericJobType>()

                    await scheduler.AddJob(genericJob, false);

                    genericJob = await scheduler.GetJobDetail(genericjobKey);

                    Assert.That(genericJob, Is.Not.Null);
                    await scheduler.TriggerJob(genericjobKey);


                    Assert.That(GenericJobType.TriggeredCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
                    await scheduler.Standby();

                    CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty(await scheduler.GetCalendarNames());
                    CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty(await scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupEquals(schedId)));

                    CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty(await scheduler.GetTriggersOfJob(new JobKey("job_2", schedId)));
                    Assert.IsNotNull(scheduler.GetJobDetail(new JobKey("job_2", schedId)));

                    await scheduler.DeleteCalendar("cronCalendar");

                    await scheduler.DeleteCalendar("holidayCalendar");

                    await scheduler.DeleteJob(new JobKey("lonelyJob", "lonelyGroup"));

                    await scheduler.DeleteJob(job.Key);

                    await scheduler.GetJobGroupNames();

                    await scheduler.GetCalendarNames();

                    await scheduler.GetTriggerGroupNames();

                    await TestMatchers(scheduler);
                await scheduler.Shutdown(false);
Example #19
        public static void TestQuarz()
            #region 测试验证
            //  Common.Config.PropertiesParser.ReadFromFileResource("test.txt");
            // Run();
            //    Set();
            //     Console.Read();

            //  Quartzlog.LogManager.Adapter=new

            IScheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.GetDefaultScheduler();  //调度者

            WeeklyCalendar calendar = new WeeklyCalendar();
            calendar.SetDayExcluded(DayOfWeek.Thursday, true);      //设置每周五不能执行;

            HolidayCalendar daycalendar = new HolidayCalendar();
            daycalendar.AddExcludedDate(DateTime.Now);             //只取日   DateTime.Now.Day

            MonthlyCalendar monthcalendar = new MonthlyCalendar();
            monthcalendar.SetDayExcluded(16, true);                //只取月   DateTime.Now.Month

            AnnualCalendar annualCalendar = new AnnualCalendar();
            annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(DateTime.Now, true);               //只取年月日   DateTime.Now.Year

            CronCalendar cronCalendar = new CronCalendar("* * * 17 6 ?");    //6月17 不执行

            scheduler.AddCalendar("mycalendar", calendar, true, true);       //设置每周五不能执行;
            scheduler.AddCalendar("mycalendar", daycalendar, true, true);    //某一天不执行
            scheduler.AddCalendar("mycalendar", monthcalendar, true, true);  //某每月某一天不执行
            scheduler.AddCalendar("mycalendar", annualCalendar, true, true); //每年某一月某一日不执行

            scheduler.AddCalendar("mycalendar", cronCalendar, true, true);   //每年某一月某一日不执行

            var job = JobBuilder.Create <LxshJob>().WithDescription("Job")
                      .WithIdentity("lxshJob", "lxshGroup")
                      .UsingJobData("userName", "Joblxsh")
                      .Build();                             //任务

            var job1 = JobBuilder.Create <LxshJob>().WithDescription("Job")
                       .WithIdentity("lxshJob", "lxshGroup")
                       .UsingJobData("userName", "Joblxsh1")
                       .Build();                        //任务

            var trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create().StartNow()
                          .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInSeconds(1).WithRepeatCount(10))
                          // .WithCalendarIntervalSchedule(x=>x.WithIntervalInYears(1))
                          //   .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInSeconds(1).RepeatForever())
                          .WithDailyTimeIntervalSchedule(x =>
                x.OnDaysOfTheWeek(new DayOfWeek[2] {
                    DayOfWeek.Tuesday, DayOfWeek.Friday
                });                                                   //每周二或者周五执行
                .StartingDailyAt(TimeOfDay.HourAndMinuteOfDay(8, 00)) //   八点开始
                .EndingDailyAt(TimeOfDay.HourAndMinuteOfDay(18, 00))  //    十八点开始
                .WithIntervalInSeconds(1);                            // 每1s执行一次
                                                                      // .ModifiedByCalendar("mycalendar")
            var trigger1 = TriggerBuilder.Create().WithCronSchedule("* * * * * ?").Build();       //1秒执行一次
            var trigger2 = TriggerBuilder.Create().WithCronSchedule("0 * * * * ?").Build();       //1分钟执行一次
            var trigger3 = TriggerBuilder.Create().WithCronSchedule("0 0/30 8-20 * * ?").Build(); //30分钟检查一次 8-20点
            var trigger4 = TriggerBuilder.Create().WithCronSchedule("* * * * * ?").Build();

            // scheduler.ListenerManager.AddJobListener(new lxshJobLinstener(), GroupMatcher<JobKey>.AnyGroup());

            scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);  //开始调度任务
                                                  //    scheduler.GetTriggersOfJob(new JobKey("lxshJob")).Select(x =>x.Key.ToString() );

            #region WithCronSchedule
            //           --------------------------------------
            //   0 0 12 * * ? 每天12点触发

            //   0 15 10 ? **每天10点15分触发

            //   0 15 10 * * ? 每天10点15分触发

            //   0 15 10 * * ? *每天10点15分触发

            //   0 15 10 * * ? 2005 2005年每天10点15分触发

            // 0 * 14 * * ? 每天下午的 2点到2点59分每分触发

            // 0 0 / 5 14 * * ? 每天下午的 2点到2点59分(整点开始,每隔5分触发)

            // 0 0 / 5 14,18 * * ? 每天下午的 2点到2点59分(整点开始,每隔5分触发) 每天下午的 18点到18点59分(整点开始,每隔5分触发)

            // 0 0 - 5 14 * * ? 每天下午的 2点到2点05分每分触发

            // 0 10,44 14 ? 3 WED 3月分每周三下午的 2点10分和2点44分触发

            // 0 15 10 ? *MON - FRI 从周一到周五每天上午的10点15分触发

            // 0 15 10 15 * ? 每月15号上午10点15分触发

            // 0 15 10 L * ? 每月最后一天的10点15分触发

            // 0 15 10 ? *6L 每月最后一周的星期五的10点15分触发

            // 0 15 10 ? *6L 2002 - 2005 从2002年到2005年每月最后一周的星期五的10点15分触发

            // 0 15 10 ? *6#3         每月的第三周的星期五开始触发
            //    0 0 12 1 / 5 * ? 每月的第一个中午开始每隔5天触发一次

            // 0 11 11 11 11 ? 每年的11月11号 11点11分触发(光棍节)

Example #20
        public virtual async Task Run()
            ILog log = LogProvider.GetLogger(typeof(CalendarExample));

            log.Info("------- Initializing ----------------------");

            // First we must get a reference to a scheduler
            ISchedulerFactory sf    = new StdSchedulerFactory();
            IScheduler        sched = await sf.GetScheduler();

            log.Info("------- Initialization Complete -----------");

            log.Info("------- Scheduling Jobs -------------------");

            // Add the holiday calendar to the schedule
            AnnualCalendar holidays = new AnnualCalendar();

            // fourth of July (July 4)
            DateTime fourthOfJuly = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 7, 4);

            holidays.SetDayExcluded(fourthOfJuly, true);

            // halloween (Oct 31)
            DateTime halloween = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 10, 31);

            holidays.SetDayExcluded(halloween, true);

            // christmas (Dec 25)
            DateTime christmas = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 12, 25);

            holidays.SetDayExcluded(christmas, true);

            // tell the schedule about our holiday calendar
            await sched.AddCalendar("holidays", holidays, false, false);

            // schedule a job to run hourly, starting on halloween
            // at 10 am

            DateTimeOffset runDate = DateBuilder.DateOf(0, 0, 10, 31, 10);

            IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create <SimpleJob>()
                             .WithIdentity("job1", "group1")

            ISimpleTrigger trigger = (ISimpleTrigger)TriggerBuilder.Create()
                                     .WithIdentity("trigger1", "group1")
                                     .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInHours(1).RepeatForever())

            // schedule the job and print the first run date
            DateTimeOffset firstRunTime = await sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

            // print out the first execution date.
            // Note:  Since Halloween (Oct 31) is a holiday, then
            // we will not run until the next day! (Nov 1)
            log.Info($"{job.Key} will run at: {firstRunTime:r} and repeat: {trigger.RepeatCount} times, every {trigger.RepeatInterval.TotalSeconds} seconds");

            // All of the jobs have been added to the scheduler, but none of the jobs
            // will run until the scheduler has been started
            log.Info("------- Starting Scheduler ----------------");
            await sched.Start();

            // wait 30 seconds:
            // note:  nothing will run
            log.Info("------- Waiting 30 seconds... --------------");

            // wait 30 seconds to show jobs
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

            // executing...

            // shut down the scheduler
            log.Info("------- Shutting Down ---------------------");
            await sched.Shutdown(true);

            log.Info("------- Shutdown Complete -----------------");

            SchedulerMetaData metaData = await sched.GetMetaData();

            log.Info($"Executed {metaData.NumberOfJobsExecuted} jobs.");
Example #21
 static void InitializeAnnual(AnnualCalendar annualCalendar, IAnnualCalendar calendar)
     annualCalendar.TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(RegistryTimeZoneProvider.GetRegistryKeyNameByTimeZoneId(calendar.TimeZone));
     calendar.DatesExcluded.ForEach(time => annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(time, true));
     calendar.DatesIncluded.ForEach(time => annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(time, false));
Example #22
        private static async Task RunScheduler()
            // 创建作业调度器
            ISchedulerFactory factory   = new StdSchedulerFactory();
            IScheduler        scheduler = await factory.GetScheduler();

            // 开始运行调度器
            await scheduler.Start();

            // 创建一个作业
            IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create <HelloJob>()
                             .WithIdentity("job1", "jobGroup1")

            // 设置trigger开始时间
            var startAt = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            // 排除一天中的时间范围不执行
            DailyCalendar dailyCalendar = new DailyCalendar(DateBuilder.DateOf(21, 0, 0).DateTime, DateBuilder.DateOf(22, 0, 0).DateTime);

            // 排除星期中的一天或多天
            WeeklyCalendar weeklyCalendar = new WeeklyCalendar();

            weeklyCalendar.SetDayExcluded(DayOfWeek.Friday, true);

            // 指定特定的日期,精确到天
            HolidayCalendar holidayCalendar = new HolidayCalendar();
            var             holidayDateTime = new DateTime(2018, 11, 11);


            // 排除月份中的某天,可选值为1-31,精确到天
            MonthlyCalendar monthlyCalendar = new MonthlyCalendar();

            monthlyCalendar.SetDayExcluded(31, true);

            // 排除每年中的某天,精确到天
            AnnualCalendar annualCalendar = new AnnualCalendar();
            var            annualDateTime = new DateTime(2018, 11, 11);

            annualCalendar.SetDayExcluded(annualDateTime, true);

            // 使用表达式排除某些时间段不执行
            CronCalendar cronCalendar = new CronCalendar("* * * 24 3 ?");

            await scheduler.AddCalendar("calendar", cronCalendar, true, true);

            // trigger的附属信息
            var triggerDataMap = new JobDataMap();

            triggerDataMap.Add("name", "beck");

            // 创建触发器
            ITrigger trigger1 = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                                .WithIdentity("trigger1", "triggerGroup1")
                                .StartAt(DateBuilder.DateOf(18, 25, 40))
                                .WithDailyTimeIntervalSchedule(w => w
                                //.WithSimpleSchedule(w => w
                                //                .WithRepeatCount(20)
                                //                .WithIntervalInHours(1)
                                //                .WithMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithExistingCount())

            // 创建触发器
            ITrigger trigger2 = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                                .WithIdentity("trigger2", "triggerGroup1")
                                .WithCronSchedule("* * * 24-25 3 ?")

            // 加入作业调度器中
            await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger1);

            await scheduler.ScheduleJob(trigger2);

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));

            // 关闭scheduler
            await scheduler.Shutdown(true);