private static void AnnotationHighLevelAPI(PDFDoc doc) { // The following code snippet traverses all annotations in the document System.Console.WriteLine("Traversing all annotations in the document..."); string uri; int page_num = 1; for (PageIterator itr = doc.GetPageIterator(); itr.HasNext(); itr.Next()) { System.Console.WriteLine("Page " + page_num++ + ": "); Page page = itr.Current(); int num_annots = page.GetNumAnnots(); for (int i = 0; i < num_annots; ++i) { Annot annot = page.GetAnnot(i); if (!annot.IsValid()) { continue; } System.Console.WriteLine("Annot Type: " + annot.GetSDFObj().Get("Subtype").Value().GetName()); Rect bbox = annot.GetRect(); System.Console.WriteLine(" Position: " + bbox.x1 + ", " + bbox.y1 + ", " + bbox.x2 + ", " + bbox.y2); switch (annot.GetType()) { case Annot.Type.e_Link: { Link lnk = new Link(annot); Action action = lnk.GetAction(); if (!action.IsValid()) { continue; } if (action.GetType() == Action.Type.e_GoTo) { Destination dest = action.GetDest(); if (!dest.IsValid()) { System.Console.WriteLine(" Destination is not valid"); } else { int pg_num = dest.GetPage().GetIndex(); System.Console.WriteLine(" Links to: page number " + pg_num + " in this document"); } } else if (action.GetType() == Action.Type.e_URI) { uri = action.GetSDFObj().Get("URI").Value().GetAsPDFText(); System.Console.WriteLine(" Links to: " + uri); } // ... } break; case Annot.Type.e_Widget: break; case Annot.Type.e_FileAttachment: break; // ... default: break; } } } // Use the high-level API to create new annotations. Page first_page = doc.GetPage(1); // Create a hyperlink... Link hyperlink = Link.Create(doc, new Rect(85, 570, 503, 524), Action.CreateURI(doc, "")); first_page.AnnotPushBack(hyperlink); // Create an intra-document link... Action goto_page_3 = Action.CreateGoto(Destination.CreateFitH(doc.GetPage(3), 0)); Link link = Link.Create(doc, new Rect(85, 458, 503, 502), goto_page_3); // Set the annotation border width to 3 points... Annot.BorderStyle border_style = new Annot.BorderStyle(Annot.BorderStyle.Style.e_solid, 3, 0, 0); //link.SetBorderStyle(border_style); link.SetColor(new ColorPt(0, 0, 1)); // Add the new annotation to the first page first_page.AnnotPushBack(link); // Create a stamp annotation ... RubberStamp stamp = RubberStamp.Create(doc, new Rect(30, 30, 300, 200)); stamp.SetIcon("Draft"); first_page.AnnotPushBack(stamp); // Create a file attachment annotation (embed the 'peppers.jpg'). FileAttachment file_attach = FileAttachment.Create(doc, new Rect(80, 280, 200, 320), (input_path + "peppers.jpg")); first_page.AnnotPushBack(file_attach); Ink ink = Ink.Create(doc, new Rect(110, 10, 300, 200)); Point pt3 = new Point(110, 10); //pt3.x = 110; pt3.y = 10; ink.SetPoint(0, 0, pt3); pt3.x = 150; pt3.y = 50; ink.SetPoint(0, 1, pt3); pt3.x = 190; pt3.y = 60; ink.SetPoint(0, 2, pt3); pt3.x = 180; pt3.y = 90; ink.SetPoint(1, 0, pt3); pt3.x = 190; pt3.y = 95; ink.SetPoint(1, 1, pt3); pt3.x = 200; pt3.y = 100; ink.SetPoint(1, 2, pt3); pt3.x = 166; pt3.y = 86; ink.SetPoint(2, 0, pt3); pt3.x = 196; pt3.y = 96; ink.SetPoint(2, 1, pt3); pt3.x = 221; pt3.y = 121; ink.SetPoint(2, 2, pt3); pt3.x = 288; pt3.y = 188; ink.SetPoint(2, 3, pt3); ink.SetColor(new ColorPt(0, 1, 1), 3); first_page.AnnotPushBack(ink); }
static void CreateHighlightAnnots(Annotation annotation, System.Drawing.Color highlightColor, Document document, List <Rect> coveredRectsBefore, out List <Rect> coveredRectsAfter) { List <Quad> quads = annotation.Quads.Where(q => q.IsContainer == false).ToList(); List <int> pages = quads.Select(q => q.PageIndex).ToList().Distinct().ToList(); pages.Sort(); KnowledgeItem quotation = (KnowledgeItem)annotation.EntityLinks.Where(e => e.Indication == EntityLink.PdfKnowledgeItemIndication).FirstOrDefault().Source; string quotationText = quotation.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(quotationText)) { quotationText = quotation.CoreStatement; } bool TextAlreadyWrittenToAnAnnotation = false; coveredRectsAfter = coveredRectsBefore; double currentR = highlightColor.R; double currentG = highlightColor.G; double currentB = highlightColor.B; double currentA = highlightColor.A; ColorPt colorPt = new ColorPt( currentR / 255, currentG / 255, currentB / 255 ); double highlightOpacity = currentA / 255; foreach (int pageIndex in pages) { pdftron.PDF.Page page = document.GetPage(pageIndex); if (page == null) { continue; } if (!page.IsValid()) { continue; } List <Quad> quadsOnThisPage = annotation.Quads.Where(q => q.PageIndex == pageIndex && q.IsContainer == false).Distinct().ToList(); List <Rect> boxes = new List <Rect>(); foreach (Quad quad in quadsOnThisPage) { boxes.Add(new Rect(quad.MinX, quad.MinY, quad.MaxX, quad.MaxY)); } Annot newAnnot = null; // If we want to make the later annotation invisible, we should uncomment the following if then else, and comment out the line after that if (boxes.Select(b => new { b.x1, b.y1, b.x2, b.y2 }).Intersect(coveredRectsAfter.Select(b => new { b.x1, b.y1, b.x2, b.y2 })).Count() == boxes.Count()) { newAnnot = CreateSingleHighlightAnnot(document, boxes, colorPt, 0); } else { newAnnot = CreateSingleHighlightAnnot(document, boxes, colorPt, highlightOpacity); } // newAnnot = CreateSingleHighlightAnnot(document, boxes, colorPt, highlightOpacity); if (!TextAlreadyWrittenToAnAnnotation) { newAnnot.SetContents(quotationText); TextAlreadyWrittenToAnAnnotation = true; } page.AnnotPushBack(newAnnot); if (newAnnot.IsValid() == false) { continue; } if (newAnnot.GetAppearance() == null) { newAnnot.RefreshAppearance(); } coveredRectsAfter.AddRange(boxes); } }