public void ImportData(string data, bool force_clear_old_audio_particles = false) { if (force_clear_old_audio_particles) ClearCachedAudioParticleInstances(true); var json_data = JSONObject.Parse(data, true); if (json_data != null) { m_animate_per = (AnimatePerOptions)(int)json_data["m_animate_per"].Number; m_display_axis = (TextDisplayAxis)(int)json_data["m_display_axis"].Number; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_begin_delay")) m_begin_delay = (float)json_data["m_begin_delay"].Number; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_begin_on_start")) m_begin_on_start = json_data["m_begin_on_start"].Boolean; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_character_size")) m_character_size = (float)json_data["m_character_size"].Number; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_line_height")) m_line_height_factor = (float)json_data["m_line_height"].Number; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_max_width")) m_max_width = (float)json_data["m_max_width"].Number; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_on_finish_action")) m_on_finish_action = (ON_FINISH_ACTION)(int)json_data["m_on_finish_action"].Number; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_px_offset")) m_px_offset = json_data["m_px_offset"].Obj.JSONtoVector2(); // if(json_data.ContainsKey("m_text")) m_text = json_data["m_text"].Str; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_text_alignment")) m_text_alignment = (TextAlignment)(int)json_data["m_text_alignment"].Number; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_text_anchor")) m_text_anchor = (TextAnchor)(int)json_data["m_text_anchor"].Number; if (json_data.ContainsKey("m_time_type")) m_time_type = (AnimationTime)(int)json_data["m_time_type"].Number; m_master_animations = new List<LetterAnimation>(); LetterAnimation letter_anim; foreach (var animation_data in json_data["LETTER_ANIMATIONS_DATA"].Array) { letter_anim = new LetterAnimation(); letter_anim.ImportData(animation_data.Obj); m_master_animations.Add(letter_anim); } } else // Import string is not valid JSON, therefore assuming it is in the legacy data import format. this.ImportLegacyData(data); if (!Application.isPlaying && m_text.Equals("")) m_text = "TextFx"; if (!m_text.Equals("")) SetText(m_text); ResetAnimation(); }
public void ImportData(string data, bool force_clear_old_audio_particles = false) { if(force_clear_old_audio_particles) ClearCachedAudioParticleInstances(true); Boomlagoon.JSON.JSONObject json_data = Boomlagoon.JSON.JSONObject.Parse(data, true); if(json_data != null) { m_animate_per = (AnimatePerOptions) (int) json_data["m_animate_per"].Number; if(json_data.ContainsKey("m_begin_delay")) m_begin_delay = (float) json_data["m_begin_delay"].Number; if(json_data.ContainsKey("m_begin_on_start")) m_begin_on_start = json_data["m_begin_on_start"].Boolean; if(json_data.ContainsKey("m_on_finish_action")) m_on_finish_action = (ON_FINISH_ACTION) (int) json_data["m_on_finish_action"].Number; if(json_data.ContainsKey("m_time_type")) m_time_type = (AnimationTime) (int) json_data["m_time_type"].Number; m_master_animations = new List<LetterAnimation>(); LetterAnimation letter_anim; foreach(Boomlagoon.JSON.JSONValue animation_data in json_data["LETTER_ANIMATIONS_DATA"].Array) { letter_anim = new LetterAnimation(); letter_anim.ImportData(animation_data.Obj, m_animation_interface_reference.AssetNameSuffix); m_master_animations.Add(letter_anim); } #if UNITY_EDITOR m_preset_effect_settings = new List<PresetEffectSetting>(); // Import any Quick setup settings info if(json_data.ContainsKey("PRESET_EFFECT_SETTINGS")) { PresetEffectSetting effectSetting; foreach(Boomlagoon.JSON.JSONValue effectSettingData in json_data["PRESET_EFFECT_SETTINGS"].Array) { effectSetting = new PresetEffectSetting(); effectSetting.ImportData(effectSettingData.Obj); m_preset_effect_settings.Add(effectSetting); } } #endif } else { // Import string is not valid JSON, therefore assuming it is in the legacy data import format. Debug.LogError("TextFx animation import failed. Non-valid JSON data provided"); this.ImportLegacyData(data); #if UNITY_EDITOR m_preset_effect_settings = new List<PresetEffectSetting>(); #endif } if(!Application.isPlaying && m_animation_interface_reference.Text.Equals("")) m_animation_interface_reference.SetText("TextFx"); PrepareAnimationData (); ResetAnimation(); // Update mesh m_animation_interface_reference.UpdateTextFxMesh(MeshVerts, MeshColours); #if UNITY_EDITOR SceneView.RepaintAll(); #endif }
private IEnumerator TimeDelay(float delay, AnimationTime time_type) { if (time_type == AnimationTime.GAME_TIME) yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay); else { float timer = 0; var last_time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; float delta_time; while (timer < delay) { delta_time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - last_time; if (delta_time > 0.1f) delta_time = 0.1f; timer += delta_time; last_time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return false; } } }
void OnGUI() { if (IsDebugMode) { GUILayout.Label("IsAnimating " + IsAnimating.ToString() + " - Time: " + AnimationTime.ToString()); GUILayout.Label("DebugRotation: " + DebugRotation.ToString()); GUILayout.Label("Animation Clip: " + + " [" + MyAnimation.length + "]"); GUILayout.Label("Bones To animate: " + BoneReferences.Count + " with " + MyBones.Count + " instructions"); GUILayout.Label("Bounds: " + MyAnimation.localBounds.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < BoneReferences.Count; i++) { if (BoneReferences[i]) { GUILayout.Label(i + ":" + BoneReferences[i].name); } else { GUILayout.Label(i + ": Is Null.."); } } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.X)) { for (int i = 0; i < MyBones.Count; i += 4) { if (i + 3 < MyBones.Count) { GUILayout.Label("[" + i + "]:[" + MyBones[i].PropertyName + "]" + "\t[" + (i + 1) + "]:[" + MyBones[i + 1].PropertyName + "]" + "\t[" + (i + 2) + "]:[" + MyBones[i + 2].PropertyName + "]" + "\t[" + (i + 3) + "]:[" + MyBones[i + 3].PropertyName + "]"); } } } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z)) { for (int i = 0; i < MyBones.Count; i += 4) { if (i + 3 < MyBones.Count) { GUILayout.Label("[" + i + "]:[" + MyBones[i] + "]" + "\t[" + (i + 1) + "]:[" + MyBones[i + 1] + "]" + "\t[" + (i + 2) + "]:[" + MyBones[i + 2] + "]" + "\t[" + (i + 3) + "]:[" + MyBones[i + 3] + "]"); } } } else { GUILayout.Label("Curves"); for (int i = 0; i < MyBones.Count; i += 4) { if (i + 3 < MyBones.Count) { //GUILayout.Label (MyBones[i].GetLabel()); GUILayout.Label(RoundTo2Dec(MyBones[i].MyCurve.Evaluate(AnimationTime)).ToString() + "\t" + RoundTo2Dec(MyBones[i + 1].MyCurve.Evaluate(AnimationTime)).ToString() + "\t" + RoundTo2Dec(MyBones[i + 2].MyCurve.Evaluate(AnimationTime)).ToString() + "\t" + RoundTo2Dec(MyBones[i + 3].MyCurve.Evaluate(AnimationTime)).ToString() ); } } } /*for (int i = 0; i <; i++) * { * GUILayout.Label([i].functionName); * }*/ /*for (int i = 0; i < MyCurveBindings.Length; i++) { * GUILayout.Label("CurveBinding: " + MyCurveBindings[i].propertyName + * ":" + MyCurveBindings[i].path); * // + ":" + MyCurveBindings[i].isPPtrCurve); * }*/ } }