public static void Drag(AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject, BaseTrack track, TrackEvent trackEvent, int framesDif, int minFrame, int maxFrame)
            if (Mathf.Abs(framesDif) > 0)
                var newStartFrame = trackEvent.StartFrame + framesDif;
                var newEndFrame   = trackEvent.EndFrame + framesDif;

                if (trackEvent.IsDragged)
                    var eventLenth = trackEvent.Length;
                    trackEvent.StartFrame = Mathf.Clamp(newStartFrame, minFrame, maxFrame - eventLenth);
                    trackEvent.EndFrame   = Mathf.Clamp(newEndFrame, trackEvent.StartFrame + eventLenth, maxFrame);

                if (OnEventDragged != null)
                    OnEventDragged(new EventSelectionHolder()
                        AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject,
                        Event = trackEvent,
                        Track = track
    /// <summary>
    /// Attack logic for Characters, makes the Character use abilities, attacks and retargets if the target it was attacking died;
    /// </summary>
    private void CharacterAttackLogic()
        // cast both the owner and target so we can access the Character / Monster properties
        Character owner_cast  = owner as Character;
        Monster   target_cast = targetedObject as Monster;

        owner_cast.CurrentWeapon.IsAttacking = true;
        GameObjectList monsterList = currentLevel.GameWorld.Find("monsterLIST") as GameObjectList;

        // if our ability is not on cooldown we use it.
        if (!owner_cast.CurrentWeapon.AbilityMain.IsOnCooldown)
            owner_cast.CurrentWeapon.UseMainAbility(monsterList, currentLevel.TileField);
        // otherwise perform a normal strike
            owner_cast.CurrentWeapon.Attack(monsterList, currentLevel.TileField);

        // if the target is dead we set the targetedobject to null and wait for another monster to enter our LOS again
        if (target_cast.IsDead)
            targetedObject = null;
        public static void DrawTrackSection(AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject, BaseTrack track, Rect trackRect, TimeLineParameters parameters)
            DrawTrackMenu(animatedGameObject, track);
            var eventsRect = new Rect(185f, 0, trackRect.width - 205f, RowHeight);

            var events       = track.Events.Where(evt => evt.StartFrame <parameters.MaxFrame && evt.EndFrame> parameters.MinFrame).OrderBy(evt => evt.StartFrame).ToList();
            var lastEndFrame = parameters.MinFrame;

            for (int i = 0; i < events.Count; i++)
                var trackEvent = events[i];
                if (trackEvent.StartFrame > lastEndFrame)
                    DrawEmptyEvent(animatedGameObject, track, eventsRect, lastEndFrame, trackEvent.StartFrame, parameters);

                var minFrame = i == 0 ? parameters.MinFrame : events[i - 1].EndFrame;
                var maxFrame = i == events.Count - 1 ? parameters.MaxFrame : events[i + 1].StartFrame;
                DrawTrackEvent(animatedGameObject, track, trackEvent, eventsRect, parameters, minFrame, maxFrame, i);
                lastEndFrame = trackEvent.EndFrame;
                if (i == events.Count - 1 && trackEvent.EndFrame < parameters.MaxFrame)
                    DrawEmptyEvent(animatedGameObject, track, eventsRect, lastEndFrame, parameters.MaxFrame, parameters);
            Handles.color =;
            Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(0, trackRect.height - 1f), new Vector3(trackRect.width, trackRect.height - 1f));
Example #4
        public GetBallOverlay() : base()
            giftBox = new AnimatedGameObject(Depth.GiftBox);
            giftBox.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Animations/spr_animation_getball@4x3", "box", false, 0.05f);
            giftBox.PlayAnimation("box", true);
            giftBox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(320, 600);

            glowing = new AnimatedGameObject(Depth.OverlayButton2);
            glowing.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Animations/spr_animation_glowing@5x2", "glowing", true, 0.1f);
            glowing.PlayAnimation("glowing", true);
            glowing.LocalPosition = new Vector2(350, 500);

            background = new SpriteGameObject("Sprites/Backgrounds/spr_getball", Depth.OverlayBackground2);

            message = new TextGameObject("Fonts/GetBall", Depth.OverlayMessage, Color.White, TextGameObject.HorizontalAlignment.Center, TextGameObject.VerticalAlignment.Center);
            message.Visible       = false;
            message.Text          = "Click to get ball";
            message.LocalPosition = new Vector2(350, 900);

            fireWorkMaker = new ListStar(Depth.RandomBall + 0.001f);
Example #5
        public void readMouseToAim(AnimatedGameObject gameObject)
            float rel        = MOUSE.SC.X - Screen.width / 2;
            float percentage = rel / Screen.width * 100;

            percentage           = percentage * percentage * (percentage * 0.001f);
            gameObject.rotation += percentage / sensitivity;
        public void Init(EditorParameters parameters, EventParameters eventParameters, Sequence selectedSequence = null, AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject = null, BaseTrack track = null, TrackEvent trackEvent = null)
            _eventParameters    = eventParameters;
            _sequenceName       = selectedSequence == null ? string.Empty :;
            _animatedGameObject = animatedGameObject;
            _track      = track;
            _trackEvent = trackEvent;

            _lastEditorParameters = parameters;
        public static void OnDraw(TimeLineParameters parameters, AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject, Rect controlRect)
            Handles.color = new Color(153f / 256f, 153f / 256f, 153f / 256, 1f);
            var ctrRect1 = new Rect(0, 0, controlRect.width - 10f, RowHeight);
            var ctrRect2 = new Rect(0, 0, 10f, controlRect.height);

            Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(ctrRect1, Color.white, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
            Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(ctrRect2, Color.white, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
            Handles.color =;
            Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(0, 0), new Vector3(controlRect.width - 10f, 0));
            Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(10f, RowHeight), new Vector3(controlRect.width - 10f, RowHeight));

            EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(190), GUILayout.Height(RowHeight));
            animatedGameObject.Toggled = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(animatedGameObject.Toggled,;
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
            if (GUILayout.Button("Add", EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown, GUILayout.Width(40), GUILayout.Height(RowHeight)))
                var         mPos      = Event.current.mousePosition;
                GenericMenu toolsMenu = new GenericMenu();
                toolsMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add animation track"), false, OnAddAnimationTrack, animatedGameObject);
                toolsMenu.DropDown(new Rect(mPos.x, mPos.y, 0, 0));
            var rect = new Rect(0, 0, 190, RowHeight);

            if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDownRect(rect, 1))
                var         mousePos  = Event.current.mousePosition;
                GenericMenu toolsMenu = new GenericMenu();
                toolsMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Remove GameObject"), false, RemoveGameObject, animatedGameObject);
                toolsMenu.DropDown(new Rect(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, 0));

            if (animatedGameObject.Toggled)
                var lastTrackPosition = RowHeight;
                foreach (var track in animatedGameObject.Tracks)
                    var trackRect = new Rect(10f, lastTrackPosition, controlRect.width, RowHeight);
                    DrawTrackSection(animatedGameObject, track, trackRect, parameters);
                    lastTrackPosition += RowHeight;

            Handles.color =;
            Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(2f, new Vector3(195f, 0), new Vector3(195f, controlRect.height));
Example #8
        private AnimatedGameObject CreateClearRowEffect()
            AnimatedGameObject newObject = new AnimatedGameObject(Depth.Effect);

            newObject.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Animations/spr_animation_item_break_horizontal@1x11", "row", false, 0.01f);
            newObject.PlayAnimation("row", true);
            newObject.LocalPosition = new Vector2(350, 200 + Row * 100);

Example #9
        private AnimatedGameObject CreateClearColumnEffect()
            AnimatedGameObject newObject = new AnimatedGameObject(Depth.Effect);

            newObject.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Animations/spr_animation_item_break_vertical@9", "col", false, 0.01f);
            newObject.PlayAnimation("col", true);
            newObject.LocalPosition = new Vector2(50 + column * 100, 600);

Example #10
 public void spawnBackground(int count)
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         float              x          = RANDOM.random.Next(0, 5000);
         float              y          = RANDOM.random.Next(0, 5000);
         Vector2            position   = new Vector2(x, y);
         AnimatedGameObject gameObject = new AnimatedGameObject(position, Res.treeAnim);
Example #11
        public void rotateObject(AnimatedGameObject gameObject)
            if (KEYBOARD.KeyDown(rotateAntiClockwise))
                gameObject.rotation -= rotationSpeed;

            if (KEYBOARD.KeyDown(rotateClockwise))
                gameObject.rotation += rotationSpeed;
 //scrolling left through the selection is -1
 public void ChangeSpriteLeft(AnimatedGameObject obj, int animationIndex, int index)
     if (animationIndex == 1)
         characterSelectIndex[index] = 4;
         characterSelectIndex[index] -= 1;
     obj.PlayAnimation("maiden" + characterSelectIndex[index].ToString());
     borderSprites[index].GetColor = lockInColor[(characterSelectIndex[index] - 1) * 2];
    public void JoinPlayer(int controlsnr)
        //make and load in the animations
        characterSprites[playersjoined] = new AnimatedGameObject(2);
        characterSprites[playersjoined].LoadAnimation("Assets/Sprites/Character selection/shieldmaiden_default", "maiden1", true);
        characterSprites[playersjoined].LoadAnimation("Assets/Sprites/Character selection/shieldmaiden_blue", "maiden2", true);
        characterSprites[playersjoined].LoadAnimation("Assets/Sprites/Character selection/shieldmaiden_green", "maiden3", true);
        characterSprites[playersjoined].LoadAnimation("Assets/Sprites/Character selection/shieldmaiden_orange", "maiden4", true);

        //position of the sprites
        characterSprites[playersjoined].Position = new Vector2(borderSprites[playersjoined].Position.X + borderSprites[playersjoined].Width / 2, borderSprites[playersjoined].Position.Y + 100);

        //play all the different animations
        characterSprites[playersjoined].PlayAnimation("maiden" + (playersjoined + 1));

        //Add the index number of the selected animation
        characterSelectIndex[playersjoined] = playersjoined + 1;

        //Change color of background accordingly to the playing animation
        borderSprites[playersjoined].GetColor = lockInColor[(characterSelectIndex[playersjoined] - 1) * 2];

        //Place the ready sprite
        readySprite[playersjoined]          = new AnimatedGameObject(2);
        readySprite[playersjoined].Position = new Vector2(borderSprites[playersjoined].Position.X + borderSprites[playersjoined].Width / 2, borderSprites[playersjoined].Position.Y + borderSprites[playersjoined].Height / 7 * 6);
        readySprite[playersjoined].LoadAnimation("Assets/Sprites/Character selection/Ready-not", "notReady", true);
        readySprite[playersjoined].LoadAnimation("Assets/Sprites/Character selection/Ready!", "Ready", true);

        //link the controlnumber to the bordernumber
        playerborder.Add(controlsnr, playersjoined); //playersjoined is the same as the border number in this method

        //load in Controls  Sprite
        if (controlsnr <= 1) //0 and 1 is keyboard
            controlSprites[playersjoined] = new SpriteGameObject("Assets/Sprites/Character selection/ControllerParchment/KeyboardControls2-2long400", 2);
        if (controlsnr >= 2) //2 to 5 is xbox
            controlSprites[playersjoined] = new SpriteGameObject("Assets/Sprites/Character selection/ControllerParchment/XboxControlled1long3-400", 2);

        controlSprites[playersjoined].Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X / 4 * playersjoined + 40, 450);

 //scrolling right through the selection is +1
 public void ChangeSpriteRight(AnimatedGameObject obj, int animationIndex, int index)
     //Check if the index is not at max, if so change the index number to the lowest number (=1)
     if (animationIndex == 4)
         characterSelectIndex[index] = 1;
         characterSelectIndex[index] += 1;
     obj.PlayAnimation("maiden" + characterSelectIndex[index].ToString());
     borderSprites[index].GetColor = lockInColor[(characterSelectIndex[index] - 1) * 2];
Example #15
 public Bar(int t, string id, int layer = 9, int sheetIndex = 1)
     : base("Sprites/bar2", layer, id, sheetIndex)
     playsound     = true;
     type          = t;
     this.Position = new Vector2(20, 30 * t);
     if (type == 4)
         this.position += new Vector2(0, 20);
     barPart = WifiWars.AssetManager.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/bar");
     car     = new AnimatedGameObject();
     car.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Police@2", "car", true);
     resource      = 0;
     totalResource = 1000;
Example #16
        public void searchForTarget()
            // TODO Perform this search over a few frames
            for (int i = 0; i <; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <[i].characters.Count; j++)
                    AnimatedGameObject enemyChar =[i].characters[j] as AnimatedGameObject;
                    float distanceToEnemy        = Vector2.Distance(character._position, enemyChar._position);

                    if (distanceToEnemy < visionRange)
                        spotTarget(enemyChar as GenericCharacter);
Example #17
        public void chaseCam(AnimatedGameObject gameObject)
            position = gameObject.position;
            float difference = gameObject.rotation - this.rotation;

            if (Math.Abs(difference) > Trig.PI)
                if (rotation < Trig.PI)
                    difference = -(Trig.PI_Two - Math.Abs(difference));
                    difference = (Trig.PI_Two - Math.Abs(difference));

            rotation += ((difference) / sensitivity);
            position  = Trig.MoveToCurrentDirection(position, rotation, -distanceBehind);
    /// <summary>
    ///  Method that sets the targetedobject to the closest target currently from the owner
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="targets">list with the potential targets to attack</param>
    public void TargetClosest(List <AnimatedGameObject> targets)
        float closestTargetDistance = 0;

        foreach (AnimatedGameObject target in targets)
            Vector2 positionDifference = owner.Position - target.Position;
            float   targetDistance     = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(positionDifference.X, 2) + Math.Pow(positionDifference.Y, 2));
            if (targetDistance > sightRange)

            if (closestTargetDistance == 0 || targetDistance < closestTargetDistance)
                closestTargetDistance = targetDistance;
                targetedObject        = target;
        private static void DrawTrackMenu(AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject, BaseTrack track)
            var rect = new Rect(0, 0, 185f, RowHeight);

            if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDownRect(rect, 1))
                var         mousePos  = Event.current.mousePosition;
                GenericMenu toolsMenu = new GenericMenu();
                toolsMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Remove Track"), false, OnRemoveTrack, new RemoveTrackHolder()
                    Track = track, AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject
                var animationTrack = track as AnimationTrack;
                if (animationTrack != null)
                    toolsMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Generate State Machine"), false, OnGenerateTrack, animationTrack);
                toolsMenu.DropDown(new Rect(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, 0));
        private static void DrawEmptyEvent(AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject, BaseTrack track, Rect eventsRect, int startFrame, int endFrame, TimeLineParameters parameters)
            var frameLength = parameters.MaxFrame - parameters.MinFrame;
            var x_dif       = eventsRect.width / frameLength;

            var startFr = startFrame - parameters.MinFrame;
            var start   = Mathf.Clamp(startFr, 0, frameLength);
            var end     = Mathf.Clamp(endFrame - startFr - parameters.MinFrame, 0, frameLength);
            var rect    = new Rect(start * x_dif, 0, end * x_dif, RowHeight);

            if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDownRect(rect, 1))
                var         mousePos  = Event.current.mousePosition;
                GenericMenu toolsMenu = new GenericMenu();
                toolsMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add new event"), false, OnAddEvent, new AddEventHolder()
                    StartFrame = startFrame, EndFrame = endFrame, Track = track, AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject
                toolsMenu.DropDown(new Rect(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, 0));
Example #21
        public void controlObject(AnimatedGameObject gameObject)
            if (KEYBOARD.KeyDown(forwardKey))
                gameObject._position = Trig.MoveToCurrentDirection(gameObject._position, gameObject.rotation, movementSpeed);

            if (KEYBOARD.KeyDown(backwardKey))
                gameObject._position = Trig.MoveToCurrentDirection(gameObject._position, gameObject.rotation, -movementSpeed);

            if (KEYBOARD.KeyDown(leftKey))
                gameObject._position = Trig.MoveToCurrentDirection(gameObject._position, gameObject.rotation - Trig.PI_Half, movementSpeed);

            if (KEYBOARD.KeyDown(rightKey))
                gameObject._position = Trig.MoveToCurrentDirection(gameObject._position, gameObject.rotation + Trig.PI_Half, movementSpeed);
Example #22
        public void Animate(GameTime gameTime, AnimatedGameObject animatedObject)
            if (!this.IsActive)
            this.Time += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            var speed = animatedObject.AnimationSpeed;
            var objectAsAttackObject = animatedObject as AttackingGameObject;

            if (objectAsAttackObject != null)
                if (objectAsAttackObject.AttackAnimation == this && this.IsActive)
                    speed = objectAsAttackObject.AttackSpeed;
            if (this.Time > (Constant.TimeForFrameInMilliSeconds * this.Rectangles.Length) / speed)
                this.Time = 0f;
                if (this.FrameIndex == this.Rectangles.Length)
                    this.FrameIndex = 0;
                    if (!this.IsLoop)
                        this.IsActive = false;
                        if ((animatedObject as AttackingGameObject) != null)
                            if ((animatedObject as AttackingGameObject).Health > 0)
                                animatedObject.IddleAnimation.IsActive = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Class that defines a Basic AI for the Dungeon Crawler game. Both for Characters and Monsters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="owner">The owner of this AI (and the thing that the AI perfoms it's operations on)</param>
 /// <param name="movementSpeed">Variable that determines how fast the AI moves</param>
 /// <param name="currentLevel">The current level the owner of the AI is currently in</param>
 /// <param name="isMonster">Bool that determines whether this AI follows monster or player logic</param>
 /// <param name="idleTime">Amount of time an AI waits after attacking</param>
 /// <param name="sightRange">Distance of the LOS of the AI</param>
 public BaseAI(AnimatedGameObject owner, float movementSpeed, Level currentLevel, bool isMonster = true, float sightRange = 200, float idleTime = 1.4F)
     idleTimer = new Timer(idleTime)
         IsExpired = true
     // assign the given variables to the local variables
     this.currentLevel  = currentLevel;
     this.isMonster     = isMonster;
     this.owner         = owner;
     this.movementSpeed = movementSpeed;
     this.sightRange    = sightRange;
     levelGrid          = currentLevel.TileField;
     // Find the potential targets of this AI
     if (isMonster)
         targetList = currentLevel.GameWorld.Find("playerLIST") as GameObjectList;
         targetList = currentLevel.GameWorld.Find("monsterLIST") as GameObjectList;
Example #24
 public void Animate(GameTime gameTime, AnimatedGameObject animatedObject)
     this.Time += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
     var speed = animatedObject.AnimationSpeed;
     var objectAsAttackObject = animatedObject as AttackingGameObject;
     if(objectAsAttackObject != null)
         if(objectAsAttackObject.AttackAnimation == this && this.IsActive)
             speed = objectAsAttackObject.AttackSpeed;
     if (this.Time > (Constant.TimeForFrameInMilliSeconds * this.Rectangles.Length) / speed)
         this.Time = 0f;
         if (this.FrameIndex == this.Rectangles.Length)
             this.FrameIndex = 0;
                 this.IsActive = false;
                 if ((animatedObject as AttackingGameObject) != null)
                     if ((animatedObject as AttackingGameObject).Health > 0)
                         animatedObject.IddleAnimation.IsActive = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Attack Logic method for monsters, attacks the character and finds a new target if the character it waas attacking got downed
    /// </summary>
    private void MonsterAttackLogic()
        // cast both the owner and target so we can access the Character / Monster properties
        Monster   owner_cast  = owner as Monster;
        Character target_cast = targetedObject as Character;

        // The Character is downed so we want to target a new Character
        if (target_cast.IsDowned)
            foreach (Character target in targetList.Children)
                // If the target is down, we do not want to target it so we continue to the next iteration in the loop.
                if (target.IsDowned)
                    targetedObject = target;
Example #26
 public FrameAnimation(string path, int frames, AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject)
     : base(path, frames, animatedGameObject)
Example #27
 public SpellContainer(AnimatedGameObject owner) : base(new SpellDef("container", 0, "container"), Vector2.Zero)
     State = Active;
Example #28
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            foreach (Enemy enemy in enemySpawner.Objects)
                if(enemy.CollidesWith(castle.mainCastle) || (enemy.Position.X - castle.mainCastle.Position.X) <= 150)
                    if (enemy.Health > 0)

                        if (enemy.GetType().Equals(typeof(Bat)))
                            castle.Health -= enemy.AttackDamage;
                            enemy.Health = 0;

                if (enemy.Health <= 0)
                    if(!enemy.IsDead) player.Money += enemy.MoneyDrop;

                //Als de enemy verwijderd moet worden, wordt de sprite onzichtbaar gemaakt. Hierna wordt deze verwijderd in de EnemySpawner class.
                if (enemy.ShouldDeleteEnemy())
                    enemy.Visible = false;

                if (enemy.Attack)
                    castle.Health -= enemy.AttackDamage;
                    enemy.Attack = false;

                for (int i = arrows.Objects.Count-1; i > 0; i--)
                    if (enemy.CollidesWith(arrows.Objects[i] as Arrow))
                        enemy.Health -= player.Weapon.Damage;

                for (int i = archerArrows.Objects.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                    if (enemy.CollidesWith(archerArrows.Objects[i] as Arrow))
                        enemy.Health -= (archerArrows.Objects[i] as Arrow).damage;

                if (boulder != null && IsOutsideRoomRight(boulder.Position.X, -30))
                    boulder.Visible = false;

                if (boulder != null && boulder.CollidesWith(enemy))
                    enemy.Health = 0;

            foreach (ClickableSpriteGameObject icon in statusBar.ClickableObjects.Objects)
                if (icon.Type == IconType.OverheadArrowsIcon && icon.Clickable && icon.Clicked)
                    // Tweak values;
                    int intervalXMin = 50;
                    int intervalXMax = 75;

                    int arrowDirectionXMin = 1;
                    int arrowDirectionXMax = 2;

                    int arrowDirectionYMin = 8;
                    int arrowDirectionYMax = 12;

                    int arrowSpawnYMin = -25;
                    int arrowSpawnYMax = -5;

                    int interval = random.Next(intervalXMin, intervalXMax);

                    for (int i = 100; i < InsaneKillerArcher.Screen.X - 100; i += interval)
                        Vector2 normalizedArrowDirection = new Vector2(random.Next(arrowDirectionXMin, arrowDirectionXMax), random.Next(arrowDirectionYMin, arrowDirectionYMax));

                        arrows.Add(new Arrow(new Vector2(i, random.Next(arrowSpawnYMin, arrowSpawnYMax)), normalizedArrowDirection, 100));

                if (icon.Type == IconType.RollingBoulderIcon && icon.Clickable && icon.Clicked)
                    int boulderStartPosX = 0;
                    int boulderStartPosY = InsaneKillerArcher.Screen.Y - 15;

                    int boulderVelX = 100;
                    int boulderVelY = 0;

                    boulder = new Boulder(new Vector2(boulderStartPosX, boulderStartPosY), new Vector2(boulderVelX, boulderVelY));

                if (icon.Type == IconType.BoilingOilIcon && icon.Clickable && icon.Clicked)
                    // do stuff if Boiling Oil is activated.


            foreach (BuyableGameObject upgrade in Store.upgrades)
                if (upgrade.Type == UpgradeType.CastleUpgrade && upgrade.IsActive)


                    upgrade.IsActive = false;

                if (upgrade.Type == UpgradeType.ArcherUpgrade && upgrade.IsActive)
                    int archerSpace = castle.CheckForArcherSpace();
                    if (!upgrade.Claimed)
                        castle.AskForArchers += 1;
                        upgrade.Claimed = true;
                    if (archerSpace != 0 && castle.AskForArchers != 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < castle.AskForArchers; i++)
                            Vector2 newArcherPosition = castle.GetNewArcherPosition();
                            if (newArcherPosition != Vector2.Zero)
                        upgrade.IsActive = false;


                if (upgrade.Type == UpgradeType.CatapultUpgrade && upgrade.IsActive)
                    int catapultSpace = castle.CheckForCatapultSpace();
                    castle.AskForCatapults += upgrade.Level;
                    if (catapultSpace != 0 && castle.AskForCatapults != 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < castle.AskForCatapults; i++)
                            Vector2 newCatapultPosition = castle.GetNewCatapultPosition();
                            if (newCatapultPosition != Vector2.Zero)
                        upgrade.IsActive = false;


            foreach (Arrow arrow in arrows.Objects)
                if (IsOutsideRoomLeft(arrow.Position.X, arrow.Width) || IsOutsideRoomRight(arrow.Position.X, arrow.Width))
                    arrow.Visible = false;

                foreach (SpriteGameObject ground in groundList.Objects)
                    if (arrow.CollidesWith(ground))
                        if (arrow.Active)
                            arrow.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;
                            arrow.Gravity = 0;

                            arrow.Active = false;
                        else if (arrow.deleteTimer > 120)
                            arrow.Visible = false;
                            arrow.deleteTimer ++;


            foreach (CatapultBoulder boulder in catapultBoulders.Objects)
                foreach (SpriteGameObject ground in groundList.Objects)

                    if (ground.CollidesWith(boulder))

                foreach (Enemy enemy in enemySpawner.Objects)
                    if (boulder.CollidesWith(enemy))
                        enemy.Health -= 100;
                        boulder.Visible = false;

                // cooldown voor het schieten staat hier.
                if (!canShoot)
                shootCooldownTimer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

                if (shootCooldownTimer >= shootCooldown)
                    shootCooldownTimer = 0;
                    canShoot = true;


            for (int i = gameObjects.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (!gameObjects[i].Visible)

            statusBar.MoneyCount = player.Money;

Example #29
 public FrameAnimation(string path, int frames, AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject)
     : base(path, frames, animatedGameObject)
Example #30
 public void faceMouse(AnimatedGameObject gameObject)
     gameObject.rotation = Trig.GetRadionsBetween(gameObject._position, mouseWC);
        private static void DrawTrackEvent(AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject, BaseTrack track, TrackEvent trackEvent, Rect eventsRect, TimeLineParameters parameters, int minFrame, int maxFrame, int index)
            var frameLength     = parameters.MaxFrame - parameters.MinFrame;
            var x_dif           = eventsRect.width / frameLength;
            var backgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor;

            GUI.backgroundColor = trackEvent.EventInnerColor;
            var evtStyle = FreeSequencerUtility.GetEventStyle();

            var startFr = trackEvent.StartFrame - parameters.MinFrame;
            var start   = Mathf.Clamp(startFr, 0, frameLength);
            var endFr   = trackEvent.EndFrame - parameters.MinFrame;
            var end     = endFr > 0 && frameLength > endFr ? endFr : frameLength;
            var rect    = new Rect(start * x_dif, 0, (end - start) * x_dif, RowHeight);

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                evtStyle.Draw(rect, false, trackEvent.IsActive, false, false);

            if (trackEvent.IsActive)
                var color = Handles.color;
                Handles.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.3f);
                Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(rect, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.3f), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
                Handles.color = color;


            var minRect = new Rect(start * x_dif, 0, 5f, RowHeight);
            var maxRect = new Rect(start * x_dif + (end - start) * x_dif - 5f, 0, 5f, RowHeight);

            if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDown())
                var wasDrag = false;
                if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDownRect(minRect) && !trackEvent.IsDragged)
                    wasDrag = trackEvent.IsMinDragged = true;

                if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDownRect(maxRect) && !trackEvent.IsDragged)
                    wasDrag = trackEvent.IsMaxDragged = true;

                if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDownRect(rect))
                    if (OnEventSelection != null)
                        var holder = new EventSelectionHolder()
                            AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject,
                            Event = trackEvent,
                            Track = track

                        holder.ResetSelection = !Event.current.shift;

                    trackEvent.InitialDraggedPosition = Event.current.mousePosition;
                    if (!trackEvent.IsMinDragged && !trackEvent.IsMaxDragged)
                        wasDrag = trackEvent.IsDragged = true;

                if (!wasDrag)
                    trackEvent.IsDragged    = false;
                    trackEvent.IsMinDragged = false;
                    trackEvent.IsMaxDragged = false;

            if (EditorHelper.GetMouseUp())
                trackEvent.IsDragged    = false;
                trackEvent.IsMinDragged = false;
                trackEvent.IsMaxDragged = false;

            if (trackEvent.IsMinDragged || trackEvent.IsMaxDragged || trackEvent.IsDragged)
                if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDrag())
                    var position        = Event.current.mousePosition;
                    var initialPosition = trackEvent.InitialDraggedPosition;

                    var difX      = initialPosition.x - position.x;
                    int framesDif = (int)(difX / x_dif) * -1;
                    if (Mathf.Abs(framesDif) > 0)
                        var newStartFrame = trackEvent.StartFrame + framesDif;
                        var newEndFrame   = trackEvent.EndFrame + framesDif;

                        if (trackEvent.IsMinDragged)
                            trackEvent.StartFrame = Mathf.Clamp(newStartFrame, minFrame, trackEvent.EndFrame - 1);

                        if (trackEvent.IsMaxDragged)
                            trackEvent.EndFrame = Mathf.Clamp(newEndFrame, trackEvent.StartFrame + 1, maxFrame);

                        if (trackEvent.IsDragged)
                            if (DraggedEvent != null)
                                DraggedEvent(new TrackEventDragHolder()
                                    AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject,
                                    TrackEvent         = trackEvent,
                                    Track = track,
                                    Step  = framesDif

                            /*var eventLenth = trackEvent.Length;
                             * trackEvent.StartFrame = Mathf.Clamp(newStartFrame, minFrame, maxFrame - eventLenth);
                             * trackEvent.EndFrame = Mathf.Clamp(newEndFrame, trackEvent.StartFrame + eventLenth, maxFrame);*/

                        if (OnEventDragged != null)
                            OnEventDragged(new EventSelectionHolder()
                                AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject,
                                Event = trackEvent,
                                Track = track
                        trackEvent.InitialDraggedPosition = position;

                var holder = new EventSelectionHolder()
                    AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject,
                    Event = trackEvent,
                    Track = track
                if (OnEventSelection != null)

            if (EditorHelper.GetMouseDownRect(rect, 1))
                var         mousePos  = Event.current.mousePosition;
                GenericMenu toolsMenu = new GenericMenu();
                toolsMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Remove event"), false, OnRemoveEvent, new RemoveEventHolder()
                    Event = trackEvent, Track = track, AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject
                if (index > 0)
                    var moveLeftHolder = new MoveHolder()
                        AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject,
                        Track     = track,
                        Event     = trackEvent,
                        MoveRight = false

                    toolsMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Move left"), false, OnMove, moveLeftHolder);

                if (index < track.Events.Count - 1)
                    var moveRightHolder = new MoveHolder()
                        AnimatedGameObject = animatedGameObject,
                        Track     = track,
                        Event     = trackEvent,
                        MoveRight = true
                    toolsMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Move right"), false, OnMove, moveRightHolder);

                toolsMenu.DropDown(new Rect(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, 0));

            GUI.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
Example #32
 public Sprite(string path, int frames, AnimatedGameObject animatedGameObject) : this(path, frames)
     this.Position = animatedGameObject.Position;