Example #1
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
            TextStyle style = theme.textTheme.subhead;

            if (!this.widget.enabled)
                style = style.copyWith(color: theme.disabledColor);

            Widget item = new AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
                style: style,
                duration: Constants.kThemeChangeDuration,
                child: new Baseline(
                    baseline: this.widget.height - PopupMenuUtils._kBaselineOffsetFromBottom,
                    baselineType: style.textBaseline,
                    child: this.buildChild()

            if (!this.widget.enabled)
                bool isDark = theme.brightness == Brightness.dark;
                item = IconTheme.merge(
                    data: new IconThemeData(opacity: isDark ? 0.5f : 0.38f),
                    child: item

            return(new InkWell(
                       onTap: this.widget.enabled ? this.handleTap : (GestureTapCallback)null,
                       child: new Container(
                           height: this.widget.height,
                           padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: PopupMenuUtils._kMenuHorizontalPadding),
                           child: item
Example #2
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            ThemeData          theme          = Theme.of(context);
            PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = PopupMenuTheme.of(context);
            TextStyle          style          = widget.textStyle ?? popupMenuTheme.textStyle ?? theme.textTheme.subtitle1;

            if (!widget.enabled)
                style = style.copyWith(color: theme.disabledColor);

            Widget item = new AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
                style: style,
                duration: material_.kThemeChangeDuration,
                child: new Container(
                    alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
                    constraints: new BoxConstraints(minHeight: widget.height),
                    padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: material_._kMenuHorizontalPadding),
                    child: buildChild()

            if (!widget.enabled)
                bool isDark = theme.brightness == Brightness.dark;
                item = IconTheme.merge(
                    data: new IconThemeData(opacity: isDark ? 0.5f : 0.38f),
                    child: item

            return(new InkWell(
                       onTap: widget.enabled?handleTap: (GestureTapCallback)null,
                       canRequestFocus: widget.enabled,
                       child: item
Example #3
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            ThemeData     theme     = Theme.of(context);
            ListTileTheme tileTheme = ListTileTheme.of(context);

            IconThemeData iconThemeData = null;

            if (this.leading != null || this.trailing != null)
                iconThemeData = new IconThemeData(color: this._iconColor(theme, tileTheme));

            Widget leadingIcon = null;

            if (this.leading != null)
                leadingIcon = IconTheme.merge(
                    data: iconThemeData,
                    child: this.leading);

            TextStyle titleStyle = this._titleTextStyle(theme, tileTheme);
            Widget    titleText  = new AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
                style: titleStyle,
                duration: Constants.kThemeChangeDuration,
                child: this.title ?? new SizedBox()

            Widget    subtitleText  = null;
            TextStyle subtitleStyle = null;

            if (this.subtitle != null)
                subtitleStyle = this._subtitleTextStyle(theme, tileTheme);
                subtitleText  = new AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
                    style: subtitleStyle,
                    duration: Constants.kThemeChangeDuration,
                    child: this.subtitle);

            Widget trailingIcon = null;

            if (this.trailing != null)
                trailingIcon = IconTheme.merge(
                    data: iconThemeData,
                    child: this.trailing);

            EdgeInsets _defaultContentPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0f);
            EdgeInsets resolvedContentPadding =
                this.contentPadding ?? tileTheme?.contentPadding ?? _defaultContentPadding;

            return(new InkWell(
                       onTap: this.enabled ? this.onTap : null,
                       onLongPress: this.enabled ? this.onLongPress : null,
                       child: new SafeArea(
                           top: false,
                           bottom: false,
                           mininum: resolvedContentPadding,
                           child: new _ListTile(
                               leading: leadingIcon,
                               title: titleText,
                               subtitle: subtitleText,
                               trailing: trailingIcon,
                               isDense: this._isDenseLayout(tileTheme),
                               isThreeLine: this.isThreeLine,
                               titleBaselineType: titleStyle.textBaseline,
                               subtitleBaselineType: subtitleStyle?.textBaseline
Example #4
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            Color backgroundColor = this._getBackgroundColor(context);

            D.assert(backgroundColor != null || this.widget.type == MaterialType.transparency,
                     () => "If Material type is not MaterialType.transparency, a color must" +
                     "either be passed in through the 'color' property, or be defined " +
                     "in the theme (ex. canvasColor != null if type is set to " +
            Widget contents = this.widget.child;

            if (contents != null)
                contents = new AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
                    style: this.widget.textStyle ?? Theme.of(context).textTheme.body1,
                    duration: this.widget.animationDuration,
                    child: contents

            contents = new NotificationListener <LayoutChangedNotification>(
                onNotification: (LayoutChangedNotification notification) => {
                _RenderInkFeatures renderer =
                child: new _InkFeatures(
                    key: this._inkFeatureRenderer,
                    color: backgroundColor,
                    child: contents,
                    vsync: this

            if (this.widget.type == MaterialType.canvas && this.widget.shape == null &&
                this.widget.borderRadius == null)
                return(new AnimatedPhysicalModel(
                           curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
                           duration: this.widget.animationDuration,
                           shape: BoxShape.rectangle,
                           clipBehavior: this.widget.clipBehavior,
                           borderRadius: BorderRadius.zero,
                           elevation: this.widget.elevation,
                           color: backgroundColor,
                           shadowColor: this.widget.shadowColor,
                           animateColor: false,
                           child: contents

            ShapeBorder shape = this._getShape();

            if (this.widget.type == MaterialType.transparency)
                           context: context,
                           shape: shape,
                           clipBehavior: this.widget.clipBehavior,
                           contents: contents));

            return(new _MaterialInterior(
                       curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
                       duration: this.widget.animationDuration,
                       shape: shape,
                       borderOnForeground: this.widget.borderOnForeground,
                       clipBehavior: this.widget.clipBehavior,
                       elevation: this.widget.elevation,
                       color: backgroundColor,
                       shadowColor: this.widget.shadowColor,
                       child: contents