void OnMouseExit() { switch (this.gameObject.tag) { case "CreatePortfolio": { mouseOver = false; Renderer PcScreen = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (PcScreen != null) { //PcScreen.material = Resources.Load("MonitorrDeactivateScreen", typeof(Material)) as Material; } normalScreen.SetActive(true); AnimateScreen.SetActive(false); //change pc to normal texture PCmats[1] = normalGrey; PCstand.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = PCmats; KeyboardMats[0] = normalGrey; Keyboard.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = KeyboardMats; //change lightning back to white color rainbowLightning.useRainbowColors = false; break; } case "ViewPortfolio": { var emission = smokeParticleSystem.emission; emission.enabled = false; Outline outline = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Outline>(); if (outline != null) { outline.enabled = false; } mouseOver = false; break; } } }
void OnMouseOver() { switch (this.gameObject.tag) { case "CreatePortfolio": { mouseOver = true; Renderer PcScreen = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>(); PulsingScript pulsingScript_monitor = this.gameObject.GetComponent <PulsingScript>(); PulsingScript pulsingScript_keyboard = this.gameObject.transform.parent.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.GetComponent <PulsingScript>(); if (PcScreen != null) { //PcScreen.material = Resources.Load("MonitorActivateScreen", typeof(Material)) as Material; } normalScreen.SetActive(false); AnimateScreen.SetActive(true); if (pulsingScript_monitor != null && pulsingScript_keyboard != null) { if (pulsingScript_monitor.coroutineAllowed) { StartCoroutine(pulsingScript_monitor.StartPulsing()); } if (pulsingScript_keyboard.coroutineAllowed) { StartCoroutine(pulsingScript_keyboard.StartPulsing()); } } //change pc to rainbow texture PCmats[1] = rainbowMat; PCstand.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = PCmats; KeyboardMats[0] = rainbowMat; Keyboard.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = KeyboardMats; //change lightning to rainbow color rainbowLightning.useRainbowColors = true; break; } case "ViewPortfolio": { if (!smokeParticleSystem.isPlaying) { smokeParticleSystem.Play(); } var emission = smokeParticleSystem.emission; emission.enabled = true; Outline outline = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Outline>(); PulsingScript pulsingScript = this.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <PulsingScript>(); if (outline != null) { outline.enabled = true; } if (pulsingScript != null) { if (pulsingScript.coroutineAllowed) { StartCoroutine(pulsingScript.StartPulsing()); } } mouseOver = true; break; } } }