Example #1
 public void PlayIdle()
     if (!animancer.IsPlaying(enemyData.GetIdleClip()))
         animancerState_layer1 = animancer.Play(enemyData.GetIdleClip());
Example #2
    public void PlayFadeIn(Action action = null)
        Time.timeScale = 1f;
        var state = animancer.Play(fadeIn);

        state.Events.OnEnd = () => { action?.Invoke(); };
Example #3

        private void Awake()
            // Instead of only a single animation, we have a different one for each direction we can face.
            // So we get whichever is appropriate for that direction and play it.
            var clip = _Idles.GetClip(_Facing);

Example #4

        private void OnEnable()
            // Transitions store their events so we only initialize them once on startup
            // instead of setting the event every time the animation is played.
            _Action.Events.OnEnd = OnActionEnd;

            // The Fade Duration of this transition will be ignored because nothing else is playing yet so there is
            // nothing to fade from.
Example #5
        }                                                         //抽象方法的接口2


        protected virtual void Awake()
            // Start在动画开始时暂停。

            // 在这里初始化OnEnd事件,这样我们就不会每次使用它们时都分配垃圾。
            _WakeUp.Events.Sequence.OnEnd = () => _Animancer.Play(MovementAnimation);
            _Sleep.Events.Sequence.OnEnd  = _Animancer.Playable.PauseGraph;
Example #6

        protected virtual void Awake()
            // Start paused at the beginning of the animation.

            // Initialise the OnEnd events here so we don't allocate garbage every time they are used.
            _WakeUp.Events.Sequence.OnEnd = () => _Animancer.Play(MovementAnimation);
            _Sleep.Events.Sequence.OnEnd  = _Animancer.Playable.PauseGraph;
Example #7

        // Called by a UI Button.
        public void PlaySeparateAnimation()
            // Disable this warning since this example is intentionally showing the reason why the warning exists.
            var warnings = OptionalWarning.NativeControllerHumanoid.DisableTemporarily();


Example #8

        private void OnEnable()
            // Idle on default layer 0.

            // Set the mask for layer 1 (this automatically creates the layer).

            // Since we set a mask it will use the name of the mask in the Inspector by default. But we can also
            // replace it with a custom name. Either way, layer names are only used in the Inspector and any calls to
            // this method will be compiled out of runtime builds.
            _LayeredAnimancer.Layers[ActionLayer].SetName("Action Layer");
Example #9
        private void SetAnimation()
            var set  = _isMoving ? moving : idles;
            var clip = set.GetClip(Facing);

Example #10

        private void OnEnable()
            // Idle on default layer 0.

            // Set the mask for layer 1 (this automatically creates the layer).
            _LayeredAnimancer.SetLayerMask(ActionLayer, _ActionMask);
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     controller     = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     velocity       = Vector3.zero;
     gravity        = new Vector3(0f, -3.3f, 0f);
     moveSpeed      = 3f;
     scaleMoveSpeed = 1f;
     turnSpeed      = 100.0f;
     jumpSpeed      = 150.0f;
     fallSpeed      = -4f;
     drag           = 0.85f;
     jumping        = false;
     inCombat       = false;
     chainAttack    = false;
Example #12

        private void Awake()
            // Start paused at the beginning of the animation.

            // Cache the delegates we will use with the OnEnd event so we don't allocate garbage every time.
            _PauseGraph     = _Animancer.Playable.PauseGraph;
            _FadeToMovement = () => _Animancer.CrossFade(_Move);
Example #13
 public override void OnPrePerform()
     Agent.Memory.TryGetData(targetMemoryKey, out target);
     startTime = Time.time;
     navMeshAgent.stoppingDistance = stopDistance;
     navMeshAgent.updateRotation   = true;
     navMeshAgent.isStopped        = false;
     state = anim.Play(animationClip, 0.1f);
Example #14

        private void Play(DirectionalAnimationSet animations)
            // Store the current time.

            _CurrentAnimationSet = animations;

            // If the new animation is in the synchronization group, give it the same time the previous animation had.

        private void Play(DirectionalAnimationSet animations)
            // 装载每一个单独的动画时, 我们有不同的动画对应每个面朝的方向.
            // 所以我们选择适合那个方向的,然后播放它.

            var clip = animations.GetClip(_Facing);


            // 或者我们可以在一行中这样做: _Animancer.Play(animations.GetClip(_Facing));

        private AnimancerState Play(int index)

            //而不只是一个“索引”。但这种方式只允许我们调用' Play(0) '和' Play(i) ',而不是' Play(_animate[0]) '和' Play(_animate [i]) '

            var animation = _Animations[index];

            _Text.text = animation.Clip.name;

        private void Play(DirectionalAnimationSet animations)
            // Instead of only a single animation, we have a different one for each direction we can face.
            // So we get whichever is appropriate for that direction and play it.

            var clip = animations.GetClip(_Facing);


            // Or we could do that in one line:
            // _Animancer.Play(animations.GetClip(_Facing));

        protected void Update()
            // W or UpArrow = 1.
            // S or DownArrow = -1.
            // Otherwise 0.
            var movement = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

            if (movement != 0)

                // 我们没有向后移动的动画,所以只是把正向的行走动画倒过来播放用作后退动画.
                _Animancer.States.Current.Speed = movement;

                // PlayMove可以返回它播放的AnimancerState,但是使用CurrentState会节省力一点.
                // 如果我们不移动,回到待机状态.
                _Animancer.Play(_Idle, 0.25f);

        private void OnEnable()
            // 因为Float1ControllerTransition是一个可以在多个对象之间共享的转换资产,所以我们不能简单地访问_Controller.Transition.
            // 因为它只会保存最近播放的状态(只对一个实例是正确的,而对其他实例则不正确).

            // 相反,我们会在播放后立即获取状态.

            _State = _Controller.Transition.State;

            // Play方法返回的状态会做同样的事情,但它只返回一个基本的AnimancerState,我们需要一个Float1ControllerState来访问它下面的参数属性,
            // 所以我们需要对它进行类型转换:_State = (Float1ControllerState)_Animancer.Play(_Controller);

        private AnimancerState Play(int index)
            // We want to make sure that the text always shows the name of the current animation, so this method wraps
            // the regular AnimancerComponent.Play and we simply call this instead.

            // If we wanted other scripts to be able to play their own transitions, we could make this method public
            // and give it a ClipState.Transition parameter instead of just an `index`. But this way allows us to call
            // `Play(0)` and `Play(i)` instead of `Play(_Animations[0])` and `Play(_Animations[i])`.

            var animation = _Animations[index];

            _Text.text = animation.Clip.name;
Example #21

        private void Awake()
            // Start paused at the beginning of the animation.

            // Create the locomotion state but don't do anything with it yet.

            // Cache the delegates we will use with the OnEnd event so we don't allocate garbage every time.
            _PauseGraph     = _Animancer.Playable.PauseGraph;
            _FadeToMovement = () => _Animancer.Transition(_Locomotion);
Example #22

        private void Awake()
            _LeftFootWeight  = new AnimatedProperty(_Animancer, AnimatedProperty.Type.Float, "LeftFootIK");
            _RightFootWeight = new AnimatedProperty(_Animancer, AnimatedProperty.Type.Float, "RightFootIK");


            // Tell Unity that OnAnimatorIK needs to be called every frame.
            ApplyAnimatorIK = true;

            // Get the foot bones.
            _LeftFoot  = _Animancer.Animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot);
            _RightFoot = _Animancer.Animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightFoot);
Example #23

        private void Awake()
            // 应用启动状态并暂停渲染
            var state = _Animancer.Play(_Open);

            state.NormalizedTime = _Openness;

            // 并在动画结束时暂停它以保存当前状态
            state.Events.OnEnd = _Animancer.Playable.PauseGraph;

            // 通常情况下,当我们播放一个新的动画时,OnEnd事件会被清除,但是因为在这个例子中只有一个动画,所以我们让它继续播放并暂停/取消暂停渲染.
Example #24

        protected void Update()
            // W or UpArrow = 1.
            // S or DownArrow = -1.
            // Otherwise 0.
            var movement = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

            if (movement != 0)

                // Since we don't have animations for moving backwards, just use the input as their speed so that
                // moving backwards simply plays the animation backwards.
                _Animancer.States.Current.Speed = movement;

                // PlayMove could return the AnimancerState it plays, but using the CurrentState saves a bit of effort.
                // If we aren't moving, return to idle.
                _Animancer.Play(_Idle, 0.25f);
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     controller = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     velocity   = Vector3.zero;
     gravity    = new Vector3(0f, -3.3f, 0f);
     moveSpeed  = 3f;
     turnSpeed  = 100.0f;
     jumpSpeed  = 150.0f;
     fallSpeed  = -4f;
     drag       = 0.85f;
     jumping    = false;
Example #26

        private void Awake()
            // Apply the starting state and pause the graph.
            var state = _Animancer.Play(_Open);

            state.NormalizedTime = _Openness;

            // And also pause it whenever the animation finishes to save performance.
            state.Events.OnEnd = _Animancer.Playable.PauseGraph;

            // Normally the OnEnd event would be cleared whenever we play a new animation, but since there is only one
            // animation in this example we just leave it playing and pause/unpause the graph instead.

        private void Awake()
            // Make sure both curves are actually being extracted from the same animation.
            Debug.Assert(_LeftFootWeight.Clip == _RightFootWeight.Clip);

            // Play that animation (ExposedCurve has an implicit cast to use its Clip).

            // Tell Unity that OnAnimatorIK needs to be called every frame.
            ApplyAnimatorIK = true;

            // Get the foot bones.
            _LeftFoot  = _Animancer.Animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot);
            _RightFoot = _Animancer.Animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightFoot);
Example #28

        private void OnEnable()
            // Since Float1ControllerTransition is a Transition Asset which can be shared among multiple objects, we
            // cannot simply access the _Controller.Transition.State whenever we want because it will only hold the
            // most recently played state (which will only be correct for one instance but not the others).

            // So instead, we grab the state right after playing it.

            _State = _Controller.Transition.State;

            // The state returned by the Play method would do the same thing, but it only returns a base AnimancerState
            // and we need a Float1ControllerState to access its Parameter property below so we would need to cast it:
            // _State = (Float1ControllerState)_Animancer.Play(_Controller);
Example #29

        /// <summary>
        /// Enter the swing state and play the appropriate animation.
        /// <para></para>
        /// This method is <c>virtual</c> so that <see cref="GolfHitControllerAnimationSimple"/> can <c>override</c> it
        /// to register the <see cref="HitBall"/> method to be called by the event.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void StartSwing()
            _State = State.Swing;
Example #30

        private void OnEnable()