void Awake()
        // Setting up the references.
        anim = GetComponent <Animator> ();
        hash = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.gameController).GetComponent <AniHashIDs> ();

        // Set the weight of the shouting layer to 1.
        anim.SetLayerWeight(1, 1f);
        // Set the weight of the shooting layer to 1.
        anim.SetLayerWeight(2, 1f);
        // set joystick for mobile device
    void Awake()
        // Setting up the references.
            anim = GetComponent<Animator> ();
            hash = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag (Tags.gameController).GetComponent<AniHashIDs> ();

            // Set the weight of the shouting layer to 1.
            anim.SetLayerWeight (1, 1f);
            // Set the weight of the shooting layer to 1.
            anim.SetLayerWeight (2, 1f);
            // set joystick for mobile device
            InitJoystick ();