public void SerializationTest_Notification()
            AndroidNotification notification = new AndroidNotification.Builder().Build();
            AndroidConfig       cnfg         = new AndroidConfig.Builder().Notification(notification).Build();
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cnfg, JSON_SETTINGS);

            Assert.AreEqual("{\"notification\":{}}", json);
Example #2
        public void ColorTest()
            // Even if Color has a ToString() that gives the '#RRGGBB'
            // that we want, this gives more control
            Tuple <Color, string>[] colorTests = new Tuple <Color, string>[]
                new Tuple <Color, string>(Color.Red, "#FF0000"),
                new Tuple <Color, string>(Color.Lime, "#00FF00"),
                new Tuple <Color, string>(Color.Blue, "#0000FF"),
                new Tuple <Color, string>(Color.Black, "#000000"),
                new Tuple <Color, string>(Color.White, "#FFFFFF"),
                new Tuple <Color, string>(Color.Coral, "#FF7F50")

            foreach (var color in colorTests)
                AndroidNotification notification = new AndroidNotification.Builder().Color(color.Item1).Build();

                Assert.AreEqual(color.Item2, notification.Color);