protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)


            mPreview        = FindViewById <CameraSourcePreview> (Resource.Id.preview);
            mGraphicOverlay = FindViewById <GraphicOverlay> (Resource.Id.faceOverlay);

            var detector = new Android.Gms.Vision.Faces.FaceDetector.Builder(Application.Context).Build();

                new Android.Gms.Vision.MultiProcessor.Builder(new GraphicFaceTrackerFactory(mGraphicOverlay)).Build());

            if (!detector.IsOperational)
                // Note: The first time that an app using face API is installed on a device, GMS will
                // download a native library to the device in order to do detection.  Usually this
                // completes before the app is run for the first time.  But if that download has not yet
                // completed, then the above call will not detect any faces.
                // isOperational() can be used to check if the required native library is currently
                // available.  The detector will automatically become operational once the library
                // download completes on device.
                Android.Util.Log.Warn(TAG, "Face detector dependencies are not yet available.");

            mCameraSource = new Android.Gms.Vision.CameraSource.Builder(Application.Context, detector)
                            .SetRequestedPreviewSize(640, 480)
        // Camera Source Preview

         * Starts or restarts the camera source, if it exists.  If the camera source doesn't exist yet
         * (e.g., because onResume was called before the camera source was created), this will be called
         * again when the camera source is created.
        void StartCameraSource()
            try {
                mPreview.Start(mCameraSource, mGraphicOverlay);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Android.Util.Log.Error(TAG, "Unable to start camera source.", e);
                mCameraSource = null;
Example #3
        public QRSurfaceView(Context context) : base(context)
            //FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromBitmap(bitmap);

            if (detector == null)
                    = new Android.Gms.Vision.Barcodes.BarcodeDetector

                if (!detector.IsOperational)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("android barcode detector is not operational");

                if (cameraSource == null)
                    cameraSource = new Android.Gms.Vision.CameraSource.Builder(Application.Context, detector).Build();