Example #1
 public Vote(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide team, AnalyzerConstants.VoteType type, Map map, DateTime dateTime)
     Team     = team;
     Type     = type;
     Map      = map;
     DateTime = dateTime;
Example #2
        private static Dictionary <string, int> GetAllVotesByType(IEnumerable <Vote> votes, AnalyzerConstants.VoteType type)
            var votesByType = (from v in votes
                               where v.Type == type
                               group v by v.Map.Name into g
                               orderby g.Key
                               select g).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.Count());

Example #3
 public Vote(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide team, AnalyzerConstants.VoteType type, Map map)
     Team = team;
     Type = type;
     Map  = map;
Example #4
        // TODO: check for nodes if they've even been found
        public override bool ParseInfo()
            var strStatus = node.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='match_logos']/div[@class='score']/div").InnerText;

            if (strStatus == "offen")
                Status = AnalyzerConstants.MatchStatus.NotPlayed;

            // fetch team names
            var teamNameNodes = node.SelectNodes("//div[@class='match_names']/div[@class='team']/a");

            TeamNames.Add(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.A, teamNameNodes[0].InnerText.Trim());
            TeamNames.Add(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.B, teamNameNodes[1].InnerText.Trim());

            // fetch map score
            var teamScoreNodes = node.SelectNodes("//div[@class='match_logos']/div[@class='score']/span");

            Score.Add(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.A, Convert.ToInt32(teamScoreNodes[0].InnerText));
            Score.Add(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.B, Convert.ToInt32(teamScoreNodes[1].InnerText));

            // was the match actually played or is this a nasty defwin?
            var resultsNode = node.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='content']/h2[2]");

            if (resultsNode.InnerText != "Ergebnisse")
                Status = AnalyzerConstants.MatchStatus.DefWin;

            Status = AnalyzerConstants.MatchStatus.Played;

            // get round score per map
            var nodeFirstMapScore = node.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='content']/text()[preceding-sibling::br]");
            var firstMapScoreStr  = nodeFirstMapScore.InnerText.Trim().Split(':');

            if (firstMapScoreStr.Count() != 3)
                ErrorHandling.Log($"Unexpected Error: Could not find map score for match { url }");

            // first map
            var firstMapScores = new Dictionary <AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide, int>();
            var firstMapName   = firstMapScoreStr[0];
            var firstMapScoreA = Convert.ToInt32(firstMapScoreStr[1].Trim());
            var firstMapScoreB = Convert.ToInt32(firstMapScoreStr[2].Trim());

            firstMapScores.Add(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.A, firstMapScoreA);
            firstMapScores.Add(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.B, firstMapScoreB);
            Maps.Add(new Map(firstMapName, firstMapScores));

            // second map
            var secondMapScores   = new Dictionary <AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide, int>();
            var secondMapScoreStr = nodeFirstMapScore.NextSibling.NextSibling.InnerText.Trim().Split(':');
            var secondMapName     = secondMapScoreStr[0];
            var secondMapScoreA   = Convert.ToInt32(secondMapScoreStr[1].Trim());
            var secondMapScoreB   = Convert.ToInt32(secondMapScoreStr[2].Trim());

            secondMapScores.Add(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.A, secondMapScoreA);
            secondMapScores.Add(AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.B, secondMapScoreB);
            Maps.Add(new Map(secondMapName, secondMapScores));

            // if map score is not available anymore, but round scores are availabe
            if (Score.All(s => s.Value == 0))
                // Team A
                Score[AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.A]  = firstMapScoreA > firstMapScoreB ? 1 : 0;
                Score[AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.A] += secondMapScoreA > secondMapScoreB ? 1 : 0;

                // Team B
                Score[AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.B]  = firstMapScoreB > firstMapScoreA ? 1 : 0;
                Score[AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.B] += secondMapScoreB > secondMapScoreA ? 1 : 0;

            // get vote data from match log
            var logNode       = node.SelectSingleNode("//table[@id='match_log']");
            var trNodes       = logNode.SelectNodes("tr");
            var voteDataFound = false;

            foreach (var tr in trNodes)
                if (voteDataFound)

                var cols = tr.SelectNodes("td");
                if (cols == null || cols.Count == 0)

                var aktion = cols[2].InnerText; // 3rd column: "Aktion"
                if (aktion != "mapvote_ended")

                var      voteData    = cols[3].InnerText.Split(',');
                var      voteDateStr = cols[0].SelectSingleNode("span").GetAttributeValue("title", "");
                DateTime voteDate    = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(voteDateStr))
                    voteDate = DateTime.Parse(voteDateStr);

                foreach (var sVote in voteData)
                    if (sVote == "timeouted")
                        Status = AnalyzerConstants.MatchStatus.DefWin;
                    var RegExMatch       = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(sVote.Trim(), AnalyzerConstants.MapvotePattern);
                    var validateLogEntry = RegExMatch.Success && RegExMatch.Groups.Count > 1; // First group is always the whole string

                    if (!validateLogEntry)
                        ErrorHandling.Log($"Could not read mapvote entry: \"{ sVote }\"");

                    // get captured groups
                    var reSide = RegExMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                    var reType = RegExMatch.Groups[2].Value;
                    var reMap  = RegExMatch.Groups[3].Value;

                    // interpret groups
                    AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide side = AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.Unknown;
                    if (reSide == "T1")
                        side = AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.A;
                    else if (reSide == "T2")
                        side = AnalyzerConstants.TeamSide.B;
                        ErrorHandling.Log($"Could not read voting team: \"{ reSide }\"");

                    AnalyzerConstants.VoteType type = AnalyzerConstants.VoteType.Unknown;
                    if (reType == "bans")
                        type = AnalyzerConstants.VoteType.Ban;
                    else if (reType == "picks")
                        type = AnalyzerConstants.VoteType.Pick;
                        ErrorHandling.Log($"Could not read voting type: \"{ reType }\"");

                    var map = new Map(reMap);
                    if (type == AnalyzerConstants.VoteType.Pick)
                        map = Maps.Where(m => m.Name == map.Name).First();

                    // create vote instance
                    Vote vote;
                    if (voteDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                        vote = new Vote(side, type, map, voteDate);
                        vote = new Vote(side, type, map);

                voteDataFound = true;

            if (!voteDataFound)
                ErrorHandling.Log($"Could not find vote data for presumably played match { url }. This may happen if the match has no match log entries anymore.");
